That this North Central Area Committee write to the Project Manager of the proposed development at the former Bring Centre on Collins Avenue, Whitehall and outline the following concerns, which we, as local representatives, wish to highlight and that each of the following points be addressed:
1) We consider the maximum height of apartment blocks on the site should be no higher than four storied
2) We totally oppose the proposed opening up of the boundary wall on the green at Crestfield Close. Placing a pedestrian exit from the development onto Crestfield Green does nothing to enhance ease of access to DCU but will provide an easy escape route for anti-social activity which happens at public greens/spaces all around the area. It will also encourage overflow parking by those in the development who cannot access a parking space.
3) All blocks should be situated as far back as possible from houses on Collins Avenue and Crestfield Park. We believe that the extensions which have been added to many houses have not been taken into account when calculating the separation distance, overlooking and overshadowing which will be caused by the development on the adjacent roads.
4) We believe that a comprehensive traffic management plan for Collins Avenue from Ballymun Road to Swords should be drawn up before the development is commenced.
5) Due to the high concentration of older people living in the area, and the almost halving of the number of proposed senior citizen units on the Holy Child church carpark site, we urge that a much higher proportion of apartments be assigned to seniors, which will allow people to downsize and consequently free up much needed family homes in the area.
6) We request that as many mature trees as possible are left in situ to provide much needed greening and privacy for properties adjoining the development.
This Area Committee further requests that the project team report back to the NCA councillors on the above issues raised, before this Part 8 goes out for public consultation, as this is our only forum to collectively air our views.
That this North Central Area Committee write to the Project Manager of the proposed development at the former Bring Centre on Collins Avenue, Whitehall, and outline the following concerns, which we, as local representatives, wish to highlight and that each of the following points be addressed:
1) We consider the maximum height of apartment blocks on the site should be no higher than four storied
2) We totally oppose the proposed opening up of the boundary wall on the green at Crestfield Close. Placing a pedestrian exit from the development onto Crestfield Green does nothing to enhance ease of access to DCU but will provide an easy escape route for anti-social activity which happens at public greens/spaces all around the area. It will also encourage overflow parking by those in the development who cannot access a parking space.
3) All blocks should be situated as far back as possible from houses on Collins Avenue and Crestfield Park. We believe that the extensions which have been added to many houses have not been taken into account when calculating the separation distance, overlooking and overshadowing which will be caused by the development on the adjacent roads.
4) We believe that a comprehensive traffic management plan for Collins Avenue from Ballymun Road to Swords should be drawn up before the development is commenced.
5) Due to the high concentration of older people living in the area, and the almost halving of the number of proposed senior citizen units on the Holy Child church carpark site, we urge that a much higher proportion of apartments be assigned to seniors, which will allow people to downsize and consequently free up much needed family homes in the area.
6) We request that as many mature trees as possible are left in situ to provide much needed greening and privacy for properties adjoining the development.
This Area Committee further requests that the project team report back to the NCA councillors on the above issues raised, before this Part 8 goes out for public consultation, as this is our only forum to collectively air our views.
1. The site is zoned Z1, as per the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 to 2028. The proposed development responds to the irregular shape of the site taking into consideration the requirements of the said plan.
2. The Project Team will bring forward the community feedback on the proposed permeability from the development into Crestfield to the Area Planner.
3. The proposed development ranges in height from two to six storeys. The height of the blocks has been mitigated by the Project Team with the height of Block A, which, will be adjacent to Collins Avenue houses stepping down to two storeys’. The height of both Block A and B increases at the northern section of the development, which, is furthest away from the southern and western boundaries.
Block B is located to minimise the impact on boundaries to Crestfield Park and Close. A new road is proposed running parallel to Crestfield Close to create a greater distance between the boundary of the houses to Block B. The planned public open space is located at the front of Block B to create greater distance to the southern boundaries along with providing overlooking and passive surveillance for the space.
Site strategy drawing outlined below to illustrate the location of Block A, B and C. This drawing has been shared to the NCAC Councillors by the Project Team.
4. The Project Team are carrying out an analysis of the junction at the entrance to the site. There will be a Road Safety Audit undertaken and any recommendations from same will be implemented within the scheme design. The Project Team are also engaging with DCC Transport Planning following the observations received from local residents. The Road Safety Audit report will be made available, as part of the planning pack.
5. The proposed social housing development is located in Area E. Based on October Housing Allocations Report that was provided to the NCAC Cllrs at the November Area Committee meeting, outlined below is the combined waiting list for Area E.
Bedsize Required |
Area E |
1 Bed |
2351 |
2 Bed |
1733 |
3 Bed |
829 |
4 Bed |
87 |
5 Bed |
14 |
Total |
5014 |
The allocation of the homes will be made in accordance with Dublin City Council, Scheme of Letting Priorities. At this time no decision has been made on the percentage proportion of homes that will be allocated for senior citizens including those couples or individuals downsizing.
Downsizing via financial contributions is a scheme that has been supported by Dublin City Council across various developments citywide. The topic of downsizing was a key contribution from residents who attended the public information meeting in September.
6. Based on the feedback from the residents who attended the public consultation there was differing opinions and requirements with regard to the trees that surround the site.
The Project Team are undertaking a tree survey with a consultant arborist. The recommendations from this report will be reviewed by the Project Team and implemented. The tree survey report will be made available, as part of the planning pack.
It has been agreed with the Area Manager that a second public information session will take place in Q1 2024 in advance of the lodgement of planning. The Project Team will illustrate the design changes on foot of feedback from the community and the requirements from DCC Technical Departments.
Contact: Gareth Rowan, Senior Executive Officer
Tel: 222 6030
Email: ppphousing@dublincity.ie
1&2 The proposed site is a DCC owned former depot. The Housing Department is currently preparing a scheme for the lands. It is currently intended that the proposal will go through the Part 8 process and therefore will come before the Council for decision. The planning report on the proposal will assess the scheme’s compliance with the 2022 City Development Plan. No different to any other application, all applications are considered and recommended on their own merits, context, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 28 Guidelines and Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028.
Contact: Emer Uí Fhátharta, Deputy City Planning Officer
Tel: 222 3319
Email: emer.uí fháthartha@dublincity.ie
The North Central Area Committee will be notified by the area office in advance of the proposed public information session and prior to the lodgement of planning.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA
Phone: 222 8546
Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.