{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney

Agenda item

“That the leave no trace signage and litter reduction measures/interventions on the Clontarf Promenade that were agreed for introduction in Autumn 2020 are implemented and that this important linear park is given more attention, that the shelter on the sea by the baths is fixed, gullies and drains cleaned water pooling fixed, muddy grassed areas restored, that seating is restored around the large shelter at the boat launch area, that funding is sought to improve this well used and loved public realm, including more amenities, chess tables, picnic tables, water fountains, possibility of changing area for swimmers, the car park by the boat launch is an issue, lighting not working, opposite the bus garage the pavements are very damaged and a danger to people, a plan for this linear park, estimated costs, implementation and maintenance plan” 



“That the leave no trace signage and litter reduction measures/interventions on the Clontarf Promenade that were agreed for introduction in Autumn 2020 are implemented and that this important linear park is given more attention, that the shelter on the sea by the baths is fixed, gullies and drains cleaned water pooling fixed, muddy grassed areas restored, that seating is restored around the large shelter at the boat launch area, that funding is sought to improve this well used and loved public realm, including more amenities, chess tables, picnic tables, water fountains, possibility of changing area for swimmers, the car park by the boat launch is an issue, lighting not working, opposite the bus garage the pavements are very damaged and a danger to people, a plan for this linear park, estimated costs, implementation and maintenance plan” 





There are approximately 10 individual lights spread along Clontarf Promenade that are currently not working. We are waiting for delivery of the necessary parts to repair these lights. These lights will be repaired when we receive the required parts.



Contact:           Karen Leeson, Executive Engineer, Public Lighting Services

Email:              karen.leeson@dublincity.ie


The Litter Prevention Officer is working with the parks and landscapes services division to introduce leave no trace signage and messaging.

In relation to the provision of litter bins a number of locations are being considered along the outer footpath as well as increasing the number of standard bins provided along the promenade walkway.  Temporary bins will remain in place as an interim measure until such time as this is completed.  Waste Management Services are carrying out audits of the supply of bins in the local electoral areas to ensure that there is an adequate supply of bins provided in proximity to all litter generators and an adequate number provided to provide the capacity required.


Contact:           Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services

Phone:             222 4237

Email:              simon.brock@dublincity.ie


We in the Surface water section have been working with Parks to address some of the flooding issues on the promenade in Clontarf. The promenade is ultimately under the remit of Parks but we have put a plan of works in place with Joe O Reilly and have already started work addressing the surface water issues. This will be on going for a number of weeks as it is not quick fix involving cleaning the gullies, gully pits and potentially some of the mains in the area also. There may also be repairs following on from our investigations as these guillies have never been cleaned by our section and we have been looking after the gully cleaning program for 17 years


Contact:           Roy O’Donnell,

Phone:             086 3851603

Email:              roy.odonnell@dublincity.ie


The shelter by the baths is privately owned.


The gullies and drains are being cleaned out and jetted in tandem with the Surface Water Section.This unfortunately has provide to be a bigger issue than was hoped and is being somewhat exacerbated by the very heavy rainfall in recent weeks.  The work involves cleaning the gullies, gully pits, jetting pipes and potentially some of the mains in the area also and certain repairs.  It is intended to ensure the drains are working as efficiently as can be achieved at this time and schedule any major repairs for later in the year when the ground will be drier and access easier.


Muddy grassed areas will be de-compacted and reseeded later this spring when the ground has dried out somewhat and risk of frost has passed to allow seed to germinate and establish.


The replacement of the seating at the shelter near the boat launch area will be examined to see what works are necessary.


The area around the slipway is a cause for concern and it is intended in consultation with the yacht club to restrict access to prevent inappropriate parking and damage to the green spaces.  The overgrown shrubberies at this location which are restricting views of cyclists and pedestrians of cars coming in and out of the car parks will be severely cut back before the bird nesting season.  Any damaged footpaths identified at this time and referred to the appropriate department for repair.


The Parks Service’s programme of providing water bottle filling stations is very much dependant on the availability of a metered and potable source of water.  The roll out of the programme will continue at pavilions and sporting/recreation facilities where such water sources exist.


It is intended an improvement plan for the promenade will be part of the flood defence project as the work will have the potential to cause major disruption to the amenity of the area during construction.


Coilín O’Reilly

Director of Services    

North City


Contact:            Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Email:              parks@dublincity.ie


Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor.