That local councillors be updated on plans for the placement of refugees in the Artane area. Specifically we should be informed as what supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with local communities and be informed as to what measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the refugees and residents in the surrounding area, while anti-immigrant protests are taking place.
That the North Central Area Committee agrees that local councillors be updated on plans for the placement of Refugees in the Artane area. Specifically we should be informed as what supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with local communities and be informed as to what measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of the refugees and residents in the surrounding area, while anti-immigrant protests are taking place.
1. Updating of Cllrs. - placement of Refugees in the Artane area – DCC / IPAS Artane area.
2. Supports are being put in place to support refugee integration with Local Communities
3. Safety or refugees and residents during protests
Dublin City Council, has responded to requests from IPAS to make buildings available for the temporary accommodation of those seeking Temporary Protection from the war in Ukraine. Where these Rest Centres are being stood up, Councillors in the Local Area have been advised in advance and this will remain the case. When IPAS establish premises without input from Dublin City Council it is a matter for them to communicate directly with elected representatives. Dublin City Council has written to IPAS requesting greater engagement with Councillors in advance of these projects.
2 .a. The Ukraine Community Forum is a cross City grouping of public bodies and Agencies that share information on operational supports that are being put in place in DCC. Coilin O’Reilly chairs this forum and the Lord Mayor attends.
Membership has representation of the following bodies and agencies:
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, International Protection Accommodation Services (IPAS), The Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, An Garda Siochána, The HSE, Ballyfermot Partnership; Dublin Northwest Partnership, Dublin City Childcare Committee, TUSLA, City of Dublin Education and Training Board, ALONE, FoodCloud, Dublin City Volunteer Centre, The National Safety Centre, Dublin GAA, Dublin City Community Co-Op, North Side Partnership, Department of Social Protection and the Dublin South City Partnership.
Within these bodies and agencies there can also be sub groupings that are directly engaging with both those seeking Temporary Protection and International Protection.
This grouping does not represent all groups operating in this area but cover the majority of interactions.
As the response to both the Ukrainian and International Protection is dynamic, initiatives are responsive and subject to change. In the main they deal with:
1. Short term needs – registration with state agencies and schools / shelter / medical needs etc.
2. Medium term - securing longer term accommodation / training / social interaction including clubs and associations/ English language and employment supports / CE schemes etc.
Always up to date information found at gov.ie - Social Welfare supports for those arriving from Ukraine under the EU Temporary Protection Directive (www.gov.ie) and from www.citizensInformation.ie
2.b. On January 24th 2023 Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys and Minister of State Joe O’Brien announced details of the government’s €50 million Community Recognition Fund (CRF). The CRF is a major initiative, the first of its kind, designed to specifically support communities across the country that have welcomed and are hosting families and citizens from Ukraine and other countries. The primary aim of the fund is to support the development of facilities that can be used in the future by all members of the community.
The Fund is allocated between each local authority based on the number of new arrivals located there, taking into account both the level of new arrivals and the relative level of new arrivals vis á vis overall population in a local authority area
Under the scheme, the 2023 allocation for Dublin city is confirmed at €2,392,127.
3. In relation to Public Safety where we are made aware of concerning behaviour by one or more individuals we
a. Advise An Garda Siochána, who take appropriate measures dependent on the circumstances.
b. We advise residents of DCC facilities of our concerns and give advice according to the circumstances. Our rest centres have on-site security and advise us as to what may be appropriate to secure the safety of residents and our staff, who may also be targeted by protestors.
Following incidents, we review the circumstances and consider all appropriate action.
Contact: Liam Bergin, Executive Manager
Tel: 222 3793
Email: liam.bergin@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.