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Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th July, 2024. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Replies from the Director of Services for the North Central Area Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Environment and Transportation Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting held on 27th August, 2024. Attached herewith. Will Mangan, Maire Nic Reamoinn, Catalin Rosca. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Gully Report for noting only. July & August reports attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Planning and Property Matters Additional documents: |
Report & maps attached herewith. Fiona Moore Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report & map attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report & map attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy
Please note: This was deferred from the July meeting pending further information which was duly sent to all members on 24th July, 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report and map attached herewith. Eamon Duffy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Culture, Recreation and Economic Matters Additional documents: |
Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) Presentation - Shauna McIntyre Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports & Wellbeing Officer's Report Attached herewith. Attendee TBC
Please note that the Sports Officer in attendance can only respond to queries on the actual sports programmes from the report attached. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
North Central Area Matters Additional documents: |
Area Managers' Reports Attached herewith. Derek Farrell/Mick Carroll. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Housing supply report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
(1) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
The Area Committee re-affirms it support and commitment to the delivery of a new all-weather football facility for the Coolock area in 2025;
It calls on management to provide a detailed timeline for the planning and delivery of this much needed sporting facility;
It requests details of the financing of this project and a definitive commitment that the funding has been secured to ensure this project is delivered as promised in 2025.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The Area Committee re-affirms it support and commitment to the delivery of a new all-weather football facility for the Coolock area in 2025; It calls on management to provide a detailed timeline for the planning and delivery of this much needed sporting facility; It requests details of the financing of this project and a definitive commitment that the funding has been secured to ensure this project is delivered as promised in 2025.
The Parks Department and the Area Office are working on the Pre Part 8 consultations for this project with our internal Departments. A part 8 proposal is being worked on and will be brought to Area Committee over the coming months.
We would hope that the consultation phase of this Part 8 would begin in either December 24 or January 25. Once agreement is reached by full Council at the end of the Part 8 process circa end of Quarter 1/ Start of Quarter 2 2025, then it is our intention to go to tender for this project. The paperwork will be worked on in tandem with the Part 8 so that we can save time once Part 8 is agreed. We have been working with the Sports section on a plan for management of this facility and this will continue over the coming months. We also intend to meet with the local clubs and councillors as part of the process.
Capital funding for this project has been secured and it is proposed that we will have a contractor on site in Quarter 3 or 4 of 2025.
Contact: Derek Farrell/Fergus O’Carroll Tel: 0868150764 Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie/fergusocarroll@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
(2) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
The Area Committee recognises the growth in youth participation across a range of sports over recent years in the North Central area and calls on Dublin City Council to help support and encourage the further growth of sports participation amongst the youth across a range of sports, including hurling, football, soccer, camogie and handball, by installing a ball wall in Ellenfield Park.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Area Committee recognises the growth in youth participation across a range of sports over recent years in the North Central area and calls on Dublin City Council to help support and encourage the further growth of sports participation amongst the youth across a range of sports, including hurling, football, soccer, camogie and handball, by installing a ball wall in Ellenfield Park.
Report: There is a considerable provision for active recreation in Ellenfield Park including 6 grass pitches, an all-weather training area and 3 all-weather tennis courts which accounts for over 60% of the available space within the park. There is insufficient space remaining to accommodate such a facility.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(3) Motion in the name of Cllr. Tom Brabazon
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the current retail prices of the Oscar Traynor Woods homes should remain at the 2021 indicative prices for one, two, and three bedroom homes making them more affordable to many more people and staying in line with the developer’s build price criteria and that the Council’s equity stake shares if used, remains at the purchase value amount and at zero interest for the duration of the mortgage as the lands are already in public ownership.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the current retail prices of the Oscar Traynor Woods homes should remain at the 2021 indicative prices for one, two, and three bedroom homes making them more affordable to many more people and staying in line with the developer’s build price criteria and that the Council’s equity stake shares if used, remains at the purchase value amount and at zero interest for the duration of the mortgage as the lands are already in public ownership.
Current Retail Prices
The information given to the Elected Members in October 2021 (Table 1) regarding indicative prices was on the Price Range per Unit type, was excluding VAT, assumed subvention of €100,000 per unit and applied the €30,000 reduction available through the Help to Buy (HTB) scheme.
Table 1
Table 2 below adjusts these ranges to include VAT and exclude the Help to Buy Scheme. Table 2
On 30th July 2024, the first 16 affordable purchase homes were advertised for sale with the prices as per Table 3 below. A blanket €100,000 subsidy is being applied to all unit types. The sales prices outlined below in Table 3 fall within the price ranges presented to Council in Oct. 2021 as per Table 2 above. Table 3
Dublin City Council’s Equity Share Dublin City Council will provide a monetary contribution known as an ‘Affordable Dwelling Contribution’ that facilitates the purchase of homes by an eligible applicant. This contribution is the difference between the combined total of the purchaser’s deposit and maximum mortgage capacity (and savings where relevant) and the market value of the home on the date of offer. The Equity Share is simply the Affordable Dwelling Contribution expressed as a percentage. It is the stake that Dublin City Council will take in the home that covers the reduced price. The equity share can be bought out by the purchaser at a time of their choosing but there will be no requirement to do so. The total amount repayable in respect of the Affordable Dwelling Contribution to remove the City Council’s equity share from the property will depend on the future open market value of the home and the timing of the repayment(s). The redemption and realisation of the affordable dwelling equity is written into the Affordable Housing Act 2021 and the purchasers of homes at Oscar Traynor Woods will be subject to the same requirements ... view the full minutes text for item 7c |
(4) Motion in the name of Cllr. Tom Brabazon
That this North Central Area Committee calls upon the developers and builders at the old Millwood Court to fully engage with residents with construction and compliance related issues in line with the part 8 planning permission granted.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee calls upon the developers and builders at the old Millwood Court to fully engage with residents with construction and compliance related issues in line with the part 8 planning permission granted.
I am aware that the last resident’s liaison group meeting was held in person in June and that Fold have communicated by email to the group since then, I am informed that a number of issues relating to site management have been raised and that these issues are being addressed on an ongoing basis.
The Housing Development team will contact the Fold Housing regarding the Councillors request.
Contact: Aisling Browne, Senior Executive Officer Tel: 01 222 6530 Email: aisling.browne@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. MacDonncha. Aisling to revert to the members with an update. |
(5) Motion in the name of Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Donna Cooney
That this North Central Committee agrees to express its pride in the achievements to date of Ellen Keane, our Paralympic swimmer who was previously a gold & bronze medallist and who won in the semi-finals 2024, only to narrowly miss out on another medal coming fourth. At the age of thirteen, she was Ireland’s youngest Olympic athlete when she competed in 2008 in Beijing. We are delighted to congratulate her and welcome her home to Clontarf. We wish her the best in her future endeavours.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Committee agrees to express their pride in the achievements to date of Ellen Keane, our Paralympic swimmer who was previously a gold & bronze medallist and who won in the semi-finals 2024, only to narrowly miss out on another medal coming fourth. At the age of thirteen, she was Ireland’s youngest Paralympic athlete when she competed in 2008 in Beijing. We are delighted to congratulate her and welcome her home to Clontarf. We wish her the best in her future endeavours.
Report: Should this committee agree, the North Central Area Office will write to Ellen Keane on their behalf, congratulating her on her many achievements in the Paralympics.
Contact: Fiona Moore, Staff Officer Tel: 0874111350 Email: fiona.moore@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. The membership also extended congratulations to another local athlete, Orla Comerford & to all of our Paralympian’s.
(6) Motion in the name of Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee is concerned about illegally parked cars and vans on public pavements and roadsides with no tax discs for often months and years that are causing obstruction, are often unsightly on the public domain and yet DCC waste disposal and public domain can do nothing as registered owners claim they are not abandoned, that parking enforcement should be directed to remove these vehicles when obstructing pavements.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee is concerned about illegally parked cars and vans on public pavements and roadsides with no tax discs for often months and years that are causing obstruction, are often unsightly on the public domain and yet DCC waste disposal and public domain can do nothing as registered owners claim they are not abandoned, that parking enforcement should be directed to remove these vehicles when obstructing pavements.
Parking Enforcement will request that DSPS patrol and enforce all vehicles that are illegally parked on pavements when requested.
Contact: Suzanne Lacey, Administrative Officer, Parking Enforcement Tel: 01 222 7075 Email: suzanne.lacey@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
(7) Motion in the name of Councillor Barry Heneghan
That the North Central Area Committee supports the installation of a head statue of Seán Dublin Bay Loftus on the Clontarf Seafront to honour his environmentalism and efforts to protect Dublin Bay, with part-supported funding to be provided by the Dublin Bay Watch Committee."
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee urges the allocation of additional funding for the supply and installation of defibrillators across the entire North Central Area.
It is not the policy of Dublin City Council to install defibrillators. However, in instances where sports clubs or private business seek permission to install them on public property, Dublin City Council will authorise same, provided they are properly maintained and located with an adequate power supply to maintain a consistent charge.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Area Manager Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Dublin Fire Brigade have positioned defibrillators (AEDs) outside all of its fire stations across the city and county and they are accessible to the public as required. The AEDs are located outside each of the 14 fire stations in a heated secure box. Members of the public can access the defibrillators by calling 999/112 and stating their location. Simultaneously, medical help will be dispatched and guidance will be given over the phone. Each of Dublin Fire Brigades’ Ambulances and Fire Appliances also carry defibrillators and all firefighters are trained in their operation.
Contact: Karen Munds, Dublin Fire Brigade Email: karen.munds@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(8) Motion in the name of Cllr. Barry Heneghan Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee supports the installation of a head statue of Seán Dublin Bay Loftus on the Clontarf Seafront to honour his environmentalism and efforts to protect Dublin Bay, with part-supported funding to be provided by the Dublin Bay Watch Committee."
Under the council’s policy on commemorations & naming, in order to be commemorated, a person must have died twenty years previously or have reached the centenary of their birth. As Seán Dublin Bay Loftus (1927-2010) does not meet this criterion, a statue in his honour cannot be considered until 2027 at the earliest.
Contact: Brendan Teeling, Deputy City Librarian Tel: 2224800 Email: brendan.teeling@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Refer back to the Naming & Commemorations Committee |
(9) Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri
That this North Central Area Committee calls for a report on the casual parking of camper vans overnight at the Dublin City Council car park on All Saint’s Road and confirm if this is in line with DCC Parks policy.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls for a report on the casual parking of camper vans overnight at the Dublin City Council car park on All Saint’s Road and confirm if this is in line with DCC Parks policy.
The overnight parking of camper vans is precluded under Section 4.12 (b) of Parks and Open Space Byelaws 2002. The Parks Service has liaised with the Gardaí on this matter and recently erected signage to that effect. If this behaviour continues consideration will be given to the erection of overhead barriers at the entrances. This will only be considered as a last resort as such barriers can prevent access to visitors with roof boxes, bicycles or indeed wheelchairs affixed to the roofs of vehicles.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.