The following Motions to the Area Managers were tabled:
Item 1
Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh
That the Central Area Committee agree for arrangements to be made to build on the successful pilot project providing a seating area at a Café on Fassaugh Avenue, Cabra and provide a seating area for 12 months for any café on the road who wants it. We have had a lot of success in town for the city recovery and it is time Cabra Village benefits from this as well.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 2
Motion in the name of Councillor Seamas McGrattan
That this Area Committee condemns the decision to close the Intreo office on the Navan Road and calls on the Minister for Social Protection to immediately reopen this vital community facility.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 3
Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring
That this Area Committee agrees that, following the Chief Executives confirmation to me that the services being provided at the Shamrock Terrace Recycling facility, the employment status of the staff currently employed at the centre will be reviewed and assurances given to them that not only will the centre be retained but that their jobs will be retained also.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 4
Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner
That this Area Committee agrees that a plan should be brought forward immediately to replace the trees felled along West Road in East Wall and for options for green walls and other opportunities for further greening to be explored.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 5
Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner
That this Area Committee requests an update from eir on their removal of redundant phone boxes across the central area, a schedule for when all boxes will be removed in order to address the ongoing contribution to dereliction and littering of the city streets.
ORDER: Agreed.
Item 6
Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry
That this Central Area Committee instructs Dublin City Council to resume possession of the O’Devaney Garden public site due to breach of terms and conditions by Bartra.
One of the development agreement conditions required the successful tenderer to commence work within four weeks of the date of grant of planning permission. An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission on the 13th September 2022. Bartra chose to judicially review the permission granted to ensure a more profitable development. Such a choice by the developer should not negate the commencement condition of the development agreement.
An Bord Pleanála amended the permission, conceding to Bartra’s argument, on the 11th March 2022 giving a green light to the development to commence.
As of 26th October, more than a year after the original planning permission was granted and 7 months after An Bord Pleanála rescinded the restriction on the sale of the private apartments, no work has begun on the site. This is a clear breach of the development agreement.
A condition of the development agreement allows Dublin City Council to resume possession of the site should the successful tenderer “fail to commence ….. the development within the specified timeframe”. Now is the time to revoke the agreement with Bartra.
ORDER: Agreed. Vote taken on motion. In favour 4, Against 1, Abstention 5.
Item 7
Motion in the name of Councillor Cieran Perry
That this Central Area Committee agrees to request Dublin City Council to install bollards in Martin Savage Park to tackle the ongoing illegal parking. Parking on the double yellow lines continues and the promised enforcement has not worked. In correspondence to the residents association, the Traffic department informed them that bollards are not installed when measures such as yellow lines are already in place. This is despite the fact that bollards were previously installed at yellow lines in the estate. The residents have identified a number of locations requiring bollards
ORDER: Agreed.
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