{meta} Agenda item - Motions to the Area Manager

Agenda item




Motion 1 in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


That this Committee write to the management of Crumlin, Beaumont, The Mater, St. James and St. Vincent’s hospitals to ask that efforts are made to ensure free car parking for cancer patients as well as for other seriously ill patients, or a designated family member or carer during their treatment and that free travel also be sought from Dublin Bus.


ORDER: Agreed to amend motion to

“That this Committee write to the management of Crumlin, Beaumont, The Mater, St. James and St. Vincent’s hospitals to ask that efforts are made to ensure free car parking for cancer patients as well as for other seriously ill patients, or a designated family member or carer during their treatment and that free travel also be sought from Dublin Bus.


Agreed that Motion1 will be forwarded to the City Council meeting as an emergency motion.



Motion 2 in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That this Committee agree that No. 200 Clonliffe Road (a property which adjoins No. 202, which is already on the list of protected structures) be added to the list of protected structures and instructs the Manager to instigate the necessary process to achieve this.


ORDER: Report to Councillor.



Motion 3 in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That this Committee welcomes the recently published report by the Moore Street Consultative Group and further agrees with the recommendations contained therein.




ORDER: Agreed.


Motion 4 in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That this Committee welcomes the amicable resolution of the dispute between Natrium and the former Clery’s workers and further welcomes the commitment by Natrium to local labour at the construction and operational stage of its O’Connell Street (Clery’s site) development, including the appointment of a Community Employment Liaison Officer.  The Committee further acknowledges the positive intervention of former Lord Mayor and Committee member Christy Burke and current Lord Mayor Brendan Carr in helping resolve this dispute.




ORDER: Agreed.


Motion 5 in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That this Committee formally acknowledges the following awards won by the Ballybough Community, Youth and Fitness Centre recently:


1.     Overall best Public Building of the year in Ireland, in the LAMA Community & Council Awards 2017

2.     The overall Grand Prix (a special commendation for outstanding excellence) again in the LAMA Community & Council Awards 2017.

3.     Overall Community Excellence Award 2017 in the National Public Sector Magazine Awards.


This Committee also asks the Chief Executive to write, on our behalf, to the Centre Manager, Tracey Byrne, congratulating her and her staff on these great achievements.




ORDER: Agreed.


Motion 6 in the name of Councillor Ciaran Cuffe


That the Area Manager write to the Chief Executive of the Citizens Information Service expressing concern at the proposed defunding and dissolution of the City Centre Dublin Citizens Information Service ( O'Connell Street, Buckingham Street and Green Street Centres) within weeks of the North East Inner City Regeneration Framework and 'Reimagine Dublin One' initiatives being announced.



ORDER: Agreed.







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