{meta} Agenda for Economic Development and Enterprise SPC on Monday 24th January, 2022, 3.30 pm

Agenda and minutes


Contact: Marilyn Vickers 


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 405 KB

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Minutes of the previous meeting, which took place on 9th November 2021, were agreed by Members.



Matters Arising

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Motion of Notice

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None received.


Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022 - 2028 - Update - Deirdre Scully, Deputy City Planner, Planning & Property Development pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Additional documents:


Copy of presentation was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack


Deirdre Scully presented to Members. The Chair thanked the Presenter and opened the floor to questions and answers.


Cllr. Freehill wished to acknowledge the work of the Presenter and the wider team and welcomed the draft Plan.

She commented on the following; a recent Irish Times article and gave praise to both John O’Hara, City Planner and the Lord Mayor on DCC’s plans to curb build to rent (BTR) developments and studio and one bedroom apartments; the possible adaption of older people’s homes to allow for 2nd income and allow them to stay in their homes; the welcoming of the tightening up of Z15’s and the 25% community allowance.


Cllr. Batten expressed concern with the lack of transport needs being addressed in areas of development and how the Council are addressing this in line with the draft Plan.


Cllr. Heney asked for explanation of definition “15 minute City”, she commented unfavourably on the takeover of build to rent in Clontarf ward, she sought clarification of plans for BTR developments with fewer than 100 units, and queried if the discouragement of certain BTR schemes under the City Development Plan would be overruled by Government.


Cllr. Cooney sought clarification on Z15 / Z12 and commented on SDZ’s and the need for connection between planning applications and LAP’s.


Odran Reid commented on the industrial/employment issues and many Industrial/Retail Parks in the fringes of Dublin City are currently old/underutilised and what plans are there for future development and economic growth in local areas.


Aidan Sweeney reiterated Odran Reid’s comments and the need to look at Dublin as a whole and the need for all plans to be aligned. He commented on city centre core shift around retail and how these retail units could not easily be switched to other uses, commercial mix in the City and preserving the right mix in terms of night time economy.


The Chair agreed with the comments made by Cllr. Freehill and commended the work of the Lord Mayor in giving the PR that was needed in terms of DCC’s stance on curbing BTR developments and studio and one bedroom apartments. She put question to the Presenter around the provision of schools/lack of schools giving rise to objections to developments and possible conflict between the less than 100 unit BTR developments and the Multi Unit Development Act.



The Presenter replied as follows:

The Presenter thanked the Members for their praise and wished to thank the dedicated team in the Planning Department who have worked on this draft Plan.  She commented on the BTR and advised the existing housing model is not a sustainable development and the Council seeks to see future developments being more flexible in design and form e.g. BTR developments which have the ability to develop into long term housing developments in the future. The Development Plan supports age friendly sustainable planning and redevelopment. Transport and development work hand in glove. The Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Dublin City Local Economic and Community Plan - Mary MacSweeney, Senior Executive Officer/Deputy Head of Enterprise & Economic Development pdf icon PDF 544 KB

Additional documents:


Copy of Report was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack


Mary MacSweeney provided a verbal report to Members and proposed that this item becoming a standing item on future SPC agendas.  SPC Chair to meet with Chair of LCDC to arrange setting up Advisory Steering Group for LECP as part of 6 stage process to develop a new Dublin City LECP in line with guidelines.

The Chair thanked the Presenter and opened the floor to questions and answers.


Evanne Kilmurray suggested that a member of the EPSO sit on the Advisory Sub-Committee.


Cllr. MacDonncha questioned the benefits of this Plan to the citizens of Dublin, its usefulness and sought for an evaluation of the previous plan to further analyse the outcome of previous plan.


Cllr. Cooney welcomed the Plan but expressed concern around how the Plan would be actually implemented within the time frame and stressed the importance of it feeding into the City Development Plan.


Cllr. Freehill concurred with the comments made by Cllr. MacDonncha and sought an independent evaluation of previous plan to measure its effectiveness.  She requested that:

Ø   a copy of the EPSO report included in Modgov pack be emailed to SPC Members

Ø   a copy of the Dublin City LECP 2016-2021 evaluation of socio economic profiles report, prepared by Future Analytics, to be circulated to SPC Members.


The Presenter replied as follows:


The Dublin City LECP 2016-2021 evaluation of socio economic profiles report has been prepared by Future Analytics  based on 2016 census data.  Evaluation report to be shared with SPC Members. The LECP is a sister document to the City Development Plan and whilst it addresses some of the common issues and is cognisant of the Development Plan, the LECP has a slightly different statutory role than the Development Plan.


Greg Swift advised that the previous LECP 2016-2021 was reported to SPC on a regular basis, all actions in the previous Plan were completed with the exception of one. He could only comment on economic side, he could not report on community side.




Published Reports for Circulation

Additional documents:


Copy of Reports were provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack


Reports noted and were welcomed by the Chair, Cllr Cooney and Evanne Kilmurray.




Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards 2015 - 2021 Brochure pdf icon PDF 8 MB

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Reset Summit 2020 - Outcomes Report pdf icon PDF 9 MB

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European Programme Support Office - Anthony Flynn, Executive Manager, CRES pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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Copy of Progress Report was provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack

Anthony Flynn presented to Members and ended by acknowledging the work of Ciara O’hAodha as Interim Head of the EPSO and wishing her well in pending maternity leave.  The Chair thanked the Presenter and she and other Members acknowledged the work of Ciara O’hAodha and opened the floor to questions and answers.


Cllr. Freehill asked what the current position was on DCC working with other institutions, in particular academic institutions to enhance and extend the value and use of any programmes DCC were going to engage in, and to explore possibility of Members engaging in it to.


She acknowledged recent sanction from Department in relation to EPSO posts and noted that a European Office had already been in existence in DCC up to 2014/2015. 


She looked for clarification on the Dublin Belfast communications and spoke about the Peace Programme, Urbact and Interreg. Two meetings have been held to date of the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor but a programme has not as yet been agreed.


She put question to the Presenter around the City of the Isles Committee, a Committee she set up as Lord Mayor 21 years ago, and had this Committee been disbanded?


Cllr. Cooney asked for a list of applications made for open calls for European Programme Funding and asked what funding applications have been made in relation to Resilience of Cities in face of climate change. 


Cllr. MacDonncha concurred with Cllr. Freehill regarding the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor and asked for an update to be circulated to Members in advance of the next SPC and that the DBEC be included as an agenda item on the next SPC. 




The Presenter replied as follows:


Higher education institutions continue to be involved in the Horizon process and he welcomed the opportunities for Members to engage in that process going forward.  From recollection, the City of Isles Committee has not met for a long time and DCC are currently involved with an EU proposal with Wales.  Regarding Department sanction of posts for EPSO, the matter is with HR and in queue along with other posts requesting to be filled from other Departments.  An update was provided on the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor under agenda Item 8 EDE Management Reports and he proposed that Mary MacSweeney give further clarification on the DBEC under this item. The Chair agreed.

With regard to Open Calls he advised that a list had been provided and included in his report which was published on Modgov.  The Presenter agreed to circulate the list to the Members and he reiterated the purpose of the EPSO was to notify the relevant Departments of open calls for funding applications, but that it was up to the relevant Department to pursue further as the skillset lies with the relevant DCC Department.  DCC made a submission to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan which was acknowledged by the Department, but DCC were not successful  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Economic Development & Enterprise Management Reports pdf icon PDF 2 MB

  1. Economic Development Office
  2. Local Enterprise Office
  3. Dublin.ie
  4. Smart Dublin and Smart Cities
  5. International Relations

Additional documents:


Copy of Management Reports were provided in advance of the meeting in the ModGov pack.

The Chair opened the floor to questions and answers.

The Chair asked for further information on the Employment Survey Results for 2021.

Cllr. MacDonncha requested the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor be listed as a substantive item on the next agenda and that practical actions/outcomes be provided along with timelines.

Cllr Freehill asked position on possible connections with Belfast and why this must go through the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor.  Her proposed scheme through the Peace Plus programme is a joint project in relation to older people through Urbact or Interreg.

Greg Swift replied in relation to the Employment Survey Results 2021 announced by An Tánaiste on 17/1/22. Net job creation of 3000 through LEO network, in relation to LEO Dublin City 1728 jobs created with 377 client companies in LEO Dublin City portfolio with 408 jobs gained.  Start-ups have seen a 30% increase in programme participation with 66 Measure 1 grants provided during 2021, totalling €1,280,310.

Mary MacSweeney gave verbal update on DBEC – Chair and Vice Chair have been elected, the Chair will now set dates for future meetings of the Advisory Group.  Action plans are being developed and work is ongoing since 2018, DCU report has been completed, website has been developed, KPMG and Future Analytics have been commissioned to assist in production of Development Plan which will examine options for required structures needed going forward.  Corridor supports are being identified and companies along the Corridor that can be promoted have been identified.  With regard to connections with Belfast and a possible scheme through the Peace Plus programme, whilst a joint project in relation to Older People would not come under the remit of this SPC it could be pursued by Housing or Older Peoples Section, any connections it would have through the DBEC could further strengthen any possible applications for funding.




Any Other Business

Next SPC Meeting: 12th April 2022 (3.30pm – 5.30pm)

Council Chamber, City Hall (In line with government guidelines operating at this time)


Additional documents:


Next SPC Meeting: 12th April 2022 (3.30pm to 5.30pm)

Council Chamber, City Hall / remote via Zoom (In line with government guidelines operating at this time)

Action items for Progression:


Agenda Item:




Dublin City LECP 2016-2021 evaluation of socio economics profiles report prepared by Future Analytics to be circulated to SPC Members as requested by Cllr. Freehill. Meeting of Chairs of SPC and LCDC to be arranged to agree Advisory Steering Group.

Mary MacSweeney


List of open calls for European Funding Programmes to be circulated to the Members as requested by Cllr. Cooney

Anthony Flynn (completed)


Request by Cllr MacDonncha that the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor be included as an agenda item for the next SPC.

Mary MacSweeney/ Ross Curley