1. Part 8 Notification, New Library for Crumlin/Drimnagh. For information purposes only.
2. Presentation from Teneo re Dublin City Sports Plan 2023 - 2028
3. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: SHD0011/22Sub02, located at: The grounds of the former De La Salle National School, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 (ABP-313320 22)
4. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: 2725-21: Located at the Former Fodhla Printing Works site, Brookfield Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
5. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: 2654/20: Located at 24-25 Blackpitts, Dublin 8.
6. Director of Services Report.
1. Part 8 Notification, New Library for Crumlin/Drimnagh. For information purposes only.
2. Presentation from Teneo re Dublin City Sports Plan 2023 - 2028
3. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: SHD0011/22Sub02, located at: The grounds of the former De La Salle National School, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 (ABP-313320 22)
4. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: 2725-21: Located at the Former Fodhla Printing Works site, Brookfield Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
5. Naming proposal for a new development – Planning ref: 2654/20: Located at 24-25 Blackpitts, Dublin 8.
6. Director of Services Report.
Order: 1. Noted.
2. Presentation given by Donncha Ó’Dúlaing. Presentation
3. Deferred.
4. Agreed.
5. Agreed.
6. Report Noted.
Supporting documents: