Motion 1 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
This committee requests the manager to revert to the situation in which Dartmouth Square is closed at night time.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 2 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
This committee requests an update on all current proposals for the Gulistan site and further requests the manager to initiate a bi-monthly meeting between members and the Health Services Executive in order to expedite the overall development of the site.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 3 from Councillor James Geoghegan
That the South East Area Committee;
Ø agrees to support improved safety measures at the Church Avenue and Rathmines Road Upper junction for safe crossings to be made for pedestrians and cyclist including and limited to, every available measure within Dublin City Council’s tool book including zebra crossings which are now being piloted in areas of the city;
Ø acknowledges the significant flow of children and parents with children who are crossing at this junction on the way or leaving the significant number of schools and pre-schools in the adjacent area, including, but not limited to Kildare Place School,
Ø recognises that parents have already submitted an application for measures to be introduced bearing reference number (TRF 544567607); and
requests that after an inspection has been carried out during relevant peak hours of the morning, that a meeting take place between relevant persons in the schools and pre-schools as well as parents to discuss what can be implemented at this junction.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 4 from Councillor Dermot Lacey
That this committee seeks to have the following issues in Heskin Court addressed and to be updated on how the ongoing estate management problems there can be addressed:
Issues at Heskin Court are as follows:
· Gate to car park broke five weeks.
· Rubbish in car park mounting up every day and has been reported every week for the last six months or more.
· Pathways need to be power washed to make the place look respectable.
· Waste bins need to be replaced or cleaned as they are stinking and have not been cleaned since they were installed 15 years ago.
· Windows and doors need to be painted; when we requested this before we were told that they were PVC they are not they are wooden and they are disgraceful.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 5 from Councillor Mannix Flynn
That this meeting of the South East Area Committee calls on the board of the Saint Patrick’s Day Festival in the interest of accountability and transparency, and public interest, to release all documents regarding two recent reports into governance and administration of the festival, and these documents not be censored or redacted in anyway.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 6 from Councillor Mannix Flynn
That this meeting of the Southeast Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council Audit Committee to carry out a full appraisal and investigation and overview of all monies, financial assistance and properties that were given to the Peter McVerry Trust by Dublin City Council over the past number of years.
Order: Refer to Housing Strategic Policy Committee.
Motion 7 from Councillor James Geoghegan
That the South East Area Committee agrees, further to Motion 11 on February 2023 that the School Zone / Safe Route to School is advanced for St. Mary’s National School in Donnybrook.
Order: Report to Councillor..
Motion 8 from Councillor James Geoghegan
That the South East Area Committee agrees, in accordance with the planning objective of CSO4 of the Dublin City Council Development Plan 2022 - 2028, to proceed with the preparation for a Local Area Plan / Village Improvement Plan for Donnybrook.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 9 from Councillor Fiona Connelly
That this committee writes again to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs reminding her of the serious problem the closure of the Citizens’ Information Centre continues to cause to the citizens of Rathmines. When a service is terminated it doesn't mean that the need for the service disappears. People in the area now have to go to the Garda station to get help with filling in forms, we as on City Council are very much aware of the huge demand on Garda time and it’s inappropriate that they have to take on this type of work. Older people who don't have computer competencies are very much isolated and unable to access services. Rathmines has a large population of older people who live alone and are dependent on face to face services as many don't have extended family support. In the past the Minister has told us that this is an issue for the CI Board, this committee reminds the Minister that she has bottom line responsibility for delivery of this service and calls on her yet again to have the face to face Citizens Information Service reinstated in Rathmines.
Order: Agreed.. .
Motion 10 from Councillor Fiona Connelly
That the Libraries Department update us on progress on commemoration plaques on the following, on foot of motions agreed early in 2023 to the Commemoration Committee:
· A plaque to commemorate the Writer James Plunkett Kelly (author of Strumpet City and many other publications) at 25 Richmond Hill, Rathmines.
· The Swan River Pier on Rathgar Road. A conservation plan was put in place to protect this only surviving pier and a visual presentation of the story of the river to be erected in the window of the neighbouring restaurant.
This committee agrees that we receive early notice of these presentations and that the department keeps in contact with proposer on progress.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 11 from Councillor Fiona Connelly
This committee agreed in the past that a “Don’t feed the birds” sign with explanation about the dangers of feeding birds be erected in a prominent place and easy to read format on the Swan Leisure Plaza. To date this hasn't happened and it continues to be a problem for people sitting around the plaza and a danger to birds. This committee reiterates the earlier decision and agrees that we receive a report stating when this sign will be erected.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 12 from Councillor Fiona Connelly
I would like to propose a motion that the Traffic Department examines the no right turn from the Lower Kimmage Road onto Aideen Avenue, as it is posing a danger to residents in particular children who are playing out as drivers use the illegal turn as a rat run. Could the Traffic Department consider interventions that would create a safer space for all residents of Aideen Avenue and Aideen Drive? This illegal turn impacts on many adjacent roads in the area as the cars continue east bound through the estate onto the Harold’s Cross Road.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 13 from Councillor Pat Dunne
This area committee notes that there are numerous traffic, cycling, pedestrian, parking, and infrastructural issues along Sundrive Road and its side roads. We also note that recent developments with the installation of new and upgraded traffic lights is a genuine attempt to improve safety but acknowledge that some of these are creating unintended problems.
We wish to ask the manager to engage with local residents and to urgently develop a comprehensive plan to tackle road safety, traffic and accessibility problems along Sundrive Road by involving the relevant DCC departments (Traffic / Planning), Gardaí and the National Transport Authority (NTA).
Residents themselves have listed in their own words some of the issues and we ask for these to be addressed and considered in the report to this motion.
Junction of Clogher Road and Sundrive Road
The filter light for turning right from Sundrive Road (coming from Centra shop direction) onto Clogher Road is covered over. It looks like the filter is still active but is not visible, so cyclists and motorists taking the right turn don't know who has right of way. It is an accident waiting to happen.
Pedestrian Crossing at Crumlin Road to Sundrive Road
Can you have the timing on the pedestrian crossing / traffic lights adjusted outbound on the Crumlin Road please? I cross here in the late afternoon with my child and time and time again the pedestrian light goes green and a car makes a dash through the lights. It is very unsafe for children crossing, particularly so close to the schools.
Outside 292 Sundrive Road
The workers of Crèche Kiddies Korner (292 Sundrive Road) are constantly parking their cars outside the gardens of residents’ houses.
They are parking on the path, obstructing the path. It is listed in their planning that staff must park to the rear of the premises. Dublin City Council are apathetic to the issue and will not investigate.
It is impacting the view of school children crossing the road.
Also, a cyclist collided with a pedestrian on the 19th September,
as the pedestrian could not see past the car obstructing their
Could we please have some enforcement on this business, who are ignoring the planning agreement that they signed. Staff parking to the rear of the premises is listed as an explicit condition they must abide by.
Between 53 - 87 Sundrive Road
I am a resident on Sundrive Road and have been in touch with Martina Halpin from DCC previously Ref No: 7013348.
There are continual issues with accessing our homes from Sundrive Road home and vice versa. This is largely to do with people double parking their cars, largely to access the park, the mechanics, hair shop, cafes etc. I understand businesses need to operate, however the double parking blocks us residents from accessing our homes. One occasion, I had to call the Garda to highlight that I couldn't get to work as I was blocked in. When they arrived they informed me they could not do anything as there were no road markings (no parking sign or double yellow line).
There is only one set of double yellow lines for this entire section of Sundrive Road. Access, whenever possible, is deadly with the above mentioned double parking, along with the 83 bus turning onto Sundrive from Stannaway Road. We have witnessed many accidents here including an incident with an older lady and the 83 bus, as well as a cyclist being knocked off his bike, with an ambulance being called to scene. The road is chaotic - no road markings for residents, extremely poor traffic management and no guidelines currently in place. I have submitted pictures previously under the above reference.
Another resident at same location
I live at Sundrive part of red bricked terraced houses from Council yard to the park. The footpath is regularly blocked by cars illegally parked - actually sometimes just dumped while people go to nearby cafes / hairdressers / electric shop and I've noticed too that near the council yard it's sometimes so congested that a wheelchair user could not get by and the short double yellow line is constantly ignored - maybe people don't notice it, it needs to be extended. My partner recently could not exit for work and was late as a result. This needs urgent attention by city council.
Cycling Lanes
Could you look at adding cycle lanes on Sundrive Road? It is a main thoroughfare for a lot of cyclists but can be hairy at times when cars speed past and in particular at junctions when there are 2 lanes of traffic and no space for bicycles.
Current road resurfacing and markings
An area around Sundrive Green has been resurfaced - can more details be provided and will this continue the full length of Sundrive Road? When will the road markings be done, as the lack of them at the moment is causing safety issues?
Footpath resurfacing
Could the uneven footpath around the Centra shop (148 Sundrive Road) area be upgraded, made smooth and even?
Road Markings at shops
New white parking guide lines are marked out 'on the angle' at the shops from Cambridge Motors to Get Fresh - similar to the road markings at the shops in Rialto village.
Road safety issues
There have been a number of road safety issues that have arisen from the interventions along Sundrive Road. These include rat running and speeding along smaller streets to avoid the traffic build-up along Sundrive - example Ferns and Kildare Road. With the possibility of more traffic issues related to the proposed Kimmage Bus Connects diverting traffic through this area, traffic management plans need to be introduced to resolve these issues.
Order: Report to Councillor.
Motion 14 Councillor Carolyn Moore
To ask the Area Manager if planning guidelines pertaining to the installation of home electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure which crosses a public footpath can be published by DCC. In the Local Electoral Area (LEA) of Kimmage Rathmines a large number of residents don’t have a driveway in which to install a charger or charge an EV, and a number of ‘solutions’ to facilitate safe charging of EVs on a public road are now on the market. DCC should provide clear guidance to citizens outlining which of these measures are subject to planning permission, and which of these measures are subject to enforcement if no planning has been sought.
Order: Agreed.
Motion 15 Councillor Claire Byrne
That this area committee supports the live-aboard community in Grand Canal Dock and along our water ways in their rejection of the proposed changes to the Water Ways Ireland Bye Laws.
Order: Deferred to November South East Area Committee meeting.
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