{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Patricia Roe

Agenda item

“To ask that this Area Committee calls on the Covid Mobility Team to appear before the NCAC to answer questions in relation to the Griffith Avenue Protected Cycle Track and that the said team increases engagement with local residents on the matter.  The residents feel that the Covid  mobility team have not engaged with them and that  they have not received answers to the following issues:”



1.         Safety of the GP parking spaces?

2.         Impact on traffic congestion, particularly in conjunction with the updated traffic light sequencing

3.         Were feasibility, safety and traffic impact assessments carried out?

4.         Clearance of leaves from cycle lanes

5.         Cyclists not using the cycle lanes and reverting to the footpath

6.         Cars parking on the grass



“To ask that this Area Committee calls on the Covid Mobility Team to appear before the NCAC to answer questions in relation to the Griffith Avenue Protected Cycle Track and that the said team increases engagement with local residents on the matter.  The residents feel that the Covid  mobility team have not engaged with them and that  they have not received answers to the following issues:”



1.         Safety of the GP parking spaces?

2.         Impact on traffic congestion, particularly in conjunction with the updated traffic light sequencing

3.         Were feasibility, safety and traffic impact assessments carried out?

4.         Clearance of leaves from cycle lanes

5.         Cyclists not using the cycle lanes and reverting to the footpath

6.         Cars parking on the grass



The Covid Mobility Team has responded to many of these issues previously. However it is accepted that due to the sheer volume of requests received by the Covid Mobility Team during this epidemic we have not been able to respond individually to all requests received. However all requests have been forwarded to the appropriate team members and replies issued  either directly, through the local area office or by means of the Public Consultation Hub specifically set up for the Griffith Avenue project.



1.     We have commissioned a Road Safety Audit for the entire scheme between St Mobhi Road and Walnut Rise, which will include the current arrangements outside the GP Surgery. We will respond to any issues raised by the audit and make any changes that are considered necessary. The audit report should be finalised the week starting Monday 14th of December.


  1. We acknowledge that residents have reported increased congestion on Griffith Avenue. While congestion may occur on occasion, the site has been regularly monitored since installation of the protected cycle track and no particular extra congestion has been observed on the Griffith Ave approach.

Extra timings plans were added to the site in SCATS to permit the Griffith Ave approach to avail of extra green time if required.

However it should be added that the traffic signal cycle time of all traffic signals across the city were reduced as part of covid 19 measures. These measures reduce pedestrian wait times at junctions, encourage more walking in the city and relieve pressure on public transport modes and avoid pedestrian congestion on footpaths, pinch points and narrow islands at crossings thereby better allow for social distancing to occur.

The above measures have had an impact of traffic movements but are necessary to prioritise sustainable travel modes such as cycling and walking.

  1. The works began in early August with Dublin City Council announcing its intention to install rapid build protected cycle lanes on Griffith Avenue between Ballygall Road East and the Malahide Road as part of its response to the Covid 19 pandemic. Under these circumstances there was no opportunity to conduct feasibility studies or traffic impact assessments. The designs have been developed taking pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety into account and as each section has been completed it is subjected to a road safety audit.
  2. The need to keep the cycle lane free of leaves was recognised at an early stage in the project and was brought to the attention of our Cleansing Department. The Cleansing Department has regularly monitored Griffith Avenue for leaves over the last few months and has rapidly responded to any build-up of leaves that has been reported. Dublin City Council, with the assistance of the NTA, is in the process of purchasing extra street cleaning vehicles suitable for working in narrow protected cycle lanes which will improve the efficiency of these operations going forward.
  3. The Road Safety Audit will comment on usage of the scheme and the report will be made available when finalised. It is certainly the experience of the design team that the new facility, while still limited in length, is well used.
  4. While the bollards protecting the cycle lanes make it more difficult to access the grass verge than before, it is accepted that a determined motorist can access the grass verges by driving illegally along the footpaths. We will request that parking enforcement actively police Griffith Avenue to deter this illegal activity.




Coilín O’Reilly

Director of Services    

North City


Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor