{meta} Agenda item - With reference to Motions to the Area Managers.

Agenda item


The following emergency motion was tabled:


Emergency motion in the names of Councillors Christy Burke, Janice Boylan, Anthony Flynn, Nial Ring and Cieran Perry


This Central Area Committee agrees that an anti-knife campaign takes place a.s.a.p. with sports personalities e.g Oliva O’ Toole, Kelly Harrington and Michael D Macauley, Jack Byrne and many more sports personalities, calling for an end to knife crime in the city, as knife crime causes loss of life and must stop.


ORDER: Agreed. Matter being addressed by the Area Manager and the NEIC Sports Staff.


The following motions were tabled:


Motion in the name of Councillors Christy Burke, Nial Ring and Anthony Flynn


That this Central Area Committee extend its condolences to the family of the street trader from “The Hill”,  Mrs Tess Carroll, age 88 who passed in Jan 2021.


ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to the sent to the family.


Motion in the name of Councillor Christy Burke


That this Central Area Committee calls on the Gardai and LUAS security personnel to address the ongoing anti-social behaviour by street drinkers at the LUAS stop on Dominic Street.  The local residents are also annoyed and upset with the anti-social behaviour from the street drinkers, who are on the street most of the day.


ORDER: Agreed. Letter to be sent to Garda Siochána and LUAS.


Motion in the name of Councillor Colm O’Rourke


That this Central Area Committee agrees that Dublin City Council should relocate a bike bunker that was installed at the corner of Primrose Street and Fontenoy Street in Dublin 7. Residents are concerned that the current location is a danger to road users and that it is still located too close to a fire hydrant. Residents are happy to retain the bike bunker for the area but ask that the exact location be reconsidered due to these concerns.


ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Joe Costello


That this Central Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to survey its housing stock and public buildings with a view to installing PV solar panels and green roofing where suitable.

ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.          


Motion in the name of Councillor Joe Costello


That this Central Area Committee expresses its sincere sympathies to the family of the Larkin College student and Bohs-St Kevin Boys football player who was tragically killed in East Wall and calls on the Gardaí to take urgent action to deal with the increase of knife crime in the Inner City.

ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to the sent to the family.  Letter to be sent to the Chief Superintendent, Store Street Garda Station.


Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Area Committee calls on Dublin City Council to immediately undertake full remedial works on the former Magdalene Laundry site on Seán Mc Dermott Street to ensure the integrity of all structures on site.

We ask this as a matter of urgency given that the site is publicly owned; its historical importance; its connection to a previous government commitment to survivors of the Magdalen Laundries; the recent government commitment to establish an archive of records related to institutional trauma during the 20th century in addition to the opportunities the site offers in terms of meeting the overarching objective of the Dublin City Development Plan to develop the site is an inclusive way which improves the quality of life for its citizens, whilst also being a more attractive place to visit and work through the provision of public and affordable housing, education facilities, community resources and employment opportunities.

We the elected Councillors have a responsibility to ensure to work with all stakeholders to ensure that we deliver in full on existing commitments to the social history of the site and to its obvious economic, social and cultural potential.


ORDER: Agreed.  Noted by the Area Manager.


Motion in the names of Councillor Janet Horner, Councillor Darcy Lonergan and Councillor Cat O’Drsicoll

That this Area Committee agrees to scale up the "Adopt a Street" campaign in the North Inner City in response to the growing scale of the litter and dumping crisis - delivering equipment to any residents who request it to support clean ups and rewarding communities who participate with additional public realm measures e.g. planters.         

ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.


Motion in the names of Councillor Janet Horner, Councillor Cat O’Driscoll and Councillor Darcy Lonergan

That this Area Committee agrees to engage with An Garda Siochána and the Parking Enforcement Unit to agree a strategy to eliminate illegal footpath parking in the Central Area- recognising that it is currently an offence and is a significant obstacle and threat to the safety of PWD, buggies, etc.

ORDER:  Agreed.  Report to Councillor.


Motion in the name of Councillor Declan Meenagh

That this Area Committee requests that Dublin City Council open the public walkway between Church Avenue and St. Mobhi Boithrin, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.

ORDER: Agreed. Report to Councillor.



Motion in the name of Councillor Janice Boylan


That this Area Committee calls on the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris to make sure the resources are in place to fully investigate the fatal stabbing that occurred in East Wall that resulted in the loss of a 16 year old teenager’s life. And that we the committee members send our condolences to the family. Furthermore we call on the Commissioner to take immediate action to tackle the rise in knife crime across the city and to make sure that all necessary resources are available to the Garda and community. 


ORDER: Agreed.  Letter to be sent to the Garda Commissioner.


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