{meta} Agenda item - Motions 11.03.2024

Agenda item


Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey  

Recognizing the date circulated with this Motion this Committee requests the Manager to take action as suggested by residents in relation Footpaths and Speeding on Mountpleasant Avenue Upper.

‘Thanks for following up re the installation of the requested speed limit roundels on Mountpleasant Avenue Upper.


I was due to come back to you with the suggested locations for footpath repair and widening. I have marked these locations on the attached.

We think it is important that the footpaths are widened and not just repaired in a number of locations where the footpaths don’t not comply with minimum required widths.  We don’t believe it would be good use of taxpayers’ money to just repair the footpaths in those locations as footpaths widths are sub-standard.


Widening the footpaths (and effectively narrowing the road) might also help to address the persistent issue with speeding on the road. I have extracted some interesting data from Telraam which measures the amount and speed of vehicles in a number of locations across Dublin and I have compared speeds with other roads that have a similar amount of traffic. This shows a much lower compliance with speed limits on Mountpleasant Avenue Upper than comparable roads’.


May was used as no school holidays during that month and long hours of daylight.

Order: Report to Councillor.

Motion 2 from Councillor Pat Dunne 

This area committee asks that the footpaths on Larkfield Park be reinstated. We further note that they are in a poor state of repair and this causes difficulty for the many elderly people who use them daily.


Order: Agreed.


Motion 3 from Councillor Dermot Lacey  

Now that the changes to Belmont Avenue have been embedded this Committee request the Manager to prepare a traffic plan for Marlborough Road that will take into account the substantial submission made on behalf of residents of Marlborough Road during the Belmont Avenue consultation period.


Order: Report to Councillor.


Motion 4 from Councillor James Geoghegan  

That the South East Area Committee rejects the decision by An Post to sell the Rathmines post office and calls on the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications to intervene.  


Order: Agreed.


Motion 5 from Councillor Dermot Lacey 

This Committee requests a full report from An Post on their plans for the Post Office in Rathmines. The Committee further condemns the ongoing reduction in Post Offices throughout the Dublin Bay South area that has seen post offices close in Donnybrook, Sandymount, Ringsend and more and calls on the Minister responsible to announce how they intend to provide post office services to the communities of this area.


Order: Agreed


Motion 6 from Councillor Fiona Connelly and Councillor Dermot Lacey 

Rathmines post office was built in 1934 by the OPW and remains an iconic civic amenity in the heart of Rathmines. The diverse community of Rathmines is very poorly served by publicly owned buildings and public services have disappeared or in some cases have not been developed in the area.   Recently the Citizens Information Centre and Community Partnership closed their services in Rathmines. Rathmines has a population equivalent to Drogheda, but as a community is very lacking in the provision of social services.


“This committee therefore calls on DCC to ensure that if An Post pursue their plans to sell Rathmines Post Office, that it would be retained in public ownership in order to help re-establish a level of community service provision to the area, in the interests of the people of Rathmines.


Order: Agreed.


Motion 7 from Councillor Carolyn Moore

This committee agrees that interim measures compatible with the proposed school zone should be installed to increase the safety of children accessing Harold’s Cross Educate Together, to include: 


  • Children crossing’ signs on the signalised pedestrian crossing outside
    (Details Supplied) Harold’s Cross road to discourage red light breaking


  • Children crossing’ signs on the signalised pedestrian crossing at the corner of Harold’s Cross Road and Parkview Avenue to discourage red light breaking.


  • An assessment of junction at the southern end of the park with Harold’s Cross Road, and appropriate measures proposed to a) allow children to cross safely and b) prevent cars turning right to southbound on Harold’s Cross Road and inadvertently breaking the red lights at the signalised crossing at the corner of Harold’s Cross Road and Parkview Avenue.




Order: Noted.


Motion 8 from Councillor Carolyn Moore

This committee agrees that in light of the relatively few footpaths added to the annual programme of works for resurfacing each year, and the very many footpaths currently in need of resurfacing or repair, contractors employed by DCC to carry out resurfacing work will be required to take all practical measures to avoid freshly resurfaced paths incurring new damage which would require them to be resurfaced a second time, including covering where appropriate and using barriers to prevent access. 


