{meta} Agenda item - Motions

Agenda item


Motion 1 from Councillor Claire Byrne

(Carried from the November South East Area Committee meeting).

That this area committee agrees that the Pigeon House site and adjacent buildings and land owned by Dublin City Council will be used only for community, cultural, creative and artistic purposes, and that Dublin City Council will actively pursue the development the Pigeon House site as a community, creative and artistic cluster and will work in collaboration with suitable partner (s) and in consultation with the Arts Office, Arts and Culture Recreation SPC and the area committee and Dublin City Council and that the area committee will not support any development proposals that do not adhere to the above.

Order: Deferred pending receipt of sales brief.


Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This committee requests the manager to prepare a plan to repair and restore the heritage lighting on the bridge at Ballsbridge perhaps in conjunction with the final flood relief works at that location.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 3 from Councillors Mary Freehill, Ruairí McGinley, Anne Feeney, Claire O’Connor, Paddy Smyth and Patrick Costello

Following a very well attended meeting of residents from Upper and Lower Mount Pleasant Avenue along with Bessboragh Parade, Richmond Hill & Place and Gulistan; the residents very clearly pointed out that the volume of traffic now moving through Upper and Lower Mount Pleasant Avenue is unsustainable and is severely interfering with the ability of people to live there.  This is a very narrow road that was never intended to cater for this volume of traffic; it’s now dangerous for residents and especially children.  We as elected councillors for the area collectively propose that a “traffic calming study” be urgently carried out for Lower & Upper Mount Pleasant Avenue to deal with the pressing issue of heavy volume of traffic.

(a)   As a first step that a 3 ton truck limit be imposed on this route

(b)   That Mount Pleasant Ave Lower. and Upper be listed for byelaw amendment to make this area a 30 kmph speed limit

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

That this committee asks the manager to initiate the inclusion of St. Mary's (former home and convent), Pembroke Park, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 on the list of protected structures.

Order: Agreed.


Motion 5 from Councillor Dermot Lacey

This committee requests the manager to contact Eircom ( or whatever it is called now) to remove the unwanted and no longer in use for their intended purposes phone boxes at the corner of Richmond Street South and Harrington Street.  Picture below of phone boxes outside AIB bank corner of Richmond Street South and Harrington Street.  Anyway, these phone boxes aren't used as phone boxes much at all anymore.  They've developed into an eyesore and are now dangerous if addicts are using them to inject.


Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 6 from Councillor Sonya Stapleton

This committee calls on the manager to have a gate installed at the entrance to O’Carroll Villas flats car park. 

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 7 from Councillor Sonya Stapleton

This committee calls on the manager to have a playground installed in Mercer House flats. 

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 8 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee calls on the area manager to install a pedestrian crossing at the junction across Bishop Street and at the junction of Kevin Street and Bride Street. Crossing here is very difficult and dangerous for pedestrians and the new Garda Headquarters  building is making it even more challenging.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 9 from Councillor Claire Byrne

That this area committee calls on the area manager to clean and refurbish both the Patrick Kavanagh seat and the Percy French seat along the Grand Canal, and to consider relocating the bin beside the Patrick Kavanagh seat.

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 10 from Councillor Chris Andrews

That this area committee requests the Office of Public Works (OPW) make a presentation to area committee regarding the future plans for the Iveagh Gardens as previously requested?

Order: Report to councillor.


Motion 11 from Councillor Mannix Flynn

That this committee calls on Dublin City Council (DCC) to rename Hume Street in honour of Mr. John Hume for his outstanding contribution to Irish political life and in particular his unique contribution to the peace process of Northern Ireland. This is a very simple process and can be initiated by DCC by way of plebiscite.


The street was named after the family of surgeon Sir Gustavus Hume. The street is undergoing many changes at the moment with the skin care hospital moving to St. Vincent’s in 2006. There are hardly any residents in the street, it is mainly offices and head quarters. It would be appropriate to give the street a new lease of life in honour of John Hume. Sir Gustavus Hume: https://theirishaesthete.com/2016/08/22/a-glimpse-of-the-past/

Order: Report to councillor.



Motion 12 from Councillor Mannix Flynn

That this area committee calls on Dublin City Council to treat the Proclamation of 1916 with respect and dignity that it deserves and afford it a permanent fixed position within the Rotunda of the City Hall.


Further, that a proper copy of the proclamation be commissioned perhaps by an artist as opposed to the ad hoc plastic stand alone lit-box that is being used in the Rotunda of the City Hall at the moment. At present the proclamation lit-box is thrown around the Rotunda depending on what event is happening. Last night it was dispensed with behind a load of catering and the light turned off. This is happening on a regular basis and it is unacceptable.


It is now time that the proclamation be given a permanent position on the walls of the Rotunda and that a proper copy of the proclamation be made. There was a motion passed at this committee last year that would see the removal of the Anne Madden triptych and the installation of the proclamation in that prominent place. The Anne Madden work has been in the Rotunda in City Hall for many years now and it could well do with being removed as there are many complaints about this work and the appropriateness of this work in this historic building.

Order: Refer to Protocol Committee.


Motion 13 from Councillor Mannix Flynn

That this committee of the South East Area agrees that no portraits or symbols other than the national flag and the flag of Dublin city should be permitted in the Council Chamber and that all portraits be removed as is best practice in other democracies. The Council Chamber should always be free of undue influences and at present the Council Chamber has many portraits, all male. This in itself is an act of inequality. These portraits should be removed perhaps to the Rotunda or be returned to the Hugh Lane Gallery where they would be much appropriate.  A neutral chamber should always be our aim and our best practice.

Order: Refer to Protocol Committee.

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