{meta} Agenda item - With reference to Motions to the Area Managers.

Agenda item


The following Emergency Motions to the Area Managers were tabled:


Emergency motion in the names of Councillors Séamas McGrattan, Declan Meenagh, Darcy Lonergan, Cat O’Driscoll, Colm O’Rourke, Cieran Perry & Eimer McCormack:

That this Area Committee calls on the NTA to support and fund a commuter stop in Cabra along the new preferred route for the DART+ South West line.


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the NTA.


Emergency motion in the names of Councillors Christy Burke, Nial Ring and Anthony Flynn.

That this Central Area Committee agree to send congratulations and best of luck in the Tokyo Olympics to Kellie Harrington and Emmet Brennan, both from the North Inner city.


ORDER: Agreed. Letters to be sent to Kellie Harrington and Emmet Brennan.


Emergency Motion in the names of Councillors Nial Ring, Cieran Perry, Janice Boylan, Anthony Flynn, Séamas McGrattan, Christy Burke, Eimer McCormack, Joe Costello, Ray McAdam and Colm O’Rourke.


In November 2020 this Committee unanimously passed my motion supporting funding towards the landscaping of the new Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire. The report on the motion stated, inter alia, that “the Area Office will assist in any way possible to support the concept of enhancing greening at any location within the North Inner City”, including an Ghaelscoil.


The  design team for Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire has informed the school board that, due increased building fabric costs, no soft landscape will be provided within the new school build as provided by the Department of Education and Skills.


This is a major setback to the school and is at variance with the aims and objectives of the DCC report ‘The North East Inner City Greening Strategy’ (2018) by Dublin City Council's Parks Department which describes, in detail, the challenges of the deprivation of good quality open space for the NIC community. The deficit in green infrastructure in the area is also highlighted in the  2017 study by University College Dublin which compares urban tree cover across the metropolitan area of Dublin City Council.


However, this committee notes that the North Inner City has been recently allocated €174.3m under “Call 2” of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund  Regeneration, part of which is for “urban greening.”


Having regard to all above, and our on-going commitment and support of Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire, this committee agrees that Dublin City Council will include the cost of the landscaping component of the redevelopment of Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire under the  “urban greening/greening strategy”  category of funding detailed above.




This school has been continually let down by the Department of Education. However, the commitment of the parents, teachers, board of management and local public representatives to the future of the school has been commendable. This motion is another much needed and timely attempt to support the green infrastructure of the area by helping to secure funding for the landscaping of the school.


ORDER: Agreed. Funding for the landscaping of the school to be secured.


The following Motions to the Area Managers were tabled:


Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Central Area Committee agrees that the Safe School Zone programme be in place at the school on Sean McDermott Street, as this Councillor has been insisting on this work being carried out since January.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke

That this Central Area Committee agrees to reduce the casual trading fees by 50 per cent for the incoming season for street traders, given the loss of income since the onset of Covid 19.


It was proposed to amend the above motion to the following:

That this Central Area Committee agrees to reduce the casual trading fees by 100 per cent for the incoming season for street traders, given the loss of income since the onset of Covid 19.


ORDER: Amended motion agreed.  Letter to be sent to the Licensing Unit.


Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh and Councillor Joe Costello

That this Central Area Committee condemns the recent decision by An Bord Pleanála on the Cross Guns SHD (Old Bakery Site) and that the Central Area Committee calls on the Chief Executive to take a judicial review of this decision as a matter of urgency.


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the Chief Executive.


Motion in the name of Councillor Joe Costello and Councillor Declan Meenagh

That this Central Area Committee call on Dublin City Council to place the 300 year-old stone façade of Washerwoman restaurant, Glasnevin Hill on the list of protected structures.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Joe Costello

That this Central Area Committee calls on the Minister for Housing to include residential apartments in the  new planning guidelines prohibiting bulk buying of houses and duplexes; and to allow for up to 50% of homes in apartment developments to be ringfenced for owner occupiers.


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.


Motion in the name of Councillor Cat O’Driscoll

That this Central Area Committee requests the manager to follow through on the commitment made to Co-Lab to facilitate an exhibition of their work on the Sean McDermott Street Laundry and to meet with them to discuss practicalities as soon as possible. This Committee also invites Co-Lab to present their work to the July Area Committee Meeting.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Central Area Committee requests an update on the status of the following motion, vis a vis its implementation, passed at the North Central Area Committee and at the last Transport SPC, vis a vis its implementation. 
“That this Area committee proposes that a voluntary 30kph maximum speed limit trial takes place on two consecutive days (one weekday / one weekend day i.e. Friday / Saturday or Sunday / Monday) within the Dublin City Council functional area. The purpose of the voluntary 2-day 30kph trial would be to raise the public’s awareness of Dublin City Council’s ongoing Special Speed Bye-Laws procedure and allow them to make an informed submission. The voluntary 30kph trial would only take place if approval is given by Dublin City Council that the impending DCC Special Speed Bye-Laws are sent for statutory public consultation”.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Area Committee requests the Area Manager to commission a report as to how DCC can develop, promote and encourage rowing/sailing/kayaking etc. on the River Liffey. It is clear that the river is mostly underutilised and has great potential. Promoting such water based activities would  encourage  social inclusion, health & wellbeing, community, education, team work, water therapy, new skills, water safety, cultural experience, mental health benefits, all while animating the amazing asset of our City that is the River Liffey.  


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Area Committee acknowledges the work, effort and expertise of the City Council Planning Department in defending and upholding the integrity and principles of the  North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Special Development Zone (SDZ) planning scheme.


ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to be sent to the Assistant Chief Executive, Planning and Property Development Department.


Motion in the name of Councillor Nial Ring

That this Central Area Committee request a report from the Law Agent detailing what, if any, legislation references parking prohibitions relating to parking on footpaths are in force and, to further detail if this or any other legislation extends to parking prohibitions on footpaths of bicycles, e-scooters, motor bikes and any other non-vehicular modes of transport.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Colm O’Rourke

That this Central Area Committee calls on the Office of Public Works (OPW) to examine whether it is feasible to introduce an outdoor gym or calisthenics workout area, for a suitable location in the Phoenix Park. 


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to the Office of Public Works.


Motion in the name of Councillor Janet Horner

That this Central Area Committee supports Make Way Day on September 24th and calls for a campaign and events around the day to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining clear footpaths for accessibility.


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to Sustainable Mobility and Project, Environment and Transportation Department.


Supporting documents: