Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
No. | Item |
Minutes of the NCAC dated 21st November, 2022. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Managers dated 12th December, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 29th November, 2022. Attached herewith. Gerry McEntagart/Cat Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Gully report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Report & map attached herewith. Niamh Reilly
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 34 Croydon Park Avenue, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Proposed by Cllr. Heney and seconded by Cllr. Butler. Recommend to City Council. |
Report & maps attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report attached herewith. Charles Duggan Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Managers Reports Reports attached herewith. Derek Farrell/Kelly Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Cooney requested that a letter be sent to Transport SPC from NCAC re gritting of footpaths & NC to be used as a pilot scheme for grit to be given to residents groups (Clontarf Residents Association) to do the footpaths.
Housing Supply Report for noting. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Sports & wellbeing report Attached herewith. Due to pressure of work, a representative from the partnership is unable to attend. Should councillors have any questions, they can email them to aideen.oconnor@dublincity.ie and deeoboyle@dublincity.ie. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney
The North Central Area Committee request the active transport office to work with the school transport office and TAG to implement safe routes to school as quickly as possible, including safe crossings, raised zebra crossings etc, segregated cycleways, traffic calming and school zones using the active transport funding and staff available to implement safe walking, wheeling and cycle routes, our school routes should be prioritised and available resources put into the schools in our community, children cannot wait, their health and well-being should have all resources required to give them the best possible outcomes for health and happiness.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The North Central Area Committee request the active transport office to work with the school transport office and TAG to implement safe routes to school as quickly as possible, including safe crossings, raised zebra crossings etc., segregated cycle ways, traffic calming and school zones using the active transport funding and staff available to implement safe walking, wheeling and cycle routes, our school routes should be prioritised and available resources put into the schools in our community, children cannot wait, their health and well-being should have all resources required to give them the best possible outcomes for health and happiness.
School zones and the safe route to school Project is funded by the National Transport Authority under “Safe Routes to Schools Programme Support Infrastructure “ and this project is being managed and delivered by DCC Traffic Department.
Notwithstanding this, the Active Travel Office is working closely with the Traffic Department, in particular the Safe Routes to School Team on school zones that are within the Active Travel Network and those that may be in close proximity with the objective of providing connectivity between the schools and the Active Travel Network.
Contacts: Patricia Reidy Senior Engineer(A), Traffic Department Email: traffic@dublincity.ie
Contact: Christopher K. Manzira, Deputy Director, Active Travel Programme Office Email: activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Daryl Barron
That the North Central Area Committee recognises the needs of sports clubs and organisations and will support the planning and installation of an additional Astro Turf in the Donaghmede LEA and seeks a feasibility study on potential locations in the locality.
Local clubs in the community can no longer get slots in astro-turfs and there is an urgent need for additional space.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee recognises the needs of sports clubs and organisations and will support the planning and installation of an additional Astro Turf in the Donaghmede LEA and seeks a feasibility study on potential locations in the locality. Local clubs in the community can no longer get slots in astro-turfs and there is an urgent need for additional space.
It is well understood that such facilities are required for winter weather-independent training during dark evenings. There are significant demands and calls for additional flood-lit all-weather facilities by community clubs of all codes all across the north central area. Given that the construction of all-weather pitches requires a significant capital investment, part 8 planning and in most circumstances environmental surveys with regard to protected species it would seem to be a more than reasonable solution to commission a detailed study to look at the needs and resources of the entire area in this regard. Such a study would look at a number of factors which will have to be considered and make costed, prioritised recommendations as how best to meet the needs of children engaging in sport in the north central area.
The geographical spread must be a factor to ensure that there is some level of equity of access to our citizenry. Currently the location of the existing full-sized facilities appears skewed with all 3 full-sized all-weather facilities located to the east of the Malahide Road. Also as such facilities are only required for the darker months of the year for a few hours in the evening on certain days of the week with Tues-Thurs 7-9pm thought to be the most desirable slots consideration has to be seriously given to whether a full-sized competition spec all-weather pitch is the most appropriate or economically advantageous way to meet the local need where smaller local facilities might be a better option. Such full-sized high spec facilities are ideal for elite senior teams but the priority for the council must be youth participation.
