19th October 2022
M195 Councillors Deirdre Cronin, Maire Devine, Darragh Moriarty & Michael Pidgeon
This committee agrees to extend an invitation to a delegation of residents from Rehoboth Place and Rehoboth Avenue to present to the members on long standing safety issues for cars, bikes and pedestrians and to consider solutions prior to the commencement of large scale development in the area.
M196 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee recognise the historical value and uniqueness
of the Weir Home for Nurses and the Quaker Burial Ground at Cork St
and understand that negotiations are ongoing for the transfer/sale
from HSE. Given the historical importance of these two sites we
call on management to convene a meeting for all stakeholders, to
include but not limited to:
HSE Estates, Peter McVerry Trust, The Housing Agency, Secretary
General Heritage, Friends of Quakers, Local reisidents and Liberties Cultural
M197 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee expresses concern at the inadequate “white line” road markings at Fingal and Eugene Streets where car clamping and/removal appears disproportionate. These markings are inadequate in alerting motorists to the “no parking areas”. We agree that, in the interests of fairness, the notification be more explicit and more visible.
M198 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee acknowledge the tremendous efforts undertaken by residents to improve and greenize the Devoy Pitch at Inchicore. They are requesting that DCC liaise with them to plan an agreed schedule for future environmental improvements.
M199 Councillor Daithí Doolan
That this Area Committee acknowledges the success of the Halloween skip service, regrets the decision made by management to terminate the service and calls on Dublin City Council to ensure that the Halloween skip service is maintained this year.
M200 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That Dublin City Council please ensure that proper funded proposals are brought forward to this area committee with real local input into the essential requirement of the social and community infrastructure Cherry Orchard needs. We have a housing crisis and Cherry Orchard has played its part in responding to this we now need the various institutions of both local government and central government to respond to the needs in a pro-active way.
M201 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That DCC Parks Department please look at developing a proper management and maintenance plan for the Lawns Park Ballyfermot Dublin 10 to look at acknowledging the fact the origins of Ballyfermot developed here with Ballyfermot Castle, the old Church and graveyard. In the late 1990`s we had a major report done on the origins of Ballyfermot and we had agreed that when resources became available we would acknowledge he graveyard with a celtic cross and the footprint of the old castle with a boxed hedging information panels etc.
M202 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That the Active travel unit look at the Ballyfermot / Cherry Orchard area in relation to proper cycling infrastructure it is becoming all the more apparent this we in the West of the City are forgotten about when it comes to cycling initiatives and it appears we will have to be like Cinderella and wait until other areas are completed. The Dublin 10 area has one of the largest population centres in the suburbs of Dublin and it deserves to be treated in a pro-active manner.
M203 Councillor Vincent Jackson
With Halloween around the corner can management please ensure satisfactory resources are made available to ensure our parks, open spaces and communities are as safe as possible at this often difficult time of the year. I am very grateful to all the community projects, youth services Community Development Staff, Parks Staff, Public Domain staff who have worked for many years to improve the climate into one ofpositivity.
Derek Kelly
Director of Services South City
19th October, 2022
19th October 2022
M195 Councillors Deirdre Cronin, Maire Devine, Darragh Moriarty &
Michael Pidgeon
This committee agrees to extend an invitation to a delegation of residents from Rehoboth Place and Rehoboth Avenue to present to the members on long standing safety issues for cars, bikes and pedestrians and to consider solutions prior to the commencement of large scale development in the area.
Order: Agreed.
M196 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee recognise the historical value and uniqueness
of the Weir Home for Nurses and the Quaker Burial Ground at Cork St
and understand that negotiations are ongoing for the transfer/sale
from HSE. Given the historical importance of these two sites we
call on management to convene a meeting for all stakeholders, to
include but not limited to:
HSE Estates, Peter McVerry Trust, The Housing Agency, Secretary
General Heritage, Friends of Quakers, Local reisidents and Liberties Cultural
Order: Report Noted.
M197 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee expresses concern at the inadequate “white line” road markings at Fingal and Eugene Streets where car clamping and/removal appears disproportionate. These markings are inadequate in alerting motorists to the “no parking areas”. We agree that, in the interests of fairness, the notification be more explicit and more visible.
Order: Report Noted.
M198 Councillor Máire Devine
This committee acknowledge the tremendous efforts undertaken by residents to improve and greenize the Devoy Pitch at Inchicore. They are requesting that DCC liaise with them to plan an agreed schedule for future environmental improvements.
Order: Report Noted.
M199 Councillor Daithí Doolan
That this Area Committee acknowledges the success of the Halloween skip service, regrets the decision made by management to terminate the service and calls on Dublin City Council to ensure that the Halloween skip service is maintained this year.
Order: Report Noted.
M200 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That Dublin City Council please ensure that proper funded proposals are brought forward to this area committee with real local input into the essential requirement of the social and community infrastructure Cherry Orchard needs. We have a housing crisis and Cherry Orchard has played its part in responding to this we now need the various institutions of both local government and central government to respond to the needs in a pro-active way.
Order: Agreed.
M201 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That DCC Parks Department please look at developing a proper management and maintenance plan for the Lawns Park Ballyfermot Dublin 10 to look at acknowledging the fact the origins of Ballyfermot developed here with Ballyfermot Castle, the old Church and graveyard. In the late 1990`s we had a major report done on the origins of Ballyfermot and we had agreed that when resources became available we would acknowledge he graveyard with a celtic cross and the footprint of the old castle with a boxed hedging information panels etc.
Order: Report Noted.
M202 Councillor Vincent Jackson
That the Active travel unit look at the Ballyfermot / Cherry Orchard area in relation to proper cycling infrastructure it is becoming all the more apparent this we in the West of the City are forgotten about when it comes to cycling initiatives and it appears we will have to be like Cinderella and wait until other areas are completed. The Dublin 10 area has one of the largest population centres in the suburbs of Dublin and it deserves to be treated in a pro-active manner.
Order: Report Noted.
M203 Councillor Vincent Jackson
With Halloween around the corner can management please ensure satisfactory resources are made available to ensure our parks, open spaces and communities are as safe as possible at this often difficult time of the year. I am very grateful to all the community projects, youth services Community Development Staff, Parks Staff, Public Domain staff who have worked for many years to improve the climate into one ofpositivity.
Order: Report Noted.