{meta} Agenda item - Housing Programme Report

Agenda item


Action: Agreed Report noted


Action: Agreed: Revert to members in relation to feasibility study for Belcamp lands and provide an update on Housing Lands Initiative programme for the SPC March meeting.


Action: AgreedInformation shall be provided to the Chair about when contractors are going back onsite in Cherry Orchard.


Action: Agreed Information on Catleforbes Allocations and an update on Ellis Court shall be provided at a future meeting.



Circulated to members prior to meeting.


Cllr. Daithi Doolan enquired as to an update for Rapid Build sites. He also asked if they’ll be reserved for those exiting Emergency Accommodation or used for the transfer list. He asked if Cornamona  part 8 was still due in March.


Cllr. Anthony Connaghan enquired about what site is being used on Thatch Road and what is that start date for the units on North King Street?


Cllr. David Costello enquired as to what can be done in relation to the lands in Finglas West. How does D.C.C. look at lands before taking ownership?


Cllr. Ray McAdam raised a few questions, he asked has D.C.C. started allocating Castleforbes and is Ballybough road site good to start?

He queried what has to happen to move forward in Croke Park Villas and is a planning application needed for Ellis Court rather than a part 8?

He also asked if Design was causing a delay in North King Street development and when it can be moved forward for the tendering process.

He asked when the appeal can considered for the Co-Operative Housing.

He sought an update from the manager in relation to O’Devaney gardens.


Cllr. Alison Gilliland asked has an application for a road been made with the N.T.A. for the land backing onto Darndale and Newtown Court (Malahide road).


Cllr. Pat Dunne asked what will happen to the tenants in Jamestown Court when work is to commence.

He also enquired what will happen to the tenants in Catherine’s Gate and what is the timescale involved.


Cllr. Ailish Ryan and Cllr Cieran Perry enquired about part 5 in the Docklands.


Tony Flynn, Executive Manager explained that Rapid build was part of a suite of measures to move families from hotels.

St. Helena’s and Mourne road Units  will be ready by June/on target.

Cherry Orchard units are forecast to be ready late June/early July.


Stage 1 has been approved by the Dept. in relation to St. Michael’s estate site 1b.

An expression of Interest document shall be sent to Approved Housing Bodies (A.H.B.) for them to make a submission back to D.C.C.

He stated that a comprehensive assessment on the design of Block A & B has been carried out. A key issue is that an ESB Substation will have to be moved.

He explained that the Thatch road site is beside the church and explained there are issues with the Port Tunnel underneath and ownership issues.

He also stated that there was a requirement to procure consultantsfor North King Street, but, D.C.C. intend to re-engageconsultants previously involved on NKS to move forward and Tender in May.

He mentioned that a feasible study can beconsidered for the Lands in Finglas West.


Brendan Kenny, Assistant Chief Executive  stated that D.C.C. are willing to purchase surplus lands at the back of the church and “Fergals Field” (Finglas) with a view to develop a small scheme for Senior Citizens and would look to create a mini master plan for that area.


Tony Flynn stated that documents are being prepared and May is the part 8 timeframe for Cornamona.

In relation to Ballybough road, he stated that they are in the process of engaging with the “Second Tender” as the First Tender withdrew.

With regard to Croke Villas, D.C.C. met with the Department of Housing in relation to a master plan. Part 8 shall hopefully  be lodged in the summer.


He stated that the Transport for Ireland do not intend toprovide the relief road Malahide Rd/ Belcamp lands/ Balgriffin.

A feasibility study will be carried out on the lands around BelcampLane with a review to create a new master plan.


In relation to Jamestown Court, existing tenants will be facilitated there.


With regard to part 5, Tony stated that agreement must be in place before a Commencement Noticeis lodged by developer that D.C.C. Policy is to Acquire Part V on site or off site in exceptional circumstances as per Regulations. DCC are only interested in long term leasing (20 years) as Part V compliance.


Only in exceptional circumstances would D.C.C. would go somewhere else within the area.



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