No. | Item | ||||||||||
Minutes from Traffic & Transport SPC meeting held on 10th November 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed. |
Minutes of Walking and cycling Sub-Committee Additional documents: Minutes: Agreed. |
Report on Parking on Footpaths - Dermot Stevenson - Parking Enforcement Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer outlined the report in relation to problems in some areas in relation to footpath parking. Where there is no option on some footpaths to park leaving the required 2.5 mtrs space available, members considered three possible options in this type of situation.
DS addressed questions raised by members in relation to the proposed options. A number of members felt that bringing back Traffic Wardens would help with enforcement. DS advised that a report will go before the SPC next year when the Fixed Penalty Notice Trial is complete. The re-introduction of Traffic Wardens would not be considered until the outcome of the trial Fixed Penalty notice is known.
Issued raised by Cllr. Burke in relation to major issue with footpath parking following matched played at Parnell Park no prior information in relation to the game was issued to An Garda Siochana. Members requested the SPC write to Dublin County Board to request that they notify An Garda Síochána of any future semi-finals or final games being played at Parnell Park.
It was agreed by members that Option number 3 was the preference to move forward for recommendation to City Council
Agreed to move report forward to City Council for recommendation. |
Verbal report on College Green - Frank Lambe, Project Manager College Green. Additional documents: Minutes: Frank Lambe, Project Manager, College Green gave a verbal update in relation to College Green Plaza.
· Original plan submitted to An Bord Pleanala in 2018 rejected. · DCC looked at the issues raised – Buses/Traffic congestion on Quays etc. · In Nov. 2020 Non-Statutory public consultation was carried out – on four options · Over 4,000 submission received with 90% favouring the second option which included Dame Street East to Trinity College being traffic free after 11 a.m. · DCC propose to engage consultants with a view to lodging an application to An Bord Pleanala by late 2022 for new College Green Plaza proposal. · 2023 application goes through Planning Process and if granted works to commence early 2024, which would be in line with Bus Connects proposed implementation date of early 2024.
FL addressed questions raised by Members on traffic congestion/Buses/accessibility/procurement timelines etc. A further report will be brought to the SPC next year prior to the application being submitted to An Bord Pleanala. FL advised disability sector important and advised any comments can be sent to him directly. Members also requested having reports available prior to the meeting.
Noted – Further report to SPC next year. |
Speed Limit Review formation of working group. Brendan O'Brien, A/Executive Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Brenda O’Brien A/Executive Manager reported that the last phase of 30Km residential zones were completed in 2020. Councillors then requested that 30Km speed limit apply to arterial routes also. Proposal brought to Councillors for 30Km default speed limit, which was not accepted by members. Following non-statutory public consultation process there was no clear outcome on the issue. John Flanagan Assistant Chief Executive commissioned an engineering report about setting speed limited, this report is from an engineering point of view. In order to bring this matter forward it is proposed to set up a working group to include two retired Gardai, Superintended Aiden Reid Dublin Castle Traffic Division and Supt. Conna Donoghue National Traffic Division and an active Traffic Garda, who agreed to advise on this report and be part of a working group. It was agreed that six SPC members join this working group 4 Councillors and two sectoral members and DCC staff will also be on this working group.
MH to circulate request to members who wish to be part of this working group.
Agreed. |
Formation of working group on Zebra Crossings. Brendan O'Brien A/Executive Manager Additional documents: Minutes: Members agreed to the setting up of a working group to look at suitable alternatives to Zebra crossing. Karen Hosie, Senior Executive Engineer, ITS Section, will head a working group along with six SPC members to look at various suitable alternatives and report back to the SPC. Members to advise of their interest in being part of the workshop, MH will email members to submit expression of interest to go on this working group.
Agreed. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Report on Motion deferred to Next Meeting. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Deirdre Conroy Chairperson of Public Transport Sub-Committee
Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Deirdre Conroy on behalf of the Public Transport SPC requested that members consider the report and proposed that this committee writes to National Transport Authority and Dublin Bus to consider the introduction of a school bus system for the Greater Dublin Area.
Motion in the name of Cllr Maire Devine - Motion 361 referred to Traffic & Transport SPC from Special Council Meeting on 22-24th June 2021. P&D review Special Council Meeting - 22-24 June 2021 re Pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan
Motion 361 Cllr Maire Devine
Council Meeting Decision The report and recommendation of the Chief Executive was AGREED and MOTION to be sent to the Traffic & Transport SPC.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members agreed that a report be brought to a future SPC in 2022 setting out clearly the procedures for Pay & Display and Permit Parking Schemes. This report can be debated and any amendments or proposed changes agreed by members can then be incorporated into any future schemes.
Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Tara Deacy - Motion 769 referred to Traffic & Transport SPC from Special Council Meeting 22-24th June. Special Council Meeting - 22-24 June 2021 re Pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan Motion 769 Cllr Tara Deacy
Chief Executive’s Response
It is recognised that the location and size of open space around the City is not consistent and deficits have been identified in respect of the provision of flagship parks and open space provision in certain communities across a number of areas particularly the City Centre between the canals. The Draft Plan will build upon the policies and objectives in the current Plan to protect and improve existing parks and open spaces and continue with the existing programme to develop new green and open spaces in the appropriate areas as the opportunity arises in conjunction with protecting the natural environment. Similarly, the Draft Plan will continue to support the provision of play facilities and amenities within existing and future open space areas. It is recognised that the City’s parks provide a key service to the community whether that is informal recreation such as walking or more formal activities such as organised sports. Dublin City Council’s Parks Strategy 2019 – 2022 takes into consideration the accessibility, quality, quantity and distribution of parks and ... view the full agenda text for item 10. Additional documents: Minutes: Kissing gates are currently used to prevent scrambles and antisocial behaviour, need to look at and trial alternatives, such as K gates etc. Any alternative must allow for parks being accessible for all users, while continuing to prevent antisocial behaviour and prevent access to scramblers etc.
Most Kissing gates are installed by Parks, traffic in general don’t install them. Traffic have been consulting with Parks and will request Parks to attend a future SPC in the future, to discuss what can be done and plans for any changes.
Agreed. |