Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item |
Minutes of the NCAC Meeting dated 17th October, 2022 Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the North Central Area Managers 21st November, 2022. Questions attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Attached herewith. |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG Report dated 25th October, 2022 Reports attached herewith. Gerry McEntagart/Catalin Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Gully Report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation on the provision of school zones in the North Central Area Presentation attached - Niamh Ni Cholmain Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Disposals - proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 117 Brian Road, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - proposed disposal of land at 2A Glin Road, Coolock Dublin 17 Report and map attached herewith. Cathy Cassidy Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.
Update on the illegal dumping at Newtown Industrial Estate Report herewith. Bernie Lillis, Litter Prevention Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Community Grants Report for noting Attached herewith. Paul O’Halloran Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Report on tree replacement/management on Griffith Avenue Verbal report. Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Concerts in Fairview Park Verbal report. Fergus O’Carroll Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Arts Officer's Report Verbal report on the following:
1. Arts Grants Pilot Project in NCA. 2. Difficulties and progress in Artane Place. 3. Research on the Arts in NCA
Ray Yeates Arts Officer
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Area Manager's Reports Reports attached herewith. Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Supply Report Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Allocations Quarterly Report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Sports & Wellbeing Report Due to unforeseen circumstances, the partnership were unable to produce a report this month. Sports programmes are ongoing, however, anything new will be included in next month’s report. Councillors may send any queries they have to aideen.oconnor@dublincity.ie or dee.oboyle@dublincity.ie for response. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
The North Central Area Committee recognises the growing bus routes and frequencies running along the Malahide Road. The North Central Area Committee also recognises that residential parts along the Malahide Road will be more exposed to noise pollution as a result, in particular the houses on St. Brendan's Avenue nearest the Tonlegee Road junction that have no tree frontage
Therefore, the North Central Area Committee requests that an urban forest hedge, similar to that installed along the Drumcondra Road between Binn Bridge and Drumcondra Bridge, be put both i) inside the barrier rail opposite the houses at St. Brendan's Avenue nearest the Tonlegee Road junction that have no tree frontage (see attached photo) and ii) along the median from the pedestrian light at St. Brendan's Church to the junction with Tonlegee Road- this robust holly hedge about a metre high could provide an effective noise buffer for these houses who have indicated the need for same.
Additional documents: Minutes:
The North Central Area Committee recognises the growing bus routes and frequencies running along the Malahide Road. The North Central Area Committee also recognises that residential parts along the Malahide Road will be more exposed to noise pollution as a result, in particular the houses on St. Brendan's Avenue nearest the Tonlegee Rd junction that have no tree frontage
Therefore, the North Central Area Committee requests that an urban forest hedge, similar to that installed along the Drumcondra Road between Binn Bridge and Drumcondra Bridge, be put both i) inside the barrier rail opposite the houses at St. Brendan's Avenue nearest the Tonlegee Road junction that have no tree frontage (see attached photo) and ii) along the median from the pedestrian light at St. Brendan's Church to the junction with Tonlegee Road- this robust holly hedge about a metre high could provide an effective noise buffer for these houses who have indicated the need for same.
Proposals to alter the layout of this section of road and junction including, lanes, median and verges as part of the Bus Connects Clongriffin to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme are currently with an Bord Pleanála and are due for decision next April.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That this area committee supports the provision of Changing Places toilet / changing facilities proposed for St Anne’s Park, Fairview Park and Bull Island and seeks separate reports on each proposed facility please including timeframe etc.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this area committee supports the provision of Changing Places toilet / changing facilities proposed for St Anne’s Park, Fairview Park and Bull Island and seeks separate reports on each proposed facility please including timeframe etc.
It is intended that the Part 8 planning process for the Changing Places Toilet Block, overflow car park and the land art will be formally initiated in the coming weeks. To that end and in advance of the commencement of the formal process the Parks Service would welcome the opportunity to meet with the ward, and other interested Councillors on site to consider the rationale and scope of these proposals.
