No. | Item |
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting held on the 18 th January 2020 (report herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Manager (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Nomination of two Councillors to the Darndale Socio-economic and Community Plan Implementation Oversight Group Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed to nominate four Councillors to group. Cllr. O’Toole, Cllr. Batten, Cllr. Lyons and Cllr. Gilliland. To be reviewed in six months. |
Update Presentation from Fold - Millwood Court Tina Donaghy/Ray Grady/Ger English (presentation to follow) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. One further consultation with residents to take place. |
Launch of Pre Part 8 - Millwood Court Aisling Browne / Dymphna Farrell (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Report for local area Development outside of Development plan NCA Bryan Ward (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Raheny Shamrock Athletic Club - Proposed Clubhouse Dick Hooper / Michael Crimin (report and presentation herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: NCA are very supportive of this proposal and support the progression to S.183. |
Stardust Memorial Greenway and Trail to Edenmore Fergus O’Carroll (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: The Manager informed the NCAC that we will undertake this as a project and engage with families and Cllr. Mac Donncha to progress this. The Councillors commended the Parks Department on how well Stardust Memorial / Park have been maintained. |
Discretionary Fund Report Elaine Mulvenny (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: The Manager suggested a dedicated meeting be arranged in the coming weeks. This was agreed by the Committee. |
North Central Area Climate Development Plan (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Defer to March meeting. Sabrina Dekker, Biodiversity Officer to attend. |
Glin Court - Initiation of Part 8 Matt Carroll/Connell McGlynn (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Cllr. O’Toole proposed the initiation of the launch of Part 8 this was seconded by Cllr. Tom Brabazon. Refer to City Council. |
Elaine Mulvenny (report herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
Disposals at New Priory (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council |
Exchange at New Priory (report herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council
Housing Allocations Report January 2021 (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Housing Supply Report (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Roads and Streets Additional documents: |
Minutes of TAG meeting of 26th January, 2021. (report herewith) Additional documents: |
Items for following meeting Additional documents: Minutes: Cycling Infrastructure Plan Climate Report – Sabrina Dekker Car Parking Situation on Bull Island – (Cllr. O’Farrell April Agenda) Extinguishment of Casilla Park of Vernon Ave – (Cllr. O’Farrell Mar Agenda). |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Tom Brabazon That this Area Committee instructs the Chief Executive and calls upon the Chief Executive of the NTA to carry out the democratic will of this Council as expressed by the amendment of the Housing Land Initiative Report of on fhe 9th January 2017. This report was the foundation document of the Procurement and Disposal Process of the Oscar Traynor Road site which was passed by a 100% vote by Councillors in favour of the amendment on the 9th January 2017, the wording of which was (in bold) below: “Dublin City Council has recently met with residents of Lorcan Estate and public representatives from the North West and North Central Area. It is proposed to put in place a Local Consultative Forum to ensure that there is fair and ongoing engagement and consultation with Community Interests in the area. The exact consultation structure can be agreed between the Area Committees and the local Area Managers and their teams but will include representatives of Lorcan Estate, Castletimon Estate, Woodlawn Estate, Aulden Grange Estate, Santry Court Estate and Gaelscoil Cholmcille. 1. This forum will be consulted by those drawing up the statutory Master Plan. 2.The Masterplan will then be presented to the City Council for approval.”
As neither 1: 1. This forum will be consulted by those drawing up the statutory Master Plan nor 2: 2.The Masterplan will then be presented to the City Council for approval.” have ever been completed, it is incumbent upon the Chief Executive to complete these two steps immediately and should have done so “before” the Oscar Traynor Road was presented for disposal.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this Area Committee instructs the Chief Executive and calls upon the Chief Executive of the NTA to carry out the democratic will of this Council as expressed by the amendment of the Housing Land Initiative Report of on fhe 9th January 2017. This report was the foundation document of the Procurement and Disposal Process of the Oscar Traynor Road site which was passed by a 100% vote by Councillors in favour of the amendment on the 9th January 2017, the wording of which was (in bold) below: “Dublin City Council has recently met with residents of Lorcan Estate and public representatives from the North West and North Central Area. It is proposed to put in place a Local Consultative Forum to ensure that there is fair and ongoing engagement and consultation with Community Interests in the area. The exact consultation structure can be agreed between the Area Committees and the local Area Managers and their teams but will include representatives of Lorcan Estate, Castletimon Estate, Woodlawn Estate, Aulden Grange Estate, Santry Court Estate and Gaelscoil Cholmcille. 1. This forum will be consulted by those drawing up the statutory Master Plan. 2.The Masterplan will then be presented to the City Council for approval.”
As neither 1: 1. This forum will be consulted by those drawing up the statutory Master Plan nor 2: 2.The Masterplan will then be presented to the City Council for approval.” have ever been completed, it is incumbent upon the Chief Executive to complete these two steps immediately and should have done so “before” the Oscar Traynor Road was presented for disposal.
This forum will be consulted by those drawing up the statutory Master Plan The original motion referred to a change to be made to the text of the Oscar Traynor Road Feasibility Study, 2017. The proposed text contained the phrase “statutory masterplan”, since, in the context of the Housing Land Initiative procedure, the masterplan cannot be considered “statutory”, the word “statutory” was omitted from the final document. The Community Consultative Forum was set up in 2017, as per the text contained in the final version of the Feasibility Study above, including the membership. The consultation with the local community has had a deep and strategic impact on the masterplan at all levels. Especially on the following issues: Mixed, not single tenure, no scope for vehicular rat running through the new development, taller buildings to be distanced from existing two storey houses, inclusion of at least 20% of the site to be dedicated to a park, local labour and apprenticeship clause, Restriction on the use of bogus sole trader employment on site, de-culverting of the Naniken river, restriction on retail units (attracting extra traffic), limited scope for studio apartments, no student accommodation, no “shared living units”, inclusion of community facilities, MUGA etc, mitigation of wider traffic issues in local area, facilitating the construction of the gaelscoil etc etc,
The Masterplan will then be presented to ... view the full minutes text for item 6a |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Declan Flanagan “To ask the Manager can an audit be carried out on all traffic lights in the North Central area to make sure they are operating efficiently and correctly. Can 'smart traffic light systems' be introduced in some key areas in the North Central area”
Additional documents: Minutes:
“To ask the Manager can an audit be carried out on all traffic lights in the North Central area to make sure they are operating efficiently and correctly. Can 'smart traffic light systems' be introduced in some key areas in the North Central area”
Traffic signals in Dublin city are controlled by the City Council's Urban Traffic Management System, SCATS. SCATS is an adaptive traffic control system that automatically alters signal timings based on traffic flows and vehicle demands taken from on street vehicle detectors. These detectors can be in road inductive loops, video cameras, radar, and push buttons (for pedestrians) or a mix of these technologies. Also automatic systems offer priority at traffic signals to public transport at many city junctions.
In addition, traffic in the city is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by the City Council's Traffic Control Centre, and amendments are made in SCATS by these staff in response to incidents and problems /congestion as they arise. Traffic signal sequences are cyclical at junctions giving a percentage of available time to each approach dependant both on traffic volume, demand and pre-set timings.
SCATS has to service demands from pedestrians, cyclists, public transport operators and general traffic meaning that a balance needs to be struck between various users on different approaches and various modes of transport, and it is therefore not always possible to prioritise one mode or approach over another.
If there are specific perceived issues with traffic signal operation at any junction in North Central Area please don’t hesitate to send a follow up query that I can investigate and respond to.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Seán Fallon, Assistant ITS Officer, Transportation Phone: 222 6198 Email: sean.fallon@dublincity.ie
Order: The Manager has asked Cllr. Flanagan to identify specifically which Traffic lights he is referring to and he will follow up. |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons “Recognising and welcoming the numerous residential developments and sites along either side of Coolock Lane, Oscar Traynor Road and its environs that are currently under construction, at design stage or preliminary planning stage and aware also of the potential additional pressures on the road network that these developments will generate, this area committee calls on Dublin City Council to liaise with all relevant stakeholders with the aim of connecting the R104 to the R139/M50/M1 by opening up the private road that runs through the Clonshaugh Business and Technology Park.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “Recognising and welcoming the numerous residential developments and sites along either side of Coolock Lane, Oscar Traynor Road and its environs that are currently under construction, at design stage or preliminary planning stage and aware also of the potential additional pressures on the road network that these developments will generate, this area committee calls on Dublin City Council to liaise with all relevant stakeholders with the aim of connecting the R104 to the R139/M50/M1 by opening up the private road that runs through the Clonshaugh Business and Technology Park.”
It is an objective of the current 2016-2022 Dublin City Development Plan to provide the link road referred to above, the provision of which requires the use of land in private ownership. This proposal is being reviewed as part of the development plan review process which is now underway.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Edel Kelly, Senior Transportation Officer, Transportation Planning Tel: 222 2132 Email: transportplanning@dublincity.ie
Order: The Manager to contact the IDA and Edel Kelly regarding current status and will email Councillors with follow up.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To request that lamp post no. 21 on Watermill road which is in the centre of a narrow pavement is moved to the side of the road to prevent obstruction to pedestrians, that widening the pavement is done immediately until the lamp post can be relocated”
Additional documents: Minutes: “To request that lamp post no. 21 on Watermill road which is in the centre of a narrow pavement is moved to the side of the road to prevent obstruction to pedestrians, that widening the pavement is done immediately until the lamp post can be relocated”
This column is due to be replaced as part of a future project. We will investigate relocating this column at this time.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Dale Donnelly, Assistant Engineer, Public Lighting Phone: 222 4682 Email: dale.donnelly@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “That the leave no trace signage and litter reduction measures/interventions on the Clontarf Promenade that were agreed for introduction in Autumn 2020 are implemented and that this important linear park is given more attention, that the shelter on the sea by the baths is fixed, gullies and drains cleaned water pooling fixed, muddy grassed areas restored, that seating is restored around the large shelter at the boat launch area, that funding is sought to improve this well used and loved public realm, including more amenities, chess tables, picnic tables, water fountains, possibility of changing area for swimmers, the car park by the boat launch is an issue, lighting not working, opposite the bus garage the pavements are very damaged and a danger to people, a plan for this linear park, estimated costs, implementation and maintenance plan”
Additional documents: Minutes: “That the leave no trace signage and litter reduction measures/interventions on the Clontarf Promenade that were agreed for introduction in Autumn 2020 are implemented and that this important linear park is given more attention, that the shelter on the sea by the baths is fixed, gullies and drains cleaned water pooling fixed, muddy grassed areas restored, that seating is restored around the large shelter at the boat launch area, that funding is sought to improve this well used and loved public realm, including more amenities, chess tables, picnic tables, water fountains, possibility of changing area for swimmers, the car park by the boat launch is an issue, lighting not working, opposite the bus garage the pavements are very damaged and a danger to people, a plan for this linear park, estimated costs, implementation and maintenance plan”
There are approximately 10 individual lights spread along Clontarf Promenade that are currently not working. We are waiting for delivery of the necessary parts to repair these lights. These lights will be repaired when we receive the required parts.
Contact: Karen Leeson, Executive Engineer, Public Lighting Services Email: karen.leeson@dublincity.ie
The Litter Prevention Officer is working with the parks and landscapes services division to introduce leave no trace signage and messaging. In relation to the provision of litter bins a number of locations are being considered along the outer footpath as well as increasing the number of standard bins provided along the promenade walkway. Temporary bins will remain in place as an interim measure until such time as this is completed. Waste Management Services are carrying out audits of the supply of bins in the local electoral areas to ensure that there is an adequate supply of bins provided in proximity to all litter generators and an adequate number provided to provide the capacity required.
Contact: Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services Phone: 222 4237 Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
We in the Surface water section have been working with Parks to address some of the flooding issues on the promenade in Clontarf. The promenade is ultimately under the remit of Parks but we have put a plan of works in place with Joe O Reilly and have already started work addressing the surface water issues. This will be on going for a number of weeks as it is not quick fix involving cleaning the gullies, gully pits and potentially some of the mains in the area also. There may also be repairs following on from our investigations as these guillies have never been cleaned by our section and we have been looking after the gully cleaning program for 17 years
Contact: Roy O’Donnell, Phone: 086 3851603 Email: roy.odonnell@dublincity.ie
The shelter by the baths is privately owned.
The gullies and drains are being cleaned out and jetted in tandem with the Surface Water Section.This unfortunately has provide to be a bigger issue than was hoped and is being somewhat exacerbated by the very heavy rainfall in recent weeks. The work involves cleaning the gullies, gully ... view the full minutes text for item 6e |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “That more areas for community food growing be provided to address the issues of food security, improve public health and wellbeing be found throughout Dublin North Central area including repurposing derelict sites, car parks, areas in parks”
Additional documents: Minutes: “That more areas for community food growing be provided to address the issues of food security, improve public health and wellbeing be found throughout Dublin North Central area including repurposing derelict sites, car parks, areas in parks”
The Parks Service has commenced the process of looking at larger open spaces, parks and backlands with a view to identifying areas that might be suitable for future allotments schemes, community gardens, bio-diversity interventions etc. It is envisaged that this analysis should be completed by the end of 2021.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney “That the Manager outline the situation re installation of CCTV for areas in North Central Area that are hot spots for regular illegal dumping; say what prevents the Council from using CCTV to prosecute continuing offenders of waste management legislation in terms of dumping; what changes (legislative or otherwise) need to be brought about to allow Council to prosecute persons who engage in continuous dumping, and with specific emphasis on the constant dumping of waste on footpath fronting Our Lady of Consolation Church, Donnycarney, he can agree to install CCTV at this location to assist in a prosecution and if he can make a statement, (excluding cost) on that which prevents the City Council for using CCTV to assist in such prosecutions.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “That the Manager outline the situation re installation of CCTV for areas in North Central Area that are hot spots for regular illegal dumping; say what prevents the Council from using CCTV to prosecute continuing offenders of waste management legislation in terms of dumping; what changes (legislative or otherwise) need to be brought about to allow Council to prosecute persons who engage in continuous dumping, and with specific emphasis on the constant dumping of waste on footpath fronting Our Lady of Consolation Church, Donnycarney, he can agree to install CCTV at this location to assist in a prosecution and if he can make a statement, (excluding cost) on that which prevents the City Council for using CCTV to assist in such prosecutions.”
The use of CCTV in identifying offenders engaged in illegal dumping has been successful in locations where the use of a vehicle is involved in the commission of the offence as the alleged offender can be identified through the ownership of the vehicle used in the offence. Where offences are committed and where there is no vehicle involved the use of CCTV is largely ineffective as it is generally not possible to identify those engaged in illegal dumping. While the presence of CCTV may in the short term act as a deterrent to offences being committed it is not possible to pursue enforcement in this scenario.
Reports from the Public Domain Officer and Litter Warden in the North Central Area indicate that litter and dumping that may occur at Our Lady of Consolation Church, Donnycarney is not the result of dumping offences where a vehicle is likely to be involved in the commission of the offence and as such it would be ineffective to consider installing CCTV at this location.
CCTV is generally installed in areas where the dumping is considerable in size, scale and of adequate regularity to justify the cost of the installation and monitoring of a location by CCTV.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services Phone: 222 4237 Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland “The North Central Area Committee recognises the increase of dog owning in the area and the knock on increase in dog walking which has given rise to an increase in dog fouling on local footpaths. The North Central Area Committee requests that an anti-dog fouling campaign be rolled out across the area to include additional posters, social media posts, making dog poo bags available in local shops and the presence of a dog warden.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “The North Central Area Committee recognises the increase of dog owning in the area and the knock on increase in dog walking which has given rise to an increase in dog fouling on local footpaths. The North Central Area Committee requests that an anti-dog fouling campaign be rolled out across the area to include additional posters, social media posts, making dog poo bags available in local shops and the presence of a dog warden.”
The litter prevention officer is currently developing an updated anti dog fouling campaign following on from the campaign launched in 2020. This will include additional advertising both outdoors and on social media, Dog fouling bags can be made available from appropriate locations through the litter prevention officer in cooperation with the local public domain officer.
Contact: Simon Brock, Adminsitrative Officer, Waste Management Services Phone: 2224237 Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland “The North Central Area Committee recognises both the environmental/biodiversity and health and wellbeing value of green spaces to local residents. Such green areas also provide a space and opportunity for local residents to come together and enhance their local space and by default local community cohesion. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises that many local green spaces lack any level of biodiversity or any seating/walking spaces to encourage local residents to more effectively use the green space. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee calls for i) an audit of all green spaces and a ii) reimagining of each green space as an integrated public realm amenity, that this re-imagining would be developed in consultation with the local community.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “The North Central Area Committee recognises both the environmental/biodiversity and health and wellbeing value of green spaces to local residents. Such green areas also provide a space and opportunity for local residents to come together and enhance their local space and by default local community cohesion. However, the North Central Area Committee also recognises that many local green spaces lack any level of biodiversity or any seating/walking spaces to encourage local residents to more effectively use the green space. Therefore, the North Central Area Committee calls for i) an audit of all green spaces and a ii) reimagining of each green space as an integrated public realm amenity, that this re-imagining would be developed in consultation with the local community.”
(i) The Parks Service has commenced the process of looking at larger open spaces, parks and backlands with a view to identifying areas that might be suitable for future allotments schemes, community gardens, bio-diversity interventions etc. It is envisaged that this analysis should be completed by the end of 2021.
(ii) The reimagining of each green space in the area would be an enormous body of work for which the resources are not available. The Parks Service has been carrying out incremental improvements to the biodiversity value and recreational amenity of the parks and open spaces in the north central area over the last number of years. The spring flowering bulb and wildflower seed programme across the area is a highly visible component of these objectives. The roll out of adult exercise equipment, new paths and seating has greatly improved the attractiveness of a number of formerly poorly served parks and open spaces. The Parks Services remains more than happy to hear from community and residents groups as to how they would like to see their local parks and open spaces developed or improved over the short to medium to longer terms.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor.
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland “The North Central Area Committee recognises the prevalence of drug related debt intimidation across the local area. The North Central Area Committee welcomes access to the Family Support Network and a dedicated Garda inspector for support for those impacted by such intimidation. To increase awareness of these supports the North Central Area Committee calls for a) a local DCC media/social media/leaflet campaign and b) a letter be written to the Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Well Being and National Drugs Strategy, Frank Feighan TD, calling for the provision of a confidential helpline for people affected by drug related debt intimidation.”
Additional documents: Minutes: “The North Central Area Committee recognises the prevalence of drug related debt intimidation across the local area. The North Central Area Committee welcomes access to the Family Support Network and a dedicated Garda inspector for support for those impacted by such intimidation. To increase awareness of these supports the North Central Area Committee calls for a) a local DCC media/social media/leaflet campaign and b) a letter be written to the Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Well Being and National Drugs Strategy, Frank Feighan TD, calling for the provision of a confidential helpline for people affected by drug related debt intimidation.”
If the motion is agreed Dublin City Council will undertake the media/advertising campaign and write to the Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Well Being and National Drugs Strategy, Frank Feighan TD on behalf of the Area Committee.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. The Manager will write to Minister Feighan TD regarding confidential phoneline. |