{meta} Agenda for Central Area Committee on Tuesday 13th November, 2018, 10.00 am

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions

Contact: Cathy Cassidy 


No. Item


With reference to the minutes of the Central Area Committee meeting held on 9th October, 2018 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

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ORDER: Agreed.



Questions to the Area Manager pdf icon PDF 91 KB

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ORDER: Noted.



With reference to defibrillators within the Community

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ORDER: Presentation noted.


With reference to a presentation on a planning application for a Strategic Housing Development pdf icon PDF 275 KB

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ORDER: Presentation noted.


With reference to the grant of a licence to the Board of Management of St. Laurence O'Toole National School for lands at Rainbow Park, Mariner's Port, Spencer Dock, Dublin 1 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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ORDER: Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


With reference to the proposed disposal of Fee Simple in the property known as 26 Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1 pdf icon PDF 481 KB

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ORDER: Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.



With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of Units G05 - G07 of the Markets Area Community Resource Organisation (MACRO) Building, Green Street/North King Street, Dublin 7. pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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ORDER: Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.



With reference to the proposed grant of a further licence of land at Newcomen Court, Dublin 3 to Larkin Unemployed Centre CLG for use as a Community Garden. pdf icon PDF 77 KB

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ORDER: Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.



With reference to the minutes of the Traffic Advisory Group held on 23rd October, 2018 pdf icon PDF 607 KB

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ORDER: Report noted.


With reference to an update on Rutland Street School Refurbishment Project pdf icon PDF 118 KB

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ORDER: Report noted.


With reference to an update on the Public Domain Unit pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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ORDER: Report noted.



With reference to an update on Housing Matters in the North West and North East Inner City pdf icon PDF 3 MB

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ORDER: Report noted.



With reference to an update on the North East Inner City Programme pdf icon PDF 860 KB

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ORDER: Report noted.



With reference to an update on the following: Central Area Sports, Grangegorman Development and Central Area Age Friendly pdf icon PDF 667 KB

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ORDER: Reports noted.



With reference to Motions to the Area Manager pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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Motions to the Area Manager


The following Emergency motion was tabled:




Emergency motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


That the Central Area Committee calls on the Minister for Education to reinstate the junior infants teacher at Scoil Chaoimhin, Malborough Street Dublin 1 as soon as possible.



Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That the Committee agrees with the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children’s request, that children who are living in temporary accommodation, due to homelessness, shall be allowed  free access to our leisure centre facilities and shall take steps to provide for this to occur.


ORDER: Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That the Committee requests the Area Manager to work with our Planning Enforcement Section and An Garda Siochána to take action against Private Moments on 20 Lower Dorset Street to stop them from showing pictures of young partially dressed women in their windows just a few metres away from our housing, and 200 metres away from the Sisters of Charity Primary School on Gardiner Street.

ORDER: Agreed.  Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That this Committee request the Area Managerseek a meeting with the Grangegorman Development Agency to receive an update on, and progress plans for the Grangegorman Swimming Pool as provided for in the Strategic Development Zone and report back to this committee subsequently.

ORDER: Agreed. Letter to the Grangegorman Development Agency.


Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That this Committee write to the HSE seeking clarification from them on their plans and timelines for reusing their vacant and derelict properties at Adelphi House, 153 North Circular Road; Grangegorman Lower and elsewhere in the North Inner City.

ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to the HSE.



Motion in the name of Councillor Gary Gannon


That this Committee commits to improving the look of Sean O’Casey Avenue. In particular, the railings which divides the Avenue has become an eyesore and presents a poor reflection of the community.  The Council should design a more appropriate structure that can suit the needs of the community that live around this railings. 

ORDER: Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor Ray McAdam

That this Committee agrees that the refurbished homes in St. Mary’s Mansions be renamed as Gregory Court after the much loved local T.D., Tony Gregory who represented the communities of the North Inner City both in Dublin City Council and the Oireachtas for many years.

ORDER: Agreed.

Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan

That this Committee calls on the Manager to engage fully with the O’Devaney Consultative Forum and the community in relation to the naming or renaming of O’Devaney Gardens. And I am requesting that we hold a public consultation process for this where people can submit their ideas and suggestions. Further to this consultation process any decisions made around this will only be implemented with the full support of the O’Devaney Forum and the community. 

ORDER: Agreed.