{meta} Meeting attendance - Meeting of Climate Action and Urban Resilience SPC on Wednesday 12th October, 2022, 3.30 pm

Meeting attendance


Contact:    Email: ciaran.mcgoldrick@dublincity.ie

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Liam Bergin Officer Expected
Councillor Janice Boylan Committee Member Expected
Paul Boylan, Vivid Edge Committee Member Expected
Councillor Claire Byrne Committee Member Expected
Chris Carroll Officer Expected
Trevor Clowry, Crumlin Community Clean-Up Committee Member Expected
Councillor Joe Costello Committee Member Expected
Claire Diskin Officer Expected
John Flanagan Officer Expected
Councillor Mannix Flynn Committee Member Expected
Bernie Guinan, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) Committee Member Expected
Councillor John Lyons Committee Member Expected
Ciaran McGoldrick Officer Expected
Robert Moss, An Taisce Green Communities Committee Member Expected
Councillor Naoise Ó Muirí Committee Member Expected
Gerard O'Connell Officer Expected
Councillor Claire O'Connor Committee Member Expected
Nicola O'Hara Officer Expected
Mary O'Meara Officer Expected
Councillor Michael Pidgeon Chairperson Expected
Michael Ryan, Media Relations Officer Officer Expected
David Skene Officer Expected
Sally Starbuck Public Expected
Councillor Catherine Stocker Committee Member Expected
Andy Walsh Officer Expected
Councillor Michael Watters Committee Member Expected