{meta} Agenda item - Emergency Motions

Agenda item


           Standing orders was suspended to deal with the following Emergency            

           motions: -


Emergency Motion from Councillor Hazel de Nortúin

That this Area Committee, given the results from the Traveller Community National Survey, supports the call from the Traveller Counselling Service to ring fence 5pc of the mental health budget to ensure measures to tackle suicide are implemented in a culturally sensitive way. 82% of Travellers have been affected by suicide with 44% been in the wider community and 24% been in the immediate family. With these findings from the report, this Area Committee recognises the crisis that countless Governments have ignored and, as a matter of urgency, calls on the Government to establish an emergency task force to help address these findings.

Order: Agreed. List as item for November agenda. Motion to be considered as an item within the agenda allowing for a short presentation (five mins) by Cllr de Nortúin, followed by debate and the tabling of the motion.  Summary of Survey and reference point to full report to be forwarded by Area Office to Cllrs by beginning of November.


Emergency Motion from Councillor Críona Dhalaigh,

That the Area Committee notes reports on the recent court case where a judicial decision was made against St. Carman's Hall being used as a homeless facility stating that “ it contravenes the development plan and failed to comply with the specific procedures for such developments  set out in policy QH30 and s. 16.12 of the Development Plan, and in particular in failing to consider and make any decision upon the question as to whether or not the development and change of use of the Premises, will contribute to or give rise to an undue concentration of such facilities in the area , or have the detrimental consequences described in policy QH30 and s. 16.12, the respondent, in making the Order, has effected development in material contravention of the development plan.”


This Area Committee records that Councillors did repeatedly ask senior management for confirmation that this facility did not contravene our Development Plan and the LAP.  It further records the fact that we were told that it did not so contravene because it was enabled by a special ministerial order. The decision of the Court refutes that response from Senior Management. 


 The Area Committee demands that a detailed report be prepared on this issue for the next Area Committee explaining how and why such a decision was taken without due regard to the Development Plan and the LAP.  This report should also address the following questions ;

• What are the implications for this decision on the facility and on other such facilities that were built under the same order?

• Are the council going to appeal this decision? If not what will happen?

• Can Councillors be given a protocol to ensure that where they seek advice from officials in respect of issues arising from consideration of statutory instruments such as the LAP or statutory obligations of Council that such advice is vetted and legally correct prior to such advice being given to Councillors.

Order: Agreed. The Councillor will submit this motion as an Emergency motion for the  November City Council Agenda.



Emergency Motion from Councillor Tina Mac Veigh


The Chair referenced motion 555 on the same topic and it was agreed to take both motions as a composite to read ;


This Area Committee
- in light of the jailing without trial on Monday of the civil society leaders of the peaceful Catalan pro-independence movement;
- and anxious to ensure their immediate release,;
- calls on the Irish Government to urge the Spanish Government  to release those jailed and facilitate and recognise a legitimate process allowing the Catalan people to realise their right to self determination and to independence, if that is what they wish.


This Area Committee furthermore sends its solidarity to the people of Catalonia, and condemns the Spanish Government for the brutal treatment of ordinary citizens who wanted to express their democratic right to vote. As a sign of Solidarity we call on Dublin City Council to fly the Flag of Catalonia over City Hall.

            Order: Agreed.  It was also decided to refer the issue of flying the Flag of Catalonia 

            to Protocol Committee for consideration.



Emergency Motion from Councillor Tina Mac Veigh & Hazel de Nortúin

The South Central Area Committee notes with concern the decision of the CEO to reassign the Executive Manager after a short period in office.  The South Central Area deserves to have the same continuity of service of an Executive Manager that the other Areas of City Council have enjoyed.  Furthermore, this lack of continuity exacerbates the already existing staffing shortages in the area including, but not only, those in public domain and the Crumlin Area Office.


Therefore this Area Committee, while acknowledging that assignment of staff is a function of the City Executive, expresses its concern and annoyance that the continuity of staff assigned to the position of Executive Manager in South Central does not equate with that enjoyed by other Areas.  The Area Committee call upon the CEO to ensure that any appointment to this position lasts a minimum of three years.


An amendment to this motion was proposed by the Cllr Ray Mc Hugh

The South Central Area Committee notes continuing failure by the CEO of Dublin City Council to immediately address existing staffing shortages in the area which prevent the Council and the local councillors from fulfilling their responsibilities.


 The Area Committee express it’s thanks to the outgoing South Central Executive Manager and notes the positive role he played since taking up his role in the area and wishes him well in his new posting.

            Order: The Amendment was put to a vote and passed. The Substantial motion dropped. Discussion took place around the concerns of Councillors about the lack of continuity in respect of an Area Manager in South Central in the last three years.

It was agreed to list as an Item on the November Area Committee and write requesting the attendance of the CEO for this item.