Kieran Mahon, Smart DCU Projects Facilitator, presented to the Committee on Smart DCU District.
(See presentation provided in ModGov pack for Jan SPC, circulated in advance of meeting)
SMART Dublin is an initiative of the 4 Dublin Local Authorities to use new technologies to improve services and quality of life in the Dublin Region. The main topics presented on were SMART DCU, Insight DCU – data analytics, SMART DCU piloted Luna E-Scooter precise positioning; SMART DCU piloted Moby shared E-Bike intercampus travel; Solar Prospecting Research; Crowd Counting; Mould Sensoring – Ambisense IoT Sensors; IoT sensors on Hydrogen Bus; DCU Autism Friendly University; Bentley – funding a Digital Twin Centre of Excellence; SMART DCU – Building a Digital Twin; and SMART DCU 2021 Plans.
Comments, Feedback & Questions:
The Chair thanked the presenter and opened the floor for discussion.
Cllr. Ring thanked the presenter and commented on DCU innovation and importance of collaboration between DCC and DCU and gave praise around the DCU Autism Friendly University project and how important it is. Cllr. Cooney thanked the presenter and commented on how impressive SMART DCU achievements have been., mentioning in particular data collection on the transport modes of students coming to DCU and transport around the campus and how the cycleways provided by DCC link with DCU plans for students to use cycle as mode of part of their journey. She commended the work of researches and the DCU Autism Friendly University project. Cllr. MacDonncha thanked the presenter and asked if E-Scooters and Moby shared e-bike could be applied to the City and asked if the mould detector project data could be provided to Housing SPC. Aidan Sweeney noted in relation to the Insight Centre was there opportunity for other research centres to scale up projects in the future and were there any DCC initiatives that DCU could use to scale up these projects. In relation to E-scooters and to secure buy in, had the issue of tracking etc. been looked at in more depth by SMART DCU? Natalie McGuiness congratulated the presenter on work to date and commented on how the range of initiatives was incredible. She asked if there was any one initiative in particular that is currently being worked on which needs to be rolled out further or scaled up. Cllr. Deacy commented on research between SDCC and DCC on foot of European collective complaint on mould in social housing and how residents were being blamed for dampness. Community Action Network have done a lot of research on it and perhaps SMART DCU should link in with them. ACTION: Cllr. Deacy to provide contact details of Community Action Network to Kieran Mahon, SMART DCU
Response to range of questions put to presenter:
Digital Twin Project is the one project that stands out and is the most important.
There is a role for E-Scooters but pedestrian and rider safety is key. Location and ability to auto detect hazards are key focus of SMART DCU currently.
In relation to the DLRD Pilot project on Mould detection, Ambisense looks at ways to ensure there are proper air flow in buildings without energy wastage and ways to detect mould in advance. Currently concentrating on large buildings but are running a trail for DLRD on public housing at present and Ambisense hope to present to DLRD shortly. ACTION: The presenter agreed to provide that DLRD presentation to Members of SPC when available.
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