{meta} Agenda for North Central Area Committee on Monday 20th March, 2023, 2.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Fiona Moore  Catherine Cahill


No. Item


Minutes of the North Central Area Committee February meeting dated 20th February, 2023. pdf icon PDF 341 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed – proposed by Cllr. Flanagan & seconded by Cllr. MacDonncha


Questions to Area Managers, 20th March, 2023. pdf icon PDF 767 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed – proposed by Cllr. O’Toole & seconded by Cllr. Batten.



Roads & Traffic Matters

Additional documents:


Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 28th February, 2023. pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Attached herewith.  Gerry McEntagart/Catalin Rosca

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Gully Report for noting pdf icon PDF 511 KB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Matters

Additional documents:


Disposals - proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 96 Brian Avenue Marino, Dublin 3.

Report & map attached herewith.  Cathy Cassidy

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.  Proposed by Cllr. T. Flanagan and seconded by Cllr. O’Muiri. 


Proposed draft variation (No. 1) of the Dublin City Development Plan 2022 - 2028 - Site at 80 Philipsburgh Avenue, Dublin 3 for noting pdf icon PDF 1022 KB

Report attached herewith.  John O’Hara, City Planner

Additional documents:


Order:  Removed from the agenda.


Presentation on the Rainscapes Project pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Presentation attached.  John Stack

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Report on Northside Swimming Pool pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Report attached herewith – Donncha O ‘Dúlaing

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.  Donncha O ‘Dúlaing will report back to the NCAC in 6 months’ time regarding the progress of the pilot scheme with “Swim Ireland” & the newly appointed swim development officer, in relation to bringing increased public swimming hours to the Northside pool in the interim period whilst awaiting the new facility being built.  He will also come back to members regarding proposals for the future use of the Northside Shopping Centre pool site, as and when this is investigated in more depth and is happy to liaise with members on the new proposals over the coming months. Cllr. Stanley requested a measure of what the net carbon emission will be from the new construction.  Donncha to revert to Cllr. T Flanagan, with the number of staff vacancies with regards to Northside pool.


Arts Officer Report

Verbal report.  Ray Yeates

Additional documents:


Order:  Report to follow.


Sports & wellbeing report for noting pdf icon PDF 595 KB

Report attached herewith for noting. 

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.  Cllr. Barron raised the issue once again of the replacement for Dan Russell.  This was seconded by Cllr. MacDonncha who also voiced concerns regarding the lack of facilities in the Clongriffin/Belmayne areas.



Area Managers Reports pdf icon PDF 430 KB

Attached herewith.  Derek Farrell & Mick Carroll

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Housing Supply Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Attached herewith.  Gillian Corcoran/Dave Windrim

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.  Cllr. Batten queried why there appeared to be 362 properties allocated, but yet the list hasn’t diminished by the same amount – why is this?  Was there an influx of people to the waiting list to account for this? Gillian Corcoran to revert to Cllr. Batten with this information.


Cllr. O’Toole - Newtown/Clarehall is that the Elm Development on the Malahide Road?  Cllr. O’Toole confused and needs clarification on that point. CENA – Traveller Group – Grove Lane.  Can we get movement on this?  Dave Windrim to revert to Cllr. O’Toole.


Derek Farrell to ask housing for the tenant in situ numbers and can an area breakdown for acquisitions for the North Central Area solely be put on the list.




Additional documents:


Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland


The North Central Area Committee recognises the ongoing need to enhance traffic flow along the Oscar Traynor Rd and insists that i) a traffic monitor be set up at the entrance to the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate to establish the volume, type and direction of traffic into and out of the estate and ii) investigate the viability of joining up the road system within the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate so as to allow for an exit/entrance onto the roundabout at the top of the R139. 


Additional documents:



The North Central Area Committee recognises the ongoing need to enhance traffic flow along the Oscar Traynor Rd and insists that i) a traffic monitor be set up at the entrance to the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate to establish the volume, type and direction of traffic into and out of the estate and ii) investigate the viability of joining up the road system within the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate so as to allow for an exit/entrance onto the roundabout at the top of the R139. 






i)              Dublin City Council will facilitate a count of traffic entering and egressing the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate to and from the Oscar Traynor Road.


ii)             The area engineer makes decisions on day to day road traffic related issues. The request for major civil infrastructural works such as joining up the road system within the Clonshaugh Industrial Estate (which is private)  to allow for an exit/entrance onto the roundabout at the top of the R139 is beyond the scope of responsibility and annual budget afforded to the area engineer.


Contact:         Gerry McEntagart – North City Executive Engineer.

Tel:                 087 2615965.

Email:             gerald.mcentagart@dublincity.ie



(ii)        As has been advised by the Deputy City Planner in the Planning Department in the response to Question 8 raised at the Area Committee on the 16th January 2023, the provision of a link            road to the R139 through the privately owned       lands at Woodlands House was extensively reviewed as part of the Development Plan process. The location of the link road was moved to connect eastwards onto Clonshaugh Road. Future options for other connections that address both issues above could form a future variation of the Plan where it is clear that any new routes would have support from TII and avoid significant negative impacts on Woodlands House and grounds.



Contact:         Nicola Conlon,Senior Executive Planner, Transportation Planning Division.

Tel:                 222 6363.

Email:             nicola.conlon@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. Roe.


Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe


That the Area Manager report on the engagement which he has had to date with TII in respect of the implications of Metrolink for Albert College Park, whether the Ventilation Shaft or a station is located within the park; the discussions which have been had with the very many park users, sports clubs and other groups involved: if he will establish a task group to ensure that construction disruption is minimised and that park space and usage can be maximised for the local community during the construction period; and will he report back on progress on this matter to this Area Committee at its April meeting.


Additional documents:



That the North Central Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to report on the engagement which he has had to date with TII in respect of the implications of Metrolink for Albert College Park, whether the Ventilation Shaft or a station is located within the park; the discussions which have been had with the very many park users, sports clubs and other groups involved: if he will establish a task group to ensure that construction disruption is minimised and that park space and usage can be maximised for the local community during the construction period; and will he report back on progress on this matter to this Area Committee at its April meeting.







Dublin City Council has been engaging with the MetroLink team throughout the design process and will continue to do so over the coming phases.


The MetroLink Railway order has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála and Dublin City Council has submitted a written submission on the matter. In the event that ABP is satisfied that the proposed development should be approved, the DCC submission recommends that the scheme is subject to a number of conditions to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area


With specific reference to Albert College Park, The facilities to be constructed include evacuation and ventilation structures with vehicular access and parking for emergency services. These proposals will impact on the park by removal of a section of the existing mature boundary tree and hedge planting, removal of a playing pitch area and perimeter path. Although this is a negative impact, it is considered necessary and unavoidable for the completion of the project and in the long term public interest. 


As part of the above DCC Metrolink railway order submission, the parks department have requested that the following information should be provided to Park Services for approval at detail design stage:


(a) Site hoarding alignment plan.

(b)Tree survey, tree impact plan and tree protection plan prepared by an arboriculturist.

(c) A landscape plan with details indicating the park’s landscape reinstatement works, hard and soft works, and boundaries design, prepared by a landscape architect.

(d) Specification of materials

(e) Outline project programme, including a 36 month DLP/Maintenance period for all works within the park.





Proposed layout at Albert College Park


Existing park at location of proposed development



While recognising that some negative impact is unavoidable at this location, DCC will continue to work closely with TII to ensure that disruption is minimised and that park space and usage can be maximised for the local community during the construction period.




Contact:           Eoin Corrigan

Telephone:       01 222 6454

Email:             eoin.corrigan@dublincity.ie




Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Councillor O’Toole.  Eoin Corrigan to return to the May NCAC with an update regarding plans being put in place to set up a taskforce for park users.


Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe


That local councillors be updated on plans for the placement of refugees in the Artane area.  Specifically we should be informed as what supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with local communities and be informed as to what measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the refugees and residents in the surrounding area, while anti-immigrant protests are taking place.



Additional documents:



That the North Central Area Committee agrees that local councillors be updated on plans for the placement of Refugees in the Artane area. Specifically we should be informed as what supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with local communities and be informed as to what measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the refugees and residents in the surrounding area, while anti-immigrant protests are taking place.





1.    Updating of Cllrs. - placement of Refugees in the Artane area – DCC / IPAS Artane area.

2.    Supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with Local Communities

3.    Safety or refugees and residents during protests


Dublin City Council, has responded to requests from IPAS to make buildings available for the temporary accommodation of those seeking Temporary Protection from the war in Ukraine. Where these Rest Centres are being stood up, Councillors in the Local Area have been advised in advance and this will remain the case. When IPAS establish premises without input from Dublin City Council it is a matter for them to communicate directly with elected representatives. Dublin City Council has written to IPAS requesting greater engagement with Councillors in advance of these projects.


2 .a. The Ukraine Community Forum is a cross City grouping of public bodies and Agencies that share information on operational supports that are being put in place in DCC. Coilin O’Reilly chairs this forum and the Lord Mayor attends.

Membership has representation of the following bodies and agencies:

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS), The Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, An Garda Siochána, The HSE, Ballyfermot Partnership; Dublin Northwest Partnership, Dublin City Childcare Committee, TUSLA, City of Dublin Education and Training Board, ALONE, FoodCloud, Dublin City Volunteer Centre, The National Safety Centre, Dublin GAA, Dublin City Community Co-Op, North Side Partnership, Department of Social Protection and the Dublin South City Partnership.

Within these bodies and agencies there can also be sub groupings that are directly engaging with both those seeking Temporary Protection and International Protection.

This grouping does not represent all groups operating in this area but cover the majority of interactions.

As the response to both the Ukrainian and International Protection is dynamic, initiatives are responsive and subject to change. In the main they deal with:

1.     Short term needs – registration with state agencies and schools / shelter / medical needs etc.

2.    Medium term - securing longer term accommodation / training / social interaction including clubs and associations/ English language and employment supports /  CE schemes etc.


Always up to date information found at gov.ie - Social Welfare supports for those arriving from Ukraine under the EU Temporary Protection Directive (www.gov.ie) and from www.citizensInformation.ie


2.b. On January 24th 2023 Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys and Minister of State Joe O’Brien announced details of the government’s €50 million Community Recognition Fund (CRF). The CRF is a major  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5c


Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell


That this area committee calls upon DCC to escalate the implementation of three pedestrian crossings planned for the North Central Area. These pedestrian crossings are urgently required and are vital for active travel in our area.


Additional documents:



That this area committee  calls upon DCC to escalate the implementation of the three pedestrian crossings which the Traffic Dept are undertaking at this time and for which NTA funding has been allocated.  These pedestrian crossings are urgently required and are vital for active travel in our area. 




The three Pedestrian Crossings are:


1.    Gracefield Avenue/Brookwood Ave

2.    Coolock Drive/Bunratty Road

3.    Clontarf Baths is being redesigned possibly at an alternative location


Nos 1 & 2 are scheduled for completion in the coming months. No.3 is scheduled for later this year, but there is at this point no confirmed date of completion.




Contact:         Gerry McEntagart – North City Executive Engineer                    

Email:             gerald.mcentagart@dublncity,ie



Order:  Agreed. Seconded by Councillor O’Muiri.







Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney


Pedestrian crossing at the junction of Mount Prospect Avenue and Mount Prospect Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3.


Having waited many years for a much needed pedestrian crossing on Mount Prospect Avenue at the junction with Mount Prospect park, that was approved for implementation in 2022 but not funded and having requested an update on the list of crossings funded for the North Central area for 2023 for the last while, could this area committee agree that the pedestrian crossing is funded and put in place urgently with no more delay.


Background and reasons

Mount Prospect Avenue is one of the busiest roads in Clontarf and is 1.9km in length from its beginning at the junction of Vernon Avenue, to the end at the Clontarf Road. There are pedestrian crossings at both ends but as it currently stands there is nowhere along the entire 1.9 km intervening route to cross Mount Prospect Avenue. My concern arises from the fact that in order to drop children to local schools, parents/guardians have simply nowhere to safely the cross the avenue in order to reach the school.  School runs take place from 8am in the morning, with pick up at 1-1.20pm for younger children and again at 2-2.20pm for those in 1st class and above.  At these times and especially at 8-8.40am there are numerous vehicles on Mount Prospect Avenue, both those dropping their own children to school and commuters - not to mention the 130 double decker bus on its way into the city centre. 


Increasingly, it has become very dangerous to make your way across Mount Prospect Avenue with children in tow - whether on foot, scooter or on bicycle.  Cars simply do not slow down when they see children (speed bumps are of no use - cars simply drive around them) and recently there have been some near collisions between cars and children.  Most recently, cars heading in both directions on Mount Prospect Avenue kindly stopped to allow at least 6 children and parents cross the road - however a careless driver took it upon themselves to simply overtake the stopped cars and in turn came close to colliding with a child who was walking her bike across the road.


To also note - school runs are not the only flow of pedestrians using this route - turning onto Mount Prospect Park, off Mount Prospect Avenue, brings you straight to the entrance to St. Anne’s Park - this is a route taken by many dog walkers and older people. Older people often cross this stretch of road to get to the 130 bus stop, or to the church or parish hall or newsagents at St. Gabriel's.  Likewise it is also home to many football fields. Cars travelling at great speed - can be found on any given Saturday/Sunday morning and indeed evenings during the summer travelling to the entrance to St. Anne’s Park. 

I would implore you to consider this request before there is a serious if not tragic accident on Mount  ...  view the full agenda text for item 5e

Additional documents:



That this area committee agrees that the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Mount Prospect Avenue and Mount Prospect Park, Clontarf, Dublin 3 is funded and put in place urgently with no more delay.

Having been waiting many years for a much needed pedestrian crossing on Mount Prospect Avenue at the junction with Mount Prospect Park, that was approved for implementation in 2022 but not funded and having requested an update on the list of crossings funded for the North Central area for 2023 for the last while.


Background and reasons


Mount Prospect Avenue is one of the busiest roads in Clontarf and is 1.9km in length from its beginning at the junction of Vernon Avenue, to the end at the Clontarf Road. There are pedestrian crossings at both ends but as it currently stands there is nowhere along the entire 1.9 km intervening route to cross Mount Prospect Avenue. My concern arises from the fact that in order to drop children to local schools, parents/guardians have simply nowhere to safely the cross the avenue in order to reach the school.  School runs take place from 8am in the morning, with pick up at 1-1.20pm for younger children and again at 2-2.20pm for those in 1st class and above.  At these times and especially at 8-8.40am there are numerous vehicles on Mount Prospect Avenue, both those dropping their own children to school and commuters - not to mention the 130 double decker bus on its way into the city centre. 


Increasingly, it has become very dangerous to make your way across Mount Prospect Avenue with children in tow - whether on foot, scooter or on bicycle.  Cars simply do not slow down when they see children (speed bumps are of no use - cars simply drive around them) and recently there have been some near collisions between cars and children.  Most recently, cars heading in both directions on Mount Prospect Avenue kindly stopped to allow at least 6 children and parents cross the road - however a careless driver took it upon themselves to simply overtake the stopped cars and in turn came close to colliding with a child who was walking her bike across the road.



To also note - school runs are not the only flow of pedestrians using this route - turning onto Mount Prospect Park, off Mount Prospect Avenue, brings you straight to the entrance to St. Anne’s Park - this is a route taken by many dog walkers and older people. Older people often cross this stretch of road to get to the 130 bus stop, or to the church or parish hall or newsagents at St. Gabriel's.  Likewise it is also home to many football fields. Cars travelling at great speed - can be found on any given Saturday/Sunday morning and indeed evenings during the summer travelling to the entrance to St. Anne’s Park. 


I would implore you to consider this request before there is a serious if not tragic accident on Mount Prospect  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5e


Motion in the name of Councillor Karl Stanley


The area committee calls on the manager to convene a meeting to devise a holistic traffic management plan for Marino for the remainder of the C2CC project. Meeting attendees to include representatives from the local community, the roads department of DCC, Garda traffic management, and local councillors. The project is due to switch sides from inbound to the outbound direction in March 2023, so it is timely to bring all stakeholders together to discuss how to manage the increased disruption and road hazard during this phase of the project.


Additional documents:



That this area committee calls on the manager to convene a meeting to devise a holistic traffic management plan for Marino for the remainder of the C2CC project. Meeting attendees to include representatives from the local community, the roads department of DCC, Garda traffic management, and local councillors. The project is due to switch sides from inbound to the outbound direction in March 2023, so it is timely to bring all stakeholders together to discuss how to manage the increased disruption and road hazard during this phase of the project.





The Clontarf to City Centre Scheme has a weekly traffic meeting whereby members from the Project Team, the Contractor, DCC Traffic, Dublin Fire Brigade, An Garda Síochána, Dublin Bus and others convene to review existing and upcoming temporary traffic management plans. A review of the proposed designs and issues that have arisen are reviewed as a matter of routine at these meetings.


The Clontarf to City Centre Scheme also hosts quarterly consultative meetings where Elected Representatives, representatives of resident groups, business owners and others are invited to attend. At these meetings significant upcoming proposed temporary traffic management plans are presented to the consultative group and feedback is obtained and actioned.


Ahead of the proposal to move from the inbound to the outbound side of Fairview / Marino Village on 20th March members of the Clontarf to City Centre Scheme Project Team has met and spoken with the vast majority of businesses through Fairview and Marino. Drawings of the installation have been discussed and reviewed with the business owners and every attempt is being made to address any concerns raised.  


In relation to the various traffic management measures and restrictions, the Project Team are working with An Garda Siochana in relation their policing and enforcement.


The Area Engineer for Traffic is currently working on filter permeability works for Haverty Road, and further investigation works to mitigate traffic speed and volumes are planned.



Contact:         Victor Coe, Project Resident Engineer, Active Travel Programme Office.

Tel:                 222 2536.

Email:             activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie


Contact:         Andrew Geoghegan, Neighbourhood Transport Engineer, North City.