Through engagement with local clubs, schools and leagues the numbers of children engaged in active recreation in the area both male and female, number of teams of each code in formal competition and total local need for such facilities ideally could be fully assessed. Whether clubs have access to their own or others private all-weather facilities must also be a factor when prioritising such a public investment. Many clubs in the NCA do already have their own facilities or make use of those already in schools etc.
The ongoing management of such facilities is no small undertaking requiring the identification of suitable management entity; liability and insurances are onerous, the utility bills are significant, equitable apportioning and renting of slots to the community fraught with potential conflict and the monies involved substantial. It is currently estimated that in the order €30k must be put aside annually into a sinking fund to ensure the replacement of the carpet at the end of its safe useful life. Ideally ... view the full minutes text for item 5b |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
Should this North Central Area Committee agree, that we will request a report / update on the forthcoming traffic calming plan / scheme for Marino please, particularly in respect of the ongoing C2CC works and the amount of traffic diverting through the Marino Scheme.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee agree, that we will request a report / update on the forthcoming traffic calming plan / scheme for Marino please, particularly in respect of the ongoing C2CC works and the amount of traffic diverting through the Marino Scheme.
The Marino Neighbourhood Transport Scheme, which is focused on alleviating long standing transport-related issues, involves the Haverty Road Filtered Permeability Trial which was installed on the 28th August 2022 for a 6 month trial period following a non-statutory public consultation period. A before and after evaluation of the trial is currently being carried out to assess the effectiveness of the trial. All data that is being obtained, which includes traffic speed/count surveys and further public consultation, will be examined and analysed to establish the impact that the intervention has had on Haverty Road and the adjacent streets. The results will indicate if the trial should be made permanent, amended or removed, and if additional traffic calming measures should be considered for implementation on the surrounding roads. A report summarising the analysis will be compiled and presented to councillors in Jan/Feb 2023. We will seek feedback from councillors on the report and councillors will be given the opportunity to advise whether to implement the trial on a permanent basis. A permanent scheme would likely involve the removal of existing temporary bollards installed as part of the trial and installation of permanent infrastructure such as traffic islands, planting and other traffic calming measures as required. If there is support for a permanent scheme, we will then be in a position to tender for the development of a detailed design in Q1 2023.
Contact: Andrew Geoghegan Neighbourhood Transport Engineer (North City) Email: andrew.geoghegan@dublincity.ie
As part of the Clontarf to City Centre (C2CC) consultation process with local elected reps and residents, in the New Year 30K/h logos will be painted onto the following entrance roads to the Marino Estate, roads such as Croydon Terrace / Turlough Parade / Brian Road / St. Aidan`s Park Road / Marino Mart / Fairview Avenue Lower / Brian Road / Morrogh Terrace.
Contact: Joe Mernagh, Senior Resident Engineer Email: joseph.mernagh@dublincity.ie
Order: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That the North Central Area Committee appreciates the hard work of all our north central area staff, indoor and outdoor. We appreciate there are difficulties as regards staffing levels and recruitment and we are making representations in that regard. We want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee appreciates the hard work of all our north central area staff, indoor and outdoor. We appreciate there are difficulties as regards staffing levels and recruitment and we are making representations in that regard. We want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
For discussion at meeting.
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri
That the North Central Area Committee supports the provision by the DCC Traffic Department of a protected cycleway on Lower Grace Park Road connecting Griffith Avenue to Church Avenue to be delivered as part of the Safe Routes to School programme.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That the North Central Area Committee supports the provision by the DCC Traffic Department of a protected cycleway on Lower Grace Park Road connecting Griffith Avenue to Church Avenue to be delivered as part of the Safe Routes to School programme.
Drumcondra National School is being designed for Front-of-School treatment under the Safe Routes to School. The request for protected cycleway on Lower Grace Park Road connecting Griffith Avenue to Church Avenue to be delivered as part of the Safe Routes to School programme will be put forward for this treatment to be assessed.
Contact: Niamh Ni Cholmain School Mobility Officer Tel: 087 0577970 Email: niamh.nicholmain@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
REMINDER Please email items for further meetings to fiona.moore@dublincity.ie by Friday 16th December, 2022, giving full details of what you require.