Venue: Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2.. View directions
Contact: Fiona Moore Catherine Cahill
No. | Item |
Minutes of the NCAC Meeting of 18th July, 2022. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Matters Arising Illegal dumping in Newtown Industrial Estate Malahide Road – Ms. Bernie Lillis, Litter Prevention Officer will be available for questions (should there be any) arising from her report (sent to members on 8th August, 2022). Additional documents: Minutes: Illegal dumping at Newtown Industrial Estate – Order: Noted.
Action: Chairperson Alison Gilliland thanked Ms. Lillis for her report and asked her to return to the November NCAC with an update. |
Illegal Dump - Belcamp Moatview Please note: ***** This item has been moved from Item 4o Area Matters, to the top of the agenda on request by the Chief Executive. Chairperson Cllr. Alison Gilliland will also take motions 5a & 5e at this juncture as they pertain to the item under discussion.
Report to follow. Derek Farrell Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Action: CEO Owen Keegan to return to the October NCAC with an update.
Questions to Area Managers - 19th September, 2022. Attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Roads & Traffic Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of the TAG meeting dated 23rd August, 2022. Minutes & reports attached herewith. Gerald McEntagart/Catalin Rosca Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Actions: Written report on speed survey for Kincora Road Written report on update status of plebiscite for Richmond Road
Gully report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Active Travel Office presentation - Delivering the walk - wheel - cycle network for all Presentation attached. Andy Walsh/Chris Manzira/Grainne O’Brien Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Presentation noted.
Actions: Design proposals to address the issues around the Clontarf Baths, to be brought to the 6 Clontarf Ward Councillors via zoom for their input, prior to being implemented.
Confirmation of the name of the surface that is being installed on Griffith Avenue
Request that “Bus Connects” be invited to the NCAC to present on the improvements to bus services on the Malahide Road in particular.
Confirm that the Bus Connects scheme goes from Belmayne to the Malahide Road to the members in writing.
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Naming & Numbering Proposal - Griffin Point, Clarehall Avenue, Dublin 13 Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Rejected.
Actions: Councillor Tom Brabazon rejected the naming due to the similarities to other addresses in the vicinity which will only cause confusion for An Post and deliveries. Area Office staff to go back to the developer to select a more appropriate name and to come back to the NCAC with a new suggestion. This was agreed by the members. |
Naming & Numbering - Naming of Pinebrook Park to Saint Nicholas' Park - for noting only Report from the Commemorations & Naming Committee attached for noting Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a part of laneway to the rear of 35 Donnycarney Road, Dublin 3 Report & map attached herewith. Items 4c-g – Bláthnaid Conlon Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 20 Marino Park, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Disposals - Proposed disposal of a plot of land to the rear of 84 Brian Road, Marino, Dublin 3. Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council. |
Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Recommend to City Council.
Report & map attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed, subject to the following condition being inserted in the lease – Cllr. Donna Cooney (seconded by Cllr. Lyons) requested that as part of their conditions for the lease, that it would be incumbent upon Córas Iompair Éireann and Iarnród Éireann to provide a bicycle parking scheme within this land to accommodate a range of different bicycles, including “cargo” bicycles, to encourage as many modes of transport as possible as part of our “Active Travel” policy. Bláthnaid Conlon to revert back to the NCAC in this regard.
Having subsequently gleaned information from Irish Rail in relation to their proposals to install bicycle stands, Councillor Cooney has confirmed that she is happy for the Licence to proceed as was originally presented.
Le Fanu Road Skate Park presentation Presentation to follow. Ger O’Reilly, Ballyfermot Youth Service Additional documents: Minutes: Order: This presentation was deferred to the October meeting with the apologies to Ger O’Reilly from the chair on behalf of the NCAC. |
1. Update on Grass Cutting Contract – written report attached 2. Concerts in St. Anne’s/Fairview Parks – written report attached 3. Future of the Belmayne Allotments – verbal report. Fergus O’Carroll
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Actions: Parks to liaise with line Departments/Area Office regarding the future of the Belmayne Allotments.
Maps & signage with regard to biodiversity/Brent geese on Clontarf Promenade
Discussion on concerts dates for 2023 to be listed for the November meeting
Workshop with Fergus O’Carroll & the NCAC members on grass cutting/biodiversity
Arts Officer's report
Both reports attached herewith.
1. Progress Report for North Central Arts 2. Arts Grant Review and the Interim Arts Plan. Ray Yeates
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. . |
Sports & wellbeing partnership report Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
North Central Area Managers' report Report attached herewith. Bernie Roe/Derek Farrell Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Supply Report Report attached herewith. Connell McGlynn & Patrick Smith Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted.
Housing Allocations quarterly report for noting Report attached herewith. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Councillor Larry O'Toole
That this area committee request from the area manager a definite timeframe for the removal of the illegal commercial dump at Belcamp/Moatview.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee request from the area manager a definite timeframe for the removal of the illegal commercial dump at Belcamp/Moatview.
A report will be circulated from the Chief Executive to all members.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Area Manager Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker
Marino will be celebrating its centenary in the coming years (built between 1922 and 1926) as the first major housing development by the new Irish state. This area committee agrees to engage with the Dublin City Arts Office and heritage sections to organise an arts and heritage event in Marino in Summer 2024 to mark this historic occasion. Marino is a shining example of success in the delivery of state funded housing and has resulted in a remarkable community which should be celebrated. There are many still in the community in Marino and neighbouring areas who have valuable oral history relating to their families moving to Marino and the difference it made in their lives. We could use this event to gather such oral history before it is lost to us.
The arts event run in Rockfield Park was an enormous success and a tribute to all involved. We should draw on this model for an arts and heritage event on the Greens in Marino to mark the centenary.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this area committee agrees to engage with the Dublin City Arts Office and heritage sections to organise an arts and heritage event in Marino in Summer 2024 to mark this historic occasion in Marino. They will be celebrating its centenary in the coming years (built between 1922 and 1926) as the first major housing development by the new Irish state. Marino is a shining example of success in the delivery of state funded housing and has resulted in a remarkable community which should be celebrated. There are many still in the community in Marino and neighbouring areas who have valuable oral history relating to their families moving to Marino and the difference it made in their lives. We could use this event to gather such oral history before it is lost to us.
The arts event run in Rockfield park was an enormous success and a tribute to all involved. We should draw on this model for an arts and heritage event on the Greens in Marino to mark the centenary.
The Arts Office would be delighted to support this event in collaboration with the Heritage Office. If Cllr Stocker could arrange a meeting of the relevant stakeholders that would be very helpful to look at ideas and expectations. No budget provision exists as yet for this event and this would have to be provided. Although the Rockfield Park Event is an example of what well run community Arts events can be, I benefitted from almost €100K for support. €80K from the Arts Council. As the centenary extends over some years I would suggest a two year run in to secure funding and build the centenary celebrations.
Contact: Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Email: ray.yeates@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. To progress this item, Cllr. O’Farrell would like to meet with Ray Yeates in this regard. |
Motion in the name of Cllr. Micheal MacDonncha
That this Area Committee notes with concern the very serious problem of traffic congestion on Newbrook Road, Donaghmede, at school peak times which is a huge inconvenience and a real hazard to residents. This road is effectively a cul de sac with a school entrance/exit at the end of it, serving a campus with several schools and streams of cars entering and leaving the school to drop and collect pupils twice per day. This renders their road inaccessible for residents, many of them elderly, whose vehicles are blocked in for several hours each day, creating a hazard also due to inaccessibility for emergency vehicles. The Area Committee calls for action to address this issue, including restricting access to the road, encouraging parents to park at the nearby shopping centre, encouraging more walking and cycling to school, and mandates the Area Office to liaise with all stakeholders to find a solution.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee notes with concern the very serious problem of traffic congestion on Newbrook Road, Donaghmede, at school peak times which is a huge inconvenience and a real hazard to residents. This road is effectively a cul de sac with a school entrance/exit at the end of it, serving a campus with several schools and streams of cars entering and leaving the school to drop and collect pupils twice per day. This renders their road inaccessible for residents, many of them elderly, whose vehicles are blocked in for several hours each day, creating a hazard also due to inaccessibility for emergency vehicles. The Area Committee calls for action to address this issue, including restricting access to the road, encouraging parents to park at the nearby shopping centre, encouraging more walking and cycling to school, and mandates the Area Office to liaise with all stakeholders to find a solution.
The parking policy and enforcement team can engage the parking enforcement contactor to patrol the area when the parking restrictions are implemented. If there is a vehicle obstructing a driveway, Dublin Street Parking Services can be contacted directly to carry out enforcement at that particular location.
Contact: Dermot Stevenson, Parking Enforcement Officer. Tel: 222 2017. Email: dermot.stevenson@dublincity.ie
There are two DCC projects that deal with safety around schools associated with traffic in Newbrook Road, Donaghmede. The School Zone Project and The Safe Routes to School Project. Both Projects are funded by the National Transport Authority and their delivery is subject to the availability of staffing resources within Dublin City Council and the availability of external resources to take up tender applications. Applications for School Zones and Safe Routes to School were taken during 2020 and 2021 and are now closed. The schools in the vicinity of Donaghmede, which are being dealt with under these school mobility projects are as follows.
St Kevin’s Junior National School Newbrook Avenue, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 is a Safe Routes to School Round 2 applicant. They did not apply for the School Zone intervention. They will not be assessed for installation of this national project until Safe Route to School Round 1 applicants are processed. We have commenced with Safer Route to School Round 1 applicants.
Scoil Cholmcille Senior National School, Newbrook Road, Donaghmede, and Holy Trinity Senior National School, Grange Road, Donaghmede, D13 Dublin both applied for a School Zone in 2021. School gate observations and interviews with the School Principals were carried out by the School Mobility Officers in June 2021 but due to lack of technical staffing resources and the withdrawal of consultancy supports from the National Transport Authority in late summer 2021 we were unable to proceed to concept design.
City Transport Projects/School Mobility has been instructed by Department Of Transport to prioritize any Safe Route to School Round 1 applicants for front of school safety improvement works from September 2022 until December 2022. None of the Schools on Newbrook Road are on this current priority list.
All schools ... view the full minutes text for item 5c |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
That this Area Committee recognises the significant residential development of almost 1,700 new units in Santry Village over the last 5 years, in particular
§ 147 additional units at Milners Square § 120 units in Swiss Cottage § 255 units in Santry Place § 324 units in Omni Living § 350 units in Chadwicks (decision due Sept 2022) § 468 proposed units at Santry Hall (pre-planning application stage as yet)
Significant additional units have also been built in the adjoining Northwood area under the administration of Fingal Co. Co.
The North Central Area Committee notes with concern the absence of any new school or primary care facilities to support this significant additional development. Such an absence of basic social infrastructure and public services will result in new families travelling out of Santry Village to access such services and put not only additional strain on a limited public transport routes but also increase private car journeys resulting in increased emissions and poorer quality air. This will have a direct negative impact on the realisation of the DCC Development Plan aspiration of a 15 minute city and the realisation of the Dublin Climate Action Plan and a carbon neutral city by 2050.
The North Central Area Committee therefore demands that immediate action be taken to identify potential sites within the immediate environs of Santry Village for new school and primary care facilities to serve this exponential population growth and to liaise with the Departments of Education and Health to ensure the realisation of these essential services.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee recognises the significant residential development of almost 1,700 new units in Santry Village over the last 5 years, in particular
§ 147 additional units at Milner’s Square § 120 units in Swiss Cottage § 255 units in Santry Place § 324 units in Omni Living § 350 units in Chadwick’s (decision due Sept 2022) § 468 proposed units at Santry Hall (pre-planning application stage as yet)
Significant additional units have also been built in the adjoining Northwood area under the administration of Fingal Co. Co.
The North Central Area Committee notes with concern the absence of any new school or primary care facilities to support this significant additional development. Such an absence of basic social infrastructure and public services will result in new families travelling out of Santry Village to access such services and put not only additional strain on a limited public transport routes but also increase private car journeys resulting in increased emissions and poorer quality air. This will have a direct negative impact on the realisation of the DCC Development Plan aspiration of a 15 minute city and the realisation of the Dublin Climate Action Plan and a carbon neutral city by 2050.
The North Central Area Committee therefore demands that immediate action be taken to identify potential sites within the immediate environs of Santry Village for new school and primary care facilities to serve this exponential population growth and to liaise with the Departments of Education and Health to ensure the realisation of these essential services.
The 2022-2028 Draft City Development Plan Material Alterations public consultation phase has recently closed. The Draft Plan includes in Table 2-14 (page 77) a list of proposed LAPs/VIPs which includes Santry/Whitehall.
Decisions in relation to prioritisation of LAPs following adoption of the Draft Development Plan will be made by the Elected Members, in line with the criteria specified on page 76 of the Draft Plan. The future LAP process will involve consultation with both Departments in the context of planning for future growth.
In the event the Council is approached by either or both Departments regarding the need for additional facilities, the Council will use its endeavours to locate suitable sites.
Contact: Deirdre Scully. Deputy City Planner Tel: 222 3129 Email: deirdre.scully@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Action: Deirdre Scully stated that she will write formally to the Department of Education and ask them to undertake a strategic review of that particular catchment area and where they see shortfalls. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
That this Area Committee recognises there is work ongoing in the background to put a plan in place to remove the materials illegally dumped on the green space opposite Belcamp Gardens, bring the perpetrators to justice and put a plan in place to maximise the potential of the space for more long term social/community good. However, the North Central Area Committee also very much recognises the immense frustration and feelings of being abandoned among local residents due to the length of time it is taking to publicly commit to a concrete plan for the removal of the dumped materials and the development of the site. The North Central Area Committee therefore requests a full public detailed action plan to have the materials removed and the site developed and that this action plan be commenced before the end of the calendar year.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee recognises there is work ongoing in the background to put a plan in place to remove the materials illegally dumped on the green space opposite Belcamp Gardens, bring the perpetrators to justice and put a plan in place to maximise the potential of the space for more long term social/community good. However, the North Central Area Committee also very much recognises the immense frustration and feelings of being abandoned among local residents due to the length of time it is taking to publicly commit to a concrete plan for the removal of the dumped materials and the development of the site. The North Central Area Committee therefore requests a full public detailed action plan to have the materials removed and the site developed and that this action plan be commenced before the end of the calendar year.
A report will be circulated from the Chief Executive to all members.
Contact: Derek Farrell, Area Manager Email: derek.farrell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Alison Gilliland
That this Area Committee recognises the need for a combined hospitality and public toilet facility in Ellenfield Park and asks that this be realised over the next 6- 8 months. Given the high level of usage and footfall in Ellenfield Park which has now been enhanced by the new pedestrian crossings on the Shantalla/Swords Road. (thank you!)
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee recognises the need for a combined hospitality and public toilet facility in Ellenfield Park and asks that this be realised over the next 6- 8 months. Given the high level of usage and footfall in Ellenfield Park which has now been enhanced by the new pedestrian crossings on the Shantalla/Swords Rd. (thank you!)
There are currently no proposals for such a combined hospitability/public toilet facility in Ellenfield Park. As there is no suitable toilet facility available in the park that a coffee provider could open, supervise and maintain a unit that included a toilet would be required. A site within the park that would have access to services water and foul would need to be identified and budgetary provision made to affect such connections. Ellenfield Park is essentially a small local park which does not have a car park and does not operate as a destination park. It is not immediately apparent that there is sufficient footfall within the park at this time to make the provision of such a service commercially viable and attractive to such vendors.
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Phone: 222 6625 Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That this Area Committee calls on DCC to resume meetings with the Clontarf Promenade Redevelopment & Flood Defence Project Joint Working Group as a matter of urgency.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee calls on DCC to resume meetings with the Clontarf Promenade Redevelopment & Flood Defence Project Joint Working Group as a matter of urgency.
The Project Manager & Local Area Manager will set up a meeting with the Joint Working Group of the Clontarf Promenade and Flood Alleviation Scheme in the coming weeks to advise at what stage the contract brief is at.
Contact: Gerard O'Connell, Project Manager Tel: 222 4302 Email: gerry.oconnell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Cllr. O’Farrell will liaise directly with Gerard O’Connell to answer a number of queries and the Joint Working Group to come up with appropriate dates to meet. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Damian O'Farrell
That this Area Committee Motion supports Marino Scheme Centenary 2024 and calls on DCC to report on area improvements to support residents.”
Additional documents: Minutes:
The Arts Office would be delighted to support this event in collaboration with the Heritage Office. If Cllr O’Farrell could arrange a meeting of the relevant stakeholders that would be very helpful to look at ideas and expectations. No budget provision exists as yet for this event and this would have to be provided. As the centenary extends over some years I would suggest a two year run in to secure funding and build the centenary celebrations.
Contact: Ray Yeates, City Arts Officer Email: ray.yeates@dublincity.ie
As part of the works programme 2022 Road Maintenance Services have completed resurfacing works on Brian Avenue and Philipsburgh Avenue. The programme of works for both 2023 & 2024 has not yet been finalised therefore improvements details cannot be provided at this stage.
Contact: Derek Horan, Executive Engineer. Tel: 222 3898. Email: derek.horan@dublincity.ie
The Area office is currently engaged with Marino residents association exploring all options with regard to potential initiatives to mark the centenary. We are happy to assign resources (human and financial) to ensure its success. As part of this process we are doing an audit in collaboration with residents of practical improvements that can be done around the area and it is anticipated that we will utilise a portion of our minor works budget to facilitate some small scale/high impact projects in the area.
Contact: Bernie Roe, Local Area Manager for Clontarf – Donaghmede LEA Phone: 222 8846 Email: bernie.roe@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. To progress this item, Cllr. O’Farrell would like to meet with Ray Yeates in this regard.
Motion in the name of Councillor Larry O'Toole
That this Area Committee instruct the manager to liaise with NTA regarding the proposed construction site (during Bus Direct construction works) at the corner of Buttercup Park adjacent to Darndale Roundabout. And that the committee agrees that the siting of the works at this location is totally inappropriate.
Additional documents: Minutes:
That this Area Committee instruct the manager to liaise with NTA regarding the proposed construction site (during Bus Direct construction works) at the corner of Buttercup Park adjacent to Darndale Roundabout. And that the committee agrees that the siting of the works at this location is totally inappropriate.
This planned work site forms part of Core Bus Corridor Scheme 1, Clongriffin to City Centre. The NTA submitted the Clongriffin to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme statutory application documentation to An Bord Pleanála in April 2022 as the first Scheme for approval. The formal statutory public consultation period for this scheme is now finished. The proposed site formed part of the submission to An Bord Pleanála therefore no changes can be made. A decision on the scheme is due shortly.
I have forwarded the Councillors’ concerns to the NTA’s Bus Connects team for their awareness. Queries regarding Bus Connects schemes can be sent to info@busconnects.ie
Contact: Niall Bolger Acting Senior Exec ITS Officer Email: Niall.bolger@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Action: The Area Office will liaise with Dublin City Council’s Bus Connects Liaison team to get a report on this issue and to ask that they engage with the NTA vis-à-vis attending the next NCAC.