Venue: virtual via Zoom
No. | Item |
Minutes of the North Central Area Committee meeting Monday 19th October, 2020. PDF 1 MB (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Questions to the Area Manager PDF 522 KB (Report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed.
Area Matters |
Fairview Tea Rooms/ Park Fergus O’Carroll (verbal update) Minutes: Order: Fairview Tearooms to go to Part 8 in early 2021 this will be funded under the Capital Programme 2021 -2023. Playground contractor appointed due to commence on site 2021. |
Priorswood - Men's Shed PDF 310 KB Madeleine Ebbs (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Richmond Road Coílin O’Reilly (Verbal Update) Minutes: Order: Coilín O’Reilly informed the Committee that a recent meeting had taken place with 2 residents from Richmond Road. He updated the committee on 4 key issues DCC are currently progressing. |
Disposals at New Priory (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. |
(report herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council. Coilín O’Reilly to follow up with Cllr. Roe regarding the laneway to the rear of disposal. |
Proposed disposal of a plot to the rear of No. 23 Brian Boru Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 PDF 122 KB (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
Proposed grant of lease of a Crèche Facility at Churchwell Gardens, Ayrefield, Dublin 13 PDF 137 KB (report herewith) Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. Refer to City Council.
(reports herewith) Additional documents:
Minutes: Order: Cllr. Gilliland proposed deferring this item to the December meeting. She also requested better maps to illustrate exactly what is requested. |
Housing Supply Report PDF 803 KB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr Micheál MacDonncha requested a public meeting be facilitated with residents of Millwood Court in relation to the revised plan. Derek Farrell stated the residents would prefer a physical meeting (covid dependent) to go ahead in early December. |
Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Report PDF 758 KB (report herewith) Minutes: Order: Noted. Cllr. Heney expressed her appreciation that the boxing programme is facilitating children from 3rd Class up. |
Roads and Streets Matters |
Minutes of TAG meeting No reports from TAG this month as a result of Covid Transport Mobility interventions being prioritised at this time. Minutes: Order: Noted.
Cllr Roe requested a Safety Audit on Griffith Ave cycle track Coilín O’Reilly to contact Covid Mobility.
Items for following meeting Minutes: Clúid – Whitehall Car Park Senior Citizens Extinguishment Oscar Traynor Road Kilmore Celtic Kilmore Community Forum Fairview Skateboard Park - potential upgrade |
Motions |
Motion in the name of Councillor Rachel Batten “To ask that this Area Committee votes to have the sack factory on the Swords Road Santry to be listed on the dangerous building register immediately for health and safety reasons.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee votes to have the sack factory on the Swords Road Santry to be listed on the dangerous building register immediately for health and safety reasons.”
Presuming the Councillor refers the abandoned warehouse buildings at 1 Church Lane, Sword Road Santry D9, following a significant fire over Halloween week-end 30/31 Nov 2020, attended by DFB & Dangerous Buildings (DB) and the owners of the property.
DCC DB do not have a public ‘Register’ of buildings, however we maintain a database of thousands of buildings attended by DB over many years.
This abandoned warehouse has a listing on this database since January 2020, when the property was first brought to our attention, as open to casual entry & which DB re-secured at the time, and a subsequent DB1 Notice issued to the incumbent owners once confirmed.
A further DB1 Notice has been issued to the owners following the fire event and DB attendances & making-safe emergency works over the w/end 30-31st October 2020.
Responsibility for all maintenance, repair, remedial or indeed demolition works to these premises as always remains with the owner.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: C. Goldenberg – Architect-in-Charge DB Email: clare.goldenberg@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Rachel Batten “To ask that this Area Committee vote to have the site at the sack factory on the Swords Road, Santry to have a fasicablity study done to assess if this area could be used as a Santry Village community quarter and a compulsory purchase order is made.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee vote to have the site at the sack factory on the Swords Road, Santry to have a fasicablity study done to assess if this area could be used as a Santry Village community quarter and a compulsory purchase order is made.”
The possible compulsory purchase of the property in question will be very difficult to achieve without a very detailed and specific plan already drawn up for it. There have been several high profile compulsory purchase proposals across the country that have failed because the plan supporting the purchase was not detailed enough and/or the public good/need derived from the purchase was not well enough defined or explained. For instance, in this case it would be difficult to argue that there is a need for public space or park at this location when there is already a substantial park just across the road.
Citizens have a right to their private property and the right to do what they wish with it, within the law and without undue interference from the state. The issue of compensation for the private property owner if a compulsory purchase was to take place would need to be addressed. This would most likely be determined by the development potential of the overall site and Dublin City Council would be required to pay this amount. Obviously public funds are limited and a cost benefit analysis would have to be completed to determine if this was the best use of funding. There would also be a requirement to earmark funding for any potential public development that would take place on the site in addition to the cost of purchase. It is very unlikely that Dublin City Council has available unassigned funds in this magnitude.
The recent fires now mean that there is a possibility that the site in question can be put on the Derelict Sites Register. This is a long process where the private property owner needs to be given adequate opportunity to rectify and repair the site. The property owner may also define what the future use of the site is and a timeframe for this. Enquiries with regard to placing the property in question on the Derelict Sites Register will be made.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons “To ask that this Area Committee supports the recent public safety proposal from the Transportation and Traffic SPC setting the default speed limit throughout the North Central administrative area and indeed the wider city at 30km/hr.”
Minutes: “To ask that this Area Committee supports the recent public safety proposal from the Transportation and Traffic SPC setting the default speed limit throughout the North Central administrative area and indeed the wider city at 30km/hr.”
DCC Road Safety Section is in favour of the above motion in relation to support for setting the 30km/h default speed limits in DCC North Central administrative area and other areas of Dublin City.
Following lack of Council’s approval for recently proposed 2020 speed limit bye-laws (Phase 5 Covid-19), DCC is preparing a new plan of action for another public consultation. The new plan will include efficient engagement and cooperation with Area Committees before the new public consultation is launched. DCC is planning to present relevant information to the Area Committees in early 2021.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Helen Smirnova, Senior Executive Engineer, Environment & Transportation Email: helen.smirnova@dublincity.ie
Order: Vote taken Motion Not agreed. For: Cllr John Lyons, Cllr Donna Cooney, Cllr. Catherine Stocker and Cllr. Dearbhail Butler Against: Cllr Rachel Batten, Cllr Naoise O’Muirí, Cllr Damian O’Farrell, CllrTerence Flanagan, Cllr Daryl Barron, Cllr Patricia Roe, Cllr Larry O’Toole, Cllr Michaél MacDonncha Abstained: Cllr Deirdre Heney and Cllr Alison Gilliland
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask the manager to support a review of the whole public domain be conducted to look at suitable solutions and a plan (using Covid mobility funding), to create safe active transport routes for all abilities due to many of the pavements being very broken and narrow throughout the Killester area.”
Minutes: “To ask the manager to support a review of the whole public domain be conducted to look at suitable solutions and a plan (using Covid mobility funding), to create safe active transport routes for all abilities due to many of the pavements being very broken and narrow throughout the Killester area.”
A review can be undertaken by the Covid Mobility Team, however, to assist in this process, specific busy locations where footpaths are narrow and should be identified and submitted tocovidmobility@dublincity.ie
Contact: Catalina Rosca, Area Traffic Engineer, Environment & Transportation Dept. Email: catalina.rosca@dublincity.ie
Road Maintenance
The repair of broken footpaths falls within the remit of Road Maintenance and specific locations where the footpaths are broken should be identified and submitted in the first instance to Road Maintenance atroadmaintenance@dublincity.ie
Contact: Shane Satell, Executive Engineer, Road Maintenance Services. Email: shane.satell@dublincity.ie
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. Councillor would like an overall plan.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask the manager that this committee agree that safe 30 KMPH residential zones with signage be extended to other areas in Donnycarney East to Grace Park Meadows, Donnycarney Road, Oak Road, Hazel Road and Holly Road.”
Minutes: “To ask the manager that this committee agree that safe 30 KMPH residential zones with signage be extended to other areas in Donnycarney East to Grace Park Meadows, Donnycarney Road, Oak Road, Hazel Road and Holly Road.”
Under current Speed Limit Bye-laws 2020 Phase 4, the speed limit of 30km/h is applicable to all the areas listed in the above question. Please see below the extract from the current Phase 4 2020 Speed Limit Bye-laws (purple and pink sections are 30km/h zones and blue sections are 50km/h arterial roads). Currently the installation of the new speed limit signage has been resumed in phases for all remaining areas and is expected to be fully in place by mid-2021. The Donnycarney area will also receive relevant speed limit signage within that timeframe.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Helen Smirnova, Senior Executive Engineer, Environment & Transportation Email: helen.smirnova@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed.
Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney “To ask the manager can we actively seek alternative funding/borrowing for example EU green recovery funds to make Fairview park (which is a much needed amenity for North Central and North inner city) into a much improved green flag park.
The Councillor is concerned that due to funding constraints in Dublin City Council that the Tea rooms project in Fairview Park and other works to upgrade the playground may now be postponed.”
Minutes: “To ask the manager can we actively seek alternative funding/borrowing for example EU green recovery funds to make Fairview park (which is a much needed amenity for North Central and North inner city) into a much improved green flag park.
The Councillor is concerned that due to funding constraints in Dublin City Council that the Tea rooms project in Fairview Park and other works to upgrade the playground may now be postponed.”
Provision has been made in the 2021-2023 draft capital programme for the construction of the Fairview Tearooms in 2022 with completion and official opening in 2023. It is proposed to proceed with the Part 8 planning in early 2021.
The playground upgrade has been tendered and a contractor appointed, however due to CoViD related delays at all stages, the project is somewhat behind schedule but the contractor is scheduled to commence on site early in the new year.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Contact: Fergus O’Carroll, Senior Executive Parks Superintendent Email: parks@dublincity.ie
Order: Agreed. |
Motion in the name of Councillor Naoise O Muiri “To ask the Manager that this Area Committee expresses a Motion of Thanks on behalf of all users of St. Anne’s Park to the management and staff of the Park for the tremendous work they are doing to make the Park such a delight and a pleasurable experience for all citizens, in all weather conditions and during all daylight hours.”
Minutes: To ask the Manager that this Area Committee expresses a Motion of Thanks on behalf of all users of St. Anne’s Park to the management and staff of the Park for the tremendous work they are doing to make the Park such a delight and a pleasurable experience for all citizens, in all weather conditions and during all daylight hours.”
To be discussed at Area Committee.
Coilín O’Reilly Director of Services North City
Order: Agreed. This was seconded by Cllr. Larry O’Toole. Coilín O’Reilly to write to Les Moore, Fergus O’Carroll and Staff to commend them. |