Q.1 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
To ask the manager if we can arrange for tree cutting on Rosary Terrace which is blocking residents light.
The Current DCC tree strategy contains the following;
Shading Tree Works will not normally be carried out to address shading of direct sunlight. Trees are often perceived to block light to nearby properties and the level of alleged nuisance is variable and subjective. There is currently no legal right to direct sunlight and there is no expectation for existing buildings or other structures to be removed for this reason. However, situations where trees are genuinely blocking daylight from habitable rooms to an exceptional, severe and unreasonable degree may be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Minor pruning works may be acceptable in some situations, however any decision would take into account the health and significance of the tree, its contribution to wider public amenity, the orientation of the house, and whether the tree was already present when the occupier moved into the property
Q.2 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
To ask the manager to provide for cleansing of shores along Rosary Terrace.
Please be advised that 9 of the 11 gullies at the address above were cleaned by members of the Gully Cleaning Crew on 28/09/2023. Two gullies were covered by parked cars. No defects were found.
Q.3 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
There is a tree root raising the path outside details supplied and when heavy rain falls outside these two properties, the path gets flooded and their exterior front walls have become damp and also the interior wall is damp from this flooding. Can the Council call out to investigate and have the necessary work carried to prevent this flooding?
Can I get an update on when this house will be ready for occupants?
Please refer to Parks Department in relation to removal of tree stump. When tree stump is removed, Road Maintenance Services will repair the footpath at this location.
This tree has been inspected. There is no sign of the path being lifted by this tree at all. This is a small tree in height, a Prunus sp. There were no signs when inspected to say that the wall of the house was damp.
Q.4 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
To ask the manager to repair street lighting along Pembroke Cottages, Ringsend and cleanse shores in the Pembroke Cottages, Ringsend area.
Public lighting service carried out a night check of the public lights in Pembroke Cottages in Ringsend last night, Tuesday 3rd October, and all lights were operating.
Please be advised that the 7 of the 8 gullies above were cleaned on 29/09/2023. One gully at number 23 could not be cleaned as it was covered by a parked car. No defects were found.
Q.5 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
Dublin City Council to cleanse shores in the Pembroke Cottages area.
Please be advised that 7 of the 8 gullies at the address above were cleaned by members of the Gully Cleaning Crew on 28/09/2023. One gully was covered by a parked car. No defects were found.
Q.6 Councillor Kevin Donoghue
To ask the manager to erect dog fouling signs around Pembroke Cottages and remove two traffic signs which is causing confusion as it is a one way system.
While Pembroke Cottages, Ringsend has no entry signage at the junction with York Road, the road itself is not one-way. Two-way traffic permitted on this road and as such, no changes are recommended at this time.
Q.7 Councillor Dermot Lacey
To ask the Manager if he will respond to the issues referred to in the email submitted with this question relating to the green space area at Beggars Bush Court.
“Beggars Bush Court is a Dublin City Council sheltered housing complex home to 56 (+-)residents all in advancing years of 60 plus.
I trust, I have your attention young Lady.
I have an ongoing problem with a 50/50 dispute involving Dublin City Council and a small minority of residents within this normally harmonious elderly community.
NB. Beggars Bush Court is part of the old Barracks of that name dating back to pre-1900 and was exceptionally active during the establishment of this country as we know it today. I live in part of the officers’ quarters that where. The building is solid. The memories vexed.
It is with great shame that I have to report that Dublin City Council have not taken any steps to rectify the removal of either floral or fauna from my community. The place is knee deep in rat faeces, used dentures, people from Donegal and hedge trimmings that are now the burrowing areas of rats
I am not amused
People are now wantonly hacking with malice the pure green fabric of a blanket that has covered Beggar's Bush Court and the very least, brain people have taken it upon themselves without council permission to hack into nature for the self-satisfaction of what is an area not one of them lives in,
Sick to my back teeth people chopping down greenery in inner city areas.”
Housing Maintenance will investigate the matter and revert back with an update.
Q.8 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager to arrange for cutting back the hedgerow at Bushy Park boundary with Rathdown Avenue to facilitate pedestrians walking safely.
The hedge along the boundary with Rathdown Avenue has been cut back the week beginning Sunday 1st October 2023, to facilitate pedestrians walking safely.
Q.9 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager to come back to the South East Area Committee with feasible and pragmatic options to deal with the Herzog project both in terms of the park, park boundary and car park, given that this project has been committed to for years but now faces the challenge of increased costs due to the delay and the additional issue of Japanese knotweed.
We have had ongoing regular meetings with E & T engineers and Parks Department in relation to delivering the revised car park / boundary treatment for the park in line with the Part 8 planning permission Reg. Ref. 3762/16. The identification of Japanese Knotweed (JKN) in a section of the existing hedge has added extra complication. We are exploring options to deal with this at present prior to the works being carried out. Full costing for the works should be available in the next two weeks. The South East Area Office has €140,000.00 in Discretionary Funding set aside for the project but this will not be sufficient to cover all costs. We are also examining the possibility of some funding from Irish Water to cover the costs of drainage works (SuDS) in the car park area which forms a large portion of the proposed works.
When we have full costings in early October we will be in a better position to give a clearer outline of timelines for the work.
Q.10 Councillor Anne Feeney
To once again ask the manager to consider installing double yellow lines on both sides of Castlewood Avenue. Some driveways are regularly blocked by cars parking in front of them. There is no needs for parking on this road as the houses have drives for private parking. Currently one side of the road has permit parking and the other side has no parking.
Following previous assessment, it was found that Castlewood Avenue has been provided with a combination of clearway, double yellow lines and pay and display / permit parking has been provided.to both facilitate traffic flows and residential parking.
Parking enforcement have been notified and will monitor the situation.
Additional double yellow lines are not recommended as it is not current Dublin City Council policy to provide parking restrictions where restrictions are covered under existing legislation. Under Road Traffic (Traffic and Parking) Regulations 1997 section 36:2:g “A vehicle shall not be parked - in any place, position or manner that will result in the vehicle obstructing an entrance or an exit for vehicles to or from a premises, save with the consent of the occupier of such premises;” Instances of illegal or obstructive parking should be referred to Dublin Street Parking Services, DSPS (email info@dsps.ie or tel. no. 01 602 2500) or an Garda Síochána for enforcement.
Q.11 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager to follow up on a request from residents of Brookfield, Kimmage (near KCR junction) to have overgrown trees pruned in the estate and to install badly needed street lights in the estate. These requests have been promised to residents for years and again this year, with a promise that it will be done by end of September. The estate has no lighting after 8pm and has 78 trees, most of which need pruning. There is a safety and security issue in not addressing this as soon as possible.
A Lighting assessment was carried out in Brookfield estate and the lighting generally meets the required standard.
However, a number of the lamps inside the luminaires have not been changed for a period and re-lamping of those luminaires will be carried out in the coming weeks.
The main issue, as noted by the councillor, is there are lots of trees in the estate. Several of these trees are very close to the existing public lights, which are causing a blocking effect on the lights in the estate, and is impacting on the light levels from the existing public lights. We will request the Parks Department to prune all the trees in the Brookfield Estate.
Please note also that the existing public lighting in Brookfield will be upgraded to LED under the current Public Lighting Upgrade Project, although an exact timeframe for these future improvements cannot be provided at this time, other than to say they will be upgraded in the next five years or so.
Until such time as the existing lights in Brookfield are replaced with the LED lights, we will continue to carry out routine maintenance works on the existing lights and will replace existing lamps as required.
The majority of the street trees in this estate are Birch trees which do not respond well to pruning. There are a number of trees in the estate that are growing immediately adjacent to a public lighting column or with a public light within the canopy. To address this issue parks intend removing 4 Birch trees in the coming weeks. Additional tree planting will be carried out on the open space within the estate to compensate for this loss.
Q.12 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager to prioritise resurfacing of Fortfield Road and Lavarna Grove.
The condition of Fortfield Road in particular (a main link road) is extremely bad, with potholes, patched repairs that are disintegrating and speed bumps (unlit by cats eyes) which have holes in them.
There was a serious accident on Fortfield road recently resulting in injuries to a cyclist who had to receive hospital treatment.
This road is on the boundary with South Dublin County Council and as such appears to have been neglected for much needed repairs. The resurfacing of Lavarna Grove and maintenance of speed bumps also need to be progressed if further accidents are to be avoided.
Fortfield Road and Lavarna Grove will be inspected and put forward for consideration for inclusion in our future Carriageway Resurfacing Programmes.
In the interim, a temporary carriageway repair has been carried out at
109 Fortfield Road where a recent bicycle accident was reported.
Q.13 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager for an update in relation to the request to remove permit parking on Cambridge Road, which is having an adverse effect on a small garage business. Residents in the vicinity are supportive of the request from the garage owner.
A request to extend the pay and display (P & D) parking on Cambridge Road was recommended at the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) meeting on the 25/10/2022.
There are no current plans to remove the extended permit parking on Cambridge Road.
Q.14 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager to address an urgent need on children safety grounds for a traffic lights and pedestrian crossing at the junction of Church Avenue and Rathmines Road Upper. This has been requested on numerous occasions and is badly needed given a primary and Montessori school nearby and no safe crossing on this very busy road.
The Area Engineer has assessed this junction for a signalised controlled pedestrian crossing. A signalised controlled pedestrian crossing was recommended at the Traffic Advisory Group meeting but is subject to funding being made available.
Q.15 Councillor Anne Feeney
To ask the manager for an update on why the badly maintained pole in Ashdale Gardens has not yet been restored. When I raised this question some months ago, I was told it would be repaired and restored during the summer of 2023.
As advised in our response to a previous question regarding painting poles in Ashdale Gardens, we envision Pole 2 will be painted this year, subject to available finances.
The Public Lighting pole, Pole 2 Ashdale Gardens, is on the pole painting programme. There is an issue with access to this pole due to parked cars in the vicinity of this pole. We will liaise with the South East Area Office to request their assistance to gain access to the public lighting pole. We still hope to paint Pole 2 Ashdale Gardens this year, provided we can get access.
Q.16 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager if an inspection could be carried out at Alma Court, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 where the speeds which cars and vans are doing on this narrow lane is of major concern to residents in the area; if as part of this inspection new traffic calming measures could be considered and if a site visit with residents could be arranged to discuss possibilities of available measures, including signage or ramps.
Following an assessment, it was found that Alma Court does not meet the criteria for speed ramps as it is a cul-de-sac with no straight run of 200m. Furthermore, there is 30kph slow zone signage at the junction of Ranelagh Road and Mountpleasant Place. However, to further remind drivers of the 30kph speed limit in place on Alma Court and the surrounding area, a slow road marking is recommended on Mountpleasant Place, under public lighting standard #3, facing east.
Q.17 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager issue a full report regarding the use of the community rooms at the York Street apartments? This report include all present usage and who has been using these rooms since the building was opened in 2009. And what procedures are in place in order for the community and residence to gain 1 1access to the rooms and what fees if any are involved in the hiring of these rooms.
A 12 month licence was granted to the Whitefriar Aungier Area Community Council to use a section of the DCC facility at York Street for community use. The licence commenced on the 13th March and the licence fee is € 200.
Q.18 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager issue a report as to the working order of the umbrellas in meeting house Temple Bar?
The Meeting House Square umbrellas are currently inactive pending repair. Temple Bar Cultural Trust has been engaging with MDT-Tex, the company who designed and maintain the umbrellas, and it is hoped that timeline for repair may be put in place over the coming weeks.
Q.19 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager issue a full update regarding the works at Temple Bar Square? This report to include whether works would be carried out at Fownes Street as the street is seriously, dilapidated and dangerous to pedestrians.
Road Construction Division will provide an update on works in Temple Bar at the SEAC meeting on 09/10/2023.
The works could be extended to include the full extent of Fownes St Lower if funding became available to do so.
Q.20 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager confirm whether the live crib will be reinstated at the Mansion House this Christmas?
Details of the plans for Christmas at the Mansion House have not yet been finalised by the Office of the Lord Mayor. All Councillors will be informed of the plans once details have been finalised.
Q.21 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager have a full assessment and evaluation of all the wooden landings at the York Street apartments? Numerous residents have complained regarding the dangerous state of the decking outside of their homes. It would appear the wood is rotten and needs to be replaced.
Housing Maintenance Engineering Section reports that a contractor has been appointed to complete this work and they are due to commence in the second half of October 2023.
Q.22 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager supply a full report as to how many commercial properties Dublin City Council has in the South East Area that are occupied and leased out and also how many of these properties unoccupied and where these properties are.
The information requested by the Councillor is not available from one source and therefore it will take a little more time to get the information together.
We are currently compiling a report and circulate it to the Councillor once it has been prepared.
Q.23 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager investigate the possibility of Dublin City Council initiating a publicity campaign that encourages cyclist to wear helmets?
Dublin City Council encourages all road users to obey the rules of the road and to be considerate users of the space that we all share in the city. While wearing a helmet is not a legal requirement for cyclists, our recently published Road Safety Strategy 2023 - 2030 follows the seven priority intervention areas of the Safe System approach which includes helmet wearing as part of safe road use. In all our promotional materials we encourage the use of helmet wearing, in particular in relation to children.
Q.24 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager issue a full report regarding the ongoing issues that are affecting the residents and community regarding build outs and changing of the road layout and parking at Seafort Avenue, Sandymount?
A footpath buildout was installed close to the AIB Bank on the northern side of Seafort Avenue. This buildout was installed to provide a north bound bus stop which will serve the community of Sandymount with the S2 bus route.
To allow passengers safely board and descend, a bus needs to pull up adjacent to the footpath. Utilization of a bus stop buildout at Seafort Avenue meant that the bus could access the kerbside with the loss of two parking spaces. If a buildout was not provided at this location, the bus stop would have required the removal of four parking spaces.
The buildout was installed by a contractor on behalf of the National Transport Authority. However the works did not meet the standards required by Dublin City Council and rectification works were required to bring it up to standard. The rectification works are nearing completion and the route is due to launch in November 2023.
As part of the zebra crossing on Seafort Avenue a new buildout was required, resulting in the removal of 6.8m of car parking which is approximately one space.
Q.25 Councillor Mannix Flynn
Can the manager give an update regarding the school zones initiative that was agreed for St. Enda’s School at Whitefriar Street?
We are currently working through a list of schools identified by the Department of Transport as priority schools to receive School Zones as part of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programme. Works on Round 1 schools will take place over the coming months and it is envisaged that works on Round 2 schools will start in 2024. We are unable to progress schools outside of the SRTS priority list at this time. Once the SRTS priority list has beencleared, we will recommence engagement with other schools, including St. Enda’s on Whitefriar Street.
Q.26 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager if a contra-flow cycle lane could be installed on Oakley Road that would enable, in particular, children and parents, travelling to ScoilBhríde and Lios na nÓg by bicycle to safely go up and down to school each morning and afternoon.
Oakley road will be assessed for its suitability for contra flow cycling and a report will be issued to the councillor.
Q.27 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager if any cycle measures are proposed for some wide streets in Dublin that have no protected cycle lanes, including but not limited to, Waterloo Road, Clyde Road, Eglin Road, Raglan Road and Pembroke Park.
Dublin City Council has identified a network of roads and streets that will be prioritised in delivering protected cycle lanes over the ten years. These include Clyde Road and a section of Eglin Road. These form part of an Active Travel Network project, DCC 22 0022 Kilmainham to Ballsbridge - South City Loop.
Waterloo Road is identified as a secondary route in the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan. However, there are no immediate plans to provide segregated cycling facilities on this road. Scheduling of works on this road will be dependent on progression of priority roads and streets on the Active Travel Network. There are also no current proposals for Raglan Road and Clyde Road.
Currently, there is no capacity to implement projects outside of the prioritised Active Travel Network. The full list of roads and streets on the Active Travel Network can be accessed on https://www.dublincity.ie/residential/transportation/active-travel/active-travel-network/active-travel-network-street-name-list
Q.28 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager if a contra-flow cycle lane could be installed on Maxwell Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6.
Maxell road will be assessed for its suitability for contra flow cycling and a report will be issued to the councillor.
Q.29 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager if there is any solution that could be put forward which would enable a safe crossing between both sides of Milltown Road and Richmond Avenue South junction for pedestrians and cyclists alike, which could be coupled with a contra-flow cycle lane on Richmond Avenue South.
This will be assessed for its suitability for a crossing point. Due to the arches of the bridge visibility may be constrained, however an assessment will be undertaken and a report will be issued to the councillor.
Active Travel are currently investigating rapid build cycle route options on Milltown Rd from Dodder Walk to Dundrum Road. Concept designs currently include a toucan crossing on Milltown Road west of Richmond Avenue South adjacent to the entrance to Shanagarry Park. This concept design is at an early stage of development and may change as the scheme progresses.
Richmond Avenue South is currently one-way northbound, carriageway widths on the road are insufficient to cater for a contra flow cycle lane.
Q.30 Councillor James Geoghegan
To ask the Area Manager, further to discussions that were raised at the previous area meeting with the new traffic manager for the area, and question 77 submitted on the 10/07/2023 and rely given, whether planters, on a pilot basis, on Morehampton Terrace, can be placed on the existing double yellow lines themselves, not the footpaths, and the footpath would remain unobstructed and the planter would prevent anyone parking on the lines.
The Area Engineer does not recommend installing planters at this location as a traffic calming measure.
There are already traffic measures such as double yellow lines already in place on this section of Morehampton Terrace. Instances of illegal or obstructive parking should be referred to Dublin Street Parking Services (DSPS); email info@dsps.ie or tel. no. 01 602 2500 or An Garda Síochána for enforcement.
Q.31 Councillor Fiona Connelly
Have the additional staff been recruited to the Schools Mobility Programme?
This was due to happen in August. There are many schools in the area that need attention of the schools team as a matter of urgency, as the safety of pupils is being compromised with the lack of school markings. In particular the new schools located in the old greyhound stadium on the Harold’s Cross Road need markings, as they are new and there are in excess of 400 children, students, families and staff accessing the site daily.
Two Walking and Cycling Officers were sanctioned in May. One was to make permanent our existing Walking and cycling officer and the other Walking and Cycling Officer started at the end of July. An additional post of Walking and Cycling Officer has now been requested and once this is sanctioned an offer will be made to the existing panel.
Q.32 Councillor Fiona Connelly
The fence along the back path adjoining Mount Argus Crescent has been damaged and is in need of repair.
Could Dublin City Council (DCC) please prioritise the repair of this fence; the street has been taken in charge by DCC.
The fence is not in the ownership of Dublin City Council so we are not able to repair it.
Q.33 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the Area
Manager if updates could be given in relation to Question
from the 14th November
2022 on traffic calming measures for Kilfenora Road and Devenish
Road, as almost a full year has passed since their original
In relation to details supplied 1 the Traffic Advisory Group (TAG) has not recommended traffic calming measures. A speed survey was taken on the 05/07/2023, the 85th percentile speed was found to be 32kph. This is considered reasonable and no issue of speeding was observed. As such, no traffic calming measures are recommended at this time.
In relation to details supplied 2 TAG has recommended traffic calming measures. To ensure that the uncontrolled crossing on Devenish Road is kept clear for pedestrians, double yellow lines are recommended.
Q.34 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
Could the manager arrange for a follow up with two addresses (details supplied) where there have been issues with a tree immediately outside cracking the footpath and in one case the crack damaging a private wall.
Details supplied 2 has been inspected and found a healthy specimen that does not appear to be causing any obvious damage to the surrounding infrastructure.
A claim form has now been forwarded to this customer in relation to issues with the tree at details supplied 1.
Q.35 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
Could the manager outline all footpath repairs scheduled to take place in the Dublin 12 and Dublin 6W areas in Q4 2023 and Q1 2024
Please see below footpaths included in our 2023 South East Area Footpath Reconstruction Programme which are expected to be carried out in Q4 202 and Q1 2024:
Larkfield Grove
Ramhleh Close
Frankfort Avenue (at Tesco)
Digges Street Upper
Shelbourne Road (Lansdown Road to Lansdown Park, inbound side)
Kells Road (cul de sac 46 – 54 and gable 57)
Lismore Road (Clonmacnoise Road to Bangor Road
Havelock Square
Cowper Gardens
Park Drive
Tudor Road
Mount Tallant Avenue
Charleston Road (Oakley Road to Belgrave Square
Q.36 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager if he will arrange for a full and thorough cleaning of the housing lanes in the ‘new houses’ estate off Sean Moore Road as they have been allowed to become overgrown and unkempt.
(The lanes run between the sections of Bremen Road, Bremen to Kyle-Clare Road, Kyle-Clare Road to Cymric Road, and parallel to Pine Road from Cambridge club house down to Sean Moore Road, connecting each of the smaller roads. In particular the ones around Bremen and Kyle-Clare were quite overgrown but the others are in need of cleaning too.)
Housing Maintenance will carry out an assessment of these lanes and will revert back with a proposal on the clean-up of these lanes.
Q.37 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager if he will arrange for weeding and tidying up of the communal areas in George Reynolds House.
Housing Maintenance Caretaking Section has been onsite this week at the above complex. The Team Leader advises that he has inspected the complex and a crew is currently weeding and skutching this complex.
Q.38 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager if he will modify by way of dishing the footpath at the end of Bremen Road which connects to Pine Road to improve accessibility as the footpath is not disability- or age-friendly in its current form, and if he will ensure appropriate lighting at both ends by cutting back the trees which are obscuring one light and by installing a second light at the Bremen Road end of the path.
Could the locations in question please be marked on a map or pinpointed by house number so we can examine safest place to install dishings?
This matter has also been referred to Public Lighting for their investigation
Q.39 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager to arrange to have the courtyard light in McDonagh House fixed, as it flickers and goes on and off at various times for different lengths of time?
Electrical Services sent a crew out last June but were unable to get access with the hoist, they will try again as soon as a more suitable hoist becomes available.
Q.40 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager to have the stairwell in McDonagh House power hosed, as the new surface on the stairs is causing everything to stick to them and they are very dirty.
Housing Maintenance Caretaking Section has arranged to have the stairs at this complex power hosed this week.
Q.41 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager to have the external waste pipe that runs down the wall at (details supplied) replaced, as the existing one is porous and there are small leaks coming from the rusty points as seen in photo in details supplied?
Housing Maintenance will arrange to have this pipe inspected and all necessary works will be carried out.
Q.42 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager if he will arrange for a cleaning of ‘The Drain’ adjacent to Ringsend Park.
Dublin City Council’s Drainage Division will inspect the walkway known locally as ‘The Drain’ that runs between Rinsgend Park and Irishtown Stadium to ensure that the public sewer infrastructure in the vicinity is operating as normal. An inspection of any surface water gullies along the walkway will be carried out by Dublin City Council’s Surface Water & Flood Incident Management Division. Any pertinent repairs to the public drainage infrastructure will be actioned as soon as practicable.
Q.43 Councillor Daniel Ceitinn
To ask the manager if he will put in place a permanent solution to the unsafe steps at Ringsend Library, which were recently painted yellow by the local residents to improve visibility, but which urgently require a permanent solution to prevent further injury.
Plans are being advanced to initiate a Part 8 for the redesign of the Library and improved public realm at Library Square which will remove the steps near the Library and provide better access for all. We hope to initiate the Part 8 before Christmas.
Q.44 Councillor Deirdre Conroy
To ask the Chief Executive and Local Area Manager how Dublin City Council can support the necessity of Grand Canal Dock residential houseboat owners, living standard in their barge/canal boat. I am aware that many residents appropriately live on their canal houseboat, from history and in heritage, in London, and many parts of Europe and the world, therefore, Dublin City Council is enquired about this issue can be resolved. Enquirer states:
I am writing to call for Waterways Ireland Bye-Laws 2023 to be rejected by DCC in line with other councils across the country. As a community of residential houseboat owners living in Grand Canal Dock for the last decade, we are opposed to the updates to the canal bye-laws proposed by Waterways Ireland. While we recognise the need for the existing bye-laws to be updated, the proposed changes would significantly and negatively affect us and other houseboat communities living on the canal system. Below I outline our key concerns but I also attach an explanatory PDF compiled by the GCD Bye-Law working group to provide some insight into the value and potential of live aboard communities on the canal system.
Summary of Key Concerns:
1. Both the proposed changes to the bye-laws and the inadequate consultation process by both Waterways Ireland and KPMG, on behalf of WI, omit the history and heritage of houseboat communities across the country and, in doing so, misses an opportunity to see both their value and potential as vibrant scaled-down low-carbon urban and rural communities, in line with the Government's Climate Action Plan 2023. We call for a reviewed consultation process that is carried out with the Irish government’s climate and housing policies as a baseline and in line with the government’s recent ‘Guide for Inclusive Community Engagement in Local Planning and Decision Making’.
2. As also stated by IRBOA, we object in the strongest possible terms to the monetization of our waterways and the selective targeting of one group of users i.e. boaters, through the raising of fees (between 400-2000%). The raise in fees ultimately means that many members of the houseboat community would face eviction and potential homelessness. We call for protection of existing houseboat communities through a Bye-Law Legacy Exemption Practice which would allow new rules to be enacted while safeguarding dwellings at existing moorings.
3. The proposed fee schedule presented by KPMG in their ‘Pricing Strategy’ document is a key concern. There is currently no transparent costing matrix outlined in the KPMG document. We recommend that the fees schedule is not included as part of the bye-laws and that a transparent costing process be carried out, which also considers existing live aboard communities.
4. From our perspective and as stated by IRBOA, Waterways Ireland has not carried out a proper consultation process. One online survey carried out by KPMG that did not reach all boat owners is insufficient to inform a legal document that will affect hundreds of families and boat owners across the country. It is also important to point out here that houseboat owners on the Shannon were not allowed to complete the survey because they didn’t have a canal permit number.
5. The proposed bye-laws document does not outline issues of governance and accountability. The amendments to the bye-laws will allow, for example, revoking of permits without an independent third-party appeals process. We call for governance issues and accountability within the organisation to be addressed in order that the organisation ensures due diligence towards all the waterways stakeholders.
The issues raised are for Waterways Ireland and a copy will be forwarded to Waterways Ireland (WI) for their attention.
Q.45 Councillor Deirdre Conroy
To ask the Chief Executive and Local Area Manager and Traffic Dept., regarding a pedestrian safety issue on on Rathmines Upper Road at the junction of Church Avenue, in particular for young children walking and cycling.
The detail from the enquirer states:
“This is a really busy junction for pedestrians, particularly children as Belgrave Montessori school has two facilities located at the top and bottom of Church Avenue and Rathmines Road Upper, Kildare Place School is located on Rathmines Road Upper and the route is used for children travelling by foot, bike and scooter to Lios na nOg and Scoil Bhride primary schools. Currently, there are no traffic lights or pedestrian crossings anywhere near this junction (It is roughly 192 meters from the traffic lights in Rathmines village to Church Avenue and 362 meters from the traffic lights in Tranquilla Park to Church Avenue). This means the majority of adults and children are crossing at this dangerous Church Avenue junction at peak traffic times. This is not a safe area to cross as there is so much traffic and a lot of cars are parked on the street, obscuring the view of oncoming traffic. The Manager of Belgrave Montessori would very much welcome a visit to demonstrate the difficulties pedestrians have in crossing at this junction.
A case has been opened with Dublin City Council (TRF 544567607) ideally traffic lights and a pedestrian crossing would be installed.”
The Area Engineer will liaise with the School Mobility Team to assess what type of traffic calming measures can be implemented at this junction.
Kildare Place National School in on the Round 1 list of priority schools to receive a School Zone as part of the Safe Routes to School Programme. The design for this School Zone treatment to improve the safety outside the school is currently in development. Gaelscoil Líos na nOg is on Round 2 of the priority list of schools, works for Round 2 schools will commence will the Round 1 list is complete.
Q.46 Councillor Deirdre Conroy
To ask the Chief Executive and Local Area Manager in regard to revision of Gulistan land disposal, whilst it is necessary to provide Primary Care Centre in certain areas with many residents in need, this enquiry has details from an architect living in Rathmines.
