{meta} Agenda item - Motion in the name of Councillor Donna Cooney

Agenda item


That this North Central Area Committee are concerned about the lack of crèche spaces in the area, due to closures and increasing population and the worry this is causing to parents; That Dublin City Council take a proactive approach to helping to solve this by looking for possible buildings that could be repurposed into crèches and in planning applications looking to increase crèche sizes in any large housing development, also in adopting a policy not to favour the change of use away from crèches to other uses, also in promoting and possibly facilitating education facilities that provide FETAC courses so there are enough trained staff.



That this North Central Area Committee are concerned about the lack of crèche spaces in the area, due to closures and increasing population and the worry this is causing to parents; That Dublin City Council take a proactive approach to helping to solve this by looking for possible buildings that could be repurposed into crèches and in planning applications looking to increase crèche sizes in any large housing development, also in adopting a policy not to favour the change of use away from crèches to other uses, also in promoting and possibly facilitating education facilities that provide FETAC courses so there are enough trained staff”  






The Planning Authority is very conscious of the need to ensure that adequate child care facilities are provided in all new developments including in new residential schemes, in accordance with Policy SN17 of the City Development Plan and Appendix 13  - Guidelines for Childcare Facilities.  


Policy SN17  - to facilitate the provision in suitable locations of sustainable, fit-for-purpose childcare facilities in residential, employment, and educational settings, taking into account the existing provision of childcare facilities and emerging demographic trends in an area.


For all new residential schemes, one new childcare facility per 75 dwellings is required unless there are significant reasons to the contrary. In considering all new applications, regard is had to both the existing geographical distribution of childcare facilities and the existing and  or emerging demographic profile of the area.


A positive approach is also given to the expansion of existing crèches subject to meeting the requirements of Appendix 13 of the Development plan including the need to provide suitable drop off and collection points for children and providing outdoor play space.  Any change of use of an established crèche would need to be justified based on lack of demand in a particular area.


Contact:         Mary Conway, Deputy Dublin City Planning Officer

Tel:                 222 3319

Email:             mary.conway@dublincity.ie


The Draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022-2028 identifies that the provision of good quality and fit-for-purpose neighbourhood-based and local childcare services are central to providing for sustainable communities. Policy QHSN53 and Section 15.8.4 of the Draft Development Plan require that as part of proposals for new residential and mixed-use developments, an analysis of demographic and geographic need is undertaken by the applicant in consultation with the Dublin City Council Childcare Committee, in order to ensure that the provision of appropriately designed and sized fit-for-purpose affordable childcare facilities is in keeping with areas of population and employment growth. Section 15.8.2 of the Draft Plan also requires that re-development proposals on sites containing a pre-existing community use such as a childcare facility should ensure that this use in terms of floor / ground space is no less than that on-site prior to redevelopment, and if possible, should represent increased provision.


The government’s Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2001) and Circular on Childcare Facilities (2016) provide a policy framework to guide local authorities on the provision of childcare facilities in suitable locations including residential areas, employment nodes, large educational establishments, district and neighbourhood centres and in locations convenient to public transport networks. This guidance also recommends the provision of one childcare facility per 75 no. residential units with a pro-rata increase for residential developments in excess of this size threshold. Applications seeking a change of use from crèches to other uses will be assessed having regard to these guidelines.


In terms of the City Council looking for possible buildings that could be repurposed into childcare facilities, Section 5.5.8 of the Draft Development Plan states that the Council will continue to work with the Dublin City Childcare Committee and the newly established childcare planning function within the Department of Children and Youth Affairs through the forward planning and development management processes in order to support the government’s objective to provide for sufficient high quality and affordable childcare services. Dublin City Childcare Committee is an independent company who are funded by the DCEDIY (Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth) as a local agent to fulfil the following role;


• Act as the local agent of the Department in the co-ordination#

And delivery of the national ECCE programmes and the

implementation of Government policy at local level.

• Facilitate and support the development of quality, accessible ELC and SAC services for the overall benefit of children and parents.

• Provide support and guidance for ELC and SAC services and parents in relation to the national childcare programmes, and support the delivery of quality ELC in accordance with national frameworks and policy objectives.

• Facilitate the development of ELC and SAC in a strategic and coordinated manner.

• Provide information and support to parents in relation to the provision of ELC and SAC services within their CCC area.


In terms of promoting and possibly facilitating education facilities that provide FETAC courses so there are enough trained childcare staff, Policy QHSN51 of the Draft Plan states that it is the policy of the City Council to support the ongoing development and provision of third level education, further education and lifelong learning in the city and it is an objective of the City Council under Objective QHSNO14 to work with the Department of Further and Higher Education and the City of Dublin Education and Training Board in relation to the identification of suitable sites for new and extended education facilities.


Contact:         John O’Hara, Dublin City Planning Officer

Tel:                 222 3813

Email:             john.ohara@dublincity.ie





Order:  Agreed.  Cllr. Cooney requested that the Dublin City Council Childcare committee attend a future NCAC meeting & make a presentation outlining their figures on what they assert are the needs of the area based on the demographic in terms of age and population.   Cllr. Roe asked that they include in their presentation, the issue of publicly provided childcare places as is done in other countries.  Lord Mayor Alison Gilliland stated that we need a proper public childcare structure based on the primary school system without the religious implications of it and we need to support communities.  Cllr. Batten suggested that DCC look at what buildings might be suitable to provide childcare facilities that come under the remit of DCC.  Manager Derek Kelly cautioned that this approach would bring DCC into an area which is not under the normal remit of DCC.  Cllr. Stocker suggested that the committee agree to write to the Minister for Children outlining the committee’s concerns about the urgency to address the lack of childcare places in the north central area and the negative impact this dearth has on families.


Cllr. Cooney would like the minister to outline what measures are available to Dublin City Council to provide crèche and child care facilities in the North Central Area.


Mary Conway from Planning is to revert to the NCA in relation to the query from the Lord Mayor to check that planning applications are being adhered to with regards to the provision of childcare facilities.  Cllr. Roe suggested that Planning Department should liaise with the Department of Education with a view to providing childcare facilities in the grounds of primary schools.