That this North Central Area Committee and local housing manager begin real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield & Collins Avenue regarding the City Council’s proposal for housing on the old bring centre site. The residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue wish to put on record their utter disappointment over the negative and unsatisfactory responses they have received from PPP Housing (Nov. 20) in response to their submissions of November 12 outlining serious and genuine concerns in relation to the development of the Bring Centre site.
The residents feel that their concerns are being ignored and that no genuine attempt is being made to discuss the issues with them or find a satisfactory compromise. This motion asks that you now start real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue and come up with a suitable compromise for all. Can the managers make contact with the residents association to open dialogue?
That this North Central Area Committee and local housing manager begin real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield & Collins Avenue regarding the City Council’s proposal for housing on the old bring centre site. The residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue wish to put on record their utter disappointment over the negative and unsatisfactory responses they have received from PPP Housing (Nov. 20) in response to their submissions of November 12 outlining serious and genuine concerns in relation to the development of the Bring Centre site.
The residents feel that their concerns are being ignored and that no genuine attempt is being made to discuss the issues with them or find a satisfactory compromise. This motion asks that you now start real dialogue with the residents of Crestfield and Collins Avenue and come up with a suitable compromise for all. Can the managers make contact with the residents association to open dialogue?
The Collins Avenue (DCC Depot) site was approved for inclusion in the National Social Housing PPP Programme Bundle 4.
The PPP Project Team presented an update to the North Central Councillors members in July of this year. It was agreed with the elected members that public consultation would be commenced in September with the support of the Area Office.
A public information session took place on 26 September 2023 for local residents with representatives from the Project Team, Architects & Area Office in attendance. The Area Office identified the residents in the area to be invited and issued circa. 550 leaflets to the following streets and developments.
· Collins Avenue Extension
· Shanowen Avenue
· Milners Square
· Crestfield Close
· Crestfield Road
· Crestfield Drive
· Crestfield Avenue
· Shanowen Business Centre
110 residents attended the three-hour public information session in Whitehall Scout Hall.
There have been eight written requests to the PPP Project Team for information with regard to the site design, tenure mix, permeability, car parking, trees, boundary treatment and local infrastructure capacity. All individual queries have been responded to by the Project Team including one specific query that had 44 questions. All feedback and input from the local community is being considered by the Project Team, as the design development is progressed.
The Project Team are taking on board the feedback from the community and finalising the design in preparation for Pre Part 8 initiation in Q1 2024. A second public consultation event will take place in Q1 2024 in advance of the lodgement of planning. The Project Team will illustrate the key design changes following community feedback and requirements from DCC Technical Departments, in accordance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 to 2028.
The Project Manager is satisfied that the level of stakeholder engagement to date for this development has been comprehensive.
Contact; Gareth Rowan, Senior Executive Officer
Tel: 222 6030
Email: ppphousing@dublincity.ie
The North Central Area office team will make contact with resident representative with details of a second public consultation early in the new year.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA
Phone: 222 8546
Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.