Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the NCAC Meeting dated 19th September, 2022. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Managers 17th October, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Le Fanu Road Skate Park presentation Ger O’Reilly, Ballyfermot Youth Service. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Presentation deferred to the November meeting |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting held on 27th September, 2022. Reports attached herewith. Gerald McEntagart/Catalin Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Gully report for noting Report for noting attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Report attached - Dermot Stevenson North Central Area Office Report & photographic addendum attached– Bernie Roe Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted & agreed.
Area Matters Additional documents: |
SEPTEMBER NCAC - Order: Agreed, subject to the following condition being inserted in the lease – Cllr. Donna Cooney (seconded by Cllr. Lyons) requested that as part of their conditions for the lease, that it would be incumbent upon Córas Iompair Éireann and Iarnród Éireann to provide a bicycle parking scheme within this land to accommodate a range of different bicycles, including “cargo” bicycles, to encourage as many modes of transport as possible as part of our “Active Travel” policy. Bláthnaid Conlon to revert back to the NCAC in this regard.
OCTOBER NCAC - Having subsequently gleaned information from Irish Rail in relation to their proposals to install bicycle stands, Councillor Cooney has confirmed that she is happy for the Licence to proceed as was originally presented. Looking for agreement to now recommend the grant of this lease to the November City Council meeting.
Cathy Cassidy
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 243 Larkhill Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9. Report attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Rejected. Members agreed on “New Millwood Court” as per the original proposal.
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Rejected. As this was the second proposal presented to and rejected by NCAC, in accordance with compliance procedures, the decision falls to the Director of Services Mr. Derek Kelly, who opted for the original proposal of “Griffin Point”.
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.
Update on the Belcamp Dump Verbal report - Derek Kelly, Director of Services on behalf of Owen Keegan, CEO. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Toilets - Clontarf Promenade & Fairview Park Verbal report – Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Killester Community Garden Verbal report - Fergus O’Carroll Motion 6h in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Heney, to be taken with this item.
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Area Manager's Reports Reports attached herewith. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Supply Report Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Sports & Wellbeing Report Report attached herewith. Sports & Wellbeing section unable to attend this month. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Tom Brabazon
That this Area Committee calls upon the council executive to expedite the taking in charge process for Clongriffin and Belmayne areas and to set out a clear timeline for this work.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee calls upon the council executive to expedite the taking in charge process for Clongriffin and Belmayne areas and to set out a clear timeline for this work.
Clongriffin: Gannon Homes applied in January 2022 to Planning and Development, Taking in Charge Section to have Clongriffin Main Street taken in charge. This is an ongoing process between Gannon Homes and the various DCC Service Departments who have snagged the area for any outstanding works which need to be carried out by Gannon Homes to bring Main Street up to a taking in charge standard. The taking in charge of Clongriffin will be done on a sequential basis, once Main Street has been taken in charge (estimated by the end of 2022) Gannon Homes will then apply for Marrsfield to be taken in charge followed by Bell Tree and Beau Park.
Belmayne: The North Central Area Office are co-ordinating efforts to regularise the taking in charge of some of the main streets in Belmayne: Belmayne Main Street, Belmayne Avenue, Parkside Boulevard and two sections of Greenway.
Belmayne has had a number of landowners including Shannon Homes, Stanley and Nama. Many of the main roads were left unfinished during the economic crash in 2008 and were never taken in charge. The current main landowner is Cairn Homes who in 2015 bought various portfolios in Belmayne, however, as other landowners are also involved, it makes the situation even more complex.
If financially viable a taking in charge process may be progressed by declaring the roads to be public roads under Section 11 of the Roads Act 1993, which is a reserved function rather than the regular taking in charge process, whereby the Developer applies to the Local Authority, Planning and Development Taking in Charge Section.
In order to establish the financial implications of the proposed declaration, the Area Office has been co-ordinating meetings with the various operational departments impacted by this proposal. Once an estimate for upgrading the roads to an acceptable standard is completed by each operational department the proposal will be brought to the Area Committee for consideration.
Contact: Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer Phone: 222 8845 Email: deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed |
Motion in the name of Councillor Tom Brabazon
That this Area Committee recognizes the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Edenmore housing estate and calls upon the area management to work with local groups to celebrate this important milestone.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee recognizes the 60th anniversary of the opening of the Edenmore housing estate and calls upon the area management to work with local groups to celebrate this important milestone.
The local area manager would be more than happy to engage with any local group to explore potential projects or initiatives to mark the 60th anniversary of Edenmore housing estate. The area office has already engaged with some local residents to start this conversation.
Contact: Bernie Roe, Local Area Manager for Clontarf – Donaghmede LEA Phone: 222 8846 Email: bernie.roe@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Tom Brabazon
That this Area Committee recognizes the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Donaghmede estate and calls upon the area management to work with local groups to celebrate this important milestone.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee recognizes the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Donaghmede estate and calls upon the area management to work with local groups to celebrate this important milestone.
The area office has been engaging with local resident groups in Donaghmede since early 2021 to ensure the 50th anniversary was acknowledged & celebrated. To this end we funded a number of community led initiatives including the production of a special anniversary booklet compiled by DERA and Dublin City Council also sponsored an anniversary dinner in the Hilton Hotel in November 2021.
Contact: Bernie Roe, Local Area Manager for Clontarf – Donaghmede LEA Phone: 222 8846 Email: bernie.roe@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten
That this Area Committee agree that over the next 2 years the council should commence the hire of 50 Dublin City Council trade apprentices.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee agree that over the next 2 years the council should commence the hire of 50 Dublin city Council trade apprentice.
The City Council will examine the possibility of increasing the number of trade apprentices over the next 2 years.
Contact: Dymphna Farrell, Executive Manager, Human Resources Department. Phone: 222 2381 Email: dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons
This Area Committee re-confirms its support for a publicly-owned all-weather football facility for the Artane-Whitehall area, the only area in the North-East of the city without such a facility; re-commits to supporting the local football clubs in the area who provide vital sporting and social outlets on a weekly basis for hundreds of young people in the area; is acutely aware of the organisational strains and financial difficulties the clubs experience as they try to manage Winter training for the young people; and therefore calls on the Director of Services to convene a meeting as soon as possible with the clubs, public representatives, the local area manager and the City Parks Superintendent to agree a timeframe and plan for securing the funding for such a badly needed facility.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee re-confirms its support for a publicly-owned all-weather football facility for the Artane-Whitehall area, the only area in the North-East of the city without such a facility; re-commits to supporting the local football clubs in the area who provide vital sporting and social outlets on a weekly basis for hundreds of young people in the area; is acutely aware of the organisational strains and financial difficulties the clubs experience as they try to manage Winter training for the young people; and therefore calls on the Director of Services to convene a meeting as soon as possible with the clubs, public representatives, the local area manager and the City Parks Superintendent to agree a timeframe and plan for securing the funding for such a badly needed facility.
Parks will attend any meeting organised by the Director of Service.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Phone: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The area office previously organised a meeting with the clubs, the public representatives and Les Moore and Fergus O’Carroll from the Parks Department to discuss the need for an All Weather pitch for the Artane/Whitehall LEA. It was agreed at this meeting that it would be necessary to add this facility to the three year capital budget as a source of funding, along with seeking Sports Capital funding. It was stated at the meeting that the Capital Budget had a number of sports facilities in different areas awaiting funding and that it would more than likely be a number of years before this project could be looked at. However Les stated that if the clubs were aware of any local areas in parks, schools etc. that would be suitable to install some small All Weather surfaces, they should let us know and we would endeavour to make this happen. We received a number of options that we are presently working through and the Parks Department, following up on a request from one of the clubs installed an extra All Weather surface in Dean Swift (Priorswood Park). The area office ensured that the available hours on the two surfaces at Dean Swift were shared between the clubs. St John Vianney, St Columban’s & Kilmore FC applied for hours and were facilitated with the hours requested. The area Manager is also still liaising with schools and Organisations in the area that were passed on by clubs.
The Area Office however agree that a larger facility would be beneficial to the area and its clubs, so we undertake to continue liaison with the Parks Department to examine possible locations and their relative feasibility i.e. with regard to Brent Geese, Bat Habitats etc. , possible avenues of funding and a timeline for the development of such a facility. When we have some answers to these questions, we will facilitate a meeting with the clubs and local councillors.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA Phone: 222 8546 Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. Gilliland.
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Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten
That this committee is concerned about the increase in port traffic using the Malahide Road in the North Central Area and about the associated noise and emissions problems being experienced by local residents, and calls for a review to be undertaken of HGV restrictions implemented under the HGV Traffic Cordon, and of the traffic plan to divert South Bank traffic onto Northside routes. In addition, this Committee requests that the Dublin Port Company and Transport Infrastructure Ireland should be consulted with a view to reducing Port Tunnel closures and with a view to dealing with the increasing proportion of HGV traffic being excluded from the tunnel, which all results in more Port Tunnel traffic being diverted onto the Malahide Road.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this committee is concerned about the increase in port traffic using the Malahide Road in the North Central Area and about the associated noise and emissions problems being experienced by local residents, and calls for a review to be undertaken of HGV restrictions implemented under the HGV Traffic Cordon, and of the traffic plan to divert South Bank traffic onto Northside routes. In addition, this Committee requests that the Dublin Port Company and Transport Infrastructure Ireland should be consulted with a view to reducing Port Tunnel closures, and with a view to dealing with the increasing proportion of HGV traffic being excluded from the tunnel, which all results in more Port Tunnel traffic being diverted onto the Malahide Road.
This matter has been referred to Transport Infrastructure Ireland for observation and response. A full report will issue in at November Area Committee.
Contact: Ciarán McGoldrick, Senior Staff Officer, Environment & Transportation Department Phone: 222 6182 Email: ciaran.mcgoldrick@dublincuty.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee notesthat residents of Pinebrook and St. David’s, Artane, are extremely happy with the official naming of St. Nicholas’ Park, Artane; and noting the fact that these residents previously expressed an interest in having a commemorative plaque placed on the wall of the Oratory - Church of the Resurrection (on the park side) to commemorate the boys who are buried there and who died while incarcerated in the Artane Industrial School (permission has been granted by the owner of the Oratory and an email to such effect has been submitted in writing to the North Central Area Office - (wording of the plaque to be agreed at a later stage)) that this Area Committee agree to their request for a commemorative plaque and forward same to the Commemorative Naming Committee for consideration at its November 2022 meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee notesthat residents of Pinebrook and St. David’s, Artane, are extremely happy with the official naming of St. Nicholas’ Park, Artane; and noting the fact that these residents previously expressed an interest in having a commemorative plaque placed on the wall of the Oratory - Church of the Resurrection (on the park side) to commemorate the boys who are buried there and who died while incarcerated in the Artane Industrial School (permission has been granted by the owner of the Oratory and an email to such effect has been submitted in writing to the North Central Area Office - (wording of the plaque to be agreed at a later stage)) that this Area Committee agree to their request for a commemorative plaque and forward same to the Commemorative Naming Committee for consideration at its November 2022 meeting.
Assuming that the proposal is for a Dublin City Council Commemorative Plaque, the motion, if approved, should be referred to the Arts & Culture SPC. The SPC may then forward it to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for consideration.
Contact: Brendan Teeling Phone: 087 6184734 Email: brendan.teeling@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. O’Muirí. Cllr. O’Farrell requested that the “Brothers” from the industrial school be recognised on a separate plaque beside there. The Serbian Orthodox church should also be notified as a courtesy. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee agrees to support the plans, (the finalisation of which are to be agreed with the Parks Department and the City Council's Heritage Officer) for the Killester Community Garden, to commemorate Irish WWI ex-servicemen, and that a report be presented on the matter.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee agrees to support the plans, (the finalisation of which are to be agreed with the Parks Department and the City Council's Heritage Officer) for the Killester Community Garden, to commemorate Irish WWI ex-servicemen, and that a report be presented on the matter.
