Venue: Council Chamber - City Hall
Contact: Sean Reid Ext 5164 Neil Nerney Ext 8135
No. | Item |
Presentation on LRD6035/24-S3 36 38 40 Herbert Park & 10 Pembroke Place, Dublin 4 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Presentation on LRD 6036/23S3 Greenmount Lane Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted |
Minutes of South East Area Committee meeting held on 08/01/2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Agreed. |
Environment & Transportation Matters i. Minutes of Traffic Advisory Group meeting held on 30/01/2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Order: Noted. |
Planning & Development Department Matters i. Grant of Licence Tea Room Herbert Park, Dublin 4. ii. Disposal of lands 11 Bass Place, Dublin 2 and Plots to the rear of Fenian St, Dublin 2 with Gold Run Properties Ltd. iii. Exchange of Air rights new library room Kevin Street, Dublin 8. iv. Rosary Park Harold’s Cross Youth and Football Club, Dublin 6. Additional documents:
i. Grant of Licence Tea Room Herbert Park, Dublin 4. Order: Agree to recommend to City Council. ii. Disposal of lands 11 Bass Place, Dublin 2 and Plots to the rear of Fenian St, Dublin 2with Gold Run Properties Ltd. Order: Agree to recommend to City Council. iii. Exchange of Air rights new library room Kevin Street, Dublin 8. Order: Agree to recommend to City Council. iv. Rosary Park Harold’s Cross Youth and Football Club, Dublin 6. Order: Agree to recommend to City Council.
South East Area Matters i. Report of the Chief Executive Manager. ii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at 1-12 Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2. iii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at former Heidelberg, Miller Site, Dublin 12. iv. Report on proposal to name and number a development at Lands to the side of St Agnes Convent, Dublin 12. Additional documents:
Minutes: i. Report of the Chief Executive Manager. Order: Noted. ii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at 1-12 Pembroke Lane, Dublin 2. Order: Agreed. iii. Report on proposal to name and number a development at former Heidelberg, Miller Site, Dublin 12 Order: Deferred until March SEAC Meeting. iv. Report on proposal to name and number a development at Lands to the side of St Agnes Convent, Dublin 12. Order: Agreed.
Motions 12th February 2024 Additional documents: Minutes:
Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey This Committee requests the Manager to examine the possibility of implementing the suggestion made in the email submitted with this motion in relation to retaining the colourful lighting on the Millennium Bridge. “For the past number of years, Dublin City Council have erected multi-coloured, rainbow lights for Christmas on this bridge. It can only be described as a wonderful kaleidoscope of colour once illuminated in the dark evenings during the short period for when the lights are erected for the festive period. This bridge is one of the closest bridges to connecting Parliament Street and Capel Street, two streets which are very socially important for the LGBTQ+ community. The Millennium Bridge once illuminated up is a fantastic attraction and I have heard first-hand the entirely positive comments of visitors to the city of how distinctive the bridge is, and this includes children who are often fascinated by the spectacular array of colour. The many posts on social media referencing the bridge are indeed a testament to this. It is a unique attraction, which is free of charge for all to visit. I would kindly ask Dublin City Council to please retain the wonderful lighting which is in place presently year around. It is so stunningly beautiful and it enhances the area remarkably well”.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey This Committee requests that Enforcement Action be taken against the HSE over the deteriorating condition of the Protected structure Baggot Street Hospital 15-18 Baggot Street and to see a fully report from the HSE on their plans for this iconic building entrusted to their care.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 3 from Councillor Dermot Lacey & Councillor Fiona Connelly To coincide with the major upgrade and Tea Room provision that is now underway in Palmerston Park this Committee requests the Area Manager to liaise with the Parks Department and the Arts office to explore the possibility of providing unique Artists studio (one or two depending on available space at the former public toilets buried under the mound of the waterfall in the Park and briefly shown in the video supplied with this motion. An alternative and suitable use might be some form of nature resource facility.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey This Committee agrees to discuss possibilities for the former Station House at Merrion Gates that is owned by Dublin City Council but no longer in use by the Charity that had it for many years and to seek a report from all the relevant sections of Dublin City Council on same.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 5 from Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager if the promised works to resurface Wilfield Road, Sandymount as first requested by myself in June 2020 and the problems outlined in the email submitted could once and for all be actually undertaken and completed.
“As you can see from the photos the section of road between house 60 and 64 is dangerously ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Questions to the Chief Executive 12th February 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: Question to Chief Executive South East Area Committee Meeting 12th February 2024
Q.1 Councillor Dermot Lacey To ask the Manager to request the Traffic Department to respond positively to the requests contained in the email submitted with this question on behalf of Scoil Mhuire, Sandymount. The issue seems to be when children are coming across from Gilford Park and Gilford drive the cars come very fast from Park Avenue way and it’s very dangerous, especially in the AM. Apparently we did used to have a lollipop lady there but haven’t had that for a few years. We were thinking a pelican/zebra crossing with a ‘slow down school crossing ahead’ sign before the end of the bend on the Park Ave side would suffice. Since the works taking place on strand road a while back, more cars have continued to take this inland route as a short cut and traffic has increased considerably in the mornings of commuters going through to go into town via Ringsend etc. The next crossing is all the way down by the vets and isn’t viable for families crossing where Gilford and Park Avenue road intersect.
Reply: The South East Area engineer conducted an assessment at the junctions of Gilford Road/Gilford Park and Park Avenue/Gilford Drive to determine the necessity of road signs, road markings, and a pelican/zebra crossing. Following the assessment, the Traffic Advisory Group recommends installing 3 x Slow Road Markings (M106) and 2 x New School Ahead Road Signs (W141). These measures will notify drivers about children crossing the road, enhance road safety, and create a safer environment for children commuting to Scoil Mhuire Sandymount School by mitigating traffic speed in the area. The proposal for pedestrian crossings will undergo further analysis and be considered for inclusion in the future works program, subject to detailed design and funding.
Q.2 Councillor Tara Deacy Over the past number of weeks, the refuse collector for the residents of Casimir Court has been unable to gain access to Casimir Court from Casimir Avenue due to cars blocking the entrance. Casimir Court is a cul de sac located directly at the end of Casimir Avenue. The sole access point is via Casimir Avenue. The only on-street parking for residents living on Casimir Avenue is marked out by white lines along the road. However, over time the white lines have faded leaving it unclear where people can park. This has resulted in residents parking beyond the white box for cars and at the corner (and entry point) to Casimir Court. As a result, Greyhound Refuse and others have been unable to collect the residents refuse on a number of occasions in recent months leading to refuse sprawling across the residential ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |