{meta} Agenda item - It was proposed by Councillor A Gilliland and seconded by Councillor D Doolan:

Agenda item

Motion 1         COUNCILLOR ALISON GILLILAND                                 

Received: 20/01/2016 & Amended: 20/02/2017


That Dublin City Council Members acknowledge the key role DCC as a Local Authority needs to play in increasinghousing supply so as to significantly reduce social housing waiting lists in our jurisdiction, to allow those in emergency homeless accommodation transition into housing and to facilitate the provision of units for private rental and purchase needs. Dublin City Council Members also acknowledge the current capital funding and human resource/personnel constrains under which this Local Authority is operating. Notwithstanding and recognising DCC led housing projects and initiatives currently in train, Dublin City Council Members insist that this Local Authority pursue a proactive and impatient programme of:

a)     repair and lease of currently vacant and derelict private residential units including those of smaller size than the current definition of 'vacant'

b)     bringing DCC owned vacant and derelict sites into productive residential within a target timeline of 3 years

c)     increase by at least 150% the average number of monthly Compulsory Purchase Orders being issued and produce a bi-monthly report on same

d)     devise planning and architectural prototypes for the conversion of vacant space over shops into residential living units or commercial spaces depending on appropriateness of the space and immediate area, establish a DCC one-stop-shop support facility for shop owners to undertake such conversions and call on government to make available a conversion grant for shop owners so as to support the halving of the no. of vacant units over shops by half over the next 3 years

e)     introduce an incremental DCC vacant residential property rate for all residential units vacant for more than 12 months

f)       consider, given the large number of student residences being built, the viability of a grant to homeowners who are currently renting a room or a house to students to upgrade their home for rental to families to allow them qualify for HAP tenancies

g)     demand a comprehensive capital funding package from the Department of Housing,  Planning and Local Government along with funding for the recruitment of additional expert personnel to our Planning and Housing Departments to facilitate the delivery of the above projects in a timely manner and should such funding not be forthcoming that Dublin City Council Members be fully informed.    


Motion 2         MOTION FROM THE NORTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE FROM THEIR DECEMBER MEETING                                                                            Received: 22/12/2015


That this Area Committee agrees that we are concerned, land zoned Z15, the ‘open for consideration’ use in the current Dublin City Development Plan 2011-2017, is being improperly used for excessive residential development proposals.  This is not the intention of the ‘open for consideration’ use which is set out very clearly in the Development Plan:


An ‘open for consideration’ use is one which may be permitted where the planning authority is satisfied that the proposed development would be compatible with the overall policies and objectives for the zone, would not have undesirable effects on permitted uses, and would otherwise be consistent with the proper planning and sustainable development ofthe area.                                



Motion 3         COUNCILLOR GREG KELLY                                         

Received: 24/02/2016


This Council calls for a review of the voter register for all elections. We are calling that all citizens should be registered by their PPS Number and that it should kick in on their18th birthday.


Motion 4         COUNCILLOR TINA MACVEIGH                                  

Received: 24/02/2016 & Replaced: 04/10/2016    


To honour the memory of Savita Halappanavar, who tragically lost her life as a consequence of the Irish State's barbaric and antiquated attitudes to women's reproductive rights, that a street in our capital city be named in her memory.


Motion 5         COUNCILLOR NIAL RING                                              

Received: 07/03/2016 & Replaced: 24/10/2016     


Having regard to the cost of providing a free household bulk waste collection (as detailed in the Chief Executive's answer to my Question No. 98 of September 2016 council meeting)  and the income due to DCC from the NTA in respect of loss of parking bay income (as detailed in my Questions No 81 of January 2016, No.69 of June 2016 and Q76 of October 2016), the Members instruct the Chief Executive to immediately reinstate the citywide junk collection for all 160,000 residences in the city on a two year rather than the previous three year cycle, and that the Members further agree that in order to pay for this service, the City Council undertakes to realise and ring fence the lost income of approx. €1.8m per annum due from the NRA in respect of loss of income (due to Luas works) from the c.400 permanently removed DCC parking bays in the city.


Motion 6         COUNCILLOR DEIRDRE HENEY                                   

Received: 22/03/2016


That Dublin City Council agrees that clearways which allow parking up to a certain time be delineated in such a way that motorists (who normally would not park in a clearway), would be made aware that they are parking in a location that will become a clearway at a certain time.


Motion 7         COUNCILLOR LARRY O’TOOLE                                   

Received: 23/03/2016


That this Council reviews and considers raising the Income Threshold Limit for housing applications.


Motion 8    MOTION FROM THE NORTH WEST AREA COMMITTEE FROM THEIR MARCH MEETING                                                                                  

Received: 21/03/2016


The North West Area Committee notes the lack of transportation and infrastructure in the North West Area and welcomes any solution including the proposed Metro North.  We call for it to be given a full evaluation by the new Minister.


Motion 9         COUNCILLOR ANTHONY CONNAGHAN                      

Received: 27/04/2016


That this Council directs the Chief Executive to provide an updated Financial Contribution Scheme to this Council with a view to presenting it to the Department of Environment as a possible solution in helping alleviate the Housing/Homeless Crisis.


Motion 10       COUNCILLOR NORMA SAMMON                                  

Received: 27/04/2016 & Replaced: 24/08/2016


That the Council sets up a Stakeholders Forum (to include members of the public, businesses, experts in the control of birds and Council Members) to implement and review control methods for culling Herring Gulls. Herring Gulls are a nuisance throughout the city causing problems such as noise pollution, attacking people and pets, fouling, damage to property and picking apart plastic rubbish bags left for collection. This motion supports the preservation and protection of all other bird species and their habitats in accordance with Irish and EU legislation. 





Received: 10/05/2016


In keeping with best practice and mindful of the connotations of the word ‘Lord’ in ‘Lord Mayor’ that this Council agrees to decommission the title ‘Lord Mayor’ and replace it with much more civic and inclusive title of ‘Civic Mayor’.  This would be in keeping with a much more democratic description and title. The days of Lords go back to a time when Ireland was under foreign rule and in many respects, it is an alien, colonialist term.  Dublin, the Capital of the Irish Republic, should assert itself and strike a new title and description for the elected chairperson and Civic Mayor of Dublin City and Council.  Perhaps a plebiscite and a ballot among City Councillors could be considered here.


Motion 12       COUNCILLOR FRANK KENNEDY                                

Received:  15/05/2016


This Council resolves that the Electoral Register prepared by Dublin City Council will be made available in Excel format as well as in PDFs, as had been the case prior to 2015/16.


Motion 13       COUNCILLOR CIERAN PERRY                                     

Received: 01/06/2016


That, in relation to new housing developments in the coming years, estate, street and block names are chosen to reflect personalities, locations and events relating to the “Decade of Centenaries” which we are currently commemorating. The period covered (1912 to 1922) was a time of great political & social activity and is a rich source of historical material, which will provide many opportunities to suitably acknowledge our heritage through appropriate name choices. Many areas of the city have local links to the National Independence struggle, the early Labour movement and to social & political activity which should be prioritised to ensure that names chosen also have a local relevance.  


Motion 14       COUNCILLOR ANDREW KEEGAN                               

Received: 22/06/2016 & Replaced: 27/01/2017


Tenants Rights: This council recognises that it unfair that council tenants do not have an independent agency to deal with grievances they may have against their landlord.

Accordingly, it supports the principle of an independent complaints agency that can oversee a charter of tenant’s rights.


Motion 15       COUNCILLOR NOELEEN REILLY                                

Received: 25/07/2016 & Replaced: 05/10/2016


That this council recognises that Dublin as capital of the State is in a unique position.  It is big enough to have its own budget and taxation measures but has been curbed for decades by Central Government that have different interests.


That this council sets up a task force to look at empowering Dublin to raise our own taxes to invest in the city.

And that the following areas will be looked at as a starting point:

? Packaging Tax

? Increased Recovery on Planning fees

? Levy on Chewing Gum

? Container Deposit Legislation

? Levy on Financial Institutions for leaving Residential property vacant for long       periods of time.

? Bed Tax


Motion 16       COUNCILLOR ÉILIS RYAN                                         

Received: 24/08/2016


That Dublin City Council suspend the implementation of HAP until such time as regulations are amended by the Department of the Environment to allow all HAP recipients to retain their position on housing waiting lists, and their right to transfer into local authority housing in due course.


Motion 17       COUNCILLOR MANNIX FLYNN                                     

Received: 11/09/2016


That this monthly meeting of Dublin City Council, mindful of the shameful legacy of institutional abuse in industrial schools documented in the Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse, call on the Artane School of Music to disband as a matter of human rights.


The School of Music is an establishment jointly run by the Christian Brothers and the GAA, yet encompasses the original and traditional insignia and uniforms that hark back to an age of chronic sexual and physical abuse at the hands of the religious.


The Artane Boys Band was used as a front to hide the gross inhumanity that took place at St Joseph’s School in Artane and other industrial schools run by the Christian Brothers at home and abroad. The harrowing memories of these institutions for abuse victims are regularly flaunted without care or recognition at national sporting events in Croke Park in the form of the present Artane band.


A disbandment of the trust would sever all ties with the former industrial school and its brutal history and in doing so, would acknowledge the ongoing collective suffering of so many.





Received: 12/09/2016 & Replaced: 31/01/2017


That the City Council agrees to add 17 Grosvenor Road, Rathgar to the list of Protected Structures. The building was host for St Michael's School,  a school for special needs children.


Motion 19       SOUTH CENTRAL AREA COMMITTEE                         

Received: 22/09/2016


- the historic importance of the Iveagh Markets;
- the lack of community amenities in the Liberties Village;
- the length of time the Markets have remained undeveloped and the contribution this makes to the severe dereliction of the area of special character of John Dillon Street and surrounds, this Area Committee requires that Dublin City Council should:

a)     Fulfil its own mission to tackle dereliction and take back responsibility for the  development of the Iveagh Markets including a consideration of acquiring the building if necessary/possible;

b)     Commit and secure funding to develop the building within a two years as a central hub for community, cultural, social enterprise, tourism and heritage activities in the Liberties.

This redevelopment of Iveagh Markets should be addressed urgently as it affects the development of the surrounding area and impacts negatively on local communities.


Motion 20       COUNCILLOR RAY MCHUGH                                        

Received: 30/09/2016


This Council expresses  its concern at the announcement that a  nuclear plant will be built on our doorstep at Hinkley Point, Somerset, and we call on the Minister of Energy to lodge objections to Britain, expressing the concerns of this Council and of our government.


Motion 21       COUNCILLOR PAUL HAND                                           

Received: 17/10/2016


That this City Council opposes the uncontrolled and unregulated use of Airbnb in our City. The unregulated use of Airbnb for accommodation aids the upward increase of rents in our city, allows unscrupulous landlords and individuals avoid paying taxes and negatively impacts on the housing and homeless crisis our city is facing. This motion requests that Dublin City Council does everything in its power to investigate and stop this practice taking place in our City and furthermore requests that this motion be sent to the Minister for Finance and the Revenue Commissioners for appropriate action to be taken at a national level. 


Motion 22       COUNCILLOR DAITHI DOOLAN                                    

Received: 26/10/2016


That Dublin City Council, in noting the level of fuel poverty in lower Ballyfermot, calls on the Department of Environment to immediately release the funding for Phase 2 of the insulation programme for council housing.


Motion 23       COUNCILLOR DERMOT LACEY                                    

Received: 19/01/2016


This Council reaffirms its support for the provision of Caretakers for our Senior Citizens complexes from within the permanent full time staff of Dublin City Council and rejects reported efforts by the Chief Executive to privatize the service.


Motion 24       COUNCILLOR CIARAN O’MOORE                                

Received: 11/11/2016


To call on the Irish government to ratify, as soon as possible, The Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs which was adopted by the Council of Europe on 9 July 2014 in order to criminalise illegal organ transplantations [1]. The Irish Government has already signed this convention, but is yet to ratify it.


To call on the Oireachtas Foreign Affairs committee to follow through on the pledge made by the Oireachtas Sub Committee on Human Rights to "investigate to the maximum extent possible" [2], persistent, credible reports of forced organ harvesting and other severe human rights abuses imposed on Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience in China.


To call on the Chinese government to end its practice of forced live organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience. And release all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners in China.


Motion 25       COUNCILLOR MICHAEL O’BRIEN                                

Received: 23/11/2016 & Replaced: 25/01/2017


That Dublin City Council supports the campaign by representative organisations of the Traveller community to obtain statutory recognition of the Traveller community as an ethnic minority.


Motion 26       COUNCILLOR JOHN LYONS                                         

Received: 15/12/2016


Recognising that since its violent establishment in 1948 through the ethnic cleansing of more than half of the indigenous people of Palestine, Israel has denied Palestinians their fundamental rights and has refused to comply with international law, noting also that Israel continues to occupy and colonise Palestinian land, discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel and deny Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes, this City Council fully supports the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for freedom, equality and justice and commits itself to explore how it can comply with it through its future policyplatform.                     



