{meta} Agenda for South East Area Committee on Monday 8th January, 2024, 2.30 pm

Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - City Hall

Contact: Sean Reid Ext 5164  Neil Nerney Ext 8135


No. Item


Environment & Transportation Matters. pdf icon PDF 99 KB

      I.        Minutes of Traffic Advisory Group Meeting held on 19/12/2023.


Additional documents:


Order: Noted


Minutes of South East Area Committee meeting held on 11/12/23. pdf icon PDF 280 KB

Additional documents:


Order: Agreed


Culture , Recreation & Economic Services Department Matters

      I.        Verbal update from Les Moore re: Playing Pitches South East Area

Additional documents:


i.              Verbal Update from Les Moore re: Playing Pitches South East Area.

Order: Noted


South East Area Matters pdf icon PDF 2 MB

      i.        Report of Executive Manager.

Additional documents:


i.              Report of the Executive Manager.

Order: Noted


Motions 08th January 2024. pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


Motion 1 from Councillor Claire Byrne 

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager calls on the Area Manager to address the following issues on South Lott’s Road and surround area:


1.    Articulated trucks delivering to the Tesco store many times a day which are causing dangerous obstructions and are in breach of the planning conditions.

2.    Parking in the area by Tesco customers who are parking on the footpaths causing dangerous obstructions, Can the manager increase parking enforcement in the area.

3.    Engage with the local residents on the public realm upgrade that Tesco are obliged to carry out under their planning conditions.

4.    Work with the residents to explore the possibility of amending parking times.

5.    Resurfacing the footpaths and roads.

6.    Reinstall the Dublin Bikes on Barrow Street or a neighbouring street.

7.    Provide more bike parking in the area.

8.    Provide funding for an upgrade to the playground in the park on South Lott’s Road.

9.    Find a solution to the bin storage issues in the area.

10.   Increase the street cleaning schedule of the street.

11.   Accelerate the redevelopment of Barrow Street.

12.   Take action on the two vacant houses on South Lotts Road beside the Gas Works.


Order: Agreed


Motion 2 from Councillor Claire Byrne 

That this Area Committee agrees to write to ESB to ask for an update on the proposals for the Pigeon House chimneys and can the manager confirm when they will be put on the register of protected structures as previously agreed.


Order: Agreed


Motion 3 from Councillor Claire Byrne 

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to include Lansdowne Park in the road resurfacing for 2024.


Order: Agreed


Motion 4 from Councillor Claire Byrne 

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to request that the Parks department urgently moves forward with the following schemes:

  1. The Cabbage Parch Gardens
  2. Portobello Harbour redesign

Order: Agreed

Motion 5 from Councillor Dermot Lacey and Councillor Danny Byrne 

To mark the ending of this Council term and the role of the elected Councillors each Councillor in the South East Area would be invited to plant a tree – to be paid for by the Councillor - in one of the Parks in their electoral area and that in the years ahead new Councillors elected for that area would be invited to plant an additional tree and to request the Parks Department to develop a scheme to enable this.


Order: Agreed


Motion 6 from Councillor Pat Dunne 

With regards to St Louis Primary School, Rathmines can we  arrange for the installation of  Flashing Warning lights approaching the school on Williams Park and Leinster Road and a " cul de sac" sign on Williams Park in order to complete the School Zone project.


Order: Agreed


Motion 7 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This Committee requests an update on plans for the Gullistan site and agrees to discuss the format for a Public Information meeting to outline the current stage of the development proposals  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Questions to the Chief Executive 08th January 2024. pdf icon PDF 487 KB

Additional documents:


Q.1      Councillor Kevin Donoghue

Can signs be erected at the green area at Aikenhead in Stella Gardens asking people to keeps dogs on leashes. Residents are indicating that children are being knocked over by dogs using the park. 



Appropriate signage will be placed in the above location early in the New Year.


Q.2      Councillor Dermot Lacey

To ask the Manager if I could receive an update in relation to these two requests submitted to the Customer Services section in December.


The Tree request ref is (Details Supplied)


The street cleaning request ref (Details Supplied)



Waste Management Services had the above mentioned street cleaning request carried out on the 11th December 2023.



This tree was inspected and found to be in good condition and does not require work at this time.


Q.3      Councillor Dermot Lacey

To ask the Manager if he will arrange for a comprehensive sweep of Victoria Avenue, Donnybrook before Christmas and a gulley clean along same.



Waste Management Services had Victoria Avenue swept on the 14th December 2023.



The gullies have been cleaned as follows:


·         Victoria Avenue – 13 of 13 gullies cleaned on 07/12/2023.  All gullies are in good working order.


Q.4      Councillor Dermot Lacey

To ask the Manager to report on why trees at numbers (Details Supplied) Morehampton Road were not trimmed when the rest of the trees along that line were so done in late November/early December even though those trees are causing problems for residents and a request for trimming had been previously submitted.



The tree work on Morehampton Road will resume again early in the New Year.


Q.5      Councillor Dermot Lacey

To ask the Manager if he will have the stretch of Tritonville Road running from the intersection of Sandymount Road & Tritonville Road to the railway line at Serpentine Avenue examined for necessary road and footpath repair and to present a report to the Committee as soon as possible as to when the necessary works will be carried out. 



Tritonville Road is not included in our planned 2024 Carriageway Resurfacing Programme. The road surface will be inspected and put forward for consideration for inclusion in our future carriageway resurfacing programmes.


The footpaths will also be put forward for consideration for inclusion in our future footpath reconstruction programmes. In the meantime, if address locations are provided pinpointing specific locations of concern, these footpath locations will be inspected and any defects found will be logged for local repairs to be carried out.


Q.6      Councillor Mannix Flynn

Can the manager address the issues here please. The entrance from Beach Road to the cul de sac which is Sandymount Court (Details Supplied). Cars in the photo attached on both sides of the street I believe are parked legally. However when this happens as in the photo, there is little room for resident's  cars and more important no space whatsoever for an ambulance, a fire engine or a refuse truck to get  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.