The enquirer states:
I call on you to reject the terms of the Gulistan land disposal at your meeting on Monday. My understanding is that the HSE did not fulfil their terms in agreements to date. Furthermore, a Primary Care Centre is inappropriate on the site as:
1. The proposed PCC underground commercial car park is not acceptable as it is wrongly located due to its access via narrow, residential streets and is superfluous to the private parking requirements in Rathmines. The extent of the Swan's basement parking is shown in red below.
2. All other Dublin PCC's are located on highways that allow rapid, direct drop offs and direct public transport connections for patients to the PCC front door. The proposed PCC location to the back of the backlands site of Gulistan is thus exclusionary and an unnecessary change from the existing, familiar and convenient medical facilities within the Swan Centre. It is my understanding that those facilities can be expanded upon considerably quicker than a new build PCC to address the neighbourhood's urgent medical requirements.
3. The proposed PCC pharmacy will negatively draw trade away from Rathmines' main street and the family owned pharmacies of Rathmines.
4. The loss of any public land for what is private profit, typically benefitting foreign cuckoo pension funds as is the case of PCCs, is unacceptable.
5. The PCC's proposed massing beside Gulistan cottages is excessive.
The disposal of the Gulistan site to the HSE for a Primary Care Centre has been agreed by the City Council.
In this regard, DCC Housing team and Cluid Housing have spent significant time over the summer working on costings, funding strategy, tenure mix breakdown and site investigations. Cluid are working on a revised programme for the delivery of the project. Once received we will re-present the proposal to the area committee and to the local community in advance of submitting planning.
Q.47 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please provide an update on Portobello Harbour redevelopment? We are way off meeting the timelines proposed back in May. Can the manager please outline what is causing the delay and provide new timelines for the next consultation, the finalisation of the plan, the commencement of works and the completion date?
The pre-part 8 process which involves engaging and agreeing the proposal with internal departments has over run, due to some issues that arose late in the design process. These are expected to be resolved in the coming weeks at which stage a full presentation will be given to area councillors. An updated program will be provided at this presentation.
Q.48 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager what enforcement is taking place regarding private vehicles parking on Fosters Place?
Dublin Street Parking Services are regularly patrolling and monitoring this location. Instruction will be given to continue to focus here and carry out enforcement action.
Q.49 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please include the electricity box at the entrance to the Tom Clarke Bridge near Saint Patrick’s Rowing Club in the Dublin Canvass Project so it can be creatively painted?
The utility box identified by the Councillor is not a Dublin City Council traffic box. The Dublin Canvas project is exclusive to DCC traffic boxes, and the boxes identified for 2023 have been completed. It is anticipated that DCC will be working with Dublin Canvas in 2024 to identify suitable traffic boxes for inclusion in the project.
Q.50 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please identify a location in Grand Canal Street / Beggars Bush area to some plant trees that a local resident has that need a home?
Regretfully without knowing anything about these trees, their species, size and most especially their provenance the council cannot accommodate them. Perhaps consider donating to neighbours or to a local school or community garden to plant them this winter.
If locals are aware of areas that need to be planting please contact Parks and we will check suitability with our tree officer, for inclusion in the south east areas tree planting winter works.
Q.51 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please provide an update on the Discretionary Fund 2023, what projects have been completed, what projects are outstanding and when they might be completed?
Approximately 50% of the Discretionary Fund for 2023 has been spent to date and we will provide a detailed update on this for the November SEAC Meeting. We are working to progress items listed in the Discretionary Fund ASAP.
Q.52 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please provide an update on the Green Infrastructure plan for the Whitefriar Street area?
Parks and Landscape Services are currently reviewing the draft strategy for the Whitefriar Street Area and intend to bring a presentation to the area committee within the final quarter of 2023.
Q.53 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can be please provide an update on the following housing projects:
· Saint Andrew’s Court
· Fishamble Street
Saint Andrew’s Court
Dublin City Council received Stage 2 approval from the Department of Heritage, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) for the regeneration of St. Andrew’s Court in August 2023. This Stage 2 approval gives consent to proceed to the planning stage of the redevelopment plans.
Presently, the integrated design team are progressing design development of the new housing scheme which is for the demolition of the existing housing block and the construction of 32 new homes. The new homes will be a mix of one, two and three bedroom homes.
It is intended to proceed with planning approval through the Part 8 Section 179A process
Fishamble Street
The proposed new development on Fishamble St, has Stage 1 approval from the Department. The Peter McVerry Trust (PMVT) have met with local residents and the Area Planner to discuss the proposals which are currently being amended to take into consideration comments and suggestions from the local community.
Q.54 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please investigate whether the following properties (details supplied) have planning permission to operate as Airbnb?
Planning Enforcement Files will be opened in respect of (details supplied 1 and 2) and investigations will be carried out to ascertain whether there is any breach of the short term letting regulations at these properties. Appropriate enforcement action will be taken should it be required.
Two separate investigations have already taken place relating to (details supplied 3) (rear). No breach of the short term letting regulations has been identified at this property. The premises appears to be in use for holiday lettings of 14 days or more which is permissible under the current regulations.
Q.55 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please remove the following useless / vacant poles in the South East Area (see attachment also) to reduce street clutter and can he provide a timeline for when these works will be completed:
· Merrion Row, outside McNally’s Opticians.
· Nassau Street, across from House of Names at wall of Trinity College.
· Dawson Street, outside Marco Pierre White.
· Drury Street, outside Jenny Vander.
Merrion Row – Pole was removed.
Nassau Street – 24hr Bus Lane Sign replaced.
Drury Street – Pedestrian Zone sign replaced.
Dawson Street – Loading Bay sign replaced.
Q.56 Councillor Claire Byrne
To ask the Area Manager can he please remove the signage from the heritage lamp on Wicklow Street at the junction of South William Street outside Laduree?
Signage has now been removed.
Q.57 Councillor Pat Dunne
Can the Area Manager ask our Waste Management & Public Domain sections install public litter bins along the canal on Parnell Road from Rialto to Harold’s Cross Bridge? This well used footpath currently has no bins and as a result can often be littered.
Waste Management Services would not be in favour of installing litter bins along this stretch of footpath due to the volume of traffic on this road which also includes a cycle track. Stopping a vehicle to service these bins would be too great a hazard to pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and our staff.
Q.58 Councillor Pat Dunne
Can the Area Manager ask our Parks and Street Lighting Sections to carry out a tree pruning programme and upgrade the street lighting in Brookfield Estate, Kimmage, adjacent to the KCR? Residents in this estate complain that the night-time lighting is almost zero. See request below from the local residents.
“I am writing to you on behalf of the residents of Brookfield about getting DCC to come into our estate to prune the overgrown trees and sort out our non-existing street lights in the estate. They have promised they would do this for us for years and again, this year. They said they would come in by the end of September but we feel this may not happen, as we cannot get a date as to when the Contractor will do the job.
DCC will not confirm either when they will come to inspect the lighting.
Cars have been broken into in the past few weeks with one car vandalised four times. All because the estate has zero lighting after 8pm. The overgrowth of trees (there are 78 trees and 90 houses in the estate! We are worried for the residents and their visitors’ health and safety.”
A Lighting assessment was carried out in Brookfield estate and the lighting generally meets the required standard.
However, a number of the lamps inside the luminaires have not been changed for a period and re-lamping of those luminaires will be carried out in the coming weeks.
The main issue, as noted by the councillor, is there are lots of trees in the estate. Several of these trees are very close to the existing public lights, which are causing a blocking effect on the lights in the estate, and is impacting on the light levels from the existing public lights. We will request the Parks Department to prune all the trees in the Brookfield Estate.
Please note also that the existing public lighting in Brookfield will be upgraded to LED under the current Public Lighting Upgrade Project, although an exact timeframe for these future improvements cannot be provided at this time, other than to say they will be upgraded in the next five years or so.
Until such time as the existing lights in Brookfield are replaced with the LED lights, we will continue to carry out routine maintenance works on the existing lights and will replace existing lamps as required.
Q.59 Councillor Pat Dunne
Can the Area Manager ask our Traffic Advisory Group to examine the junction of Clonard Road and Kildare Road with a view to improve user safety? The mini roundabout at this junction does little to protect pedestrians and cyclists and also presents dangers for motorists. There have been many accidents at this junction over the years with the most recent only two weeks ago when a local cyclist was knocked off her bike.
The issues outlined above require further investigation by the Area Engineer. A service request has been created to effect this action. Enquiry No. 7035321 refers. The Councillor will be informed of the recommendation in due course.
Q.60 Councillor Pat Dunne
I have previously received a commitment that the old red brick traffic ramps on St. Teresa’s be replaced with asphalted ramps. I did ask at the time to include Stannaway Avenue in these works. Can you confirm that the ramps on Stannaway Avenue will be included in this programme of works?
The ramps on Stannaway Avenue will be added as additional works to our 2023 Ramp Resurfacing Programme.
Q.61 Councillor Pat Dunne
Following reports of children having been attacked and bitten by a pit bulldog in Brickfield Park on Sunday, 24th September and numerous other reports of dogs running wild, off-lead, particularly in Eamonn Ceannt Park, can the Parks Superintendent provide a report on what safety measures are being introduced for park users?
A constituent recently wrote in relation to Eamonn Ceannt Park, “As is, there are dogs who are not under the direct control of their owners, and this is frightening for small kids and others who fear dogs. The playground is the only place which is dog-free, which really limits children's enjoyment of the park.”
Parks Service understand that this incident is currently under investigation by the Garda Síochána.
Discussions are ongoing between Parks Service and Dublin City Councils Animal Welfare unit in relation to safety concerns surrounding dogs in our Parks.
Q.62 Councillor Pat Dunne
Can the various Traffic Islands and newly built out footpaths in the Dublin 12 area be greened as they are almost all bare concert and paving, this greening would enhance the look of the area and bring positive environmental results.
The Traffic department will liaise with the Parks department to determine if there’s scope for greening of any build out areas constructed as part of the 2023 Pedestrian crossings programme.
Public Domain Officer has identified various locations in the area and is working closely with the community to try upgrade these areas and bring some greening to fruition which will enhance the look and bring positive environmental results.
Q.63 Councillor Pat Dunne
Can the Area Manager ascertain who owns the laneway between details supplied?
The laneway at details supplied forms part of Folio DN219455F and is registered in freehold to St. Agnes Property Limited (CRO ref. no. 591466) of Garland House, 28 - 30 Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Q.64 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager if an interim measure can be considered to make the approach to Emmet Bridge coming from Clanbrassil Street safer for cyclists before the proposed BusConnects redesign of the bridge takes place. The current allocation of road space, along with the wall at the outer edge of the footpath, create a pinch point for cyclists when vehicles encroach into the cycle lane. Some segregation of the cycle lane here, possible removal of the wall, and / or designation of the inner lane as a bus / cycle lane only at peak hours would help. Could these measures be considered? (See image attached.)
Interim measures will be considered at this location. Options will be assessed and future plans taken account of and a report issued to the councillor.
Q.65 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager if the long potholes, of about 3 metres in length, between the road and the footpath outside Tesco on Upper Rathmines Road (opposite the post office) can be urgently filled or repaired? They present a hazard to both cyclists and pedestrians and have been in a dangerous condition for a significant amount of time.
A temporary carriageway repair is being arranged at this location.
Q.66 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the area manager if planning permission can be sought for the installation of a ‘Kerb Charge Duct’. (See image attached) Is it possible to apply for permission to carry out this work to facilitate on street charging from the private home, and if so what is the permission the resident would need to apply for?
The ‘kerb charge duct’ shown appears to cross a public pavement. Generally, the provision of any infrastructure on a public roadway would require a licence from the Environment and Transportation Department. In order to apply for planning permission, an applicant needs to have sufficient legal interest in the relevant property. Assuming the pavement is public property, the applicant would need to have a letter of consent from the Environment and Transportation Department in order to apply for planning permission. If the pavement is private property but not in the applicants ownership, the applicant would need to have a letter of consent from the owner of the pavement in order to submit a planning application.
Notwithstanding the above, the local authority is unlikely to permit the use of trailing cables on the highway/across the pavement even if it is covered by a cable cover or mat. This is because a power cable running across the footway, even if covered, is a potential trip hazard. If an injury occurs, the homeowner/occupier may be responsible and this might result in a liability claim.
The Dublin Local Authority Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy (2022) indicates that the strategy for providing EV charging facilities for residents without off-street parking is to provide neighbourhood charging facilities and residential charging hubs in addition to charging infrastructure at service station forecourts and supermarkets etc. In this regard, it is noted that Dublin City Council’s first mobility charging hub opened in Finglas in 2022.
Q.67 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager if the trees on Mount Tallant Avenue can be scheduled for pruning before the next nesting season starts. In particular the tree outside (details supplied) requires pruning, as currently the trees are blocking out the street lights, leading to anti-social behaviour and causing a danger for children walking to school on dark winter mornings.
Parks, together with Electrical Services have looked at these trees as complaints have been received about the lights being obscured by the trees. We removed one tree and found no other issue with any other lights. The issue is due to the older orange sodium lights being replaced with LED lamps which aren’t as bright & have a more directed light output.
We are working towards an improved method of pruning Carpinus species (most of the trees on this route are Carpinus) with a view to achieving a method of pruning that will not cause additional damage to them and leave them a visual eyesore. Once we have worked on a suitable strategy, this road will be included in our schedule of tree pruning works.
Q.68 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager what if the two trees planted roughly two years ago on Clonmacnoise triangle green can be inspected with a view to preserving them from further decline. Residents report the trees have fallen into a state of decline and would like the necessary action to be taken to restore them to good health and help them establish.
Parks have planted a number of trees in this location in the last few years. The dry summers have meant a number of these trees have struggled to establish successfully. Parks will arrange for an inspection of the green and if there are failures replace them in the coming planting season.
Q.69 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager if a list of all street trees removed in the Crumlin, Kimmage and Drimnagh area of the Kimmage Rathmines Local Electoral Area (LEA) over the last six months can be provided.
Tree Removals for Crumlin, Kimmage and Drimnagh area are listed in the below table for the last 6 months.
Location |
Quantity |
Species |
Reason |
62 bangor road |
1 |
sorbus aucuparia |
Storm Damaged |
375 clogher road |
1 |
Tilia Cordata |
“ |
153 rafters road |
1 |
prunus |
“ |
3 slane road |
1 |
prunus nigra |
“ |
St Martin’s Park |
1 |
Fraxinus excelsior |
“ |
Kildare Road |
1 |
Sorbus Aucuparia |
“ |
117 bangor road |
1 |
sorbus aucuparia |
“ |
78 lismore |
1 |
carpinus betulus |
“ |
162 rutland ave |
1 |
carpinus betulus |
“ |
Eamonn Ceannt Park |
1 |
Prunus |
“ |
Stannaway Park |
1 |
Fraxinus |
“ |
Markievicz Park |
1 |
carpinus |
“ |
Ravensdale Park |
5 |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash Dieback Salix snapped |
Brookfield Green |
1 |
acer pseudoplatanus |
Self seeded, growing in cavity of wall |
Oscar Square |
1 |
Prunus avium |
storm |
Rialto Bridge |
4 |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Transdev request, Luas clearance. Salix storm damaged |
Q.70 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager for an update on when the signalised pedestrian crossing is expected at the new traffic lights at the intersection at Sundrive Road and Clogher Road at St. Bernadette’s Church?
The civil works are almost complete, resurfacing works and the electrical works are all that remains. It is expected all works will be complete by the end of October
Q.71 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager when the tree pruning in Brookfield estate is scheduled to take place. The estate has a deficit of on-street lighting and this is currently being further limited by the trees, with the rest that vandalism, car-theft and anti-social behaviour is occurring on the darkened streets. Can the Area Manager commit to rectifying this before the dark winter evenings? Can Brookfield further be considered for a review of existing street lighting and the installation if additional lights if needed.
A Lighting assessment was carried out in Brookfield estate and the lighting generally meets the required standard.
However, a number of the lamps inside the luminaires have not been changed for a period and re-lamping of those luminaires will be carried out in the coming weeks.
The main issue, as noted by the councillor, is there are lots of trees in the estate. Several of these trees are very close to the existing public lights, which are causing a blocking effect on the lights in the estate, and is impacting on the light levels from the existing public lights. We will request the Parks Department to prune all the trees in the Brookfield Estate.
Please note also that the existing public lighting in Brookfield will be upgraded to LED under the current Public Lighting Upgrade Project, although an exact timeframe for these future improvements cannot be provided at this time, other than to say they will be upgraded in the next five years or so.
Until such time as the existing lights in Brookfield are replaced with the LED lights, we will continue to carry out routine maintenance works on the existing lights and will replace existing lamps as required.
The majority of the street trees in this estate are Birch trees which do not respond well to pruning. There are a number of trees in the estate that are growing immediately adjacent to a public lighting column or with a public light within the canopy. To address this issue parks intend removing 4 Birch trees in the coming weeks. Additional tree planting will be carried out on the open space within the estate to compensate for this loss.
Supporting documents: