{meta} Agenda for North Central Area Committee on Monday 11th December, 2023, 11.00 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions



No. Item


Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting dated 20th November, 2023. pdf icon PDF 601 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed with the following insertion pertaining to Item 4g Castle Court Flooding – “ Order:  Noted. James Nolan to organise the following: 1) A meeting for Clontarf Ward Councillors and any other NCAC members who wish to attend when both the external and internal reports are available & 2) a meeting for both residents & councillors together.



Replies from the Director of Services pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 28th November, 2023. pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Gully report for noting pdf icon PDF 862 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted. 



Additional documents:


Disposals - proposed disposal of the Council's freehold interest in 449 Collins Avenue, Collins Avenue West, Dublin 9. pdf icon PDF 206 KB

Report & map attached herewith.  Margaret Mooney

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Extinguishments - proposed extinguishment of the public right of way over a laneway located at 6 - 60a Annadale Drive and 1-59 Annadale Crescent, Marino, Dublin 9. pdf icon PDF 368 KB

Report & map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale

Additional documents:


Order:  Deferred to January.



Additional documents:


Update on the Santry River Greenway Restoration Project pdf icon PDF 5 MB

Presentation attached herewith.  John Stack

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Managers Reports for noting pdf icon PDF 574 KB

Attached herewith.  Mick Carroll/Derek Farrell

Additional documents:


 Order:  Noted. 



Housing supply report for noting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Arts Officer Report for noting

Verbal update.  Kelly Hickey

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.  Area Office will circulate the report.


Sports & Wellbeing Report for noting pdf icon PDF 614 KB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Motion 5(o) carried forward from the November meeting in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland


That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens. 


Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association. 

Additional documents:



That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens. 


Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association. 



At present the North Central Area is leading the way in Dublin City with regard to leaf mould composting. Development of this scheme commenced back in 2020 during Covid when residents in Maywood/Bettyglen estate in Raheny expressed an interest in piloting it in NCA. Griffith Avenue & District Residents Association had previously trialled this initiative with mixed results.


Since 2020 the scheme has been expanded to 32 locations across the North Central Area. There is a total of 165 leaf baskets in residential areas in NCA at present resulting in approx. 5000 bags of leaves being diverted to composting as opposed to collection & disposal by DCC Waste Management Services. There are also some Community Gardens in the area that have set up their own leaf composting areas and they take bags of leaves from residential areas and assistance was provided to the Belmayne Allotments to set up a large scale leaf composting zone in 2021 and the allotments are provided with approx. 500 bags of leaves from a dedicated high leaf fall street in the North Central Area.


In 2022 the Environmental Liaison Officer worked closely with both GADRA & All Hallows Resident Associations on Griffith Avenue. Compostable leaf bags were made available to all residents and with the help of All Hallows Residents Association, four schools on Griffith Avenue agreed to assist with leaf gathering .A leaf gathering week was arranged with full support from Waste Management Services and with agreement from Parks the bags of leaves were transported to St. Anne’s Park to make leaf mould compost for use in the park. It is proposed to continue this operation annually as it is working extremely well so far.


In relation to leaf baskets on Griffith Avenue, assistance and support was provided to GADRA in 2022 when they expressed an interest in leaf composting again. A composting expert  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7a


Motion 5(p) carried forward from the November meeting in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney



In relation to cycle path at Griffith Avenue, this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to say what plans he has to address the problem of the large number of cyclists who continue to cycle on the footpath on a daily basis, (not using the cycle path) as residents complain about the large amount of money that has been paid to put cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue which “nobody uses” according to residents.



Additional documents:



In relation to cycle path at Griffith Avenue, this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to say what plans he has to address the problem of the large number of cyclists who continue to cycle on the footpath on a daily basis, (not using the cycle path) as residents complain about the large amount of money that has been paid to put cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue which “nobody uses” according to residents.





Dublin City Council installed a high quality cycle lane on Griffith Avenue to increase safety for cyclists. Cycle counter data shows that the numbers of people using the cycle lane on Griffith Avenue are continuously increasing, with over 12.500 people using the cycle lane in October 2023. While the Council does not have the authority to enforce the use of the cycle lane, the team will continue to promote its use among local residents, schools and on social media.


Name:             Deirdre Kelly, Acting Administrative Officer

Tel:                  087 4559494

Email:             deirdre.kelly@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.




Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland


That this North Central Area Committee expresses concern that the Dublin City Council School Zones Scheme is being usurped by the NTA Safe Routes to School Scheme, in particular the arbitrary way in which the NTA chooses schools compared to the self-selecting collaborative way the DCC School Zones communicates with schools and the requirement that we implement the NTA scheme ahead of all the schools that have submitted a request under the DCC School Zones Scheme. This leaves many of our schools in limbo and also damages our reputation as an effective efficient local authority. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister of Transport outlining our DCC School Zones and the number of schools wishing to participate in it and request funding, including to recruit staff to implement the scheme, to fulfil our obligation to the schools waiting, ensure more children can walk and cycle to our schools and increase overall safety, health and well-being of our school population.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee expresses concern that the Dublin City Council School Zones Scheme is being usurped by the NTA Safe Routes to School Scheme, in particular the arbitrary way in which the NTA chooses schools compared to the self-selecting collaborative way the DCC School Zones communicates with schools and the requirement that we implement the NTA scheme ahead of all the schools that have submitted a request under the DCC School Zones Scheme. This leaves many of our schools in limbo and also damages our reputation as an effective efficient local authority. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister of Transport outlining our DCC School Zones and the number of schools wishing to participate in it and request funding, including to recruit staff to implement the scheme, to fulfil our obligation to the schools waiting, ensure more children can walk and cycle to our schools and increase overall safety, health and well-being of our school population.




For discussion at meeting.


Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. Barron.  A letter to be sent to the Minister & NTA.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Patricia Roe


That this North Central Area Committee write to the Project Manager of the proposed development at the former Bring Centre on Collins Avenue, Whitehall and outline the following concerns, which we, as local representatives, wish to highlight and that each of the following points be addressed:


1)      We consider the maximum height of apartment blocks on the site should be no higher than four storied


2)      We totally oppose the proposed opening up of the boundary wall on the green at Crestfield Close. Placing a pedestrian exit from the development onto Crestfield Green does nothing to enhance ease of access to DCU but will provide an easy escape route for anti-social activity which happens at public greens/spaces all around the area. It will also encourage overflow parking by those in the development who cannot access a parking space.


3)      All blocks should be situated as far back as possible from houses on Collins Avenue and Crestfield Park.  We believe that the extensions which have been added to many houses have not been taken into account when calculating the separation distance, overlooking and overshadowing which will be caused by the development on the adjacent roads.


4)      We believe that a comprehensive traffic management plan for Collins Avenue from Ballymun Road to Swords should be drawn up before the development is commenced.


5)      Due to the high concentration of older people living in the area, and the almost halving of the number of proposed senior citizen units on the Holy Child church carpark site, we urge that a much higher proportion of apartments be assigned to seniors, which will allow people to downsize and consequently free up much needed family homes in the area.


6)      We request that as many mature trees as possible are left in situ to provide much needed greening and privacy for properties adjoining the development.


This Area Committee further requests that the project team report back to the NCA councillors on the above issues raised, before this Part 8 goes out for public consultation, as this is our only forum to collectively air our views.  


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee write to the Project Manager of the proposed development at the former Bring Centre on Collins Avenue, Whitehall, and outline the following concerns, which we, as local representatives, wish to highlight and that each of the following points be addressed:


1)    We consider the maximum height of apartment blocks on the site should be no higher than four storied


2)      We totally oppose the proposed opening up of the boundary wall on the green at Crestfield Close. Placing a pedestrian exit from the development onto Crestfield Green does nothing to enhance ease of access to DCU but will provide an easy escape route for anti-social activity which happens at public greens/spaces all around the area. It will also encourage overflow parking by those in the development who cannot access a parking space.


3)      All blocks should be situated as far back as possible from houses on Collins Avenue and Crestfield Park.  We believe that the extensions which have been added to many houses have not been taken into account when calculating the separation distance, overlooking and overshadowing which will be caused by the development on the adjacent roads.


4)      We believe that a comprehensive traffic management plan for Collins Avenue from Ballymun Road to Swords should be drawn up before the development is commenced.


5)      Due to the high concentration of older people living in the area, and the almost halving of the number of proposed senior citizen units on the Holy Child church carpark site, we urge that a much higher proportion of apartments be assigned to seniors, which will allow people to downsize and consequently free up much needed family homes in the area.


6)    We request that as many mature trees as possible are left in situ to provide much needed greening and privacy for properties adjoining the development.


This Area Committee further requests that the project team report back to the NCA councillors on the above issues raised, before this Part 8 goes out for public consultation, as this is our only forum to collectively air our views.  




1.    The site is zoned Z1, as per the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 to 2028. The proposed development responds to the irregular shape of the site taking into consideration the requirements of the said plan.



2.    The Project Team will bring forward the community feedback on the proposed permeability from the development into Crestfield to the Area Planner.



3.    The proposed development ranges in height from two to six storeys. The height of the blocks has been mitigated by the Project Team with the height of Block A, which, will be adjacent to Collins Avenue houses stepping down to two storeys’. The height of both Block A and B increases at the northern section of the development, which, is furthest away from the southern and western boundaries.


Block B is located to minimise the impact on boundaries to Crestfield Park and Close. A new road is proposed running parallel to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7d


Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland


That this North Central Area Committee requests a cross section conversation with the various managers who have plans to improve the social and recreational infrastructure in Kilmore West i.e. playground plans, swimming pool and MUGA plans, astro-turf plans so that we can ensure joined up thinking as to where we are physically locating what and why and have a set of coherent plans that can be brought to the local community for consultation by one lead co-ordinator.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee requests a cross section conversation with the various managers who have plans to improve the social and recreational infrastructure in Kilmore West ie playground plans, swimming pool and MUGA plans, astro turf plans so that we can ensure joined up thinking as to where we are physically locating what and why and have a set of coherent plans that can be brought to the local community for consultation by one lead co-ordinator.





The Parks Service is in ongoing communication with colleagues in the Sports Section and the Area Office on these matters.  Full cognisance was taken of the swimming pool proposals to be brought to Part 8 permission by our colleagues in Sports when going to tender for the proposed new playground.  As some local issues with the proposed location were highlighted further commitments were given to the area committee that the playground designers would be charged with redesigning the playground and relocating same within the open space but also not impeding the future development of the proposed swimming pool.  When this redesign is available it will be forwarded to members and public consultations will be held on this iteration.


A report of the challenges of locating a full sized all-weather facility in the area was previously submitted to the area committee not least of which is the impact of the proposals on protected species. As appropriate assessment and an impact assessment of any such proposals will be required the Parks Service has commissioned surveys of Brent Geese on each of these sites over the winter months.  The Parks Service and the Area Office recently met with the local clubs and local elected members and committed to reverting to the area committee with a feasibility study of the proposals once the surveys have been completed next March from which a concrete proposal for such a facility in the area can be developed. 


Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie


Order:   Agreed.



Motion in the name of Cllr. Declan Flanagan


That this North Central Area Committee and local housing manager begin real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield & Collins Avenue regarding the City Council’s proposal for housing on the old bring centre site.   The residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue wish to put on record their utter disappointment over the  negative and unsatisfactory responses they have received from PPP Housing (Nov. 20) in response to their submissions of November 12 outlining serious and genuine concerns in relation to the development of the Bring Centre site. 


The residents feel that their concerns are being ignored and that no genuine attempt is being made to discuss the issues with them or find a satisfactory compromise. This motion asks that you now start real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue and come up with a suitable compromise for all. Can the managers make contact with the residents association to open dialogue?


Additional documents:


That this North Central Area Committee and local housing manager begin real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield & Collins Avenue regarding the City Council’s proposal for housing on the old bring centre site.   The residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue wish to put on record their utter disappointment over the  negative and unsatisfactory responses they have received from PPP Housing (Nov. 20) in response to their submissions of November 12 outlining serious and genuine concerns in relation to the development of the Bring Centre site. 


The residents feel that their concerns are being ignored and that no genuine attempt is being made to discuss the issues with them or find a satisfactory compromise. This motion asks that you now start real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue and come up with a suitable compromise for all. Can the managers make contact with the residents association to open dialogue?





The Collins Avenue (DCC Depot) site was approved for inclusion in the National Social Housing PPP Programme Bundle 4.


The PPP Project Team presented an update to the North Central Councillors members in July of this year. It was agreed with the elected members that public consultation would be commenced in September with the support of the Area Office.


A public information session took place on 26 September 2023 for local residents with representatives from the Project Team, Architects & Area Office in attendance. The Area Office identified the residents in the area to be invited and issued circa. 550 leaflets to the following streets and developments.


·         Collins Avenue Extension

·         Shanowen Avenue

·         Milners Square

·         Crestfield Close

·         Crestfield Road

·         Crestfield Drive

·         Crestfield Avenue

·         Shanowen Business Centre


110 residents attended the three-hour public information session in Whitehall Scout Hall.


There have been eight written requests to the PPP Project Team for information with regard to the site design, tenure mix, permeability, car parking, trees, boundary treatment and local infrastructure capacity. All individual queries have been responded to by the Project Team including one specific query that had 44 questions. All feedback and input from the local community is being considered by the Project Team, as the design development is progressed.


The Project Team are taking on board the feedback from the community and finalising the design in preparation for Pre Part 8 initiation in Q1 2024. A second public consultation event will take place in Q1 2024 in advance of the lodgement of planning. The Project Team will illustrate the key design changes following community feedback and requirements from DCC Technical Departments, in accordance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 to 2028.


The Project Manager is satisfied that the level of stakeholder engagement to date for this development has been comprehensive.


Contact;         Gareth Rowan, Senior Executive Officer

Tel:                 222 6030

Email:             ppphousing@dublincity.ie


The North Central Area office team will make contact with resident representative with details of a second public consultation early in the new year.


