Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee March meeting dated 20th March Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Attached herewith. |
Questions for the Area Managers Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Attached herewith. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Deferred - pending further investigations to enhance safety at the entrance between 57 & 59 Celtic Park Avenue. |
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Notification of intent to Initiate Part VIII procedure - Belcamp Lane Boundary Wall Report attached herewith. Marie Gavin, Senior Executive Engineer Road Design Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Sports & wellbeing report Report herewith. Fergal Scally, Sports Officer (queries on the Sports Report only) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Managers Reports Reports attached herewith. Mick Carroll/Derek Farrell Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Traffic Civil Works Programme 2023 Gerry McEntagart Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 28/03/2023 Report attached herewith. Gerry McEntagart/Cat Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Gully report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Coolock Interchange Brendan O’Brien/Joseph Kelly Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
North Central Discretionary Budget Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Deferred. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that new community spaces are required in the Coolock area; therefore, we call on the city council to explore the possibility of providing an extension to the Glin Sports Centre to facilitate a number of community groups who currently struggle to find somewhere suitable to meet.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee agrees that new community spaces are required in the Coolock area; therefore, we call on the city council to explore the possibility of providing an extension to the Glin Sports Centre to facilitate a number of community groups who currently struggle to find somewhere suitable to meet.
This is under review and will be looked at as part of the new sports plan currently in development by the Culture Recreation and Economic Services Department.
Contact: Trevor Higgins Tel: 01 2223148 / 0868150141 Email: trevor.higgins@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons
This Area Committee calls for a significant increase in the number of hours the Coolock swimming pool is available for use by members of the general public on a week-to-week basis.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this North Central Area Committee calls for a significant increase in the number of hours the Coolock swimming pool is available for use by members of the general public on a week-to-week basis.
A detailed report was presented to the March meeting of the North Central Area Committee on actions being implemented to increase swimming hours at Coolock Pool. It was agreed that management would report back in six months’ time in relation to the changes implemented and their effectiveness.
Contact: Donncha Ó Dúlaing Email: donncha.odulaing@dublincity.ie
Ordered: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons
That this North Central Area Committee reaffirms its support for a new community centre for the Kilbarrack area.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this North Central Area Committee reaffirms its support for a new community centre for the Kilbarrack area.
The North Central Area engaged Mazars to carry out a “cost benefit and demand analysis” for the proposed Greendale Community Centre. I have only just received this report and once we have had time to review its contents we will schedule the findings of the report for discussion at the May Area Committee'
Contact: Deirdre Murphy, Administrative Officer Tel: 222 8845 Email: Deirdre_a.murphy@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Seconded by Cllr. MacDonncha. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
The North Central Area Committee agrees that Dublin City Council works with the residents of Ailesbury on the Shanowen Road, Santry to help them resolve the matter of a run off of ground water from under the boundary wall and across the public footpath on to the Shanowen Road. This leak is currently causing a slip hazard and will become more of a hazard in icy weather. It is therefore imperative that a solution is found that ensures the leak does not cause further hazard.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The North Central Area Committee agrees that Dublin City Council works with the residents of Ailesbury on the Shanowen Road, Santry to help them resolve the matter of a run off of ground water from under the boundary wall and across the public footpath on to the Shanowen Road. This leak is currently causing a slip hazard and will become more of a hazard in icy weather. It is therefore imperative that a solution is found that ensures the leak does not cause further hazard.
Road Maintenance Services have received correspondence on this from other local representatives, are aware of this issue at (details supplied) which resulted in someone slipping and that this issue was in court recently.
As the issue originates from inside the private boundary this is a matter for the owner of this property/Management Company to resolve. A drainage solution is required to take place inside the private boundary to prevent water seeping out into the public domain. The design and construction of any works inside the private boundary is not the responsibility of Road Maintenance.
Road Maintenance are willing to engage and even meet on site with the property owner/management company on the above basis and intend to issue a notice to the property owner advising of the same in due course.
Contact: Derek Horan, Executive Engineer. Tel: 222 3898. Email: derek.horan@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee calls on the manager to report on the condition of handrails at all the bathing shelters along the Bull Wall and detail a repair/replacement schedule in advance of the main bathing season 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: That this Area Committee calls on the manager to report on the condition of handrails at all the bathing shelters along the Bull Wall and detail a repair/replacement schedule in advance of the main bathing season 2023. Reply
As the bathing shelters are exposed to tidal and storm influences throughout the winter annual inspections are carried out and necessary repairs scheduled prior to the bathing season. The inspection will be carried out in the coming weeks as local schedules allow.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Contact No: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee calls on the manager to detail the manning of lifeguards on Bull Island for the 2023 season that takes into account the tide times. Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee calls on the manager to detail the manning of lifeguards on Bull Island for the 2023 season that takes into account the tide times.
The beach lifeguards supervise and patrol Dollymount Beach 7 days a week from the beginning of June until the 3rd weekend in September from 11:30am until 6:30pm but may attend further into the evening if required. Depending on the weather and expected numbers visiting the beach, these dates may also be extended by a weekend before or after the traditional bathing season. The foremost objective of the beach lifeguard service is the provision of a safe and supervised bathing area for families visiting the beach. As these visits are not dependant on the state of the tide, the times of high and low tides are not taken into consideration in the hours of beach supervision.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Contact No: 01 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
That this committee expresses concern at the poor water bathing water quality reported by Dublin City Council at the North Bull wall swimming shelters from October 2022 through to March 2023, we call on the Minister to extend the bathing season to all year around and we request that Uisce Éireann formally Irish Water use UV treatment all year, there are thousands of swimmers swimming all year around in Dublin Bay and they deserve clean water as does the marine life that Dublin Bay supports in this important Biosphere, we further call on the Minister to appoint Dublin Councillors and sea swimming reps to the Dublin Bay task force on bathing water Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee expresses concern at the poor water bathing water quality reported by Dublin City Council at the North Bull wall swimming shelters from October 2022 through to March 2023, we call on the Minister to extend the bathing season to all year around and we request that Uisce Éireann formally Irish Water use UV treatment all year, there are thousands of swimmers swimming all year around in Dublin Bay and they deserve clean water as does the marine life that Dublin Bay supports in this important Biosphere, we further call on the Minister to appoint Dublin Councillors and sea swimming reps to the Dublin Bay task force on bathing water”
The Environmental Protection Division of Dublin City Council does recognise and share the concern expressed by the Councillor in relation to our water quality monitoring reports in recent months pertaining to the North Bull Wall bathing area. The North Bull Wall has been assessed on a number of occasions in recent years to determine its suitability as a designated bathing location. Both in 2020 & 2021, the assessment of the bathing location concluded that it failed to meet the criteria set out in the Bathing Water Regulations SI 79 of 2008 so as to classify it as a ‘designated bathing area’. See previous assessment reports HERE. (https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/environment/protection-water-bodies/water-pollution-control/water-pollution-control-reports). Nonetheless, Dublin City Council continues to monitor the water quality at this location (as an ‘other monitored water’), and report on that monitoring as though it were a designated location, reporting is presented both online at our information boards onsite. Bathing water quality at the North Bull Wall is impacted by a number of contributing factors which are complex and diffuse in nature. The location itself resides on the mouth of the Liffey Estuary, which serves a sizeable drainage catchment. The Liffey is susceptible to pollution from various sources including, but not limited to, combined sewer overflows, unauthorised discharges and surface water runoff, upstream contributions. We of course recognise that the Ringsend WWTP is situated within the Lower Liffey Estuary, which is operated by Úisce Eireann (UE) and licenced by the Environmental Protection Agency. As observed, a deterioration in bathing water quality can occur outside of the designated bathing season in the winter months. This is during a period where rainfall volumes and intensities increase and daylight hours decrease, resulting in longer die-off rates of indictor bacteria. For these reasons, Dublin City Council continues to recommend that bathing takes place at the designated bathing areas (nearby Dollymount Strand in this case). Bathers are strongly encouraged to adhere to the 48 hour rule of thumb, where bathing should be restricted for 48 hours after heavy rainfall. This advice is available on the Dublin City Council website and the National EPA bathing water website. The Protection of Water Bodies Office of Dublin City Council (within our Environmental Protection Division) will continue to undertake actions to identify and remediate sources of pollution across all of our river catchments, which ... view the full minutes text for item 6g |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee call on the manager to please refer to the massive traffic congestion that builds up on a continuing basis on Griffith Avenue, (a) since the new road layout was introduced, (b) specifically since the new traffic light sequencing was introduced at the junction of Griffith Avenue and Swords Road and make the necessary changes to alleviate the traffic queueing/environmentally damaging/air polluting conditions that prevail on Griffith Avenue for residents and other road users as residents feel that these changes were introduced without sufficient consultation and regard for local residents. Changes are necessary, but residents feel that these have been planned and implemented without consideration for the major negative impacts that have resulted. It is resulting in ongoing stress and frustration for local residents and reduces their quality of life Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee call on the manager to please refer to the massive traffic congestion that builds up on a continuing basis on Griffith Avenue, (a) since the new road layout was introduced, (b) specifically since the new traffic light sequencing was introduced at the junction of Griffith Avenue and Swords Road and make the necessary changes to alleviate the traffic queueing/environmentally damaging/air polluting conditions that prevail on Griffith Avenue for residents and other road users as residents feel that these changes were introduced without sufficient consultation and regard for local residents. Changes are necessary, but residents feel that these have been planned and implemented without consideration for the major negative impacts that have resulted. It is resulting in ongoing stress and frustration for local residents and reduces their quality of life. Reply
The new traffic road layout along Griffith Avenue is to allow for the introduction of protected cycle lanes along a 3.5km route between Ballygall Road East and Malahide Road. The reallocation of road space to encourage active travel modes is in line with Government Policy, the City Development Plan and the Climate Action Plan. Reducing the available space for motorists may give rise to some increased congestion and the ITS Traffic Signal Response Team seeks to manage this as outlined in their response below.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Dublin City Council policy priorities Active and Sustainable Travel modes across the city. In line with this policy, Active Travel measures have been implemented at the junction of Swords Rd / Griffith Avenue. An extra pedestrian crossing has been added on the south side approach and all the traffic islands have been removed.
Additionally Griffith Avenue now has protected cycle lanes in each direction. Cyclists along Griffith Avenue are offered a green ‘early start’, protecting them from left turning vehicles. The above measures have slightly reduced the green time available to vehicles each cycle of the traffic signals (Traffic signal cycle is the time whereby all approaches and the pedestrian crossings are serviced before cycle restarts) The Swords Road is a major city artery with heavy north / south / airport traffic and is a major public transport route. Consequently, it receives a majority of available green time and traffic signal bus priority measures also allocate extra green time to the Swords Rd on detection of an approaching bus. These measures can result in some loss of available green time for vehicles approaching on Griffith Ave approaches to the junction, but all measures onsite are in line with Dublin City Council’s policy of prioritising active and sustainable travel modes in the city. The traffic signals at the junction are controlled by City Council's Urban Traffic Management System, SCATS. SCATS is an adaptive traffic control system that automatically alters signal timings, in real time, based on traffic demand taken from on street vehicle detectors. In addition, traffic in the city is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by the City Council's Traffic ... view the full minutes text for item 6h |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney
That this Area Committee calls on the manager to install some bollards outside the girls school on Griffith Avenue as per attached pictures as cars are parking in places that are not designated parking places outside the school, making it dangerous for children to cross at the traffic lights. Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee calls on the manager to install some bollards outside the girls school on Griffith Avenue as per attached pictures as cars are parking in places that are not designated parking places outside the school, making it dangerous for children to cross at the traffic lights.
Dublin Street Parking Services have been instructed to patrol this location and carry out enforcement action where necessary.
Contact: Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer. Tel: 01 222 2017 Email: dermot.stevenson@dublincity.ie
It is illegal to park on hatched road markings. Usually DCC does not install bollards to address illegal parking but refers the matter to Parking Enforcement. However in this case, given the proximity of the pedestrian crossing and the school entrance, DCC will investigate further, with a view to installing bollards.
Contact: Alec Dundon, Senior Executive Engineer Email: Alec.Dundon@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the names of the Clontarf Ward Councillors
That this Area Committee agrees that the date for the next meeting of the Clontarf Promenade & Flood Defence Joint Working Group will be set at our April Area Committee meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee agrees that the date for the next meeting of the Clontarf Promenade & Flood Defence Joint Working Group will be set at our April Area Committee meeting.
The respective Dublin City Council Departments, which are represented on the group, are preparing a status report for presentation to the Working group and it is anticipated that a date for a meeting of the working group will be set in the coming weeks.
Contact: James Nolan, Executive Manager (Engineering). Tel: 222 4858. Email: james.nolan@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed, subject to the meeting date being forthcoming by the end of April.