That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens.
Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association.
That this North Central area committee notes the significant slip hazard that wet autumn leave pose for all pedestrians but particularly our more senior residents and those with mobility issues and the hazard they can also pose for cyclist when they build up on our cycle lanes. The North Central Area Committee also notes the contribution the leaf mulching project on Griffith Avenue makes to leaf collection and the circular economy and therefore the reduction in potential for accidents and slips as well as providing naturally produced fertilising leaf mulch to local residents groups for use in their community gardens.
Noting the absence of a practice whereby autumn leaves are gathered, litter separated out, mulched collectively and returned as compost across the North Central Area, the North Central Area Committee proposes a leaf collection and composting/mulching pilot scheme be set up for next autumn across a selection of our most heavily tree lined avenues and roads that perhaps could link in with transition year students from local schools as support/extra hands and that would build on the excellent work done already in the area by the Griffith Avenue and District Residents Association.
At present the North Central Area is leading the way in Dublin City with regard to leaf mould composting. Development of this scheme commenced back in 2020 during Covid when residents in Maywood/Bettyglen estate in Raheny expressed an interest in piloting it in NCA. Griffith Avenue & District Residents Association had previously trialled this initiative with mixed results.
Since 2020 the scheme has been expanded to 32 locations across the North Central Area. There is a total of 165 leaf baskets in residential areas in NCA at present resulting in approx. 5000 bags of leaves being diverted to composting as opposed to collection & disposal by DCC Waste Management Services. There are also some Community Gardens in the area that have set up their own leaf composting areas and they take bags of leaves from residential areas and assistance was provided to the Belmayne Allotments to set up a large scale leaf composting zone in 2021 and the allotments are provided with approx. 500 bags of leaves from a dedicated high leaf fall street in the North Central Area.
In 2022 the Environmental Liaison Officer worked closely with both GADRA & All Hallows Resident Associations on Griffith Avenue. Compostable leaf bags were made available to all residents and with the help of All Hallows Residents Association, four schools on Griffith Avenue agreed to assist with leaf gathering .A leaf gathering week was arranged with full support from Waste Management Services and with agreement from Parks the bags of leaves were transported to St. Anne’s Park to make leaf mould compost for use in the park. It is proposed to continue this operation annually as it is working extremely well so far.
In relation to leaf baskets on Griffith Avenue, assistance and support was provided to GADRA in 2022 when they expressed an interest in leaf composting again. A composting expert met with the group and recommended that the baskets be placed in a secluded shaded location not so easily visible in the public domain and close to a water supply. Unfortunately the group did not take the advice on board and insisted that the baskets be placed on the grass verge next to the roadway and a distance from a water supply. An assessment of the baskets in Autumn 2023 showed that there was significant contamination of the baskets which was most likely done by a professional landscaper who was able to pull up in his vehicle and dispose of his waste in the baskets. There was however suitable mulch/compost at the bottom of all of the baskets underneath the contamination. It was decided to salvage the mulch and combine it together in fewer baskets and create a wire lid to go on top of each of the full baskets to prevent further contamination from taking place. It is expected that by late spring or early summer 2024 there will be leaf mould compost ready for use and this can be offered to the Resident Association in the first instance and then to local residents.
When the baskets are emptied in 2024 it is proposed to remove them from the public areas to restrict unauthorised access and deter illegal waste disposal. All households on Griffith Ave. will instead be offered baskets to be placed in their gardens and the provision of compostable bags for the surplus leaves will continue.
It should also be noted that All Hallows Residents Association were consulted about the leaf composting project and have decided that they are not currently in a position to take on the management of baskets so declined the offer to take part in the 2023 programme.
Contact: Joanne O’Sullivan, Environmental Liaison Officer
Tel: 222 8541
Email: joanne.osullivan@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.