Contact:         Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA

Phone:            222 8546  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7f


Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney


That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Manager to immediately arrange a meeting with residents of Castle Court and Auburn to discuss the report recently issued in relation to the flood event that occurred on 5 August and to address other relevant matters.  



Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Manager to immediately arrange a meeting with residents of Castle Court and Auburn to discuss the report recently issued in relation to the flood event that occurred on 5 August and to address other relevant matters.  





A meeting with the residents from Castle Court and Auburn is arranged for Thursday the 07th of December at 19.00 in Conference Room 1 at the North Central Area Office, Northside Civic Centre, Bunratty Road, Coolock, Dublin 17.


Contact:         James Nolan, Executive Manager

Tel:                 222 4858

Email:             james.nolan@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney


That this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to refer to complaints from some cyclists who feel that the design of the cycleway on Griffith Avenue is a substandard cycleway and address same and also ensure that this cycleway is, (as far as is possible), is kept clear of fallen leaves as (see pictures attached)


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee calls on the manager to refer to complaints from some cyclists who feel that the design of the cycleway on Griffith Avenue is a substandard cycleway and address same and also ensure that this cycleway is, (as far as is possible), kept clear of fallen leaves as (see pictures attached)





As a tree-lined street, Waste Management Services direct as much resources as possible to leaf clearing on Griffith Avenue particularly over the autumn and winter months. We ensure the cycle way is kept as free of leaves as possible during this regular clearing of leaves there.



Contact:         Mick Boyle, Senior Staff Officer, Waste Management Services

Tel:                 222 4240

Email:             mick.boyle@dublincityt.ie


The cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue connect Ballygall Road East with the Malahide Road, a distance of approximately 3.5kms. For the vast majority of this length, high quality cycle lanes have been provided, comprising of continuous cycle lanes, protected with an extruded concrete kerb and with a coloured anti-skid surface applied to surface of the cycle lanes.


Contact:         Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer

Email:             Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney


That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Manager to explain why Sheriff FC was not consulted about the Clontarf Half marathon, held on the 18th November last; say what action he intends to take to address the fact that Sheriff FC playing pitches are now destroyed as a result of the use of same during the marathon, and if/what alternative APPROPRIATELY LOCATED playing pitches are being provided.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee calls on the Manager to explain why Sheriff FC was not consulted about the Clontarf Half marathon, held on the 18th November last; say what action he intends to take to address the fact that Sheriff FC playing pitches are now destroyed as a result of the use of same during the marathon, and if/what alternative APPROPRIATELY LOCATED playing pitches are being provided.




The Clontarf Half Marathon has been a popular event on runner’s calendar for many years.  Recently however as the event grew is was seen as less sustainable to allow these numbers run through the protected habitats of Dollymount Strand which necessitated a new starting and finishing point for the participants to achieve the requisite distances.  The public open space at Alfie Byrne Road is ideally located for this purpose. 


The weather in the run up to the event did pose a challenge and the Parks Service met with the organisers on 3 occasions before the event the most recent being the Thursday before the start.  A route was agreed with the organisers that avoided the playing surface of the pitch with the runners exiting the public open space using the space behind the goals.  However the rain was so heavy the night before the event that this space was waterlogged with several inches of standing water in this undrained space.  It was necessary to allow the runners to use the space in front of the goals on the Saturday for safety reasons.  This was a calculated risk with the potential of damage to a section of 1 pitch currently allocated to 1 local adult team.  It was however understood that even in the worst case scenario the goal posts could simply been moved forward a few meters to the other side of the runners route until full repairs could be affected to the damaged area.  


However as can be seen from the photos below (taken 1 week after the event) the pitch was not destroyed as was reported and once the rain washed down the mud kicked up by the runners it was clear that the pitch remains playable and available to the club but subject to the usual weather calls as is the case with every other council owned pitch in the area.  While no invasive repairs are necessary a small bit of decompaction and topdressing has been commissioned along the runner’s route and will be carried out as soon as conditions allow.  These works will not take the pitch out of commission.


Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.






Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney


That this North Central Area Committee requests a discussion around pedestrian crossings in North Central area and requests a meeting with traffic department to discuss funding allocations to put in both signalled and zebra crossings in the North central area, especially on routes to school as soon as possible.  

Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee requests a discussion around pedestrian crossings in North Central area and requests a meeting with traffic department to discuss funding allocations to put in both signalled and zebra crossings in the North Central Area, especially on routes to school as soon as possible.  



The Traffic Department is currently not in a position to meet to discuss funding allocations as the allocation of funding for 2024 has not yet been made by the NTA. There are indications, however, that funding may be considerably less than was available in 2023 and so until the funding is confirmed we are not clear how many crossings could be constructed in 2024. Once the funding has been confirmed we can circulate to the next area committee a list of crossings which can be funded as well as a list of those where funding is still needed.


Contact:         Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer                        

Tel:                 222 2706

Email:             Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.