{meta} Agenda item - With reference to Motions to the Area Managers.

Agenda item


The following Emergency Motions to the Area Manager were tabled.


Emergency Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Area Committee:


Stands in solidarity with FÓRSA members of Dublin City Council and other local authorities across the state as they commence industrial action to address issues around job evaluation and pay; supports their call for a formal job evaluation process to ensure workers jobs are properly graded and enumerated; calls on Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien, the LGMA and the executive of Dublin City Council to return to negotiations with FÓRSA and to agree a mechanism for progressing the job evaluation process.

Calls on the chairperson of the Central Area Committee to write to both the LGMA and Minister O'Brien urging them to engage with FÓRSA to resolve this dispute as soon as possible.


ORDER:  Agreed.



Emergency Motion in the name of Councillor Eimer McCormack


This Central Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to ensure that the new, interim, location for the Bring Centre at Grangegorman include all services currently available to the public at its current location.

The committee calls on Dublin City Council to maintain its commitment to provide sufficient re-cycling facilities to the residents of the Dublin Central area.

ORDER:  Withdrawn.  Meeting to be scheduled with all stakeholders.



The following Motions to the Area Managers were tabled:


Emergency Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


This Central Area Committee agrees the allocation of €500 from the discretionary fund to Fergus Dowd to assist in production of a film on the Dublin Monaghan Bombings.


ORDER:  Agreed



The following Motions to the Area Managers were tabled:



Item 1 


Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh


The Central Area Committee, welcomes the expansion of the Cargo Bike Initiative, welcomes the free community bike being made available in Crumlin.Calls for a second free community cargo bike to be made available in Phibsborough.


ORDER:  Agreed.



Item 2


Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner

This area committee calls for a meeting with representatives from Lidl to discuss the ongoing vacancy of their site in Ballybough and calls for construction to begin ASAP.

ORDER:  Agreed


Item 3


Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner


This area committee declares a litter and dumping emergency in the North Inner City and calls on the Minister with responsibility for the circular economy to prepare an emergency intervention plan to address the issues in the area.



ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 4


Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner

This area committee calls for a comprehensive plan for Abbey Street to be brought forward in tandem with proposal for the extinguishment of the right of way of Harbour Court to deal with the anti-social, drug consumption, criminality and open defecation in the area. We cannot simply shut down public space without also identifying ways to improve and elevate the area more generally.

ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 5


Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner

That this area committee calls for an action plan to tackle vacancy and dereliction and improve the public realm on Parnell Street - particularly between O'Connell St and Marlborough. There should be a report brought back to this committee by the end of the year identifying key actions and interventions to bring back to life this important avenue for the city core.

ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 6


Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


Motion Withdrawn


Item 7 


Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh


That the Central Area Committee agrees that the manager will investigate the skate park in the Bogies and report back on why it is not in use.  That an attempt should be made to re-open it as there is a demand for this facility in the area.


ORDER:  Motion Deferred.

Item 8 


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That the Area Manager immediately contacts Iarnród Éireann/Irish Rail and inform them of the continuing anti-social behaviour of people accessing the tracks running parallel to West Road. The track is being accessed via openings at the fencing on Ossory Road. The Area Manager is instructed to request Iarnród Éireann to immediately secure these fences to ensure that the tracks are inaccessible from Ossory Road or indeed anywhere along the line.


ORDER:  Agreed


Item 9 


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring


That ball stop netting be installed over the playground at Portland Place as currently children are losing footballs when miskicked into the canal and some children have tried to retrieve the ball which has its own safety implications.


ORDER:  Agreed.



Item 10           


Motion in the name of Councillors Colm O’Rourke & Ray McAdam


That the Central Area Committee agree that resident’s requests for a greening strategy be put in place for St. Columba’s Road Lower, Dublin 9, and that Council staff work with residents to achieve this.


ORDER:  Agreed.


Item 11           


Motion in the name of Councillor Colm O’Rourke


That the Central Area Committee agree that a greening strategy be extended to all areas in Dublin 7 that are not included in the current greening strategy and that we refer this motion to the Planning and Urban Form SPC.


ORDER:  Agreed.


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