No. | Item |
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee Meeting held on Monday 16th November, 2020 PDF 1 MB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager PDF 636 KB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted.
Area Matters |
Cluid - Whitehall Older Persons (Power point presentation) Minutes: Order: Presentation noted. Consultation to commence in early January. |
St. Anne's Park Progress to date - Toilets Progress to date PDF 354 KB Fergus O’Carroll (report attached power point to follow) Minutes: Order: Noted. The Committee passed their Condolences on to Les Moore on the recent death of his father. A vote was taken by Committee whether to split Part 8 into 1) changing places and toilets 2) Overflow car park. Voted in favour of keeping Part 8 together. |
Fairview Skateboard Park Fergus O’Carroll (verbal update) Minutes: Order: Funding for refurbishment of Skateboard Park may be listed for proposal under discretionary budget 2021. Parks also to provide detail on a potential plan for a regional skateboard park in the North Central Area. |
Kilmore Community Forum / Kilmore Celtic Derek Farrell (verbal update) Minutes: Order: Derek Farrell gave a verbal update to the Committee. |
Proposed disposal of two plots of ground at 195 Collins Avenue, Dublin 9. PDF 124 KB (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. The report to be amended to read in point 1 of the report The consideration shall be in the sum of €4,000 (four thousand euro). Refer to City Council. |
Diposals New Priory (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
Proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 7 Conquer Hill Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 PDF 124 KB (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Rejected. Councillors rejected a 15 year licence but supported a 5 year licence. To be referred back to the January meeting. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed to initiate the process with the exception of Cllr John Lyons who disagreed. Refer to City Council. |
Housing Supply Report PDF 802 KB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report PDF 501 KB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. The Committee acknowledge all the excellent work that is being done by the Partnership. Representative to attend January meeting. |
Roads and Streets Matters |
Minutes of TAG meeting of the 24th November, 2020. PDF 175 KB (report herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Items for following meeting Minutes: Park Management Plan - St. Anne’s Park Malahide Road – Issues with surface Licence The Red Stables, St. Anne’s Park – Olive’s Room Cyclin Infrastructure - NCA |
Motions |
Motion in the name of Councillor Mícheál Mac Donncha “To ask that this Area Committee agrees to work with the Parks Department to fittingly mark the 40th anniversary of the Stardust tragedy with the development of a Stardust Memorial Greenway & Walking Trail from the Stardust Park to Edenmore Park, planning and work to commence in the first quarter of 2021 with a view to completion over the summer.”
Minutes: To ask that this Area Committee agrees to work with the Parks Department to fittingly mark the 40th anniversary of the Stardust tragedy with the development of a Stardust Memorial Greenway & Walking Trail from the Stardust Park to Edenmore Park, planning and work to commence in the first quarter of 2021 with a view to completion over the summer.”
The Parks Service has carried out extensive improvement works in Stardust Park in the last 24 months in advance of the anniversary including the commissioning of 2 bespoke curved limestone benches to mark the 40 years since the tragedy.
The route identified would mostly follow the Santry River except where this is private property. There are live Greenway Proposals along the Santry River which are being project managed Environment and Transportation Department. The latest update from the engineers involved indicate that a consultant is to be procured in Q4 2021.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Issues with regard to the suitability of a Greenway/Walking Trail to mark a tragedy of this magnitude would also have to be considered as well as how families would feel about such a project. The timeframe to deliver a project of this magnitude before February 2021 or even before the end of 2021 is also deemed very short. The current Stardust Memorial is a fitting and well liked memorial with Dublin City Council committing significant resources to it in recent years. It is considered that continued focus and investment on the existing memorial is most appropriate.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe “To ask that this Area Committee calls on the Covid Mobility Team to appear before the NCAC to answer questions in relation to the Griffith Avenue Protected Cycle Track and that the said team increases engagement with local residents on the matter. The residents feel that the Covid mobility team have not engaged with them and that they have not received answers to the following issues:”
1. Safety of the GP parking spaces? 2. Impact on traffic congestion, particularly in conjunction with the updated traffic light sequencing 3. Were feasibility, safety and traffic impact assessments carried out? 4. Clearance of leaves from cycle lanes 5. Cyclists not using the cycle lanes and reverting to the footpath 6. Cars parking on the grass
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee calls on the Covid Mobility Team to appear before the NCAC to answer questions in relation to the Griffith Avenue Protected Cycle Track and that the said team increases engagement with local residents on the matter. The residents feel that the Covid mobility team have not engaged with them and that they have not received answers to the following issues:”
1. Safety of the GP parking spaces? 2. Impact on traffic congestion, particularly in conjunction with the updated traffic light sequencing 3. Were feasibility, safety and traffic impact assessments carried out? 4. Clearance of leaves from cycle lanes 5. Cyclists not using the cycle lanes and reverting to the footpath 6. Cars parking on the grass
Reply The Covid Mobility Team has responded to many of these issues previously. However it is accepted that due to the sheer volume of requests received by the Covid Mobility Team during this epidemic we have not been able to respond individually to all requests received. However all requests have been forwarded to the appropriate team members and replies issued either directly, through the local area office or by means of the Public Consultation Hub specifically set up for the Griffith Avenue project.
1. We have commissioned a Road Safety Audit for the entire scheme between St Mobhi Road and Walnut Rise, which will include the current arrangements outside the GP Surgery. We will respond to any issues raised by the audit and make any changes that are considered necessary. The audit report should be finalised the week starting Monday 14th of December.
Extra timings plans were added to the site in SCATS to permit the Griffith Ave approach to avail of extra green time if required. However it should be added that the traffic signal cycle time of all traffic signals across the city were reduced as part of covid 19 measures. These measures reduce pedestrian wait times at junctions, encourage more walking in the city and relieve pressure on public transport modes and avoid pedestrian congestion on footpaths, pinch points and narrow islands at crossings thereby better allow for social distancing to occur. The above measures have had an impact of traffic movements but are necessary to prioritise sustainable travel modes such as cycling and walking.
Motion in the name of Councillor Rachel Batten “To ask that this Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister for Health to highlight the lack of community health services especially GPs in the Santry Area especial considering the vast development in the area and seek his intervention to provide a resolution to the crisis.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister for Health to highlight the lack of community health services especially GPs in the Santry Area especial considering the vast development in the area and seek his intervention to provide a resolution to the crisis.”
To be discussed at meeting.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Rachel Batten “To ask that this Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister for Justice highlighting our concerns of the community gardai in the Darndale Area being diverted to covid 19 related activities and as such there is reduce Gardai doing the very important role for community Gardai in this area. That we would Like to raise our deep concern that that the Darndale policing until has been reduced to only 4 members and they are often called to attend other matters. As result the excellent work done earlier in the area such as detecting €600,000 worth of drugs in the area is at risk. The people in this area deserve a properly resourced people force and if there is reduced man power and hours because of covid 19 additional resource must be allocated.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee agrees to write to the Minister for Justice highlighting our concerns of the community gardai in the Darndale Area being diverted to covid 19 related activities and as such there is reduce Gardai doing the very important role for community Gardai in this area. That we would Like to raise our deep concern that that the Darndale policing until has been reduced to only 4 members and they are often called to attend other matters. As result the excellent work done earlier in the area such as detecting €600,000 worth of drugs in the area is at risk. The people in this area deserve a properly resourced people force and if there is reduced man power and hours because of covid 19 additional resource must be allocated.”
To be discussed at meeting.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O Farrell “To ask that this Area Committee thanks all DCC’s staff for their work this past year through very difficult circumstances ( Covid 19) and we want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee thanks all DCC’s staff for their work this past year through very difficult circumstances ( Covid 19) and we want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.”
To be discussed at meeting.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask that this Area Committee be updated on plans for reducing littering on the Clontarf promenade, also to thank staff for doing great clean ups on Sundays, when are the new bins or adapted bins going in and leave no trace signage.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee be updated on plans for reducing littering on the Clontarf promenade, also to thank staff for doing great clean ups on Sundays, when are the new bins or adapted bins going in and leave no trace signage.”
Waste management have placed extra barrell bins along Clontarf promenade and these are emptied on a daily basis
Name; Richard Cleary, Public Domain EMforcement Officer Phone: 222 8866 Email: richie.cleary@dublincity.ie
The Waste Management Division is currently providing additional temporary public litter bins at Clontarf Promenade on an ongoing basis to provide additional capacity for increased litter generation in the area. It has been reported that these are assisting in the management of the litter issues that had occurred due to the increased usage of the promenade.
The issue of providing covers for these temporary bins to prevent access and litter being removed is being followed up by the Waste Management Division. There is no way of adapting the openings of the type of existing bin provided on the promenade to increase access
The issue of providing additional permanent bins on the promenade will be assessed in conjunction with the North Central Area Public Domain Officer.
The Litter Prevention Officer is developing Leave No Trace signage for use in the area.
There is an ongoing 7 day service in place to ensure the litter bins in the area are serviced as frequently as is required. Any issue relating to this service can be relayed to the Waste Management Division to be addressed and the QR code reporting system provided on the litter bins can be used by the public to report any issues identified with an individual bin at any time.
Contact: Simon Brock, Administrative Officer. Tel: 2224237. Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask that this Area Committee look at a plan for connected cycle routes, taking into account the greater Dublin cycleway and bus connects cycle routes so that the networks connect and any missing gaps are submitted to the NTA review to be adopted funded, connects from Howth road to Artane roundabout via brookwood, or Sybil hill Vernon ave and Castle Avenue to Clontarf road and Collins Avenue for example”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee look at a plan for connected cycle routes, taking into account the greater Dublin cycleway and bus connects cycle routes so that the networks connect and any missing gaps are submitted to the NTA review to be adopted funded, connects from Howth road to Artane roundabout via brookwood, or Sybil hill Vernon ave and Castle Avenue to Clontarf road and Collins Avenue for example”
The Environment and Transportation Department will review the proposal and report back in March 2021.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Christopher K. Manzira, Senior Transportation Officer Email: smp@dublincity.ie
Order: Deferred – Item on Jan/Feb Area Committee.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask that this Area Committee look into the backlog of pavements needing repair in the NCA as we are encouraging active transport, is the delay due to funding or shortage of staff and can we apply for funding to the department as walking is a form of transport”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee look into the backlog of pavements needing repair in the NCA as we are encouraging active transport, is the delay due to funding or shortage of staff and can we apply for funding to the department as walking is a form of transport”
Road Maintenance Services has a backlog of repairs in the North Central Area because we have a limited number of direct labour repair crews and the number of enquiries we receive is greater that the number of repairs that we have capacity to complete.
In an attempt to reduce the backlog of outstanding repairs, when drawing up the annual Major Works Program for footpath repairs in the North Central Area, roads and estates with a high number of outstanding defects are prioritised for inclusion in this program.
In 2020 Road Maintenance Services sought and secured funding from the governments July Stimulus Package for footpath repairs however in general, funding for footpath and carriageway repairs are received from the Dublin City Council budget.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Shane Satell, Executive Engineer, Road Maintenance Services Tel: 222 2297 Email: Shane.satell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney “To ask that this Area Committee request a full update be given on the provision of a MUGA (to include completion timescale etc) in Rockfield Park, to include the preservation of the biodiversity in its surrounding area and if he will make a detailed statement on the matter.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee request a full update be given on the provision of a MUGA (to include completion timescale etc) in Rockfield Park, to include the preservation of the biodiversity in its surrounding area and if he will make a detailed statement on the matter.”
Construction is currently underway with completion set for Christmas week. As per the conditions of the tender, the corners of the existing site have been preserved as biodiverse areas due to the variety of native wildflowers and presence of insect life. This has been reiterated to the contractors during a recent site visit.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor