No. | Item |
Minutes of North Central Area Committee meeting held on Monday 15th February, 2021 (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Area Matters Additional documents: |
Cycling Infrastructure Plan Padraig O’Brien (report update herewith)
Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Verbal update on Cycle Infrastructure plan including updated Maps. Further meeting for consultation with Councillors to be arranged once project teams are established closer to the end of Q3 / Q4 with more comprehensive maps and updated drawings to include Bus Connects routes. |
Rossana Camargo / William Mangan (reports herewith / presentation to follow)
Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: The Manager suggested that the NCA make their submissions in writing by Monday 22nd March and a briefing will be organised with Councillors later next week. |
NCA - Climate Plan Report Sabrina Dekker / Maryann Harris (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Presentation noted. |
Update Sculpture Dublin Report March 2021 Les Moore (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Belcamp (Site B): Re Part 8 status update to North Central Area Committee Cian Harte / Eoghan Broderick (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Proposed by Cllr. Larry O’Toole seconded by Cllr John Lyons. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
(report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
Disposals at New Priory (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. The Manager to send written update to Councillors on current position at New Priory. |
Housing Supply Report (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. The Manager to follow up Written update to NCA on Rapid Build Woodville/Cromcastle Court. Possibility of recommencement of work on Bunratty Road to be raised with the Department. Manager to make enquiry regarding people on DCC Hap list transferring to Fingal County Council. |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Heney requested the Manager to follow up with the Boxing Officer Noel Bourke on how he is targeting youngsters to register with you tube. |
Roads and Streets Matters Additional documents: |
Minutes of TAG report (no reports) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: TAG team to attend the next meeting. |
Items for following meeting Additional documents: Minutes: Richmond Road Update – Cllr Ó Muirí Report on Propagation of Trees in the NCA Public Domain – Cllr. Brabazon Tree Pruning / Grass Cutting Contract – Cllr. Heney Update on Clongriffin Town Centre Update on delays to our Housing Projects re Covid - Cllr. Declan Flanagan
Motions Additional documents: |
Motion in the name of Patricia Roe That this committee agree that there is a need for more public toilets to be provided in our area, particularly in parks and areas where people recreate.
Firstly, in the short term, could ‘Portaloos’ be provided in our public parks where there are no public facilities available, in particular Albert College Park.
Secondly, can we look at installing public toilets on a more permanent basis in the above areas. Perhaps single ‘automated public convenience’ type could be used where appropriate, and as an example for multiple cubicle plus baby changing area, could I refer to public toilet installed at Duncannon beach, Co Wexford.
I note that the only budget allocated in the CE’s capital fund, for the coming year, for public toilets are at tea rooms in Merrion Square and Fairview Park tea rooms.
Installation of public toilets at appropriate public areas should be a recommendation in our new city development plan.
Additional documents: Minutes: That this committee agree that there is a need for more public toilets to be provided in our area, particularly in parks and areas where people recreate.
Firstly, in the short term, could ‘Portaloos’ be provided in our public parks where there are no public facilities available, in particular Albert College Park.
Secondly, can we look at installing public toilets on a more permanent basis in the above areas. Perhaps single ‘automated public convenience’ type could be used where appropriate, and as an example for multiple cubicle plus baby changing area, could I refer to public toilet installed at Duncannon beach, Co Wexford.
I note that the only budget allocated in the CE’s capital fund, for the coming year, for public toilets are at tea rooms in Merrion Square and Fairview Park tea rooms.
Installation of public toilets at appropriate public areas should be a recommendation in our new city development plan.
While public toilets would be a welcome addition to the offering in most parks their location, design and maintenance requirements must be given serious consideration. Unless such public toilets are suitably located and adequately serviced they can quite quickly become havens for anti-social behavior and vandalism. The Parks Service has experience of such toilets in the past that were unavailable to the public more often than not due to vandalism and damage.
Portaloos would not be considered as an appropriate interim solution within a public park as their light-weight plastic construction makes them vulnerable to being tipped over or otherwise damaged and to firesetting. Such temporary toilets are only really suitable at events or at works sites where they are located behind locked gates.
There are longer term proposals to develop and conserve the historic buildings and courtyard in Albert College Park which will include tea-rooms and public toilets which will depend of the future allocation of appropriate capital funding.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Deirdre Heney That the Manager refer to the narrow cycle track along the promenade on Clontarf Road and give a detailed overview of planned improvement works that are planned to be carried out to make the cycle track safe for cyclists and pedestrians who traverse each other along the route
Additional documents: Minutes: That the Manager refer to the narrow cycle track along the promenade on Clontarf Road and give a detailed overview of planned improvement works that are planned to be carried out to make the cycle track safe for cyclists and pedestrians who traverse each other along the route
Upgrades to the cycleway are a key part of the Promenade and Flood Alleviation scheme, which is at pre-feasibility stage. It is hoped that an outline design will be brought through a public engagement exercise before year end.
The element of the cycleway adjacent to Alfie Byrne Road is part of the Clontarf to City Centre cycleway, which is at a more advanced stage with designs already being discussed through the Consultative Committee.
It is not planned to undertake significant capital works to the cycleway at this time but if the Councillor is aware of immediate safety issues the Area Office will be more than happy to follow up on these specific issues.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Gerard O’Connell, Senior Engineer, Flood Projects and Water Framework Division. Email: gerry.oconnell@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise Ó Muirí That full wheelchair access to Dollymount Strand be provided by 1st June
2021. Additional documents: Minutes: That
full wheelchair access to Dollymount Strand be provided by 1st June
2021. Reply
The Council is committed to improving access to the beach for wheelchair users even if full wheelchair access is unlikely. Beach-wheelchairs are available during the bathing season that are suitable for both the beach and use in the shallows and surf. However these do not suit all wheelchair users.
The soft wind-blown and tide-borne sands that accumulate at the toe of fore dunes and particularly at the ends of the beach access roads pose particular access difficulties for wheelchair users. The matter has been raised at the oversight forum and various technologies that would provide a suitable surface over these sands are currently being explored. Sand ladders and sand matting provide a usable surface for wheelchair users but have maintenance requirements and need to rise and fall with the accumulated sands and re-lain after particularly high tides and storm events. The possibility of partnering with one of the volunteer groups on Bull Island in this regard is also being explored.
The matter will be further investigated and will be discussed at the next meeting of the oversight forum.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Motion proposed by Cllr. Naoise Ó’ Muirí and seconded by Cllr Damian O’Farrell and Cllr. Deirdre Heney. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Further to my motion on the lack of footpaths and damaged inadequate footpaths in the Killester Area particularly for active transport to St Bridget’s GNS, Holy Faith Killester and the Dart Station, could the councillor be updated on works scheduled as they are needed urgently, also on signage for 30km speed limits around the school and residential roads as speeding is an issue, the school has applied for a school zone and I’m hopeful that a walkability audit will be undertaken”
Additional documents: Minutes: Further to my motion on the lack of footpaths and damaged inadequate footpaths in the Killester Area particularly for active transport to St Bridget’s GNS, Holy Faith Killester and the Dart Station, could the councillor be updated on works scheduled as they are needed urgently, also on signage for 30km speed limits around the school and residential roads as speeding is an issue, the school has applied for a school zone and I’m hopeful that a walkability audit will be undertaken”
Regarding the installation of 30 km/h at the residential roads, since March 2020, the installation of speed limit signage in most residential areas was suspended due to Covid-19 related actions. Currently, the installation of the new speed limit signage has been resumed in phases for all remaining areas and is expected to be fully in place by mid-2021. It is expecting that all residential roads in the North Central Area will be 30 km/h by July 2021.
Contact: Rossana Camargo, Executive Engineer, Transportation. Road Safety. Policy, Strategy and Innovation Section Email: rossana.camargo@dublincity.ie
Road Maintenance Services has localized carriageway repairs scheduled for 2021 as part of our Major Works Program. There are currently no other major works scheduled for the Killester Area at present.
Contact: Shane Satell, Executive Engineer, Road Maintenance Services. Tel: 2222297. Email: shane.satell@dublncity.ie
A site visit has been arranged with the Principal of St Bridget’s Girls National School on 23rd March to assess the current situation at the school gate. We have also contacted the Principal of Holy Faith Secondary School to establish if their student travel modes impact St Bridget’s GNS.
Contact: Antonia Martin, Communication & Promotion officer, Covid Mobility Measures Email: antonia.martin@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Report to Councillor. Manager to follow up. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could the leave no trace signage and new style bins promised for the Clontarf promenade be implemented ASAP to reduce littering and costs financial and environmental with extensive littering especially at weekends”
Additional documents: Minutes: Could the leave no trace signage and new style bins promised for the Clontarf promenade be implemented ASAP to reduce littering and costs financial and environmental with extensive littering especially at weekends”
The Litter
Prevention Officer has discussed this issue directly with the
Councillor and is in the process of arranging signage through Leave
no Trace Ireland and will provide a full report when more
information is available. A number of locations are being considered along the outer footpath at Clontarf as well as increasing the number of standard bins provided along the promenade walkway. Temporary bins currently in situ will remain in place as an interim measure until such time as this is completed. New covers/lids for the temporary bins have been ordered and are due for delivery shortly. These will restrict access to the bins reducing the opportunity for waste to be removed and avoid litter overflowing from the bins. The opening in the existing standard litter bins on the promenade cannot be adjusted.
Waste Management Services are carrying out audits of the supply of bins in various areas of the city and in local electoral areas to ensure that there is an adequate supply of bins provided in proximity to all litter generators and an adequate number provided to provide the capacity required. There are a significant number of replacement and new installations to be completed.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Simon Brock, Administrative Officer, Waste Management Services Tel: 222 4237 Email: simon.brock@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney Could we adopt a policy of proactively helping residential groups that wish to plant wildflower meadows, patches and pollinators in their communities, put out a call for groups to express an interest and have a webinair to educate on best methods and supply seeds and bulbs to organised and informed groups”
Additional documents: Minutes: Could we adopt a policy of proactively helping residential groups that wish to plant wildflower meadows, patches and pollinators in their communities, put out a call for groups to express an interest and have a webinair to educate on best methods and supply seeds and bulbs to organised and informed groups”
The Parks Service is currently dealing with over 30 residential and environmental groups in the North Central area that have requested wildflower seeds directly from the Parks Service or through the area office of elected representatives. An information leaflet is being developed and will be sent out to these groups with seeds in the coming weeks to be sown early next month.
While wildflower seeds provide a splash of colour and a valuable succession of flowers for pollinators during the summer months these areas can look untidy during the autumn and winter and are not to everyone’s taste. Also careful consideration has to be given to what is being removed to allow for the sowings. For these reasons there is not really a one-size fits all solution and the location of the sowing and the buy-in of nearby residents is of the utmost importance for the success of the intervention.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: The Manager suggested that Fergus O’Carroll’s leaflet be distributed through Community Groups and that the groups he is working with be identified. |