{meta} Agenda item - With reference to Motions to the Area Manager

Agenda item


Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Committee calls on the Housing Executive and his team to liaise in a fully transparent way with the O’Devaney Gardens Consultative Forum on every aspect of the plans for the site.  The Consultative Group is calling for access to tender documents, plans, meaningful discussions and a full input into making a sustainable community on the site.  This must be the way it is going forward for all of the site.  Full community consultation was promised and it must be delivered upon.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive to fully investigate and look into changing the Regulations around Air B & B’s.  In the midst of a housing crisis we have given landlords a loophole to use their properties in this manner which not only adds to the pressure of the Housing crisis but doesn’t help build communities when it’s very transient accommodation.  I understand and know that Dublin City Council are currently investigating such full-time Air B & B lets.  And it is the very opportunity to make the call for the changes needed.  It is disturbing in light of the crisis with housing that this is becoming more and more prevalent and houses are being taken from the regular renting market in favour of Air B & B.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Committee calls on the Management and City Architects to seriously consider the request from residents in and around Arklow Street, Dublin 7, to have some of the openings that use to be walk ways closed off in the plans for the O’Devaney site.  One of these has become a community garden and is now a cul de sac which allows safe play for the local children.  I am calling for a full report to be carried out with full consultation with the community and the local Bridewell Garda Station.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Committee calls on the Chief Executive and Planners to actively listen to the residents of Stoneybatter, Smithfield and surrounding areas and stop with plans to divert traffic up Blackhall Street and into the heart of our village.  Option 7 is not the preferred option by the majority of residents, business owners and school goers.  And this needs to be stopped and another option, which is Option 8, needs to be seriously considered and implemented. Everyone wants a safe environment for cyclists and we can obtain that without seriously impacting on the livelihoods of people who live, work and go to school in the area.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Eilis Ryan


That the Chief Executive will within two months report to the Council, for their consideration, in relation to people with disabilities, setting out:


1. The current situation in relation to matters which the Council has direct

 responsibility for

2. An overview of which areas of the Council’s work will require improvements,

3. The areas where engagement of this Council with other public bodies would improve participation for people with disabilities and the names of those public bodies, and

4. The measures taken and planned by this Council to ensure the participation and engagement by people with disabilities and their representatives in local decision making structures and mechanisms, with a view to budgeting and planning for 2018 and beyond for the Council to advance implementation of the UN CRPD

ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


Following granting of planning permission for development of Aldborough House, Portland Row (Ref 3457/17) this Committee requests the Chief Executive to make contact with the owners of Aldborough House and the Abbey Theatre with a view to discussing the possibility of the National Theatre moving to and operating from Aldborough House as part of the overall redevelopment there.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Committee requests the Chief Executive to write to the operators of the Luas (Transdev) and request that, on the first official day of operation of the cross city lines, commuters using the new service will be allowed travel free in recognition of the disruption to Dublin traffic caused by the cross city Luas works to the commuters/drivers/cyclists/pedestrians of Dublin.

ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to be sent to Transdev.



Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That this Committee requests the Chief Executive to carry out a study with a remit to coming up with design/alteration/improvements etc. for the Luke Kelly Bridge so that it too benefits from the public realm improvements in the Ballybough Area. I requested that consideration to providing lanterns such as those on nearby Annesley Bridge be given for the Like Kelly Bridge but this was deemed unfeasible. However, this Committee agrees that a full improvement plan should be commissioned and recommendations carried out as part of the NEIC Regeneration Programme (Strand four of the "Mulvey Report" - Physical Infrastructure - Refurbishment).

ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That this Committee believes that a surface car park is an inappropriate use for the old Fish Markets Site and welcome the future provision of a Mixed Use Games Area  (MUGA) on the site but notes that this facility will only occupy a small proportion of the overall site, and therefore requests that the City Architects prepare a scheme for a mixed use development on the remainder of the Fish Market site that would either be developed by the local authority or the private sector.

ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That this Committee agrees that the fine of €75 for waste management collecting waste outside of designated hours too early in the morning is set far too low and shall write to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government seeking a much higher fine, and shall circulate his response, once received.

ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to be sent to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government.





Motion in the name of Councillor Ray McAdam


That this Committee agrees to write to the Chief Executive of the National Transport Authority requesting that the Save Our Streets Stoneybatter and Smithfield community campaign be afforded the opportunity to have a formal input into the Independent Third Party Review of the various options and resultant information and documentation of the proposed Liffey Cycle Route.

            ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to be sent to the National Transport Authority



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