The Commemorations & Naming Committee has expressed support for the proposal in principle and is happy for the details of the new design to be agreed with Parks.
However, the wording of any plaque or display board erected as part of the garden should be referred to the Commemorations & Naming Committee for approval.
Contact: Brendan Teeling Phone: 087 6184734 Email: brendan.teeling@dublincity.ie
The Parks Service and the Heritage Office are more than enthusiastic about this project and are working with this group on the plans for a community garden to present the history of the site. There are 2 strands to this project; the physical community garden on the open space and the research to gather together historic documents, photos, and family and local memories to tell the unique and interesting story or the area, the housing and community. In many ways the layout of the garden is the easier task as finding the best fit on the open space for seating, floral displays etc. on the open space is relatively straightforward. It does seem from the most cursory research that there is a wealth of information on the area and residents available and that a level of dedicated research that not only could provide excellent interpretative signage for the garden but it is possible that the project could lead on to a publication or indeed a local exhibition.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Phone: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The Area office were contacted by the local group leading out this initiative back in June. At a site meeting facilitated at this time we agreed to both support and sponsor the project once the design was approved by the Parks Department. This remains our position and we are happy to collaborate on this project with our colleagues from Parks and the Heritage Office.
Contact: Bernie Roe, North Central Area Manager (Clontarf and Donaghmede LEA) Phone: 086 6069900 Email: bernie.roe@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That this Area Committee agrees that as some Bull Island bathing shelter are all year sea swimmers have requested the possibility of providing a sauna on Bull Island even as a pilot for four months, that this be explored this winter season on existing hard surfacing as many other popular bathing areas including in south Dublin, Wicklow and Galway have saunas and they are increasingly popular “
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee agrees that as some Bull Island bathing shelter all year sea swimmers have requested, the possibility of providing a sauna on Bull Island even as a pilot for four months, that this be explored this winter season on existing hard surfacing as many other popular bathing areas including in south Dublin, Wicklow and Galway have saunas and they are increasingly popular “
Such services are provided by private companies on a commercial basis. There has been some interest from some suppliers in providing this service on The Bull Wall in the vicinity of the bathing shelters. However unlike other swimming sites listed Bull Island is a Statutory Nature Reserve. The unique challenges of this site such as limited access and parking and the proposal essentially introducing a fire source into a sand dune habitat vulnerable to fire and covered by statutory designations and protections and the required ecological assessments seemed to prove too difficult to overcome at the time.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Phone: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion rejected. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That this Area Committee expresses concern about the issues with mouldy tasting and mouldy odour and sometimes discoloured tap water throughout Clontarf, Killester, Marino and surrounding areas that have been reported by the public and the councillor to Irish water and that DCC lab take samples to investigate and report findings and write to Irish water to resolve this issue.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee expresses concern about the issues with mouldy tasting and mouldy odour and sometimes discoloured tap water throughout Clontarf, Killester, Marino and surrounding areas that have been reported by the public and the councillor to Irish water and that DCC lab take samples to investigate and report findings and write to Irish water to resolve this issue.
All issues relating to potable water should in the first instance be referred to Irish Water.
Irish Water have dedicated contact details for Local Representatives: Phone: 1890 178 178 Email: localrepsupport@water.ie
I’d encourage the Councillor to contact Irish Water directly.
Contact: Colm Fitzpatrick, Executive Manager (Engineering) Phone: 2222702 Email: colm.fitzpatrick@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
That this Area Committee recognises the serious traffic congestion on the Oscar Traynor Road/Coolock Lane and its ongoing impact on traffic flow as well as its contribution to serious concerns regarding the development of the Oscar Traynor lands. That we agree to organise a mini traffic and roads engineering summit to discuss current traffic congestion and plan for enhanced traffic flow including exploring alternative entrances and egresses to the Clonshaugh Business and technology Park , traffic light sequencing and filter light use, additional bus routes. That the DCC Head of Traffic and senior traffic engineers and traffic planners be invited to this summit along with senior representatives from the NTA, TII, IDA/Clonshaugh Business and technology Park as well as local residents association representatives.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Area Committee recognises the serious traffic congestion on the Oscar Traynor Rd/Coolock Lane and its ongoing impact on traffic flow as well as its contribution to serious concerns regarding the development of the Oscar Traynor lands. That we agree to organise a mini traffic and roads engineering summit to discuss current traffic congestion and plan for enhanced traffic flow including exploring alternative entrances and egresses to the Clonshaugh Business and technology Park , traffic light sequencing and filter light use, additional bus routes. That the DCC Head of Traffic and senior traffic engineers and traffic planners be invited to this summit along with senior representatives from the NTA, TII, IDA/Clonshaugh Business and technology Park as well as local residents association representatives.
The Local Area Office would be happy to facilitate a meeting with all stakeholders on the condition that the expertise from the Head of Traffic and senior traffic engineers and traffic planners can bring their expertise to the table along with senior representatives from the NTA, TII, IDA/Clonshaugh Business and technology Park and local residents association representatives however seeing as there are numerous planning & pre-planning applications live at present, it would not be possible for the planners to become involved at this time. This office will liaise with line departments to work out a time that this meeting could be held. The Transportation Planning Division can provide any necessary support in terms of documents and / or advice on this matter.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager Artane/Whitehall LEA Phone: 222 8546 Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. Lyons. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Micheal MacDonncha
That this Area Committee mandates the Area Manager to liaise with all stakeholders to address the inconvenience and general disruption being caused to residents of Belmayne by current construction works. We need to ensure that all relevant conditions are being adhered to and that, if necessary, additional measures are undertaken to minimise inconvenience and disruption to residents.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee mandates the Area Manager to liaise with all stakeholders to address the inconvenience and general disruption being caused to residents of Belmayne by current construction works. We need to ensure that all relevant conditions are being adhered to and that, if necessary, additional measures are undertaken to minimise inconvenience and disruption to residents.
There are currently 3 projects under construction in Belmayne, 2 of these are private developments and the third is the upgrade to Belmayne Main Street which is being carried out by the Coffey Group on behalf of Dublin City Council. This project is due for completion by the end of 2022 and will connect Priory Hall, Hole in the Wall Road with the Malahide Road, also included in these works are the installation of two sets of pedestrian traffic lights 1) located on Belmayne Avenue in front of St. Francis of Assisi School and the 2) on Parkside Boulevard. There is currently quite a lot of activity on this site with a large volume of construction traffic.
An incident was reported to DCC last week of a truck parked in front of the school in the morning when children were accessing the school and it was unsafe for them to do so. The Area Office brought this to the attention of DCC Project Engineer who in turn contacted the Foreman from Coffey’s who sincerely apologised and forwarded the following reply:
“It was a Roadstone truck that had come to the wrong site and had pulled up in an inappropriate place. Coffey personnel then moved him to an appropriate place until the issue was resolved. Coffey’s will endeavour to continue to manage deliveries while impacting on the general public as little as possible. Coffey’s have managed to do this so far at the School Junction. This case was an exception and a genuine mistake on behalf of the supplier, and Coffey’s managed this difficult situation as best as possible. Coffey’s will continue to manage this area in particular with the safety of the pedestrians at the forefront of our concerns”
The Area Office also received, followed up and responded to a number of complaints with regard to the enabling works the Coffey Group are carrying out on behalf of Belmayne Developments Ltd. to Site P4 (O’Neill Court) located on the corner of Churchwell Road and Churchwell Crescent of construction staff parking cars and work vehicles in private on street designated parking spots and residents finding safe access/egress to their homes quite difficult. When contacted the Foreman of Coffey’s ’came back with the following reply:
“This was a particular issue it seems when we were mobilizing in a new area of the site. In order to do this safely especially considering we have a large interface with school children (pedestrians), Coffey’s may have impacted some of the residents. However, now that the site is mobilized and we have set up our TM, etc. the impact should be little to none. Coffey’s will continue ... view the full minutes text for item 6l |
REMINDER - Submissions for following meetings Please submit items for future meetings (giving a full outline of what you require to be addressed) by email to fiona.moore@dublincity.ie by Friday 21st October, 2022. Additional documents: |