With reference to Motions to the Area Managers.
The following motions to the Area Mangers were tabled.
Item 1
Motion in the name of Councillors Christy Burke & Janice Boylan
We the above named councillors call on DCC Management and the Central Area Committee to put in place a plan to reopen Harbour Court, Dublin 1 and that the following proposals are undertaken and implemented as soon as possible;
1. That DCC install and improve the lighting in the lane way to brighten up the space.
2. That an artist is contracted to paint suitable murals on the court.
3. That the HSE put in place a helpline and a plan to assist services for people in
active addiction who frequent the area.
4. That Senior Garda Management address the anti-social activity around the area of
Harbour Court with day and night foot patrols given there are two Garda stations
based in the area. O’Connell Street and Store Street.
5. That outreach teams are able to offer long term beds to homeless people and or
offer a recovery programme to those who may want to enter recovery.
6. That locals and businesses are encouraged to get on board with these proposals.
7. That Government and DCC agree to ring fence and provide any funding needed to
bring these proposals to fruition and address the issues in the area and in the City.
ORDER: Agreed
Item 2
Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh
That the Central Area Committee
recognises the importance of the Navan Road Pelletstown community
policing forum. The Central Area Committee agrees to host this at
the agreed locations, alternating between the Navan Road and
Pelletstown once per quarter.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 3
Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh
That the Central Area Committee:Notes with concern the speed of cars around Christ the King Church and surrounding Roads. Notes the need for parking at the Christ the King Day Centre and at funerals at the churchRecognises the frustration of residents at the traffic situation. Agrees to hold a community workshop with traffic engineers and all the community to co-create an agreed scheme for the area
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 4
Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh
That the central area committee, condemns the decision by the governments North and South to withdraw their expression of interest in hosting the tour de France - believes that this would be a shared Island approach and a really good opportunity. Believes this would be a great asset to the central area. Agrees that we are open to hosting shared Island events in the future.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 5
Motion in the name of Councillor Cat O’Driscoll
That this Central Area Committee condemns efforts to gate off the Ambassador Theatre on O'Connell Street. The area needs social activity and this committee welcomes the Ambassador being brought back into cultural use.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 6
Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry
This committee requests the Manager write to Iarnród Éireann in relation to the Matt’s of Cabra site and ask that they prioritise a decision to proceed, or not, with their interest in a portion of the site. The delay in making a decision is affecting the potential development of badly needed social housing on this land. This site has been an eyesore in our area for years and progress on developing the land is essential.
ORDER: Agreed,
Item 7
Motion in the name of Councillor Colm O’Rourke
That this Central Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to provide a full report on the progress made since the motion was submitted (by Cllr Colm O’Rourke) in March 2022, to expedite the procedure for Pelletstown (Rathborne and Royal Canal Park) to be 'Taken-in-Charge' as soon as possible, for the Council to take responsibility for the upkeep and development of the public domain and to ensure that the community gain the complete services, amenities and traffic safety measures that this area is currently not receiving.
Furthermore, the Central Area Committee reiterates that if this is not possible, that sections of Pelletstown that have finished construction to be 'Taken-in-Charge' by Dublin City Council, and the remaining sections that are yet to be fully developed are subsequently 'Taken-in-Charge' when construction ends.
Therefore, we ask that this reported includes but not limited to addressing:
What work and progress has happened, what issues remain and what are the updated timelines regarding the 'Taken-in-Charge' process for the streets in control by the Ballymore Group (Royal Canal Park)?
A) What work and progress has happened, what issues remain and what are the updated timelines regarding the 'Taken-in-Charge' process for the streets in control by Castlethorn (Rathborne)?
B) That Dublin City Council recommit to a non-statutory consultation with residents regarding the 'Taken-in-Charge' process before a formal consultation through the Dublin City Council Planning Department, and indicate when this may happen?
C) For Dublin City Council to follow up on report regarding a safety audit that was carried out by Castlethorn on road and junction layouts?
ORDER: Agreed.
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