{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Catherine Stocker

Agenda item


That this North Central area committeeasks the manager to examine the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Road as a matter of urgency and introduce measures to increase crossing safety including, in the short term, altering the light sequence to allow for time for pedestrians to cross and in the medium term providing an official zebra or pedestrian crossing. At present many residents have raised the issue to there being no means of crossing safely across the Howth Road intersection with Copeland Avenue as the lights are sequenced to allow cars at all times and traffic is significant. I have attached a photo indicating the location/issue.




That this North Central area committeeasks the manager to examine the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Road as a matter of urgency and introduce measures to increase crossing safety including, in the short term, altering the light sequence to allow for time for pedestrians to cross and in the medium term providing an official zebra or pedestrian crossing. At present many residents have raised the issue to there being no means of crossing safely across the Howth Road intersection with Copeland Avenue as the lights are sequenced to allow cars at all times and traffic is significant. I have attached a photo indicating the location/issue.





The Active Travel Programme office is currently working on two active travel schemes that will cover the area in question, the Baldoyle to Fairview Active Travel Scheme and the Glasnevin to Clontarf Active Travel Scheme. These projects have not yet been assigned project design teams.

Once these schemes commence, any concerns regarding pedestrian crossings in the area will be passed on to the relevant project manager for consideration in developing safer facilities.


Contact:         Christopher K. Manzira, Senior Transportation Officer              

Email:             Activetraveloffice@dublincity.ie   




In regards to upgrading the Pedestrian Crossings at the junction at Copeland Avenue and the Howth Rd there is a new procedure which is as follows.


(1)   It is anticipated that similar to 2023, there will be an annual works package of pedestrian crossings delivered by the City Centre Projects Team in 2024 and future years.


(2)   When a Service Request is raised for  a pedestrian crossing, the Area Engineer will assess the location based on an agreed criteria to determine that  the installation of a pedestrian crossing in the location is feasible and  also that there is a clear and  justifiable demand for installing the crossing in the location.


(3)   If the location meets the criteria, the Area Engineer will recommend that it is included on a  Works List. The current Works List for any of the 5 administrative areas can be made available to local area Councillor’s on request.


(4)   Prior to assembling the next works package, the City Centre Projects Team, will request that the Area Engineers provide the latest  work lists for each of the 5 administrative areas. The Area Engineers will be required to give each location a priority rating to assist the City Centre Project Team in deciding which locations are to be included in the next works package.


(5)   The City Centre Project Team will assemble the next works package based on the works lists forwarded for each area. The aim will be to construct a similar number of pedestrian crossings in each administrative area taking into consideration the priority lists provided by the area engineers, any essential upgrading works that may be required by the ITS section and the available funding from the NTA.


(6)   The list of locations to be included in the next Work Package will be made available in the Traffic Quarterly Reports.




Contact:         Will Mangan, Acting Senior Executive Engineer

Tel:                  222 5030

Email              william.mangan@dublincity.ie



Order:  Agreed.