{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe

Agenda item

“That this Area Committee notes the criticisms (see below) from Residents of The Thatch Road, Whitehall, in relation to the consultation meeting chaired by Clann on 25.03.2021 with regard to the proposed development on Holy Child Church car park. That this committee agrees to write to the head of Clann and request that all consultation and development of this site be put on hold until such time as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted in order to allow face to face communication to be held between Clann and local residents.


  *         Residents were asked to submit questions in advance, even though most residents had not seen the plans before the meeting.

*         Questions submitted in advance of the meeting, as requested, were not answered.

  *         Many questions submitted on the night were not answered.

  *          During the meeting the chat was private and attendees could not see the questions posted by other residents.  Only five minutes at the end of the meeting was given over     to addressing selected questions from residents.

*         No resident has yet received an acknowledgement, or answers to their requests for information, from Clann.


Also signed by:           Cllr Tom Brabazon

Cllr Deirdre Heney

Cllr Catherine Stocker 



“That this Area Committee notes the criticisms (see below) from Residents of The Thatch Road, Whitehall, in relation to the consultation meeting chaired by Clann on 25.03.2021 with regard to the proposed development on Holy Child Church car park. That this committee agrees to write to the head of Clann and request that all consultation and development of this site be put on hold until such time as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted in order to allow face to face communication to be held between Clann and local residents.


  *         Residents were asked to submit questions in advance, even though most residents had not seen the plans before the meeting.

*         Questions submitted in advance of the meeting, as requested, were not answered.

  *         Many questions submitted on the night were not answered.

  *          During the meeting the chat was private and attendees could not see the questions posted by other residents.  Only five minutes at the end of the meeting was given over     to addressing selected questions from residents.

*         No resident has yet received an acknowledgement, or answers to their requests for information, from Clann.


Also signed by:           Cllr Tom Brabazon

Cllr Deirdre Heney

Cllr Catherine Stocker 




Dublin City Council are aware that a virtual meeting took place on the evening of the 25th March with Clann/Cluid and residents from the local community regarding the proposed development of the site at Swords Rd/ Collins Avenue. Under normal circumstances, residents would be invited to a series of face-to-face meeting but due to COVID-19 safety restrictions this is not possible.

This meeting was intended as an introductory meeting to provide the community with information on the service that Clann provide and to deliver a detailed presentation of the proposed plans for the site.


The meeting was timetabled to take one hour, and residents were invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting and through the chat facility available on the Zoom platform during the meeting. I am aware that the presentation of the plans and introduction to Clann took approximately 40 minutes which did not leave enough time to answer all the questions submitted by the approximately 50+ attendees. Residents were invited on the night to provide contact details to Clann so that they can open direct communication channels with local residents via email, phone and printed material. 


This was the first meeting in a series of events which are intended to keep the local community up to speed on the project. This project is at the very early stages of development and the intention is to continue to provide opportunities for local community engagement via virtual meetings, leaflet drops, and through online communication channels. At the moment Clann are preparing a list of FAQ for the project and drawing up a document setting out answers to additional questions posed by the local community. When this is completed the document will be circulated to the local community for their information and a date for the next virtual meeting will be set. 


Coilín O’Reilly

Director of Services    

North City


Contact:           Dymphna Farrell, Senior Executive Officer, Housing & Community Services

Phone:               222 6530

Email:               dymphna.farrell@dublincity.ie


Amendment to Motion 6m for today’s Area Committee

This Area Committee notes the criticisms (see below) from local residents, in relation to the consultation meeting chaired by Clann on 25.3.2021 with regard to the proposed development on Holy Child Church car park, and that this committee agrees to write to the head of Clan and request full and meaningful consultation with residents before any further steps are taken with regards this proposed development, and that consultation and communication are maintained at every stage.

• Residents were asked to submit questions in advance, even though most residents had not seen the plans prior to the meeting.

• Questions submitted in advance of the meeting, as requested were not answered.

• Many questions submitted on the night were not answered. During the meeting chat was private and attendees could not see the questions posed by other residents. Only five minutes at the end of the meeting was given over to addressing selected questions from residents.

• No resident has yet received an acknowledgement or answers to other requests for information from Clann.


Cllr. Larry O’Toole

Cllr. Micheal MacDonncha.



Order:  Amendment Agreed.  Clann / Cluid to  re-engage with residents with DCC present.