Motion 27       COUNCILLOR DAVID COSTELLO                                 

Received: 15/02/2017


That this council supports the HSE in their endeavour to locate a sight for a primary care centre in Finglas West and South.


Motion 28       Councillor Cathleen Carney Boud                 

Received: 22/02/2017


That Dublin City Council works to retreat from its policy to privatise the work force within the Council. The Council must now use its budget to employ more full time staff in the manually skilled and trade areas within the Housing Maintenance section in particular. The aim should be to fade out the use of sub-contractors which in the long term can be more costly and often less effective in clearing the workload. Increasing a skilled manual workforce within the Council will improve speed, reliability and accountability in the services it provides to tenants.  


Deirdre Ni Raghallaigh,


An Ché Adhmaid,

BaileÁtha Cliath 8


1 Márta 2017






“That Dublin City Council Members acknowledge the key role DCC as a Local Authority needs to play in increasing housing supply so as to significantly reduce social housing waiting lists in our jurisdiction, to allow those in emergency homeless accommodation transition into housing and to facilitate the provision of units for private rental and purchase needs. Dublin City Council Members also acknowledge the current capital funding and human resource/personnel constrains under which this Local Authority is operating. Notwithstanding and recognising DCC led housing projects and initiatives currently in train, Dublin City Council members insist that this Local Authority pursue a proactive and impatient programme of:


a)         repair and lease of currently vacant and derelict private residential units      including those of smaller size than the current definition of 'vacant'


b)         bringing DCC owned vacant and derelict sites into productive residential     within a target timeline of 3 years


c)         increase by at least 150% the average number of monthly Compulsory        Purchase Orders being issued and produce a bi-monthly report on same


d)         devise planning and architectural prototypes for the conversion of vacant    space over shops into residential living units or commercial spaces depending   on appropriateness of the space and immediate area, establish a DCC one-     stop-shop support facility for shop owners to undertake such conversions and    call on government to make available a conversion grant for shop owners so as to support the halving of the no. of vacant units over shops by half over the             next 3 years

e)         introduce an incremental DCC vacant residential property rate for all            residential units vacant for more than 12 months


f)          consider, given the large number of student residences being built, the        viability of a grant to homeowners who are currently renting a room or a           house to students to upgrade their home for rental to families to allow them          qualify for HAP tenancies


g)         demand a comprehensive capital funding package from the Department of Housing,  Planning and Local Government along with funding for the   recruitment of additional expert personnel to our Planning and Housing          Departments to facilitate the delivery of the above projects in a timely manner      and should such funding not be forthcoming that Dublin City Council     Members be fully informed.    


            Following discussion, it was agreed to amend the motion to delete the point in             relation to CPOs so therefore the following amended motion was agreed by            the City Council.


            “That Dublin City Council Members acknowledge the key role DCC as a Local             Authority needs to play in increasing housing supply so as to significantly    reduce social housing waiting lists in our jurisdiction, to allow those in          emergency homeless accommodation transition into housing and to facilitate         the provision of units for private rental and purchase needs. Dublin City          Council Members also acknowledge the current capital funding and human      resource/personnel constrains under which this Local Authority is operating.    Notwithstanding and recognising DCC led housing projects and initiatives             currently in train, Dublin City Council Members insist that this Local Authority             pursue a proactive and impatient programme of:

a)         repair and lease of currently vacant and derelict private residential units      including those of smaller size than the current definition of 'vacant'


b)         bringing DCC owned vacant and derelict sites into productive residential use             within a target timeline of 3 years


c)         devise planning and architectural prototypes for the conversion of vacant    space over shops into residential living units or commercial spaces depending   on appropriateness of the space and immediate area, establish a DCC one-     stop-shop support facility for shop owners to undertake such conversions and    call on government to make available a conversion grant for shop owners so as to support the halving of the no. of vacant units over shops by half over the             next 3 years


d)         introduce an incremental DCC vacant residential property rate for all            residential units vacant for more than 12 months


e)         consider, given the large number of student residences being built, the        viability of a grant to homeowners who are currently renting a room or a           house to students to upgrade their home for rental to families to allow them          qualify for HAP tenancies.


f)          demand a comprehensive capital funding package from the Department of Housing,  Planning and Local Government along with funding for the   recruitment of additional expert personnel to our Planning and Housing          Departments to facilitate the delivery of the above projects in a timely manner      and should such funding not be forthcoming that Dublin City Council     Members be fully informed”.


            It was further agreed by the City Council that the issue of grants/loans for    over- crowding be referred to the Housing SPC.