No. | Item |
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting held on 15th March, 2021. (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager (report herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Elaine Mulvenny (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Report noted. Feedback from Richmond Road Residents re initial design to be adapted to plan and put out to plebicide. List on July Agenda for update. |
Supporting the Arts in the North Central Area Ray Yeates (presentation to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Report noted. This item to be kept on the Agenda. |
Report on the Propagation of Trees in public domain NCA Fergus O’Carroll (presentation herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Fergus O’Carroll to circulate full pdf version of presentation to the Councillors. Councillors can email Fergus O’Carroll directly with their enquiries. |
Tree Pruning/Grass Cutting Contract Fergus O’Carroll (verbal update) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Waiting for completion of Grass cutting Contract. Fergus O’Carroll to bring back to the May meeting. |
Update - Clongriffin Town Centre Deirdre Murphy (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Report noted. Deirdre Murphy to revert directly to Councillors regarding specific enquiries. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order. Not agreed. The Manager to take back to Development Department and get further information for Committee next month. |
Disposal Fee Simple 190 Drumcondra Road Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
Disposals New Priory (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
Housing Supply Report (report herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Bunratty Road / Belcamp B site - Connell McGlynn to get report on both projects and report directly to the NCAC. Blackbanks/Newtown Cottages – Brian Kavanagh to get report on both projects and report directly to the NCAC. Housing Supply Report to be reviewed to represent the effect Covid 19 has had on housing supply. |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report (report herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. How many grants are the NCAC supporting under Jack Chamber scheme. |
Roads and Streets Matters Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the TAG meeting of 30.03.21 (report herewith)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Report: Noted. Eoin Corrigan to report back to next meeting re pedestrian crossing. |
Items for following meeting Additional documents: Minutes: Merville Ave Waste Issue – ELO to engage with businesses and prepare written report for May meeting. Grass Cutting Contract Eoin Corrigan TAG – Pedestrian Crossing Extinguishment 212 Malahide Road |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That this Committee seek a legal opinion on the position of the Dublin City Council’s Planning department firstly making recommendation to application on breaching the six story city limit especial in suburban area of the city.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Committee seek a legal opinion on the position of the Dublin City Council’s Planning department firstly making recommendation to application on breaching the six story city limit especial in suburban area of the city.
Planning guidelines may be issued by the Minister for Housing under Section 28 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Planning authorities and An Bord Pleanála are required to have regard to the guidelines and are also required to apply any specific planning policy requirements (SPPRs) contained in the guidelines, within the meaning of Section 28 (1C) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) in carrying out their functions.
SPPR3 contained in the Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2018) states that “It is a specific planning policy requirement that where; (A)1. an applicant for planning permission sets out how a development proposal complies with the criteria above (outlined in the guidelines); and 2. the assessment of the planning authority concurs, taking account of the wider strategic and national policy parameters set out in the National Planning Framework and these guidelines; then the planning authority may approve such development, even where specific objectives of the relevant development plan or local area plan may indicate otherwise”.
Accordingly, it is not considered necessary to seek legal advice relating to the ability of the Planning Department to recommend that permission be granted for appropriate development that may exceed development plan height parameters on the basis that SPPR3 outlined the Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2018) takes precedence over any conflicting, policies and objectives of development plans and local area plans.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact Bryan Ward Phone: 222 6169 Email: bryan.ward@dublincity.ie
Order: Planning Department to be invited in to future meeting to talk to NCAC. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That this Committee write to the Chief Executive stating that we oppose the Planning department making recommendations on large scale planning application without the planning department submitting the recommendations to the local area committee first.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Committee write to the Chief Executive stating that we oppose the Planning department making recommendations on large scale planning application without the planning department submitting the recommendations to the local area committee first.
In accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000, the elected members of the city council are responsible for the adoption of the city development plan and therefore have an interest in how the provisions of the plan are implemented. However, in accordance with Section 34 of the same Act, the determination of a planning application is a function of the Chief Executive.
The purpose of presenting planning applications at an area committee meeting is to keep elected members informed of the implementation of development plan provisions and to enable them to respond to queries from members of the public. However, any comments made at area committee meetings do not form part of the deliberation process and cannot be taken into account in determining planning applications.
An elected member can make a written submission to support or object to a planning application within the statutory 5 week time limit which will be taken into consideration when determining a planning application.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Mary Conway, Deputy Dublin City Planning Officer Tel: 222 3319 Email: mary.conway@dublincity.ie
Order: Planning Department to be invited in to future meeting to talk to NCAC.
Motion in the name of Councillor Racheal Batten That this Committee take on board the numerous concerns raised by residence about the format of the public online meeting with Clann about the development in Whitehall Carpark. Give the vast majority of residence did not feel they were heard or their concerns being noted that the Council itself will arrange and run their own public online meeting to have the residences concern properly taken on board. This is supposed to be a community driven development and the council made assurance that this would be done.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Committee take on board the numerous concerns raised by residence about the format of the public online meeting with Clann about the development in Whitehall Carpark. Give the vast majority of residence did not feel they were heard or their concerns being noted that the Council itself will arrange and run their own public online meeting to have the residences concern properly taken on board. This is supposed to be a community driven development and the council made assurance that this would be done.
Dublin City Council are aware that a virtual meeting took place on the evening of the 25th March with Clann/Cluid and residents from the local community regarding the proposed development of the site at Swords Rd/ Collins Avenue. Under normal circumstances, residents would be invited to a series of face-to-face meeting but due to COVID-19 safety restrictions this is not possible.
This meeting was intended as an introductory meeting to provide the community with information on the service that Clann provide and to deliver a detailed presentation of the proposed plans for the site.
The meeting was timetabled to take one hour, and residents were invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting and through the chat facility available on the Zoom platform during the meeting. The presentation of the plans and introduction to Clann took approximately 40 minutes which did not leave enough time to answer all the questions submitted by the approximately 50+ attendees. Residents were invited on the night to provide contact details to Clann so that they can open direct communication channels with local residents via email, phone and printed material.
This was the first meeting in a series of events which are intended to keep the local community up to speed on the project. The intention is to continue to provide opportunities for local community engagement via virtual meetings, leaflet drops, and through online communication channels. At the moment Clann are preparing a list of FAQ for the project and drawing up a document setting out answers to additional questions posed by the local community. When this is completed the document will be circulated to the local community for their information and a date for the next virtual meeting will be set.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Dymphna Farrell, Senior Executive Officer, Housing & Community Services Tel: 222 6530 Email: dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Clann/Cluid to re-engage with residents with DCC present. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee recognises the need to front load essential infrastructure and traffic management systems that will support sustainable development on the Oscar Traynor Rd site. Therefore the North Central Area Committee demands that a feasibility study be carried out to with a view to realising Dublin City Development Plan Objective MTO31 - a road scheme connecting the current Clonshaugh Industrial Estate Road with the R139. That this feasibility study indicate
· if the road as proposed in the Development Plan can be realised and if it will allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd · and if the road as proposed in the Development Plan is not feasible or would not allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd that another route be advised
Basically, that this study recommend a feasible route that will connect the current Clonshaugh Industrial Estate Road with the R139 that will allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd.
That the feasibility study be carried out and a report presented to the North Central Area Committee at the latest, at its September meeting
Additional documents: Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the need to front load essential infrastructure and traffic management systems that will support sustainable development on the Oscar Traynor Rd site. Therefore the North Central Area Committee demands that a feasibility study be carried out to with a view to realising Dublin City Development Plan Objective MTO31 - a road scheme connecting the current Clonshaugh Industrial Estate Road with the R139. That this feasibility study indicate
· if the road as proposed in the Development Plan can be realised and if it will allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd · and if the road as proposed in the Development Plan is not feasible or would not allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd that another route be advised
Basically, that this study recommend a feasible route that will connect the current Clonshaugh Industrial Estate Road with the R139 that will allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd.
That the feasibility study be carried out and a report presented to the North Central Area Committee at the latest, at its September meeting
Road Design & Construction will carry out a feasibility study for a scheme that will allow for a reduction of traffic into and out of the Industrial Estate via the Oscar Traynor Rd.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Joseph Kelly, Senior Engineer. Road Design & Construction Division. Tel: 222 2907. Email: joseph.kelly@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee recognises the imperative of providing additional social housing needs across our area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the important role Approved Housing Bodies play in supporting Dublin City Council in such provision. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises the crucial role of local community consultation and liaison in the planning processes of any new housing development.
Therefore, the North Central Area Committee demands that ahead of the submission of a planning application for Millwood Court that the following aspects be agreed with the local community:
a) a construction traffic management plan b) a demolition plan that takes cognisance of the incidences of COPD among residents in the immediate vicinity c) demolition and construction working hours
Additional documents: Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the imperative of providing additional social housing needs across our area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the important role Approved Housing Bodies play in supporting Dublin City Council in such provision. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises the crucial role of local community consultation and liaison in the planning processes of any new housing development.
Therefore, the North Central Area Committee demands that ahead of the submission of a planning application for Millwood Court that the following aspects be agreed with the local community:
a) a construction traffic management plan b) a demolition plan that takes cognisance of the incidences of COPD among residents in the immediate vicinity c) demolition and construction working hours
As part of the planning application process, a condition would pertain for a detailed construction and demolition management plan to be submitted on appointment of a contractor. This plan would include details such as intended demolition and construction practice for the development, construction phasing and programme, a detailed traffic management plan, hours of working, noise and dust management measures, and off-site disposal of construction/demolition waste. The appointed contractor liaises with DCC Road Works Control Section during the demolition and construction period.
A preliminary Construction and Demolition Management Plan may be submitted as part of the application process to provide an overview of the anticipated phasing programme and traffic management plan; however this cannot be finalised until a main contractor has been appointed to the development and any site specific requirements associated with said contractor can be agreed as part of an ongoing process with the Roadworks Control Section. The working hours for construction and demolition are set out as standard in conditions attached to a planning permission. Any deviation from these working hours are subject to the approval of the Planning Department.
In addition any contractor who may be engaged to work on this development will be required to comply with H & S obligations and good practice. All of these elements will be directed and overseen by an appointed Project Supervisor who will co-ordinate all matters regarding safety and health including identifying hazards. This will include but will not be limited to dust control and damping down during the demolition stage.
FOLD will consult with the local community on the above mattes if planning permission is granted for the development, and a representative will be appointed to liaise directly with the local community on all matters relating to the construction and build of the development.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Dymphna Farrell, Senior Executive Officer, Housing & Community Services Phone: 222 6530 Email: dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: All three requested reports to be completed and discussed with residents before going to planning. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland The North Central Area Committee recognises the imperative of providing additional social housing needs across our area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the important role Approved Housing Bodies play in supporting Dublin City Council in such provision. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises the crucial role of local community consultation and liaison in the planning processes of any new housing development. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee demands that Clann engage and communicate more appropriately with local residents with regard to the development of senior citizens housing on the carpark at Whitehall Church, that in any meeting convened that local residents be allowed ask and have answered relevant pertinent question in person (virtually or face-to-face) and that their legitimate concerns be taken on boarded and responded to.
Additional documents: Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the imperative of providing additional social housing needs across our area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises the important role Approved Housing Bodies play in supporting Dublin City Council in such provision. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises the crucial role of local community consultation and liaison in the planning processes of any new housing development. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee demands that Clann engage and communicate more appropriately with local residents with regard to the development of senior citizens housing on the carpark at Whitehall Church, that in any meeting convened that local residents be allowed ask and have answered relevant pertinent question in person (virtually or face-to-face) and that their legitimate concerns be taken on boarded and responded to.
Dublin City Council are aware that a virtual meeting took place on the evening of the 25th March with Clann/Cluid and residents from the local community regarding the proposed development of the site at Swords Rd/ Collins Avenue. Under normal circumstances, residents would be invited to a series of face-to-face meetings but due to COVID-19 safety restrictions this is not possible.
This meeting was intended as an introductory meeting to provide the community with information on the service that Clann provide and to deliver a detailed presentation of the proposed plans for the site.
The meeting was timetabled to take one hour, and residents were invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting and through the chat facility available on the Zoom platform during the meeting. The presentation of the plans and introduction to Clann took approximately 40 minutes which did not leave enough time to answer all the questions submitted by the approximately 50+ attendees. Residents were invited on the night to provide contact details to Clann so that they can open direct communication channels with local residents via email, phone and printed material.
This was the first meeting in a series of events which are intended to keep the local community up to speed on the project. The intention is to continue to provide opportunities for local community engagement via virtual meetings, leaflet drops, and through online communication channels. At the moment Clann are preparing a list of FAQ for the project and drawing up a document setting out answers to additional questions posed by the local community. When this is completed the document will be circulated to the local community for their information and a date for the next virtual meeting will be set.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Dymphna Farrell, Senior Executive Officer, Housing & Community Services Phone: 222 6530 Email: dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Clann/Cluid to re-engage with residents with DCC present. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell That this Area Committee discusses the urgent need for temporary toilets ( Covid 19 ) to be installed near popular walking areas as a matter of urgency and also decides whether or not to request a temporary toilet be located at the sea side ( back of ) of the pumping station near the end of Vernon Ave.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Area Committee discusses the urgent need for temporary toilets ( Covid 19 ) to be installed near popular walking areas as a matter of urgency and also decides whether or not to request a temporary toilet be located at the sea side ( back of ) of the pumping station near the end of Vernon Ave.
Dublin City Council has been reviewing options with regard to the provision of public toilets in Dublin City with the emerging preferred option being the provision of toilets as an integrated part of retail units at high profile and high footfall locations to be selected by tenderers. The issuing of a tender is imminent.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. Report to next meeting. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask the Manager could the suitability of tree planting, planters, or some form of greening, softening of the environment be provided at the end of Foyle Road where it meets the an post sorting office, the finish there is bad since the 90’s and it is felt by residents to be an eyesore and could really do with greenery improvements”
Additional documents: Minutes: “To ask the Manager could the suitability of tree planting, planters, or some form of greening, softening of the environment be provided at the end of Foyle Road where it meets the an post sorting office, the finish there is bad since the 90’s and it is felt by residents to be an eyesore and could really do with greenery improvements”
The area is hard-surfacing where a cul-de-sac meets a wall and is not suitable for tree planting. Planters which might provide some opportunities for planting are not provided by the Parks and Biodiversity Service.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The Environmental Liaison Office visited this location and has stated that the paths are too narrow for trees/planters to be planted & planters would block the access at Foyle Road.
Contact Robert Ingram, Environmental Liaison Officer Phone: 222 8843 Email: robert.ingram@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Response not acceptable Councillor requires new response.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “ To ask the Manager could planters or some other greenery be provided in the Craigford Drive, Killester/Artane, the residents there are trying to encourage each other to appreciate and care for their environment, while keeping it clean and making the area more appealing to live; But unfortunately, the roads don’t have any grass verges for the residents to plant, so they feel that they look like a bit of a concrete jungle, can the residents be helped to green their neighbour ”
Additional documents: Minutes: “To ask the Manager could planters or some other greenery be provided in the Craigford Drive, Killester/Artane, the residents there are trying to encourage each other to appreciate and care for their environment, while keeping it clean and making the area more appealing to live; But unfortunately, the roads don’t have any grass verges for the residents to plant, so they feel that they look like a bit of a concrete jungle, can the residents be helped to green their neighbour ”
The Craigford Drive has narrow paths not suitable for planters. When placing planters wheel chair mobility has to be considered. I would recommend the residents of Craigford to setup a community environmental group. North Central Area office Public domain unit can facilitate community clean-up tools and materials to the residents going forward.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Robert Ingram, Environmental Liaison Officer Phone: 222 8843 Email: rob.ingram@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask the Manager could the steps on the ladies bathing shelters be repaired and hooks be provided on the mixed shelters on the Bull wall, thank you to parks for recent painting of the bathing shelters, but more repairs and maintenance are needed as they are very popular, could DCC labs also provide updates on any water quality testing to councillors outside the bathing season”
Additional documents: Minutes: “To ask the Manager could the steps on the ladies bathing shelters be repaired and hooks be provided on the mixed shelters on the Bull wall, thank you to parks for recent painting of the bathing shelters, but more repairs and maintenance are needed as they are very popular, could DCC labs also provide updates on any water quality testing to councillors outside the bathing season”
Provision has been made in the Parks Improvements Budget to carry out repairs to the shelter which will affected as soon as current restrictions allow.
Bathing water quality testing is published by Water Pollution Control on the DCC website and appears to include results from outside of the bathing season.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The Water Pollution Control (WPC) section of Dublin City Council is responsible monitoring water quality at designated bathing areas and communicating that data to the public, as well as any issues pertaining to bathing water quality. Our WPC Section continues to monitor designated and undesignated bathing areas both during and outside of the bathing season. All results of this water quality monitoring are published at two locations, namely; DCC’s website for bathing water quality (LINK), and; at DCC noticeboards in the vicinity of various designated and undesignated bathing areas which are updated frequently, including the aforementioned North Bull Wall.
Contact: Roy O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Roy.oconnor@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri “That Dublin City Council formulate a set of measures to deal with traffic congestion outside the entrance to Maryfield College, D9 at peak school hours to encompass consultation both with local residents and with the school”
Additional documents: Minutes: “That Dublin City Council formulate a set of measures to deal with traffic congestion outside the entrance to Maryfield College, D9 at peak school hours to encompass consultation both with local residents and with the school”
Due to the extremely high number of requests we are receiving through the Covid Mobility Request Form and directly from Councillor’s, it is not possible to address all immediately. The location will be assessed by an engineer as soon as possible.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Antonia Martin, Communication & Promotion Officer, Covid Mobility Measures. Email: covidmobility@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri & Damian O Farrell “That this Area
committee proposes that a voluntary 30kph maximum speed limit trial
takes place on two consecutive days ( one weekday / one weekend day
ie Friday / Saturday or Sunday /
Monday) within the Dublin City Council functional area.
Additional documents: Minutes: “That this Area committee proposes that a voluntary 30kph maximum speed limit trial takes place on two consecutive days ( one weekday / one weekend day ie Friday / Saturday or Sunday / Monday) within the Dublin City Council functional area. awareness of Dublin City Council’s ongoing Special Speed Bye-Laws procedure and allow them make an
informed submission. Council that the impending DCC Special Speed Bye-Laws are sent for statutory public consultation”
The 2004 Road Traffic Act provides the legislative basis for speed limits generally, providing for the application of default speed limits in respect of various road types. There is no provision in legislation to allow us to have a trial for the 30 kph speed limit as set out in this motion. The Default speed limits can only be changed by making Special Speed Limit bye-laws. The power to do so is vested in the Elected Members of Local Authorities. The primary purpose of any such intervention should be to better match the maximum speed allowed to the road conditions, and to improve road safety. To introduce the changed by making Special Speed Limit bye-laws local authorities most follow the following procedure setting in the Guidelines For Setting and Managing Speed Limits In Ireland (https://www.tipperarycoco.ie/sites/default/files/Publications/Guide%20Speed%20Limits%20March%202015.pdf) Please see following diagram process:
Currently the Road Safety Section is working on the proposal for Dublin City Council Special Speed Limit bye-Laws April 2021. After the Non Statuary Public Consultation we are expecting to produce our final version of the proposal and we are aiming to report the outcome of the non-statutory public consultation at the next Transportation SPC meeting.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Rossana Camargo, Executive Engineer, Transportation. Road Safety. Policy, Strategy and Innovation Section. Email: rossana.camargo@dublincity.ie
Order: Seconded by Cllr. Heney and thirded by Cllr. Brabazon. Opposition noted Cllr. Cooney, Cllr Lyons and Cllr. Mac Donncha. Agreed to send to Traffic SPC for consideration. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe “That this Area Committee notes the criticisms (see below) from Residents of The Thatch Road, Whitehall, in relation to the consultation meeting chaired by Clann on 25.03.2021 with regard to the proposed development on Holy Child Church car park. That this committee agrees to write to the head of Clann and request that all consultation and development of this site be put on hold until such time as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted in order to allow face to face communication to be held between Clann and local residents.
* Residents were asked to submit questions in advance, even though most residents had not seen the plans before the meeting. * Questions submitted in advance of the meeting, as requested, were not answered. * Many questions submitted on the night were not answered. * During the meeting the chat was private and attendees could not see the questions posted by other residents. Only five minutes at the end of the meeting was given over to addressing selected questions from residents. * No resident has yet received an acknowledgement, or answers to their requests for information, from Clann.
Also signed by: Cllr Tom Brabazon Cllr Deirdre Heney Cllr Catherine Stocker
Additional documents: Minutes: “That this Area Committee notes the criticisms (see below) from Residents of The Thatch Road, Whitehall, in relation to the consultation meeting chaired by Clann on 25.03.2021 with regard to the proposed development on Holy Child Church car park. That this committee agrees to write to the head of Clann and request that all consultation and development of this site be put on hold until such time as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted in order to allow face to face communication to be held between Clann and local residents.
* Residents were asked to submit questions in advance, even though most residents had not seen the plans before the meeting. * Questions submitted in advance of the meeting, as requested, were not answered. * Many questions submitted on the night were not answered. * During the meeting the chat was private and attendees could not see the questions posted by other residents. Only five minutes at the end of the meeting was given over to addressing selected questions from residents. * No resident has yet received an acknowledgement, or answers to their requests for information, from Clann.
Also signed by: Cllr Tom Brabazon Cllr Deirdre Heney Cllr Catherine Stocker
Dublin City Council are aware that a virtual meeting took place on the evening of the 25th March with Clann/Cluid and residents from the local community regarding the proposed development of the site at Swords Rd/ Collins Avenue. Under normal circumstances, residents would be invited to a series of face-to-face meeting but due to COVID-19 safety restrictions this is not possible. This meeting was intended as an introductory meeting to provide the community with information on the service that Clann provide and to deliver a detailed presentation of the proposed plans for the site.
The meeting was timetabled to take one hour, and residents were invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting and through the chat facility available on the Zoom platform during the meeting. I am aware that the presentation of the plans and introduction to Clann took approximately 40 minutes which did not leave enough time to answer all the questions submitted by the approximately 50+ attendees. Residents were invited on the night to provide contact details to Clann so that they can open direct communication channels with local residents via email, phone and printed material.
This was the first meeting in a series of events which are intended to keep the local community up to speed on the project. This project is at the very early stages of development and the intention is to continue to provide opportunities for local community engagement via virtual meetings, leaflet drops, and through online communication channels. At the moment Clann are preparing a list of FAQ for the project and drawing up a document setting out answers to additional questions posed by the local community. When this is completed the document will be circulated to the local community for their information and a date for the ... view the full minutes text for item 6m |