Tel:                 222 6347.

Email:             andrew.geoghegan@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe


That this area committee agree to request Parks Department to take the playground in Belmayne in charge.



Additional documents:



That this area committee agree to request Parks Department to take the playground in Belmayne in charge.





The playground in question is located within an open space which has not been offered for taking in charge to Dublin City Council. DCC would not take in charge a playground on its own within a privately managed but publicly accessible open space. I will query the status of this open space with the Planning and Development Department with regard to the potential for taking in charge in the future.


Contact:         Leslie Moore, Head of Parks, Biodiversity & Landscape Services

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. Barron.


Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney


That this Area Committee requests the Manager to take necessary immediate action to make safe for school going children, the area outside the schools on Griffith Avenue where currently drivers of motor vehicles mount the footpaths, park and reverse across footpaths both outside and opposite the schools, (parking particularly close to the pedestrian crossing) making for extremely hazardous conditions at this point on Griffith Avenue.


Additional documents:



That this Area Committee requests the Manager to take necessary immediate action to make safe for school going children, the area outside the schools on Griffith Avenue where currently drivers of motor vehicles mount the footpaths, park and reverse across footpaths both outside and opposite the schools, (parking particularly close to the pedestrian crossing) making for extremely hazardous conditions at this point on Griffith Avenue.






While Dublin City Council has provided facilities to encourage sustainable travel in the Griffith Avenue area, including the recent installation of a protected cycle track and the provision of cycle parking stands to local schools, it is recognised that challenges remain in relation to illegal driver behaviour in the vicinity of schools. The schools on Griffith Avenue will be written to requesting that they to work with their school communities in preventing dangerous and illegal driving in the area. However Dublin City Council does not have a role in enforcement in relation to dangerous and illegal driving, so we recommend that these challenges are also communicated to An Garda Síochána.


Contact:         Deirdre Kelly, Cycling & Walking Officer. 

Tel:                 087 4559494.

Email:             deirdre.kelly@dublincity.ie



Following on from the reply to Motion 2 from the February NCAC Meeting (attached for ease of reference), the Parking Enforcement Officers reply and instruction, there have been 16 fixed penalty notices issued on Griffith Avenue for various offences. Dublin Street Parking Services will continue to patrol and enforce at this location.



Contact:         Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer.

Tel:                 222 2017.

Email:             dermot.stevenson@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.  Seconded by Cllr. Cooney.


Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell


That this Area Committee calls upon DCC to prioritise the Marino Transport Scheme and that DCC uses whatever resources necessary including resources in ‘Active Travel’ to set out and implement the scheme without any further delay. 


This traffic / health and safety issue is primarily an unintended consequence of the C2CC and was flagged at the early planning stages of  C2CC well before construction began. 


Additional documents:


That this Area Committee calls upon DCC to prioritise the Marino Transport Scheme and that DCC uses whatever resources necessary including resources in ‘Active Travel’ to set out and implement the Scheme without any further delay. 

This traffic / health and safety issue is primarily an unintended consequence of the C2CC and was flagged at the early planning stages of C2CC well before construction began. 





The Clontarf to City Centre Scheme has a weekly traffic meeting whereby members from the Project Team, the Contractor, DCC Traffic, Dublin Fire Brigade, An Garda Síochána, Dublin Bus and others convene to review existing and upcoming temporary traffic management plans. A review of the proposed designs and issues that have arisen are reviewed as a matter of routine at these meetings.


The Clontarf to City Centre Scheme also hosts quarterly consultative meetings where Elected Representatives, representatives of resident groups, business owners and others are invited to attend. At these meetings significant upcoming proposed temporary traffic management plans are presented to the consultative group and feedback is obtained and actioned.


Ahead of the proposal to move from the inbound to the outbound side of Fairview / Marino Village on 20th March members of the Clontarf to City Centre Scheme Project Team has met and spoken with the vast majority of businesses through Fairview and Marino. Drawings of the installation have been discussed and reviewed with the business owners and every attempt is being made to address any concerns raised.  


In relation to the various traffic management measures and restrictions, the Project Team are working with An Garda Siochana in relation their policing and enforcement.


The Area Engineer for Traffic is currently working on filter permeability works for Haverty Road, and further investigation works to mitigate traffic speed and volumes are planned.


Contact:         Victor Coe, Project Resident Engineer, Active Travel Programme  Office.

Tel:                 222 2536.

Email:             activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie


Contact:         Andrew Geoghegan, Neighbourhood Transport Engineer, North City.

Tel:                 222 6347.

Email:             andrew.geoghegan@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.