Provision has been made in the draft 3 year capital programme for the Fairview Park Tea Rooms which includes the Changing Places Toilet. The draft budgetary provision envisages the construction phase of this project to commence in 2024 to completion in 2025.
It is envisaged that the planning package for the new Biosphere Discovery Centre which includes a Changing Places Toilet Facility will be lodged formally with an Bord Pleanála early in the New Year.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion fell as Cllr. O’Farrell wasn’t present at the time of discussion. However, he was happy with the response. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
The North Central Area Committee recognises the great amount of work done by the local area office with regard to providing arts, sports, culture, libraries and other activities across the local area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises that the 3 area wards are very active in promoting these activities and other DCC related activities across their various social media channels. However, there does not seem to a central online webpage/hub that would serve as a go-to for anyone looking for what is on in the local area - I am particularly thinking of parents during school holidays when they need to find free, easily accessible activities for their children. In this regard, this Committee supports a North Central Area pilot of a 'North Central School Christmas Holiday Activities webpage/portal for children and young people' that would service to collate the details of all the various arts, sports, culture, libraries activities on offer from DCC on to one local page/portal for ease of planning and promotion.
Additional documents: Minutes: The North Central Area Committee recognises the great amount of work done by the local area office with regard to providing arts, sports, culture, libraries and other activities across the local area. The North Central Area Committee also recognises that the 3 area wards are very active in promoting these activities and other DCC related activities across their various social media channels. However, there does not seem to a central online webpage/hub that would serve as a go-to for anyone looking for what is on in the local area - I am particularly thinking of parents during school holidays when they need to find free, easily accessible activities for their children. In this regard, this Committee supports a North Central Area pilot of a 'North Central School Christmas Holiday Activities webpage/portal for children and young people' that would service to collate the details of all the various arts, sports, culture, libraries activities on offer from DCC on to one local page/portal for ease of planning and promotion.
A facility already exists on the Dublin City Council website; www.dublincity.ie/events where all sections within the Council can promote events taking place throughout the City. Given the ongoing work by the Communications and Transformation Unit to rationalise content on the website and simplifying navigation, thereby making it more user friendly it would not be appropriate to set up separate local events pages/portals within the corporate website.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Local Area Manager for Artane - Whitehall LEA Phone: 222 8546 Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O'Muiri and Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That Dublin City Council commissions an external study to determine demand for playing pitches and sports facilities in St Anne’s Park; that the Terms of Reference of this study would be agreed by the North Central Area Committee and that the process would involve engagement with all clubs, schools and organisations that currently use available playing pitches and sports facilities.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That Dublin City Council commissions an external study to determine demand for playing pitches and sports facilities in St Anne’s Park; that the Terms of Reference of this study would be agreed by the North Central Area Committee and that the process would involve engagement with all clubs, schools and organisations that currently use available playing pitches and sports facilities.
The Parks Service has good communications lines with the clubs that have an allocation of sports pitches in St. Anne’s Park and feels that that it is best placed to have a full understanding of the total local demand for pitches in the park. As part of the annual allocation process the clubs are required to demonstrate the number of teams, juvenile, adult etc. that they have participating in formal competition and provide details of league affiliation which acts to provide a verification of the clubs need for facilities for the year. Each year the Parks Service’s allocations team endeavours to find the best fit to meet this local demand from the available pitches of all codes within the park. The Parks Service also regularly meets with representatives of these local clubs and is amenable to certain suggestions they may have around orientation of pitches etc. which may better suit the club’s needs as their age profile and membership numbers change over time. Local demand has increased in recent years and has ultimately outstripped availability particularly since 2018 and over the lock down periods necessitating certain prioritisations of local clubs over those at more of a distance from the park. Each year as allocations within the park could no longer be given to such clubs alternatives allocations elsewhere were offered.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Tel: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |