Wessel Badenhorst, Urban Mode Ltd, presented to the Committee on the Dublin city Council EU Programmes Participation Strategy 2021 – 2027. The presentation overview consisted of details on the preparatory process for the development of the strategy document including collation of baseline data, information sharing sessions and the EU Policy co-operation environment in Dublin. Recommendations for the implementation of the strategy were also presented.
Comments, Feedback & Questions:
The Chair thanked the presenter and welcomed in particular the EU projects impact assessment element function of the DCC EU Programme Office and welcomed that flexibility and ability to be able to adapt and develop new strategies in line with EU budgets. The Chair opened the floor for discussion.
Question / Comment:
Cllr. Ring thanked the Chair and the Chair of the Sub Committee for producing such a worthy strategy document under such a short time frame and thanked Wessel Badenhorst, DCC Officials and others members of the Working Group. The setting up of a DCC EU Programme Office under this strategy document along with alignment axis element was a huge achievement in a short time frame and he commended the work of the Chair of the Sub-Committee in establishing this.
The Chair echoed the sentiments of Cllr Ring and thanked Cllr Freehill and other members of the Working Group for their work in producing this strategy document. Cllr. Cooney echoed the sentiments of speakers and thanked the Members for their work in producing the strategy document. The European Commission is advising to focus funding on green and digital transition and it is opportune now in 2021 to invest in cycling and smart infrastructure and stressed the importance of following the criteria set out by EU re cycling and green funding and stressed the importance of action. Cllr. Freehill thanked the Members for kind words and thanked Wessel Badenhorst for his contribution and noted that it was a good spring board and beginning. Cllr Freehill asked what Wessel Badenhorst’s terms of reference were and secondly what is being done and by whom in relation to programmes being put together for the recovery fund. Evanne Kilmurray again echoed the sentiments of the Members and thanked the Group for producing the document strategy. She acknowledged the volume of paperwork and bureaucracy in EU Funding applications and the establishment of a DCC EU Programme Office will ease this and stressed importance of making stakeholders aware of the establishment of this office. Cllr. Cat O’Driscoll congratulated the Members and DCC Officials on a great piece of work and highlighted the importance of Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + Projects and how valuable partnership with other groups was and untapped partnerships and the need for the other DCC SPC’s to tap into this new office. Odran Reid thanked everyone for their contribution to producing the strategy document and echoed the sentiments of Cllr O’Driscoll in relation to Horizon 2020 and Erasmus + Projects and engaging with partners in European and importance of embedding ourselves with the EU and how important networking was.
Wessel Badenhorst responded to Cllr Freehill’s questions by stating that his terms of reference was to develop a strategy document, which has been done. He noted that the establishment of this new office will take a period of time and he foresaw that structure should be in place within a 6 month period.
Anthony Flynn advised members that collaboration had commenced with the other SPC’s and discussions had opened with the Finance Committee regarding financial opportunities. The Finance Manager is to highlight this at next meeting of Finance SPC and there were synergies with Housing and Transport SPC’s also. Collaboration would also be with Dublin Region, Eastern Midlands Region and national stakeholder such as NRA and Transport for Ireland. These collaborations would set the work programme for the new office under the 7 year EU Programmes Participation Strategy 2021-2027.
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