Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 11th March 2024. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Replies from the Director of Services for the North Central Area Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 26th March, 2024 for noting Report attached herewith. Will Mangan/Maire Nic Reamoinn, Catalin Rosca. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Gully report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
PLANNING & PROPERTY MATTERS Additional documents: |
Report & map attached herewith. Bláthnaid Conlon/Don Daly Additional documents: Minutes:
Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council, subject to the following being addressed & responded to two weeks prior to the next City Council meeting:
1) Clarification to be sought as to why the proposal is for a 250 year lease? 2) Promotion of public transport to be used by supporters attending the stadium & a definitive traffic management plan to be detailed in the wording of the lease. 3) Engagement with local residents and adherence to standards around light, litter and noise pollution emanating from the stadium on match days also to be detailed in the wording of the lease. 4) Is it possible to rescind the lease once granted should the need arise? 5) Can some Sheffield bike stands be installed immediately outside the front of the stadium for attendees of matches?
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 26 Carleton Road, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Report & presentation attached herewith. Lisa Flanagan/Eamon Duffy/Collette Egan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Report attached herewith. Gareth Rowan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation - Digital strategy & citizen-facing digital services Presentation attached herewith & full strategy has been emailed separately – Pauline Treacy/Eileen Quinlavin/Darach O’Connor Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Arts Officers Report Verbal Report. Ray Yeates Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports & wellbeing report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The members of the North Central Area Committee commended local athlete Ava Henry & congratulated her on her success in the European Youth Boxing Championships. |
NORTH CENTRAL AREA MATTERS Additional documents: |
Area Managers Reports Attached herewith. Derek Farrell/Mick Carroll Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Housing supply report for noting Report attached herewith. Patrick P. Smith/Gillian Corcoran Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Housing Allocations report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
MOTIONS Additional documents: |
(1) Motion in the name of Cllr. John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee calls for work to be carried out at the Shantalla Road shops (opposite the Beaumont House pub) to ensure the upgrade of the parking lot surface, the installation of clear parking spaces and a new traffic management system as currently the area is in a poor state with haphazard parking of cars and dual direction of traffic which poses a threat to people's safety at this location.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls for work to be carried out at the Shantalla Road shops (opposite the Beaumont House pub) to ensure the upgrade of the parking lot surface, the installation of clear parking spaces and a new traffic management system as currently the area is in a poor state with haphazard parking of cars and dual direction of traffic which poses a threat to people's safety at this location.
The Transport Advisory Group (TAG) have proposed some specific works at Shantalla Road shops as part of TAG Package 11 Capital Works.
We currently in the process of appointing a consultant for a feasibility assessment and design at the above location.
Once the Consultants complete their report, this will be made available to Cllr., and TAG will determine a schedule to carry out these works.
Contact: Catalin Rosca Email: Catalin.rosca@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(2) Motion in the name of Cllr. Catherine Stocker
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the area manager and other appropriate council stakeholders (waste management, parks etc.) meet with residents in Harmonstown/Artane ahead of this year’s Halloween celebrations to develop a working plan between the council and the community to prevent the accumulation of bonfire materials and bonfires on the green at McAuley Park/Ribh Road/McAuley Drive. Residents are experiencing constant build-up of materials in the weeks running up to Halloween and although they are phoning the designated helpline, they cannot keep up with the level of antisocial behaviour. A coordinated plan is needed ahead of time to tackle the issue at this location.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the area manager and other appropriate council stakeholders (waste management, parks etc.) meet with residents in Harmonstown/Artane ahead of this year’s Halloween celebrations to develop a working plan between the council and the community to prevent accumulation of bonfire materials and bonfires on the green at McAuley Park/Ribh Road/McAuley Drive. Residents are experiencing constant build-up of materials in the weeks running up to Halloween and although they are phoning the designated helpline they cannot keep up with the level of antisocial behaviour. A co-ordinated plan is needed ahead of time to tackle the issue at this location.
The Public Domain team work tirelessly on a daily basis, including at weekends, in the weeks in the run up to Halloween with all stakeholders both internally and externally including Parks, Waste Management, Dublin Fire Brigade and An Garda Siochána to remove stock piles of bonfire material. As part of this process all stakeholders including residents are advised through social media and other communications to report any bonfire material to the designated helpline, the Area Office or by logging it directly through the Citizen hub.
All issues of anti-social behaviour should be reported to An Garda Siochána.
Contact: Tommy Collins, Public Domain Enforcement Officer Clontarf – Donaghmede LEA Phone: 222 8859 Email: tommy.collins@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(3) Motion in the name of Cllr. Alison Gilliland
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the Parks Department engage with all sports clubs (athletics, football, and GAA) who use the pitches in Fr Collins Park, with a view to bringing forward an agreed maintenance schedule, so that works do not disrupt pitch playability as they have done in the past.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the Parks Department engage with all sports clubs (athletics, football, and GAA) who use the pitches in Fr Collins Park, with a view to bringing forward an agreed maintenance schedule, so that works do not disrupt pitch playability as they have done in the past.
The Parks service mows the pitches in this park on a weekly cycle as with all of the other pitches in the area as conditions allow. In wet weather when grass is growing strongly it is always a judgement call as to whether to let the grass grow for another week so that the grass might be too long at the weekend and matches get called off by the referee or to cut same in less than ideal conditions and risk marking the surface and kicking-up mud. Given that routine maintenance is so weather dependent and requires the decision-making and the experience of trained maintenance staff it is not clear how a maintenance schedule can be agreed in advance in any meaningful way.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
(4) Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that Killester and Fairview Neighbourhood plans be progressed and funding be sought, that a meeting take place with residents to consult on plans. Nothing has been done with the agreed priority neighbourhood plans besides the filtered permeability on Haverty Road, Marino. There have been complaints in Killester about car’s speeding down the Demesne Killester and the dangers here due to speeding traffic as children cross here regularly.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that Killester and Fairview Neighbourhood plans be progressed and funding be sought, that a meeting take place with residents to consult on plans. Nothing has been done with the agreed priority neighbourhood plans besides the filtered permeability on Haverty Road Marino. There have been complaints in Killester about car’s speeding down the Demesne Killester and the dangers here due to speeding traffic as children cross here regularly.
DCC Traffic currently does not have the resources to progress a neighbourhood scheme in the Killester/Fairview area. We are actively seeking additional resources.
In the meantime the reported issue of speeding along the Demesne in Killester will be referred to the Traffic Advisory Group for investigation.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Manager’s report rejected by Councillor Cooney. |
(5) Motion in the name of Cllr. Donna Cooney
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the Killester traffic Island between Howth Road and Collins Avenue should be planted like those in the North city and the lamp stand be repaired, one lamp of the three is missing, the area is in need of a good place making, design improvements and greening.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that the Killester traffic Island between Howth Road and Collins Avenue should be planted like those in the North city and the lamp stand be repaired, one lamp of the three is missing, the area is in need of a good place making, design improvements and greening.
Such interventions are hugely expensive and time consuming requiring excavation to a sufficient depth to provide for an adequate rooting zone for the proposed planting. Underground services may also have to be re-routed. This traffic island does seem to have a considerable amount of such services with a lamp standard, 3 lit bollards, an electricity supply for the Christmas tree and what appears to be a telecoms service cover all located on this traffic island. As well as relocating existing services any such intervention would also have to provide for the local Christmas tree and sufficient space for pedestrians. This Island also is an important crossing point for pedestrians crossing this end of Collins Avenue with dropped kerbs north and south.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
The column in question is a decorative lighting column that carries a triple arm bracket and three lanterns. One of the three lanterns went faulty and was removed for repair. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to repair the lantern.
Replacement lanterns, similar in appearance and aesthetics, are currently in the process of being sourced and identified with a view to replacing all three existing lanterns that are at the end of life.
There is a long lead time for the delivery of these types of lanterns and it is hoped to complete this work later this year.
Contact: Seamus MacSweeney Tel: 086 8343154 Email: seamus.macsweeney@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
(6) Motion in the name of Cllr. Dearbhail Butler
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to initiate the formation of a working group dedicated to the establishment of an art venue within the North Central Area. The working group shall be tasked with developing a comprehensive plan for the creation and management of the art venue, including but not limited to location assessment, facility design, funding strategies and community outreach.
I am requesting support from the area office and the arts office to build on the work of Creative Places, Artane Place and Arts Council research to work with local residents and organisations to form this group.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees to initiate the formation of a working group dedicated to the establishment of an art venue within the North Central Area. The working group shall be tasked with developing a comprehensive plan for the creation and management of the art venue, including but not limited to location assessment, facility design, funding strategies and community outreach.
I am requesting support from the area office and the arts office to build on the work of Creative Places, Artane Place and Arts Council research to work with local residents and organisations to form this group.
The City Arts Office as continuation of its work in the North Central Area would be happy to support and work with the NC Area Office in supporting this group. The caveat to consider is the length of time that property development particularly cultural property development takes from feasibility to financing to procurement.
Contact: Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer. Tel: 222 7849 Email: ray.yeates@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. Lyons. |
(7) Motion in the name of Cllr. Patricia Roe
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that DCC provide a full leaf removal service for the northern side of Griffith Avenue this coming Autumn. This was a priority for me in my year as Chair of the North Central Area and I had thought that the situation had been addressed and agreed at that time however as the residents Association are no longer involved in the leaf mulch project can clarification from the public domain team be given as to what plans, if any, there are to manage the leaf fall this year on the northern side of Griffith Avenue and if the letters reported to have been received by residents from DCC in relation to a charge for leaf bags is part of this plan.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that DCC provide a full leaf removal service for the northern side of Griffith Avenue this coming Autumn. This was a priority for me in my year as Chair of the North Central Area and I had thought that the situation had been addressed and agreed at that time however as the residents Association are no longer involved in the leaf mulch project can clarification from the public domain team be given as to what plans, if any, there are to manage the leaf fall this year on the northern side of Griffith Avenue and if the letters reported to have been received by residents from DCC in relation to a charge for leaf bags is part of this plan.
Waste Management Services operate a leaf clearing programme throughout the city over the autumn and winter months. Priority is given to tree-lined streets, paths with heavy pedestrian use and areas particularly prone to flooding. The northern side of Griffith Avenue would be regularly serviced during the course of this programme. In addition we assist resident groups who clear leaves from their areas by removing the collected leaves for them. We are not aware of any letters regarding a charge for leaf bags being issued.
Contact: Mick Boyle, Senior Staff Officer, Waste Management Services Tel: 222 4240 Email: mick.boyle@dublincity.ie
Local residents associations and groups along Griffith Avenue can request bags for the purpose of collecting leaves from the local environmental liaision officer.These bags are 100% compostable and will be removed by the waste management services free of charge during the autumn leaf fall season.
Contact: Richard Cleary, Public Domain Enforcement Officer Artane - Whitehall LEA Phone: 222 8866 Email: richard.cleary@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Manager’s report was rejected by Cllr. Roe. Seconded by Cllr. Gilliland |
(8) Motion in the name of Cllr. Naoise O'Muiri
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that we are provided with an update on the installation of a “School Zone” on St. Brigid’s Road for the Girls National School, Killester.
Additional documents: Minutes:
St Brigid’s Girls National School has applied for a School Zone and is on the School Zone waiting list. At the moment the team only has funding to progress School Zone applications as part of the Safe Routes to School Round 2 list, funded by the National Transport Authority, and is not in a position to progress applications outside of this list. The team hopes to be in a position to progress works on the waiting list subject to securing alternative funding.
We are also keen to manage expectations in terms of the impact that School Zones can make. While they can improve the situation at schools, they are only one of many solutions to the traffic challenges that school communities face. Ultimately we need to reduce the number of cars causing congestion at the school gate which creates the unsafe environment for children. Some softer measures to help reducing the number of students being driven to school, such as Park and Strides, walking busses and cycling busses, could also help to improve the situation. We encourage school communities to work with the parents and children in developing and trying out these solutions. If the school would like support from our team with any of these initiatives they can get in touch at sustainablemobility@dublincity.ie
Contact: Deirdre Kelly, Acting Administrative Officer Email: deirdre.kelly@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |