{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Cllr. Tara Deacy - Motion 769 referred to Traffic & Transport SPC from Special Council Meeting 22-24th June.

Agenda item

Special Council Meeting - 22-24 June 2021 re Pre-draft Dublin City Development Plan

Motion 769 Cllr Tara Deacy

Parks / Playgrounds


That DCC provide picnic benches, and appropriate seating for all residents with all levels of ability, that a particular focus be given to parks with little or no amenities in place at present.

In communities with scarce green space that pocket parks, pocket forests and micro parks be put in place through community engagement and to ensure ownership by the local community.


This Council must prioritise the provision of playgrounds and we are particularly anxious to provide side by side play opportunities for people with disabilities.

Playgrounds should be seen as not only an investment in children but as a great way to bring communities together, foster social interaction and provide a focal point for parents and grandparents. We want to see greater provision of playgrounds across the city.

We are conscious that the positioning of playgrounds in local communities is an important factor for consideration in order to promote community buy-in, to reduce the risk of vandalism and to minimise anti-social activity. Public consultation will be a vital part of every playground proposal.

We must also ensure DCC provide and update accessible playgrounds for the citizens of our city to include amenities for all children, to pay particular attention to amenities for children with various abilities, to include communications boards for children, alongside wheelchair friendly pieces.

To provide a level of shelter in our playgrounds as seen in other European countries (see attached example) in light of the Irish climate.

To remove ‘Kissing Gates’ throughout the city and replace with a more secure, accessible entrance for all.

Planning Reason

Covid has shown us the importance of our parks/green spaces/playgrounds and what a wonderful amenity they are for us all. It has also shown the gaps in many of our parks and how we can improve them for everyone with varying abilities.




Chief Executive’s Response


It is recognised that the location and size of open space around the City is not consistent and deficits have been identified in respect of the provision of flagship parks and open space provision in certain communities across a number of areas particularly the City Centre between the canals. The Draft Plan will build upon the policies and objectives in the current Plan to protect and improve existing parks and open spaces and continue with the existing programme to develop new green and open spaces in the appropriate areas as the opportunity arises in conjunction with protecting the natural environment.

Similarly, the Draft Plan will continue to support the provision of play facilities and amenities within existing and future open space areas. It is recognised that the City’s parks provide a key service to the community whether that is informal recreation such as walking or more formal activities such as organised sports. Dublin City Council’s Parks Strategy 2019 – 2022 takes into consideration the accessibility, quality, quantity and distribution of parks and facilities within the City. The Parks Strategy will be supported in the forthcoming plan.

The Chief Executives Report set out a number of recommendations in relation to parks and recreation (Page 130) including to continue to support the approved Dublin City Play Strategy Play Plan and the Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Strategy and future versions of these strategies. Policies will be set out in the Draft Plan regarding play facilities, including accessible play.

Chief Executive’s Recommendation

Agree to include policy as per Chief Executive’s report.

To include policy to support the provision of accessible play infrastructure and facilities in the city.


Council Meeting Decision

The report and recommendation of the Chief Executive was AGREED and that the Draft Plan will include a policy to reduce kissing gates where feasible in the city.  MOTION to be referred to the Traffic & Transport SPC.




Kissing gates are currently used to prevent scrambles and antisocial behaviour, need to look at and trial alternatives, such as K gates etc.  Any alternative must allow for parks being accessible for all users, while continuing to prevent antisocial behaviour and prevent access to scramblers etc.  


Most Kissing gates are installed by Parks, traffic in general don’t install them.  Traffic have been consulting with Parks and will request Parks to attend a future SPC in the future, to discuss what can be done and plans for any changes.

