{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor John Lyons

Agenda item


Recognising that the proposal from Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency to residentially develop the underpass site at Northside is ill-conceived and likely to have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the future residents of the development as well as the community, this area committee calls for the plans to be scrapped and community consultation to be initiated to establish alternative proposals for the future uses of this site that could benefit and enhance the quality of life for the entire community.




Recognising that the proposal from Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency to residentially develop the underpass site at Northside is ill-conceived and likely to have a detrimental impact on the quality of life of the future residents of the development as well as the community, this area committee calls for the plans to be scrapped and community consultation to be initiated to establish alternative proposals for the future uses of this site that could benefit and enhance the quality of life for the entire community.




The proposed development has been assessed by the DCC Planning Department and is deemed to be in compliance with the Dublin City Development Plan 2022–2028. Under the current Development Plan, the subject site is zoned as ‘Z4 – Key Urban Villages / Urban Villages’ and is within the designated Northside Shopping Centre ‘Key Urban Village’. Under the previous Development Plan 2016-2022, the site was zoned as ‘Z4 – District Centres (incorporating Key District Centres)’ and within the Northside Shopping Centre ‘Key District Centre’, demonstrating that the site has long been intended for development. ‘Residential’, ‘community facility’ and ‘cultural/recreational building and uses’ are listed as ‘permissible’ on Z4-zoned lands and will support its objective: “To provide for and improve mixed-services facilities.”

Dublin City Council and the Land Development Agency have been engaging with the local community and counsellors since February 2023. Following this consultation, feedback was taken into account and the scheme design was revised. On the 26th May, there was a public consultation event held with Local Councillors to present the revised scheme. On the 2nd September a public information morning took place in the Kilmore Recreation Centre. Representatives were present from DCC Housing Department, Local Area office and the LDA who were available to answer queries in relation to the proposed development. The event was attended by the local residents and the wider community.

The development meets the criteria of s.179a of the Planning and Development Act (as amended). It is therefore mandatory under section 179 of the Act that the housing development is brought forward by this route as the proposed housing development is classed as exempted development.

The proposed development will develop an underutilised, vacant, DCC site and bring it into residential and community use. It will deliver 146 new homes and 379 sq. m of designated cultural arts and community space on the ground floor. In addition to this, there will be 441 sqm of external public plaza and 706 sqm of green space provided for local community use. This will benefit the local community by providing internal space for community activities. The development will offer a mixture of residential tenures on the site, comprised of 13 no. social homes and 133 no. cost rental homes, providing additional homes for the existing and future generations of residents in the area.

The proposal is comprised of a shared podium level landscaped courtyard and 3 no. residential blocks, with an internal ‘podium’ level communal courtyard. The orientation has been considered to minimise over-shadowing and to maximise the sunlight with 8 no. storeys to the north, facing Oscar Traynor Road, stepping down to 3 no. storeys to the south, facing onto Cromcastle Road.


Contact:         Laura O’Gorman, Housing (Cromcastle Underpass)

Email:             laura.ogorman@dublincity.ie

Tel:                 087 1404670



Order:  Motion fell.  Opposed by Cllrs O’Muiri, Cooney, Flanagan & O’Toole.