Order: Noted


Motion 9 from Councillor Hazel Chu and Councillor Carolyn Moore

That this Local area committee agrees that the closure of the Rathmines post office is a significant loss to the community and of serious concern.


·         The committee agrees to write to An Post to express that concern and to request a meeting with local councillors and management to discuss continuity of service in Rathmines and options to keep Rathmines Post Office open.


·         It is further agreed that everything possible should be done to keep this building in public ownership and maintain the use of this building for the benefit of the community and provision of community services. 


·         The committee also agrees to write to the Communication Workers Union to seek a meeting with organisers so the committee can support staff who will be impacted by this closure.


Order: Agreed.


Motion 10 from Councillor Pat Dunne, Councillor Fiona Connelly and Councillor Carolyn Moore

This area committee notes that a serious parking and traffic situation exists on Windmill Road particularly adjacent to the swimming pool and asks that the proposal for a second vehicle entrance /exit be progressed. We therefore ask that the relevant DCC section take action to progress this matter as per the January 2023 reply (see below).


Q.14 Councillor Pat Dunne Can a new second vehicle entrance / exit be created at the car park of the Leisure Centre on Windmill Road? Currently there is only one single lane entrance / exit and there is serious traffic chaos when the football pitches, swimming pool and boxing club are all in use. A new second entrance / exit would allow for a traffic flow with one entrance and one exit point this would greatly ease the current traffic congestion at this location.

Reply: The creation of an additional vehicular access will require planning permission. It is therefore a matter for the operator of the facility and/or the relevant department in DCC to bring an application forward. Transportation Planning Division can provide pre-application advice in this regard. Sports and Recreation Section will look into this matter and a reply will be issued to the Councillor in due course.


Order: Noted.


Motion 11 from Councillor Hazel Chu

That this area committee requests an engineer from traffic to do an onsite walk through from lower Mountpleasant Avenue to Ranelagh Road with residents of the area. This topic has been discussed a number of times during previous tag reports I would move to have a formal meeting with the residents of the area and a walk through with engineers from traffic.


Order: Agreed.


Motion 12 from Councillor Hazel Chu

Following recent protest on Charleston Road and Wynnefield Road, this local area committee stands against racism and agrees to support the Dublin 6 for all and Dublin 4 for all welcoming groups. The local area committee acknowledges that these voluntary groups have been playing a vital part in the area. Further this local area committee acknowledges the vital part the Community Development Manager Sile McNulty has played, and requests City Council officials continue this positive support.


Order: Agreed.


Motion 13 from Councillor Pat Dunne  

This area committee once again notes that dog fowling continues to be a huge problem in our parks, footpaths and greens. We note that the problem is caused by a minority of dog owners. These dog owners need to be named and shamed. We call upon all relevant sections in Dublin City Council to step up actions to tackle this problem.


Order: Noted.


Motion 14 from Councillor Danny Byrne 

That this area committee would invite the OPW to a monthly area committee meeting to discuss the management of Iveagh Gardens and their engagement with the local community. 


Order: Agreed.


Motion 15 from Councillor Danny Byrne 

That this area committee would host a reception in the Mansion House for Tidy Towns groups in the south east area marking the end of the term.

Order: Agreed to recommend to Climate Action SPC.


Motion 16 from Councillor Danny Byrne 

That this area committee would request the chief executive to examine the lengthening of opening hours  of city hall to facilitate visitors and to appoint guides to facilitate the tours. The opening hours should be brought into line with Dublin Castle. 


Order: Report to Councillor.


Motion 17 from Councillor Claire Byrne  

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to immediately address the ongoing issues of litter and illegal dumping in the following areas in Portobello:

·         Pleasant’s Place

·         Grantham Place

·         St Kevin’s Parade / Junction of Clanbrassil St

Can the manager please out line in detail what steps will be taken to address these issues.


Order: Report to Councillor.


Motion 18 from Councillor Claire Byrne  

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to outline the reasons why there was no additional capacity considered for the Glovers Court retrofit and regeneration.


Order: Report to Councillor.


Motion 19 from Councillor Claire Byrne  

That this Area Committee calls on the Area Manager to actively progress the completion of the redevelopment of Verschoyle Court.

Order: Report to Councillor. 


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