{meta} Agenda for North Central Area Committee on Monday 19th June, 2023, 2.00 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions



No. Item


Minutes of the North Central Area Committee Meeting dated 15th May, 2023. pdf icon PDF 334 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Questions to the Area Managers pdf icon PDF 1010 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Roads & Traffic Matters

Additional documents:


Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 30th May, 2023. pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.




Gully Report for noting pdf icon PDF 454 KB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Area Matters

Additional documents:


Extinguishments - Proposed Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over a laneway located at 3 - 69 Annadale Drive, Marino, Dublin 3. pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Report & map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale

Additional documents:


Order:  Deferred - pending inspection of the wording of the original petition that was circulated to the residents, including an indication of the numbers involved.


Extinguishments - Proposed Extinguishment of Public Right of Way over the laneway at 57-59 Celtic Park Avenue, Dublin 9. pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Report & map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale


Additional documents:


Order:  Rejected.  Retention of the PROW agreed subject to the words “Slow down” being painted on the ground at the exit of the laneway.  Cllr. Gilliland, Batten and Butler abstained from the vote. 



Extinguishments - Proposal to Initiate Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way over a laneway located at 6 to 60a Annadale Crescent, Marino, Dublin 3. pdf icon PDF 347 KB

Report & map attached herewith.  Lynda Drysdale


Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of a land to the front of 21 Howth Junction Cottages, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5.

Report and map attached herewith.  Cathy Cassidy

Additional documents:


Order:  Agreed.  Recommend to City Council.


Sports & wellbeing report for noting pdf icon PDF 501 KB

Report attached herewith.  Aideen O’Connor

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Dublin City Sports Plan 2023 - 2028 pdf icon PDF 912 KB

Report attached herewith.  Donncha O ‘Dúlaing Sports Section, Conor Slattery & Aisling McEntee of Teneo

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Area Managers Reports pdf icon PDF 630 KB

Reports attached herewith.  Mick Carroll

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Housing Supply Report for noting pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.


Housing Allocations Report for noting pdf icon PDF 605 KB

Report attached herewith.

Additional documents:


Order:  Noted.



Additional documents:


Motions in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this area committee stands in solidarity with the workers at Iceland Foods Ireland who recently went on strike demanding that the company pay them properly and on time, and provide them with a safe and healthy working environment and further calls on the new management of Iceland to engage with the workers representatives from the Independent Workers Union to resolve these matters to a satisfactory conclusion.


Additional documents:



That this area committee stands in solidarity with the workers at Iceland Foods Ireland who recently went on strike demanding that the company pay them properly and on time, and provide them with a safe and healthy working environment and further calls on the new management of Iceland to engage with the workers representatives from the Independent Workers Union to resolve these matters to a satisfactory conclusion.





For discussion at meeting.


Contact:         Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA

Phone:            222 8546

Email:             derek.farrell@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  The Area office will write to Metron Limited on behalf of the members.



Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell


That this North Central Area Committee is concerned for the safety of pedestrians (and cyclists) in and near shared cyclist / pedestrian spaces including but not limited to; on our footpaths, shared spaces within parks and when alighting from buses.  In areas which were previously safe for our elders to enjoy, they now fear the possibility of a life changing injury and their opportunities for leisure are becoming more limited and stressful. 


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee is concerned for the safety of pedestrians (and cyclists) in and near shared cyclist / pedestrian spaces including but not limited to; on our footpaths, shared spaces within parks and when alighting from buses.  In areas which were previously safe for our elders to enjoy, they now fear the possibility of a life changing injury and their opportunities for leisure are becoming more limited and stressful. Does DCC active travel / safety officer believe the pedestrian safety issue I have referenced is an issue in itself.




Active travel projects being delivered by the Active Travel Programme Office (AcTPrO) aim to improve the safety and user experience for all when walking, wheeling and cycling. This will be achieved through the widening of footpaths, the introduction of segregated cycling facilities and the decluttering of our urban spaces and in some instances, through other traffic management measures. The needs of all users is being considered when designing schemes, mindful of localised constraints, such as limited available space for full separation paths for cyclists and pedestrians.


AcTPrO considers that, by delivering a network of segregated cycling facilities, cyclists will be expected to have more confidence to cycle around the city without having to encroach onto footpaths, which is not permitted in any case.


The delivery of the active travel network also includes the reconfiguration of bus stop areas, to ensure continuous segregation of cyclists from general traffic and buses. There is an ongoing review of the performance of these bus stop areas that are being installed. Further revisions will take account of the ongoing review.


Our parks have a range of functions and attract different users including pedestrians with different needs, including joggers, people with mobility aids, and dog walkers, among others. It is considered appropriate that the provision of cycling facilities in parks should not be done in a manner that encourages speeding from cyclists. As such, consideration is being given to providing share with care facilities.




Contact:         Christopher K. Manzira, Deputy Director, Active Travel Programme Office


Email:            ActiveTravelOffice@dublincity.ie


Order:              Agreed, with the following amendment proposed by Cllr. Gilliland – “that Dublin City Council explore the possibility of launching a campaign with regard to safely sharing space, (to include drivers), that we drive and cycle and walk with care across the city”.


Seconded by Cllr. Heney.



Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this North Central Area Committee notes the lack of play facilities for young people in the Donaghmede area, this Area Committee endorses the calls from many parents and young people across the area for a new playground and calls on council management to prioritise the funding and installation of a new playground in the Donaghmede area as soon as possible.



Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee notes the lack of play facilities for young people in the Donaghmede area, this Area Committee endorses the calls from many parents and young people across the area for a new playground and calls on council management to prioritise the funding and installation of a new playground in the Donaghmede area as soon as possible.




In the survey of play facilities carried out by the Parks Service in 2016 Donaghmede was not identified as an area of deficit of play facilities as much of the area is in the catchment of Fr. Collins Park where there are 2 playgrounds or the playground at Edenmore Park.   There are also a number of playgrounds in the Belmayne area.  The existing playgrounds in Fr. Collins Park and in Belcamp Park are showing their age and all need significant investment to bring them up to standard.  These upgrades are considered to be the priority for available playground budgets in the short to medium term.



Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie



Order:   Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this North Central Area Committee reaffirms its support for a new community centre in Kilbarrack as we believe the area badly needs and richly deserves such a facility; we reject the conclusion of the recent Mazars Report and call on council management to initiate a new round of discussions with potential anchor tenant organisations, which should include the Northside Partnership; and lastly, we recommend the inclusion of funding for a new community centre in Kilbarrack in the council's capital budgetary process


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee reaffirms its support for a new community centre in Kilbarrack as we believe the area badly needs and richly deserves such a facility; we reject the conclusion of the recent Mazars Report and call on council management to initiate a new round of discussions with potential anchor tenant organisations, which should include the Northside Partnership; and lastly, we recommend the inclusion of funding for a new community centre in Kilbarrack in the council's capital budgetary process




Arrangements are being made to meet with the Northside Partnership with a view to exploring the feasibility of that agency becoming anchor tenant of a potential new community centre in Kilbarrack.


The adoption of the 3 year capital programme is a reserved function of the elected members and this budgetary process commences in Q3 / Q4 annually.


Contact:         Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer.

Phone:            222 8845

Email:            Deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.


Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons


That this North Central Area Committee believes that the future development of the Clongriffin/Belmayne communities is at a key juncture, so we call on council management to convene a meeting between Gannon Properties and their representatives, residents' representatives, City Council officials and public representatives, the Northside Partnership and other interested stakeholders to discuss and agree a plan to meet the social, communal, youth and cultural needs of the community by way of investment in new facilities, spaces and services.



Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee believes that the future development of the Clongriffin/Belmayne communities is at key juncture so we call on council management to convene a meeting between Gannon Properties and their representatives, residents' representatives, city council officials and public representatives, the Northside Partnership and other interested stakeholders to discuss and agree a plan to meet the social, communal, youth and cultural needs of the community by way of investment in new facilities, spaces and services.




It is acknowledged that the Clongriffin/Belmayne area is a major growth area, providing much needed housing for the City.  For that reason the Council prepared a local area plan (LAP) for these lands in 2012, which set out a vision and a development strategy to guide development, with housing integrated with social, education, transport and amenity infrastructure.  This LAP was extended to the end of 2022, and the Council continues to implement this approved plan.  Included in the Belmayne & Belcamp Lane Masterplan, lands located at Clarehall/Norther Cross Junction R107/R139, is a proposal for a Garda Station and a HSE Primary Care Centre as part of the Belcamp Lane, land bank. 


The Council has been active in seeking funding to complete key elements of infrastructure including being awarded funding through the LIHAF (Local Infrastructure Housing Activation Fund) to complete key roads, Belmayne Main Street and has worked successfully with the Department of Education and Skills to see significant new school investment delivered in recent years. 


DCC will continue to work with all key agencies and stakeholders to ensure that investment continues in the area to seek full implementation of the Local Area Plan and to meet the social, communal, youth and cultural needs of the community.

The North Central Area Office will arrange a meeting between Gannon Properties and their representatives, residents' representatives, city council officials and public representatives, the Northside Partnership and other interested stakeholders to discuss the needs of the community in Clongriffin/Belmayne.




Contact:         Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer

Phone:            222 8845

Email:            deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie


Order:   Agreed subject to the following amendment as proposed by Cllr. Gilliland –


That this North Central Area Committee believes that the future development of the Clongriffin/Belmayne communities is at key juncture so we call on council management to convene a meeting between Gannon Properties and their representatives and all other landowners in the area, residents' representatives, city council officials and public representatives, the Northside Partnership and other interested stakeholders to discuss and agree a plan to meet the social, communal, youth and cultural needs of the community by way of investment in new facilities, spaces and services.



Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney


That this North Central Area Committee agrees that a detailed report on the holding of concerts in St. Annes Park be issued by management and that such report will include


(a)   Commitment to carry out an EIS on the holding of future concerts in St. Anne’s Park

(b)   Reasons why concerts are held in St. Anne’s Park in the first instance

(c)   The reasons for the lack of an EIS to date as the issue is of local concern, in particular the negative effects the noise pollution is having on wildlife, including the several weeks of heavy vehicles trundling through the park during the bird breeding season

(d)   The chosen location of the stage and its possible relocation to a less sensitive space

(e)   The possibility of holding these concerts, (if same are to be held at all) at a later time of the year, post bird breeding season, in order to protect same.



Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee agrees that a detailed report on the holding of concerts in St. Annes Park be issued by management and that such report will include


(a)   Commitment to carry out an EIS on the holding of future concerts in St. Anne’s Park

(b)   Reasons why concerts are held in St. Anne’s Park in the first instance

(c)   The reasons for the lack of an EIS to date as the issue is of local concern, in particular the negative effects the noise pollution is having on wildlife, including the several weeks of heavy vehicles trundling through the park during the bird breeding season

(d)   The chosen location of the stage and its possible relocation to a less sensitive space

(e)   The possibility of holding these concerts, (if same are to be held at all) at a later time of the year, post bird breeding season, in order to protect same.





(a)  Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) are required under EU law for large developments with the potential for significant impacts on the environment and are not applicable to such events or concerts.  DCC Parks commissioned a qualified, consulting ecologist to carry out monitoring of protected species before, during and after the concerts last year and again this year.  The report into the 2022 monitoring concluded that there were no impacts on the protected wildlife in the park.  The 2022 report has been shared with the Area Committee.  The environmental monitoring and mitigation methods put in place during the series of concerts last year and again this summer have been discussed and agreed with the National Parks and Wildlife Service.  A supplemental report outlining the proposals for monitoring of the concerts this year drafted by the Biodiversity Officer has also been shared with this committee.  The final report of the environmental monitoring for the 2023 series of concerts by the consulting ecologist will be available in the coming weeks and will be forwarded once complete.

(b)  St. Anne’s is considered a good location for such events as it has a suitable event space, the necessary infrastructure and good transport links.

(c)   An EIS was not carried out as they are not relevant to such events as concerts.  As outdoor concerts in public parks have been held in Ireland for many years the impacts on wildlife are well understood and appropriate mitigations and monitoring can be put in place. St. Anne’s Park is a very busy park with huge numbers of visitors and vehicle movements associated with ongoing management and events such as the weekly market. The wildlife in the park is considered to be somewhat habituated to levels of disturbance.

(d)  The stage and concert area is considered the most appropriate location in the park as the area is large enough for events of this scale, the ground is flat, the necessary fire hydrants are accessible and there is a good path network to the stage and back stage areas for site build and take-down.  The area  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5f


Motion in the name of Councillors O'Muiri, Heney & O'Farrell


That this North Central Area Committee calls for all licence, event and other income accruing to Dublin City Council from St Anne's Park and Fairview Park concerts to be ring-fenced for Northside parks improvements.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee calls for all licence, event and other income accruing to Dublin City Council from St Anne's Park and Fairview Park concerts to be ring-fenced for Northside parks improvements.




The multi-annual income accruing from the concerts in Fairview and St. Anne’s Parks has already been factored into the multi-annual capital programmes for parks improvements in the area.  The income derived from these concerts represents only the smallest percentage of the proposed spend on Parks Improvements in the area over the next few years.


Contact:         Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent

Tel:                 222 6625

Email:             parks@dublincity.ie


Order:  Agreed.  Fergus O’Carroll to circulate the figure to members in due course.





Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri


That this North Central Area Committee requests the design and implementation of an appropriate intervention at the junction of Shelmartin Terrace and Philipsburgh Avenue to ease the safe passage of members of the “Grace Park cycle bus” from Fairview/Marino to schools on Grace Park Road and back again.


Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee requests the design and implementation of an appropriate intervention at the junction of Shelmartin Terrace and Philipsburgh Avenue to ease the safe passage of members of the Grace Park Cycle bus from Fairview/Marino to schools on Grace Park Road and back again.




The Works Programme for 2023 has been allocated therefore, no examination will take place until 2024, with a view to consideration in the Future Works Programme. 


Contact:        Catalin Rosca, Area Traffic Engineer, Environment & Transportation Dept. 

Tel:                 222 6145. 

Email:             catalin.rosca@dublincity.ie 



The School Mobility Team are currently working through a list of 20 schools (fourteen Round 1 and six Round 2 schools) identified as priority schools by the Dept. of Transport last year. Due to staff shortages, progressing the school mobility programme has been significantly limited and we are unable to commit to any works outside of the priority list at this time.




Contact:         Aishling Lennon

Email:             sustainablemobility@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.  Cllr. Cooney seconded the motion.


Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri


That this North Central Area Committee agrees that there is a problem with weekend bin emptying at some locations in the North Central area both within the general public domain and within some city parks


·         Notes that the problem appears to get worse in finer weather

·         Calls on DCC officials to be accountable for service and to formulate and implement an urgent set of measures to improve the collection response.



Additional documents:



That this North Central Area Committee agrees that there is a problem with weekend bin emptying at some locations in the North Central area both within the general public domain and within some city parks


·         Notes that the problem appears to get worse in finer weather

·         Calls on DCC officials to be accountable for service and to formulate and implement an urgent set of measures to improve the collection response.





Litter bins are serviced on main thoroughfares in North Central 7 days per week with some locations, Clontarf Promenade, Fairview shops etc., 2 to 3 times per day. Litter bins in housing estates are serviced daily Monday to Friday. Customers can report full litter bins through Citizen Hub or by scanning the QR code on the bin which we aim to action within 24 hours or less.



Contact:         Trevor Maher, Waste Management Services Co-ordinator        

Email:            trevor.maher@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.